Barrier of Light

Chapter 121 Cat and Mouse

"The higher-ups are sounding the alarm, indicating that Chu Ling's time to take over the building is running out."

Gu Shen was lying on the elevator car. He remained stagnant in a state of "silence", and all his movements stopped, because the slightest movement would attract Chen Mei's attention.

The elevator slowly went up.

Fortunately... Chen Mei was not aware of his presence, and Chi Huo successfully hid Gu Shen.

According to the crow, this is the only opponent worthy of attention in the Chengxin Society. His strength is estimated to be the peak of the eleventh level of the deep sea.

It should be just a little bit away from being banned.

If there was a fight, Gu Shen knew exactly what he was worth... The winning rate was 10 to 10.

The probability of successfully escaping should be zero.

In the face of absolute strength, all means and tricks are ineffective.

"It must not be discovered."

Gu Shen held his breath. Although his movements were stagnant, his mind was running wildly... I wonder if it was a coincidence that Chen didn't choose this elevator. If it was just a coincidence, then he still had a chance.

When the elevator stopped, Chen didn't leave.

He changed the car body in the shaft, and as the elevator fell, he could escape... The sky eye in the elevator shaft of Nanwan Building had been completely cleared.

But the only problem is time.

Once the real deep sea takes over the building, there will be no place for him to hide.

Is the time now... too late?

"The elevator is still rising... He seems to have chosen the 39th floor..."

Gu Shen narrowed his eyes and saw Chen's choice not to take the elevator. His suspicion was verified once again. Sure enough, the most important secrets stored on the highest floor of the Nanwan Building were.

Chen Mo wanted to check it himself.


When the elevator arrived, Chen Wei didn't stop and left directly. He came to the red and silver-covered glass door. The iris recognition system recognized his identity, and the door slowly opened.

Seeing that Chen didn't leave.

The strong sense of oppression that enveloped Gu Shen's heart finally disappeared... This man gave him an unprecedented sense of crisis.

If Chen Weiwei had never left the elevator car, then Gu Shen would not have dared to move a finger.

He took a deep breath and jumped to the other side of the darkness.

The body fell rapidly.

But the soft light of the Ruler of Truth enveloped Gu Shen, and a pair of smooth wings appeared on his back. The wings stretched in the narrow and dark elevator shaft, and Gu Shen landed on the top of the nearest elevator very gently.

Chu Ling's reminder sounded in the darkness.

"My authority is about to disappear... There are still 10 seconds before Deep Sea completely takes over the building."

10 seconds?

The moment Gu Shen jumped out, Chu Ling arranged for the adjacent elevator to float up to meet him. After landing, the elevator began to fall.

"That's too late."

Gu Shen took a deep breath and stretched out two fingers to gently twist the cable.

Wrapped in blazing fire.

The burnt smell dissipated instantly, and the cable was burned.

The moment the first cable burned out, the elevator made a dull sound in the shaft. This elevator was equipped with twelve steel suspension ropes. If one of them broke, it would have no impact.

"Help me turn off the safety gear system."

Gu Shen spoke in a low voice. Before he could finish his words, the glow of the Ruler of Truth had already enveloped his palm. He tightly grasped the remaining steel cables, and countless firelights burst out in the darkness.

By the time the elevator falls normally... the deep sea has taken over the building. Even if the eye in the shaft is eliminated, it can still detect the abnormality of the elevator falling. In the current situation, special measures must be taken.

"Are you going to burn the cable?" Chu Ling was surprised by Gu Shen's decisiveness.

This plan didn't even occur to her.

It is more than 100 meters above the ground. It falls freely from this height, and the falling time is a little more than three seconds.

With only ten seconds left, this is the fastest way to leave the building.

There should be guards on the first floor.

But these guards are most likely normal people... It only takes a moment to use blazing fire hypnosis. As long as Chen Wei is unaware of Gu Shen's actions in the elevator shaft, this plan will take enough time to escape from the building!


All twelve safety cables broke!

The alloy car body, which weighed two thousand kilograms, slipped in the dark shaft that was 100 meters high. It was like a piece of metal that had been thrown heavily off the cliff. Gu Shen stepped on the alloy roof and fell into the big iron body. Inside the block's body, be prepared to pounce as soon as it falls.

"With your current physical strength, you can't bear this pressure..."

Chu Ling's voice was a little anxious.

"Trust me, turn off the safety gear."

Gu Shen took a deep breath. The glow of the Ruler of Truth emerged, and layers of silver light enveloped his calves. Because the alloy roof was blown away, strong winds poured into the elevator car, and he could feel the huge pressure coming from it.

Floor 39.

Chen Wei looked around and silently looked at Ye Ningqiu's office... Everything here was quiet.

There was no trace of any tampering.

The display on the monitoring screen was also peaceful, with no abnormalities.

But something strange appeared in Chen Mo's mind. It was the intuition of a transcendent person, and it was extremely accurate. He felt that someone had been here.

If you trust your gut, then you need to… doubt the deep sea.

Chen was silent for a second.

Between the deep sea and intuition...he chose to believe in the latter.

He didn't believe that the power outage in the Nanwan Building and the cutoff of the elevator monitoring were all just coincidences.

The human traces here are too obvious...

At this moment, a "click" sound came from the distance.

The sound was very slight, but in Chen Mo's ears, it was like thunder. His expression instantly became solemn, and he rushed to the elevator lobby almost like lightning. The next moment, the alloy iron plate was blown away. This young man wearing flip-flops The man jumped up slightly, without spilling the cup of coffee in his hand, and stepped lightly on the top of the car.

He saw the bright arc of firework in the dark shaft, and also saw the rapidly falling elevator car.

All the eyes in the shaft were destroyed.

So that's it...he's hiding here.

Chen Mei looked down expressionlessly.

Lift your feet.

Stomp down.

Chu Ling raised the alarm the moment Chen did not disappear from the surveillance camera on the 39th floor.

"Chen didn't move!"

Gu Shen looked very ugly.

He couldn't figure out how this guy noticed it... He was too keen, right?

He clearly handled the objects and furnishings on the 39th floor very carefully, and also used blazing fire to eliminate mental traces. If Chen had not noticed the ability of blazing fire, then logically speaking, he would not have been able to escape from the 39th floor. Found clues.

Unfortunately, there are always some people in this world who do things without evidence.

Just go by feel.

Gu Shen, who was in the light, looked up at the end of the darkness where the arc light dissipated. The elevator car hovering on the 39th floor seemed to be suppressed by a huge force. In an instant, twelve steel cables came together. Break.

Extremely fast!

Gu Shen felt as if he was being chased by meteors. The countless arcs in the darkness were smooth and smooth, as if these streams of light were about to drown him in the next moment!

But then there was a "boom" sound!

Huang Zhongda Lu rolled inside the wall of the narrow shaft, causing eardrum pain.

In the final authorization, Chu Ling controlled the system and opened the safety gear in the elevator shaft.

"That's too late--"

There was only one thought in Gu Shen's mind.

The safety gear blocked the section of the elevator where Chen Mo was.

But it only lasted for a moment. The next moment, the man who stepped on the car did not see any movement. It seemed that his feet were just exerting a slight force, and the safety gear that had originally firmly blocked the elevator was shattered.

"Rumble" of thunder was accompanied by strong winds. Chen Mei stepped on the elevator and fell. The second elevator arrived first. The two elevators fell to the first floor at almost the same time. The two security personnel guarding the lobby looked stunned. They only heard There were two loud bangs one after another.

The elevator doors didn't even open.

A voice sounded.

"...Get away!"

The elevator was kicked to the ground and exploded. The entire car was violently volleyed at the moment it landed, like a football falling high. The man wearing flip-flops jumped out and swept across the elevator when he landed.

Countless debris sputtered.

The bent and broken elevator door opened with difficulty, revealing Chen Mei who was stepping on pieces of steel everywhere. The cup of coffee he was holding was slightly spilled, but his whole expression was a little gloomy.

The elevator was empty.

At this moment, Chen Mei heard the sound of the link again.


"Deepsea successfully connected and officially took over the Nanwan Building."

Hear this sound——

Chen Mei, who was originally calm and steady, suddenly clenched the palm of his hand that was holding the disposable paper coffee cup tightly, and slowly crushed the paper cup into a hoop of waste paper.

Only then did he realize that he had been deceived. If the current sound meant that the deep sea was successfully connected...then what was it that took over the building before?

Are all the previous deployments...all just teasing yourself?

The key is that he is indeed being played around by the other party.

From beginning to end, he didn't even see what the intruder looked like... He didn't even know where the guy had escaped to.

"Deep Sea, investigate the extraordinary intruder currently in the South Bay Tower."

Chen Mo's voice was hoarse. He returned to the elevator and waited quietly for Shenhai's reply.

In the brief silence.

He thought about everything that had obviously been carefully planned.

Behind the other party is most likely an extremely efficient team with strong data entry capabilities. The moment Nanwan Building requested access to the deep sea, the intruder team accessed it... This was the only way he could think of monitoring. The reason for the exception.

But it doesn't matter.

Now the building is back under his control.

The game of cat and mouse has just begun.

"Scanning...please wait."

Chen Bu waited patiently for a few seconds. He was already ready to attack again. This time, no matter what method the other party used, they would not be able to escape his pursuit.

Chen Mei's finger was hanging in front of the elevator button.

Finally, the deep sea responded.

"Nanwan Building, scan completed... No intruders found."

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