Barrier of Light

Chapter 1169 Dream Weaver

The death of the giant in the Black Snow Mountain did not end this "war", but instead made the counterattack of the martyrs become more fierce.

The doors to the traveler community are still opening continuously——

The death of their leader drove low-level creatures like them into complete madness!

"Chu Ling, bring the 'Initial Number' over here."

A wisp of blazing fire penetrated the snowy clouds and swept into the initial protective shield. Gu Shen heard this voice before he understood the ancient inscriptions on the stone tablet.


The next moment, the huge starship started without hesitation, pushing forward on the ground, smashing tens of thousands of victims into pieces, and pushing for thousands of meters on the snow. Gu Shen had previously fought with the giants of the Black Snow Mountain, and deliberately kept the Initia away... Although he has the upper hand, this is after all a battle involving the original level of power, and the power inspired by each attack is extremely powerful.

Now that the Black Snow Mountain giant has fallen, the traveler tribe can no longer pose a "fatal threat" to the initial number!

The starship arrived in front of the felled snow mountain, opened the shield, and enveloped Gu Shen——

"I need an hour."

Gu Shen only said this and stopped talking. He closed his eyes and devoted all his attention to the stone tablet.

"One hour?"

Turing looked at the ancient text and couldn't help but ask: "In such a short time, do you want to understand the ancient text?"

The next moment he was silent.

The blazing fire gushing from Gu Shen's eyebrows split into nine rays! The power of the Nine Paths of Flow is nine times more effective in enlightenment! The dim ancient inscriptions on the stone tablet lit up quickly, and there were nine of them at once!


Turing had nothing to say.

He really didn't expect that this guy Gu Shen's mental state cultivation was so unbelievable.

But even if the Nine Paths of Heart Flow were to be comprehended together... one hour would still be a bit too short.

"Our next task is to survive for an hour."

Turing geared up, looking at the dark tide of martyrs in front of him, and asked solemnly: "With the reserves of the initial number, how long can we sustain the current offensive? I want to get accurate data."

Afu was silent for a few seconds and said: "If these martyrs continue to attack the Initiate without interruption, the consumption rate of our source shield will be greater than the replenishment rate... The time it can be sustained depends on the energy reserves of the Initiate. .”

Turing took a deep breath: "So how long?"

"About four years."

Afu said seriously: "At least more than 1,500 days."


Turing looked at Afu with a strange expression.

Just a second ago, he was still thinking about how to deal with the difficulties at hand. Gu Shen needed to study the ancient inscriptions to solve the "puzzle" of restarting the world. Logically speaking, this was the most difficult level.

But Afu's answer in the next second made him completely discouraged.

"Theoretically, you can sit on the top of a snow-capped mountain, make a cup of hot coffee, and then order a Starship Daily from a thousand years ago to spend this leisurely old-world afternoon tea."

Afu gave pertinent advice: "If you feel bored, I also have popular TV series from the Starship Civilization era here to pass the time. An hour will pass quickly."

"Am I here for vacation?" Turing said angrily: "This situation is so critical at this time, I really want to do something, please tell me what I can do!"

"All right."

Afu thought seriously for a moment and said: "Perhaps you can try to put on the battle uniform and fight with Hong Ying. As a friendly reminder, there are high-level extraordinary beings in the traveler group who have reached the 'titled combat power'. They have already reached the third level." The inner space of the first layer of source energy shield is heading towards the second layer of shield field."

"Bring me a cup of coffee, thank you, I want it iced." Turing said.

Gu Shen came to his inner lake again.

There was a silent lake in front of him, and this time the original will did not pretend to be mysterious... it sat directly on the lake and met Gu Shen openly and honestly.

"Coming?" it smiled.

"Here it comes." Gu Shen lowered his head and looked at his hands, which were empty.

"Don't look at it. How could a 'conceptual weapon' like the flame-extinguishing sword be brought into your spiritual realm?"

The original will stood up, smiled and said: "You know, that sword belongs to me, not to you."

This sentence is not difficult to understand.

The reason why the flame-extinguishing sword could be "pulled out" by Gu Shen was only because it existed in the world created by the original will.

But this place truly belongs to Gu Shen's spiritual realm.

"According to you, everything in this world belongs to you... but is that really true?" Gu Shen said lightly: "If the flame-extinguishing sword was really yours, it would not have been hanging in the initial number. In the Bronze Hall, you had already taken it off and chopped me to death with a sword, why do you need to negotiate terms with me, why do you need to push for a restart again and again."

"You are a smart man."

The original will sighed and spread its hands helplessly, saying: "That's right, all the objects in this world are theoretically mine, but I only enjoy the 'right of ownership', but not the 'right of movement'. I can't take off the flame-quenching sword, and I can't stop you from forcing your way out of the fortress."

Gu Shen narrowed his eyes and waited quietly for the next chapter.

"So here I am again, and I'm willing to give in a second time."

The original will whispered: "I don't want to continue this game anymore. You can take away all the people you want to take with you, Zhou Jiren, Tiantong, Zhongye, Xiugu... and Chu Ling."


Gu Shen smiled.

In this negotiation, the original will has lowered its attitude so low. This is really ridiculous, because the last time we met, its attitude was still very tough.

"No, it's just a restart."

Gu Shen said calmly: "This game is very interesting. Let's continue playing it and play it longer."

The expression of the original will is a bit ugly.

Yes, Gu Shen is right.

Just a reboot!

This kid is like cheating, speeding up all the way and being unable to stop him!

The seismic storm is ineffective, and the all-out attack by the Travelers is also ineffective!

It would be fine if Gu Shen just got the starship... But now he has leveled the Black Snow Mountain. In another hour, Gu Shen will complete the ancient scriptures that are the portal of the Traveler Clan!

The reason why it was so tough in the last negotiation.

It was because it believed that this game was still "playable". At that time, Gu Shen Chihuo had only awakened a little bit.

But just one restart, one time!

Gu Shen's blazing fire has awakened to the point where he can easily kill the Black Snow Mountain giant...

how did you do that?

The penetration efficiency of external blazing fire suddenly increased dozens or hundreds of times!

the most important is--

Gu Shen directly pulled out the "Sword of Flame Extinguishing". How could he continue to play with it?

The biggest trump card of the original will is the Sephiroth Storm of the [Old World]. If a starship wants to sail in the [Old World], more than 90% of the waterways in the depths of the Old World will be covered by the Sephiroth Storm. It can be modified by modifying the timeline. Using various methods, they bombarded the starship indiscriminately... But now the biggest trump card has been misfired!

Origin storm?

It's a joke in front of the flame-out sword!

"Conceptual weapons", when they were created, exceeded the upper limit of the original willpower——

Gu Shen's guess was correct. Power above the level of fire cannot be created and applied arbitrarily by the original will!

So...this seemingly unsolvable "dream" actually has a very simple and crude solution.

Whenever a "god" who perfectly smelts fire steps into this black hole.

This seemingly perfect spiritual world will collapse on its own, because the "world" fabricated by the original will cannot form a logical self-consistency when the God Throne steps into it.

It cannot modify the timeline regarding the throne.

It only weaves this dream through the spirit of the dreamer. a dream weaver.

It seems omnipotent, but its abilities are limited everywhere. The perfection of this perfect dream comes from the "imagination" of the dream owner. Likewise...its biggest drawback also comes from "imagination".

If in Gu Shen's knowledge, the "Sword of Extinction" does not exist in this world, then this sword really does not exist in this world.

In other words... the "power" of a weapon like the flame-out sword depends on Gu Shen's imagination.

After all, it's just a concept.

But the concept is precisely the scariest thing.

There was no so-called "fire-extinguishing" sword produced in the starship era. When Gu Shen just left the fortress, Gu Shen was able to extinguish the source storm with his sword, all based on his "imagination".

Therefore, the original will is suspicious, and Gu Shen has actually guessed what he fears most.

Reboot this time.

To pick up the flame-extinguishing sword is to kill yourself!

"Are you... crazy?"

The original will couldn't bear it anymore, and it whispered: "I have read the spiritual sea of ​​each of you, and I know that what you lack most now is time! Every minute and every second you spend here will make Wuzhou's As the war becomes more severe, is there any point in spending time with me here?"

"If it requires dozens or hundreds of restarts, then I really can't afford it."

Gu Shen said calmly: "But looking at it now, it seems that you don't have this ability... Do you remember what I said before, I will find you and eat you."

Don't wait for the original will to speak again.

Gu Shen gently wiped a long line with two fingers——

He directly blocked the inner lake. After all, this was his own spiritual realm!

I saw countless heavy fogs rising up in the vast Heart Lake in the distance. The blurry figure condensed with the original will wanted to say something more, but before he could take a step, the lake instantly ignited with raging fire!

Suddenly a heat wave surged, and a wall of blazing fire like a chasm was erected between Gu Shen and the original will!

This kind of thing "negotiation" only appears when the two sides are evenly matched.

If the original will was willing to agree to Gu Shen and take everyone away during the last negotiation... then Gu Shen should choose to agree.

He really didn't want to waste time in this spiritual world.

But now it's too late.

Gu Shen didn't know what caused the rapid awakening of "Blazing Fire", but at this moment he had grasped the sword of judgment that controlled his own destiny!

The original will guessed correctly.

Before starting this restart, he guessed the "bug" in this dream.

All the details of this dream are provided by the dreamer...

Then if he wants to break the situation, he needs to find a weapon that reaches the core of his original will.

Now that he has taken off the flame-extinguishing sword, he already has the ability to overturn the table. How can he consider negotiating with this original will again?

Next, he only needs to wait for the traveler's portal ancient text to be completed, and he will immediately reproduce the exile pattern of [Deep Sea].

It is possible to create such a perfect spiritual world based on the spirit of the "dreamer".

The original will of this world can be called a miracle created by the Creator!

This is much more powerful than the "human-shaped black hole" that I accidentally found before!

If this "black hole" could be found and swallowed... Blazing Fire would undergo a qualitative evolution, right?

(Happy Mid-Autumn Festival everyone~ That’s all for today~) (End of this chapter)

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