Barrier of Light

Chapter 1177 [Real Dream]

The battlefield of Gubao was filled with snow and fog. Perhaps it was because the spiritual power of the titled extraordinary beings was released and enveloped the place into the realm, so the spiritual vision of [Episode of the Origin] was no longer clear.

But the blood after the Devouring Mist was exploded was still hot.

The scene in front of him was very shocking. Li Chen was stunned for a second before he realized who the little girl standing next to him was.

The Battle of Gubao lasted four years.

In the past four years, there has been a "little guy" who has been participating in the war all year round.

Gu Xiaoman.

Without this war, she would now have become the youngest "Red Dragon Envoy" in the history of the Tower of Origin.

In the past four years, Gu Xiaoman has been stationed at Gubao Fortress and never left. Only a handful of Central City senior officials know the "inside story" about this little girl.

Gu Xiaoman is the chosen successor of Zhongzhou Wine Fire. She was rescued by Gu Shen from Sangzhou Cave. She regards her as a relative and is also Baixiu's "disciple". In addition to these, she also has another extremely important person. identity.

That is the "only trusted person" of the initial number.

The reason why Beizhou can shut out the traveler group so easily is because of the help of the Initial Number.

Alfred has publicly stated his position to Central City's senior management. The reason why the starship is stationed at the border of Beizhou is simple, just because it trusts Gu Shen and Gu Xiaoman.

Therefore, Gu Xiaoman's identity in this war is extremely important.

She has become a unique bridge, linking the Five Continents Civilization and the Starship Civilization. It is because of her existence that Afu agreed to leave the Lord of Molten Iron in the "Creation Blueprint" side story in the Init.

After more than thirty years of decline, the Ancient Literature Society once again burned with splendid glory. Most of the [neutrals] came to the rear wing of the Kubao battlefield and received technical support from the starship civilization. The war technology of human civilization once again made a leap.

And if you look carefully, all this situation.

In fact, it's all thanks to the little girl in front of me.

"Are you...sure you want to fight in person?"

Li Chen took a deep breath.

It was precisely because he knew the special nature of Gu Xiaoman's identity that he felt worried.

"Master Baixiu told me that if I want to become a master, I must hunt and kill a 'grey dragon' alone."

Gu Xiaoman spoke softly, with a smile in his voice: "According to the advancing frequency of the Gubao War, this level of extraordinary life may not appear once in half a year... If you miss it this time, you don't know when it will be next time. .”


Li Chen suddenly felt that the silver glow between his eyebrows dissipated!

[The Eye of the Source] was forcibly extinguished!

That was extraordinary pressure from a higher level... But this pressure did not come from the gray dragon. He had only felt a strong sense of oppression when he looked at the gray dragon before.

But at this moment...

The space in the snow and mist burned with sparkling light.

He had a sense of absurdity that the mind and reality were confused. Gu Xiaoman's eyebrows actually ignited a wisp of silvery light. This scene made Li Chen feel familiar. He subconsciously recalled the scene when he and Gu Shen were on a mission to the fortress many years ago. , Gu Shen was also like this at that time, summoning flames between his eyebrows.

It's just that one is golden and the other is silver.


At this moment, the towering mountains on the other side of the snow mist suddenly moved!

The hunting speed of gray dragons is extremely fast. The "combat IQ" of this top-level extraordinary life is extremely high. Any offensive action made has strategic significance... [Deep Sea] links the traveler group and conducts operations through a hierarchical system. With the downward distribution of command, today's "layout" is to attract the elite divisions of the Beizhou Survey Corps.

So the gray dragon came to this battlefield with only one real goal.

That is Li Chen, who possesses the [Pupilla of Source] and can organize thousands of people to fight and build a huge spiritual network.

Just for a moment.

In front of Li Chen, a towering shadow covered the sky.

He looked pale.

The next moment, the gray dragon's sharp claws pierced his chest, piercing through his front chest, hitting his heart, and piercing through the back of his heart, but Li Chen did not feel the expected pain... This claw pierced His body should have shattered the Origin Armor and tore apart flesh and blood, but now there were only circles of snow flakes flying out and spreading in the air. These snow flakes were still burning with a dreamy silver-white glow!

The palm wearing the finger tiger, at some point, rested on his shoulder.

Li Chen moved his head and saw Gu Xiaoman who took a step back and teleported to his side. He was pushed to the ground by Xiaoman's power. Under the silvery white glow, the penetrating damage of the gray dragon was completely avoided!

"Is this... [Dream]?"

At this moment, he realized what the silver light between Gu Xiaoman's eyebrows was!

The legendary S-level ability [Dream] that can blur the boundaries between reality and illusion!

The moment of touch.

Gu Xiaoman transformed Li Chen's body into nothingness, and the gray dragon's fatal blow failed.

"I heard Sister Mu mention you."

Gu Xiaoman said expressionlessly: "You are the young mainstay of the Survey Corps and my brother's friend back then, so... you can't die here."

Li Chen was stunned, and the next moment he felt a huge force coming from his shoulders.

Gu Xiaoman shouted loudly: "Afu, catch him!"

Li Chen was confused: "???"

The seventh captain of the Survey Corps felt like his shoulders were being tapped firmly by the tips of five golden and iron fingers!

I saw Gu Xiaoman twisting his waist and raising his hips, his anger sinking in his Dantian, and he threw Li Chen towards the direction of the initial number like throwing a javelin and a discus!

Whoosh whoosh!

The wind blows back!

With a bang, Li Chen passed through the source energy shield and hit the inner snowfield covered by the initial armor. The latest generation of source armor has an automatic shock absorption function, but he was still thrown to pieces. Rolled on the ground more than a dozen times. Finally, it was shoveled up from the snowfield by an automated forklift, including the person and the snow.

"Sorry, Hong Ying has been dispatched to carry out killing missions in other areas. There is only one forklift here."

The forklift's headlights flashed.

Afu shook the arm of the forklift, shook off the snow, and told the captain of Team 7 a not-so-funny joke: "Don't look at me with such resentful eyes. You are not the only one who has been thrown into the discus over the years." .”

The moment Li Chen was thrown out, Gray Dragon also took action instantly!

The mission goal it previously received from [Deep Sea] is very clear, which is to kill the spiritual extraordinary person who possesses the [Episode of Source] Great Success Domain!

In this protracted fortress war, the travelers have been trying to reduce the "elite power" of Beizhou's extraordinary beings. Due to the obstruction of the initial source energy shield, Beizhou's "high-end combat power" can only be used at critical moments. Only then will he come forward... And the moment Gu Xiaoman made the throwing action, the hunting target in the gray dragon's spiritual sea changed!

The hunting target...has changed from Li Chen to Gu Xiaoman!

The huge gray shadow burrowed into the snow in an instant, and broke out of the ground the next moment. Its sharp claws instantly grasped Gu Xiaoman's slender legs and ankles.

Gu Xiaoman narrowed his eyes.

[Dream] is activated again, the sharp claws are closed and overlapped with the calf.

She raised her leg high and stepped down hard!

boom! ! !

The entire snowfield was hit by an earthquake and avalanche. With Gu Xiaoman's foot as the dot, all the snow in a radius of a hundred meters was trampled and flew up!

An angry groan resounded beneath the snowfield!

A sharp figure full of murderous intent burst out of the ground. Gu Xiaoman faced the attack head-on with no expression on his face, stretching out his hands in a hugging posture. The next moment, the gray dragon's sharp claws penetrated her dreaming body, and she failed again. , and the moment the two of them passed each other, Gu Xiaoman hugged the tail of the huge creature sideways, the dream realm was cancelled, she exerted force with both hands, the gray dragon's eyes widened, and looked back in disbelief, but the tip of its tail had already been Hoop tightly.

Buzz buzz buzz!

The sound of high-speed rotation resounded on the battlefield of Gubao. Gu Xiaoman hugged the gray dragon and spun it rapidly on the snowy field. Finally, he swung it high like a stick and smashed it on a broken mountain wall!

Falling snow is flying all over the sky!

The gray dragon coughed out a large mouthful of blood. It roared and howled. The skin of its tail cracked instantly, and hundreds of thorns suddenly bloomed in Gu Xiaoman's embrace!

The traveler tribe has been wandering in the [Old World] for nearly a thousand years. In order to adapt to the harsh void environment, they have evolved extremely strong adaptability. As the top extraordinary life form in the tribe, gray dragons can adapt to their own survival needs. Change the genetic sequence and undergo rapid mutations. If it needs to be immersed in water for a long time, it will grow gills for underwater breathing. If it needs to soar to the top of the sky, it can spread its huge wings!

And at this order to adapt to Gu Xiaoman's "melee attack", it made its tail grow untouchable iron spines!


A piece of clothes was flying in the air.

Gu Xiaoman stepped back and distanced himself again.

She looked at the bloody opening in her palm with a calm expression. The gray dragon embedded in the stone wall a hundred meters away slowly broke free, flapped its iron wings and floated in the air. At this moment, the iron spine mutation had spread to the whole body. This is a response to the [Old World] meteorite attack.

The gray dragon's skin will harden a hundred times, and these iron spines can pierce easy rocks to ensure that they are not injured.


Gu Xiaoman silently pulled out the spirit pendant worn on her chest. It was an object given to her by Shen Li back then, and she still keeps it well.

In these years on the battlefield of Gubao... she did not waste time. According to what Zhu Shen said, she used the power of her heart flow to control the red shadow to improve her state of mind. In addition, she once again met the people from Sangzhou Cave. The three masters met.

The war on the Gubao battlefield was not just a war in Beizhou. The three continental alliances each sent their elite divisions.

Shen Li and Chen Mei also came to the border of Beizhou.

When Gu Xiaoman broke through to the fourth level, these two made a lot of contributions.

Today's battle was not only the "instruction" of Baixiu, but also the instruction of Shen Li and Chen Mi... If he could hunt the gray dragon alone, it would prove that Gu Xiaoman now has title-level combat power.

No matter what the outcome of today's battle is.

In fact, both Shen Li and Chen Mi already knew that the little girl Gu Shen rescued in Sangzhou Cave had now become an "absolute pillar" who could stand alone.

But if he wants to participate in the next plan of the Three Continents Alliance, what Gu Xiaoman has to do is not just become a "banned person."

She is the future "Lord of Wine."

Today's battle is just the beginning for Gu Xiaoman and them.


Gu Xiaoman silently let go of the pendant given to her by Shen Li, and she spoke softly, "Then, let all this begin."

The silver light burning between the brows got the master's order at this moment, and instantly became crazy!

Li Chen was not wrong.

This silvery white glow is indeed very similar to Gu Shen's blazing fire.

Because this is the fourth-order realm [Real Dream] that Gu Xiaoman imitated Gu Shen's Blazing Fire. When the realm is released, [Dream of Oblivion] will be transformed into the same elemental form as Blazing Fire, and then spread... ...Four years ago, she used [Real Dream] to wrap herself in a coffin and avoid the first wave of liquidation from the Tower of Source.


The field of [Real Dream] begins to spread.

The gray dragon's pupils glowed with a spiritual glow. It did not dodge, but accepted the domain of [Real Dream], adjusted its posture, and prepared to fight!

Since entering the Age of Awakening, the number of S-level ability users in the entire five continents has not increased much, and they are still rare.

The reason why S-level abilities are so rare is because being a transcendent of this level has to bear not only the "aura" brought by powerful abilities, but also the load required to display the abilities.

Take [Judge] as an example. Once the [Judge] domain is expanded, as long as the domain owner has a thought, the low-level extraordinary beings shrouded in the domain will be killed in an instant!

But no ability is perfect.

[Judge] has a shortcoming. Killing extraordinary creatures requires energy consumption. If the spiritual strength of the domain owner is not enough to support it, the domain will shrink.

The more powerful the ability, the more powerful it consumes.

This principle applies equally to [Dreams].

There are often two things that determine the upper limit of the extraordinary realm. One is the spiritual strength of the extraordinary person, and the other is the amount of source matter that the extraordinary person can use.

Once Gu Xiaoman's [Dream of Oblivion] is used, he is almost invincible. She can center on herself, transform the objects she touches, and pull them into the [Dream Zone] between reality and illusion!

However, the larger the range of [Dream of Oblivion] and the longer its duration, the more source of essence and spirit it consumes!

The change in the gray dragon's eyes revealed the entry of the second spirit in its body... Today's battle in the Gubao War was a battle for Gu Xiaoman to prove her strength, and her opponent not only evolved to the title The gray dragon at the level of combat power controls the entire traveler group and suppresses the rhythm of war in the [Deep Sea]!

Gu Xiaoman pointed two fingers at the gray dragon floating in the air in front of him and said softly: "Are you ready?"

The gray dragon's body was covered with iron thorns, and a hint of indifference flashed in his cold pupils.

It stared intently at the little human race in front of it. Under the command of the supreme will in the spiritual sea, it began to flap its iron wings, trying to lift itself into the sky.

But the next moment...

Gu Xiaoman pressed down with two fingers.

There is a strong sense of separation rising in the gray dragon's heart!

The gray dragon suddenly fell to the ground and hit the snowy field. It felt great fear in its heart and moved its head suddenly. The pair of "huge iron wings" growing on its back disappeared! ?

The next moment, Gu Xiaoman lifted it up with two fingers.

The iron thorns on its body were blown out like flower thorns!


There was a strong sense of absurdity in Gray Dragon Heart Lake. Due to the strong environmental stimulation, it began to "evolve" rapidly, growing iron armor, fish gills, and petrified skin. However, Gu Xiaoman just walked slowly and slowly. , like pressing the strings of a piano, gently lift your fingers, lift them up or sweep them across, and the "armor" wrapped around its body is lifted off one by one!

In the end, only a bare "self" is left.

Gu Xiaoman finally stood in front of the gray dragon. She looked down at this previously arrogant and extraordinary being, as if she were looking at a lowly creature.

She whispered: "This is the power of [Dream]... Do you see it clearly?"

This sentence was not meant for Gray Dragon.

But to the [Deep Sea].

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