Barrier of Light

Chapter 1171 The end of the world

The fog in the Snow Valley of Piyue City was dispersed by steam, and the Red Emperor's old troops from the last century arrived at the fortress again.

It's just that what they are facing is the "steel fortress" of the new world!

"Prepare to meet the enemy."

Rusty Bones decisively issued the order, "Those who wear the Red Emperor's flag will be killed without mercy."

There is no suspense about the outcome of this war, but what he has to face is the strongest man under the Red Emperor, the Golden Ape!

The two eyes looked at each other thousands of meters apart.

Rusty Bones followed the spiritual induction in his heart and searched in the fog at the end of the snow valley. He saw clearly the golden ape holding the flag high, but this was not the person who really made him feel "dangerous"... In the golden ape There is also a sword-wielding man in red robes in front of him, with the tip of the sword pointing at the position where he is locked.

Red Emperor? !

Before Rusty Bones could react, a huge eye-catching warning sign appeared in front of the main ship's screen!

There was a loud "boom"!

An extremely majestic energy collided in front of the main boat's protective shield! The main boat suddenly started shaking!

"Protect Zhou Ji and Zhong Wei! Don't die!"

Rusty Bones turned around and said something, then rushed out of the main boat. He was hanging in the sky, preparing to attack the Red Emperor's sword energy with his bronze sword——

But at this moment, time suddenly became very "slow"!

Rusty Bones saw a shadow flying out from behind him, reaching shoulder level with him.


His pupils shrank slightly, but he immediately realized that this white art that restarted the world had not yet melted the fire of fighting and became the Nagano God Seat.

According to the original world line, this guy should live in seclusion in Qinghe District.

"Gu Shen asked me to come."

Bai Shu said softly: "Although I don't know what happened... but it is obvious that this world is crazier than I imagined. Even the dead people from thirty years ago came out to cause trouble."

Although the [Backflow] field is very strong, its impact will be greatly reduced for an origin powerhouse of Rust Bone's level.

So the two of them just talked in a time and space that was slowed down many times.

"It's hard to explain to you." Rusty Bones said, "The rules of this world are a bit complicated..."

"I know everything I need to know."

Bai Shu said calmly: "You don't need to explain to me. I am here to help you fight. Protect Zhou Ji, Zhong Wei, and Luo Er. As for you... you shouldn't need me to protect you, right?"

Rusty Bones smiled.

The moment he saw Bai Zhu appear, his initially nervous heart suddenly became much more at ease!

If you want to protect a person, then there is no field in this world that is more useful than [Reverse Flow]!

Although he is good at attacking, it is still difficult to hold down the Golden Ape and the Red Emperor at the same time... But if Bai Shu joins the battlefield, the scale of this battle will be re-measured!

"I leave the tricky part to you."

Bai Shu said calmly: "I will deal with the Golden Ape... I will kill him again."

In the battle of Xin Yang Fortress, he missed the opportunity to save Li Rou because of his duel with the Golden Ape. Because he was full of worries, the battle was very difficult.

And this time.

As fate would have it, Golden Ape, who was at his peak, came to Baizhu again across thirty years of history.

Bai Shu will no longer have any worries, he can let go and enjoy this "battle" that belongs to him!

Heavy snow is flying, and the sky and earth are dark.

Gu Shen slowly opened his eyes, stood up, and looked at the stone tablet in front of him that was lit by blazing fire.

Before his "death", the Traveler God's Throne carved these ancient texts into the stone tablets for later generations to observe. He must have not wanted these ancient texts to be lost.

Be cautious in guessing.

These ancient texts record how travelers "opened the door"!

The ancient secrets of the traveler tribe were suspended in the air... At this moment, Gu Shen stretched out his palm and slowly pressed it on the ancient text. Waves of green light were pressed and overflowed——


The void trembled, and countless ancient texts were pieced together, forming a portal in front of Gu Shen!

"It is indeed the art of 'opening the door'."

Gu Shen raised his eyebrows and dispersed the glow with his backhand.

"Gu Shen...have you completed your enlightenment?"

Turing's greeting came from the initial number.

Gu Shen raised his head and looked at the dark mass of travelers' victims in front of him.

"Successfully comprehended the ancient text."

He whispered: "The Initial Number is ready to set sail."

He slowly came to the initial number and pulled out the flame-extinguishing sword. At this moment of enlightenment... his "blazing fire" seemed to have grown a little stronger!

This thing is a bit strange.

Previously, even though I racked my brains, I couldn't get the Blazing Fire to break through the confinement of the "God Infant", but now in this dream world, the Blazing Fire is penetrating very quickly!

The airship roared again in the blizzard!

Blue air waves washed over the snowy field. Gu Shen suddenly turned around and glanced at the "traveler" chained to the stone wall. The ancient "portal" technique that could quickly reach the end of the dream world. Although he successfully understood...but he was still thinking about it. The whereabouts of "Extinguished Candle" are still unknown.

The whereabouts of the extinguished candle are not recorded on the stone wall.

This was somewhat beyond Gu Shen's expectations.

The traveler was killed by the extinguished candle!

Before it dies, it can use its mental power to carve the "Gateway" technique to prevent such ancient texts from being lost. Then why not leave the identity information of the "Candle Extinguishing Master"?

If the candle is lost and wanders in the old world, the traveler group can go and find it.

If the Master of the Extinguished Candle reappears in the world, the giants can also "take revenge"... These guys are burdened with such hatred that even Pluto is not afraid of them. They must not back down in the face of the Master of the Extinguished Candle.


The roaring sound interrupted Gu Shen's thoughts.

"Gu Shen! Get on the boat!"

Turing's low shout echoed throughout the snowfield!

Gu Shen held his breath, aimed at the low-level extraordinary people surrounding the Initial Number, and suddenly swung his sword!

The sword energy broke through the snowfield and sliced ​​open the disaster barrier... The void collapsed wherever the power of flameout passed, and the martyrs surrounding the Initial were instantly killed by the sword energy, leaving even a trace of their remains behind. There was no way to stay. As far as I could see, the entire world was cut in half by this sword energy!

But Turing had already seen Gu Shen swinging his sword.

But now that the sword energy came out again, he couldn't help but be shocked in his heart.

"This sword of concept... is really a bit too powerful."

Turing wiped the sweat from his forehead.

The Initial Number easily broke through the encirclement and suppression of the traveler group. Gu Shen released a blazing fire and swept into the void of the old world. This flame quickly shuttled through the void. The ancient art of the portal can be regarded as an alternative dismantling of the "origin of space". , as long as you master the ancient text pattern, you can open two doors and complete the rapid transfer between two locations.

Of course, there is a very important prerequisite for launching the ancient portal text.

That is, the initiator must have a "clear" coordinate in his mind!

This is the reason why Gu Shen sent Blazing Fire into the void... With his current mental strength, Blazing Fire can travel quickly through the void. As long as the "falling point" is ensured that there are no black spots caused by the entanglement of disordered source matter, then this time The activation of the portal is considered a success.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

Gu Shen stretched out his palm, and countless green formations appeared in front of him.

At the tip of the Initiate, millions of pieces of golden light were assembled like fish scales, transforming into a giant door. Gu Shen's "blazing fire" had already chosen the landing point, and the Initiate sailed into the portal. The tip of the ship sailed out in a smooth void thousands of meters behind, but this was not the end. Gu Shen opened the portals continuously. The ship was not "hurrying" at all, but was cut into several sections by the portals. Each trip covered a distance of several thousand meters. In just ten seconds, the initial number completed the shuttle through six consecutive portals!

Go north!

Keep going north!

More than ten seconds ago, at the beginning of leaving the enchantment of disaster, there were countless martyrs chasing the Initial, trying to burn their lives to deliver a fatal blow, but now there is only silence left in the void, six consecutive After crossing the portal, the entire world became silent, and there was no trace of any living beings here!

About the exploration of [Old World].

Humanity has never stopped... but due to the limitations of the strength of extraordinary beings, there are only a few who can truly penetrate into the [Old World].

God's throne.

and those apostles beloved by the throne of God.

In the current timeline of Beizhou, the energy boats developed are not enough to make the long journey to the old world.

With the help of secret techniques that continuously opened portals, Gu Shen quickly arrived at a "mysterious area" of absolute darkness, which exceeded the scope of the map drawn by the Survey Corps.

The "journey" after comprehending the ancient text of the portal was smoother than I imagined. The original will could control the continuous storms of source matter to attack the initial number... but it did not do so. It had obviously experienced the flameout. The power of the sword, knowing that the storm of essence in this dream world, could not pose a threat to Gu Shen at all.

At this moment, large chunks of alloy fragments are floating in the void around the Initiate!

These are all the wreckage of the starship after it broke apart!

The scene in front of him deeply shocked Afu...

Because it is familiar with these "dismembered remains".

These are all products of the civilization of the starship era, and no one knows better than it the airship casting technology produced by the master.

"Are these starship fragments what your master left behind?"

Gu Shen asked.

If you guessed it correctly, this is the "extreme depth" that can only be reached by the God's Throne.


Afu said in a heavy voice: "Although the casting technology of these materials is a bit rough and cannot be compared with the master... but the craftsmanship is truly inherited from the 'Lord of Molten Iron'."

Although it knows that the hope of master and servant meeting each other is very slim.

But the Initial Number never left the ice sea for a moment, and it refused to believe that its master had died in the void.

Today we see countless starship wrecks.

The thought in Afu's heart was basically gone.

If the Lord of Molten Iron was still alive, how could such a scene happen?

Gu Shen looked at these broken bones and couldn't help but think of Master Qianye.

Mr. Gu Changzhi must have rescued Master Qianye from a place like this, right?

Although the starship fell and was broken.

But there are still many extraordinary beings stored in the nutrient cabins stored in the inner space of the starship.

These extraordinary beings are the only lucky ones who were able to escape the catastrophe of that year, but they also paid a heavy price.

Their spirits have been "frozen" and preserved. Theoretically, they are all still alive, but living in this uninhabited void means that they will never see the light "in their lifetime".

But... the weird thing is.

The blazing fire sent by Gu Shen circled around the void area, but nothing was gained. These severed limbs were just external fragments of the starship.

Gu Shen did not find the nutrition cabin.

Not even the fading extraordinary life was found.

Since Gu Shen had never set foot on this last route, he no longer used the portal secret technique to teleport over long distances to avoid unexpected events.

And this smooth "sailing" did not last long.

There was a loud "bang"!

The Initiate hit a very hard "thing", causing white ripples to appear in the dark void. The source energy shield became dimmed by three points, and the starship's tail wing was still spitting out flames, but no matter how it advanced, , can no longer continue.

Gu Shen left the cabin with the flame-extinguishing sword.

He hung in the air, silently looking at the dark "big curtain" in front of him.

This is the end of the dream world, the "other shore" where the original will will try every means to prevent it from reaching it.

"Is this...the end of the world?"

Turing also left the cabin. He looked at the black scene in front of him and murmured.

"The real world has no end."

Gu Shen raised the flame-out sword and pointed the tip of the sword at the black void. Before he could take action, a small gash had been cut open by the sharp edge at the point where the sword tip was pointing, and an extremely fine ray of light penetrated into the dark void. But it's extremely bright.

Turing listened thoughtfully to these words.

"Gu Shen."

At this moment, the voice of the original will sounded in Gu Shenxin Lake.

"I lost."

"You can use the flame-quenching sword to cut through this place and break the situation. But if you want to take away those outsiders, it will still take some time. I can help you save this time."

What the original will says at this moment is more like a prayer than a transaction.

It has lost its ability to negotiate.


The "motivation" that supported it to continue talking to Gu Shen at this moment was the last chips it held in its hands.

The war at Piyue City Fortress failed.

The obstacles to exploration in the old world have also been removed.

This game is completely over...but things outside of the game are not over yet.

"Do you know how to beg for mercy now?"

Gu Shen said calmly: "If I swallow you, I can still save them."

"Let me go, I can tell you... the whereabouts of the candle."

The original will spoke calmly.

"I know that you have now found the solution to 'restart the world', but you haven't solved the mystery of the candle burning yet, have you? To solve this mystery, you need to restart at least once again. Maybe you need to restart. It took several times to find the answer... think of your teacher, think of your senior brother."

"Don't think about it."

Gu Shen interrupted the original will.

He thrust his sword into the pitch-black curtain, shattering the dark void.

"Sorry, I chose to break the situation."

Gu Shen tore a long and narrow hole in the world in front of him. He stepped into the "backside" of the dark void. It was like a mirror flipping over. He stepped into a pure white world, and this sword stabbed the humanoid creature in front of him. Wear a pair.


The original will looked down and watched the flame-extinguishing sword pierce into the chest and pass through the back.

Its eyes were full of confusion.

"As for the mystery of extinguishing the candle, is it possible... that I have solved it?"

Gu Shen said calmly: "The answer is not in ancient writing, but the answer is on that stone tablet."

(Happy National Day to everyone~~)

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