Barrier of Light

Chapter 1175 I hope

"Three coins, how can this be enough?"

Gu Shen said calmly: "I want to refine all the fire seeds, leaving no one behind!"

He knew that Mr. Turing was making fun of him, so he made a "joke" in return.

Tinder is known to be "exclusive".

Because Song Ci accepted the token of the God of Light, he could no longer be recognized by other fire types.

"Oh, is that so?"

But Turing's eyes when he looked at Gu Shen didn't mean the slightest bit of joking. He looked at Gu Shen very seriously and said, "Are you really going to do all the exercises?"


Gu Shen said helplessly: "You won't believe what I said, will you?"

"Why don't you believe it? There are some things that others can't doesn't mean you can't do it."

Turing said lightly: "You pulled out the 'Extinguishing Sword'. This is a conceptual weapon that can even extinguish fire. In theory, this is a higher level of power than fire. Since such power can be used by you, ...Then why can't you smelt more than one fire? Don't forget, these are just fragments of the gospel box. The reason why the fire is 'repellent' is just because they are of the same rank as each other. After the gospel box is broken, They refuse to merge or unify, but if there is a force more powerful than them, then such a super miracle may not happen."


This time it was Gu Shen's turn to be silent.

"Of course, no one has ever done this successfully."

Turing said: "Emperor Iron Dome had already smelted the 'War Fire' back then. It only took him a long, long time to comprehend a very small part of the 'origin of destruction' contained in the Hunting Fire."

"As a god who has completely smelted fire, if you want to borrow a second fire to continue to understand the 'origin', it is as difficult as climbing to the sky. Because what they need to face is not only the rejection caused by the 'fire'."

Gu Shen understands this truth.

Fate is fair.

Those who have achieved the throne of God are all extremely talented people. Their talents in their own fields are all top-notch beings.

And using other fires to understand the origin is tantamount to starting over with a new path.

"So, where is Mr. Gu Changzhi?"

Gu Shen asked.

"Gu Changzhi's cultivation talent is higher than that of Emperor Iron Qiong!"

Tu Ling said with emotion: "If he hadn't smelted the Dou Zhan Fire Seed, he would have definitely been recognized by the 'Fire Seed of the Valley'... This guy's talent is enviable. He only spent three years in the Time Dojo to become the 'Fire Seed of the Valley'" The comprehension of the origin of time in the Valley of Fire has been completed. Although this origin is only incomplete, his comprehension speed is too fast."

"Three years?"

Gu Shen was shocked.

In just three years, Mr. Gu Changzhi collected all the greatest wealth in the "Fire of the Valley"?

" my heart, I have always put Gu Changzhi first in my plans."

Turing regretted: "I think if he is willing to enter the time dojo to practice, and if he is given enough time, he will definitely go further than the Huntsman back then."

Gu Shen also felt regretful.

Mr. Gu Changzhi... did he see the irreversible future because he understood part of the "origin of time"?

Gu Changzhi deserves the name "Dou Zhan". His life is really like a blazing sun, selflessly risking everything and burning everything!

Gu Shen felt a heavy weight on his shoulders.

He is carrying something that Mr. Gu Changzhi left behind for him. This thing is as heavy as a thousand pieces. This thing is called "Hope".

"Can I see these three fire seeds?"


Turing waved his sleeves, and the void mirror was dispersed. A burst of ancient light passed by, and the space where the time dojo mirror overlapped became wider. Gu Shen saw three "stars" burning deep in the void.

One is red, one is green, and one... is burning with a dark, dark light.

The molten iron fire, the valley fire, and the hunting fire that symbolizes "absolute destruction"!

These three fires were obscured by Mr. Turing's ancient text formations.

At this moment, the formation patterns were removed.

The three fires are like big stars, burning brightly!

It can be seen that these are all ownerless things!

"There are seven fires in the five continents... There is a traveler's fire in [the old world], and there is a love fire in the ice sea."

Gu Shen looked at the three fire seeds in front of him and asked slowly: "Including the three fire seeds in front of me, there are twelve fire seeds in total."


Turing said: "Twelve in total."

"So the twelve fire seeds are all the broken pieces of the gospel box?"

Gu Shen moved his head and asked the question that had been hidden in his heart.

He remembered that Mr. Turing had left thirteen seats in the highest-seat conference room!

If Mr. Turing knew the number of fire seeds...each seat is reserved for a possible "god seat", then there should be thirteen fire seeds!

Turing smiled faintly.

He didn't know what Gu Shen really wanted to ask: "You want to ask about the seats, right?"

[Deep Sea] is a child he spent countless efforts to create. Every seat in the highest conference room in the Dead Sea area is very particular.

This number of "thirteen" is certainly not a whim.

Gu Shen waited with bated breath for Turing's answer.

"I used the clone technique to walk at the end of the [Old World] for six hundred years. I even found the 'Hunting Fire' that was submerged by the super giant storm of origin... I could trace it to the end of the world, but I still couldn't find the so-called third Thirteen fire seeds. If I have really traveled to every corner of the world, then I think there are probably only twelve fire seeds in the world."

Turing smiled and said: "But who dares to say 'travel to every corner of the world'?"

Five hundred and forty thousand years is a long life.

But compared to this world, it is very short.

Gu Shen was thoughtful and murmured: "So... you don't know if there is a thirteenth fire, so you deliberately hung up a seat as a warning or a reminder?"

I don’t know if there is a thirteenth fire.

This seat means unknown "hope".

"Let's... understand it this way."

Turing was speechless. He shook his head and changed the topic.

"Do you know why these three fires have been here for so many years?"

This question was exactly what Gu Shen wanted to ask.

Since Mr. Turing had already found the "Hunting Fire" during the Iron Dome Emperor's time, why not bring it back to the Five Continents? The existence of these three fires can make the Five Continents civilization stronger! And it’s more than a little powerful!

"Three is a very mysterious number, and triangle... is the most stable form."

Turing stretched out two palms, aimed at the three fire seeds from a distance, arranged them in a triangle, and murmured: "The time dojo has been able to remain stable over the years because of the 'existence' of these three fire seeds. When I found the hunting fire, Before, this dojo was completely shattered. By bringing it here, the time dojo was restored to stability. Then there was the picture you see."

The three fires, like three stars, burn together and share the "original power" consumed by the time dojo.

Turing laughed at himself: "So for a long time, I didn't dare to drive the airship to act rashly, for fear that the 'super miracle' that was finally recovered would be shattered."

"I see."

Gu Shen murmured: "So if these three fire seeds are taken away without their owners, will it possibly lead to the collapse of the Time Dojo?"

"Yes, either they will welcome their new owners here."

"Either, I bring the 'Time Dojo' to the Five Continents."

Turing said solemnly: "As for the possibility of the latter, it is almost zero, unless Emperor Iron Qiong and Gu Changzhi agree to a desperate fight."

Speaking of this, Turing asked meaningfully: "Gu Shen, what are you going to do with these three fires?"

"I have become the smelter of Pluto's fire."

Gu Shen thought for a long time and said seriously: "I'm afraid it will be difficult for me to smelt these three fire seeds again... But since Mr. Gu Changzhi can borrow the fire seeds to understand the origin, then I think I should be able to do it."

In this time dojo, even if he practices with all his strength, Gu Shen still has a lot of heart flow power left!

Whether it's "origin of destruction", "time", "space"... Gu Shen is very interested.

Because of the gift from Mr. Gu Changzhi, he has a high affinity with the Fire of the Valley, and the four seasons rotate, which corresponds to the four seasons of the wilderness.

On the other side, the [Creator] realm symbolizes "creation", and if you want to make your pure land realm more perfect, you need to understand the opposite of "creation", "destruction", so the original power of the Hunting Fire is also What Gu Shen needs to understand.

"Are you really ready to practice one and three?" Turing smiled.

"Some things have to be tried before you know the result."

Gu Shen also smiled and said: "But I am only preparing to understand the 'original power' contained in the fire, and have no intention of taking it as my own... If possible, I want to find a suitable owner for them."

Turing raised his eyebrows: "Oh?"

"The power contained in the Fire of Hunting fits perfectly with General Rusty Bone's 'origin of destruction'."

Gu Shen looked back at the airship and said softly: "If you don't object, I hope to give Rusty Bones a chance to smelt the 'Hunting Fire'."


Turing fell silent after hearing this.

He looked at Gu Shen with a complicated expression.

Hunter God was the most lethal leader in the starship era!

The power of the Hunting Fire is self-evident. Such an extremely precious fire...anyone would have thought of giving it to themselves first, but Gu Shen's idea was to give it to the "suitable person" ?

"Are you going to give it to Rusty Bones?"

Turing asked seriously: "Have you thought about it carefully? Smelting fire is not a trivial matter. Although Rusty Bones has understood his own 'origin of destruction', compared with the 'absolute destruction' contained in the hunting fire, then The power of the origin of Tao is not worth mentioning at all. The Emperor of Iron Dome back then was much more talented than him, but in the end he didn't even comprehend half of it... In other words, he is likely to fail in the smelting."


Turing said: "Ten thousand steps back, don't you think that Baixiu is a more suitable candidate for the 'Hunting Fire' than Rusty Bones?"

Gu Shen could see Turing's nervousness and worry.

Gu Shen smiled and said: "Mr. Turing, you seem to be worried about General Rusty Bones completing the smelting?"


Turing no longer hid anything. He solemnly said: "The hunting fire has the most powerful lethality. It is the fire that is most likely to snipe the super giant storm. I am worried that the ability of Rust Bone will not be enough if the smelting is completed." In order to be qualified for the final mission..."

And if Baixiu, who is younger and more talented, comes.

The brilliance of the Hunting Fire will definitely become more dazzling!

His plan is to cultivate an ultimate being that surpasses the God of Hunting. However, the rusty bone that smelts the "Hunting Fire" itself does not have this ability and will hinder the progress of the plan.

"You're absolutely right."

Gu Shen said softly: "But as you said... even the Iron Dome Emperor at that time only understood half of the origin of 'Absolute Destruction'. Since this fire is so difficult to comprehend, let others try What’s the harm in giving it a try?”

Turing was stunned for a second.

In fact, what Gu Shen wanted to do was not give the hunting fire to Rusty Bones.


Choose a successor for these three fires that have been waiting for a new owner for a long time!

How could he not know that this was a generous gift prepared by Turing for "Beyond the Hunting God", and it was also the gift he gave to himself now...

Gu Shen explained his thoughts frankly: "In addition to letting General Rusty Bones comprehend the 'Fire of Hunting', I also hope to let Senior Sister Luo comprehend the 'Fire of the Valley', because she also carries the Four Seasons left by Mr. Gu Changzhi. Breathwork.”

"In the era of starship civilization, people who had the opportunity to touch the fire were very rare because they needed to be recognized by their leaders."

"Today's Five Continents... are far less developed than in the starship era, but before Mr. Gu Changzhi was laid to rest in Qingzhong, he left behind many 'dreams of fighting fires', allowing every talented junior in Nagano to have the opportunity to touch them. Touch the remaining dreams of fire."

Gu Shen said: "The power of one person can turn the tide and save hundreds of millions of lives. It sounds really heart-breaking..."

"But if the storm that destroyed the starship civilization happened again, would you really want the 'ultimate super' you created to die again?"

Turing was silent.

"Let me change the question. Do you really think that the fate of everyone must be tied to this one person?"

Gu Shen said: "I am willing to make a different choice from Emperor Iron Qiong and Mr. Gu Changzhi. I take over the time dojo and the heaviest burden. But I don't think that the final victory or defeat of mankind is solely determined by I’m alone.”

Turing whispered: "What do you mean..."

"The fate of mankind is in everyone's hands."

Gu Shen said softly: "I hope that every fire can have the most suitable owner. I hope that all twelve seats in the highest conference room will be filled. I hope that a huge wall will be built on the border of Beizhou. That huge wall It is not made of sand and gray stone, but of human heart and hope. I hope that each of the millions of people in the five continents can have their own fire, and that everyone can become their own god."

Every word is shocking.

Straight to the heart lake.

Turing didn't know how to reply to Gu Shen for a moment.

He looked at the young man in front of him with a complicated expression.

Gu Shen stretched out his finger, lightly tapped the three fire seeds, and said softly: "So, I hope to bring these three fire seeds back to the five continents and let them find their own owners..."

He looked at Turing and asked seriously: "What do you think?"

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