Barrier of Light

Chapter 1185 Kill cleanly

"Lord God."

In the empty Temple of Storms, a person was kneeling on the ground.

It is the Saint of Spring Plow.

After the meeting of saints, he came here. His voice was heavy at this moment, and the words were full of killing intent: "I have already arranged the killing situation in the [Old World]... This battlefield is outside the starship. Six hundred miles into the void.”


The God of Storms gave a faint hum.

The entire starship is in his divine domain... Everything that happens here cannot be hidden from him.

He naturally heard the painful complaints made by the saints in the conference room earlier.

Chunli wants to lure the red dragon, so naturally it won't be so easy.

In this starship.

He is the way of heaven, and everything that happens is under his control.

For four years, Saint Chunli did not dare to collide with the red dragon, but today he dared to lay a killing plan...

There is only one reason.

He has obtained the tacit approval of the Storm God Seat.

"I don't know something."

Saint Chunli raised his head and tried to see the face of the man on the throne. Unfortunately, there was a thick curtain of flowing water hanging deep in the hall, preventing him from seeing the lineup of the throne.


"Since you agree with me to take action against the red dragon...then why wait until today?"

Saint Chunli's voice was complex. He had been in a state of worry about gains and losses for the past four years.

God’s favor is no longer there.

Under pressure everywhere.

He was having a hard time.

But if Lord God has always trusted himself, why did he need to create a red dragon, and why did he need to treat himself like this?

After a long wait.

The God of Storms said softly: "If jade is not polished, it will not become a weapon."

The Saint of Spring Plow was stunned.

"After decades of being together, I certainly know that you are no longer a jade in the rough. But there are some things that you don't seem to understand yet." The God of Storms said slowly: "I support the red dragon just because I want you to see... red The reason why Long is able to stand in this position is not because he is strong enough."

Saint Chunli suddenly fell silent.

How could he not know the meaning of the Storm God Seat?

The red dragon can stand in this position only because the red dragon has signed a soul contract... For extraordinary beings of their level, as long as they are not willing, even the throne of God cannot force them to bow their heads.

Those who voluntarily sacrifice their souls are no different from the walking dead.

Over the years, God's Throne has reminded him of the red dragon more than once...


The God of Storms hopes that he will also take the initiative to offer his soul.

The Divine Throne asked him to do millions of things in this world, even if he had to go through fire and water, the Saint of Chunli would not even frown.

But this is the only thing.

The Saint of Spring Plow was unwilling.

Before the throne could continue to speak, Saint Chunli said in a hoarse voice: "Red Dragon and I are not the same person. Although I have not signed a 'soul contract' with you, my loyalty to you... can be learned from heaven and earth."


This time, it was the Storm God's turn to be silent.

The silence in the main hall lasted for several minutes.

"Well... go down."

After a long time, the man on the throne waved his hand tiredly and said softly: "This time, we need to kill more cleanly."

The Saint of Spring Plow knelt in front of the throne and raised his head.

He didn't hear the regret and regret in Storm God's last words.

"Kill more cleanly?"

"Now that I'm taking action, I'll naturally kill him cleanly...but, do I really want to do this?"

In the Temple of Storms, there was still a scene of one person kneeling in worship.

But this time, it was no longer the Spring Plow Saint who knelt down to worship.

But the red dragon.

The red dragon knelt on one knee in front of the tall throne and looked up at the Storm God's Throne.

Saint Haitong had just sent Saint Chunli's opinion, and he came to the temple to report the matter.

Because of the soul contract.

The red dragon has almost no secrets... There is nothing to hide these things.

In the past few days, he had been "robbery and plundering", and every time he suppressed the saints under Chunli's command, the God of Storms saw it.

As Saint Chunli said previously at the meeting, the reason why the Storm Seat has been silent for four years is not because it has not "seen", but because it does not want to participate...

And now.

The God of Storms gently pressed the scale that had maintained balance for four years.

He first supported Chunli and led the red dragon out of the starship.

Then he conveyed the idea of ​​"killing and killing" to the red dragon.

Just a few minutes ago, Red Dragon completed his report. He originally thought that the Storm God would intervene in this mission and make a mandatory interruption to avoid the intensification of conflicts, just like what the Storm God had done in the past four years.

But I never expected it.

The God of Storms did not do this at all. Instead, he told the red dragon that when he got outside the starship, he would kill all the extraordinary beings involved in the battle, whether saints or believers, and leave no one alive!

So, there was the question that Hong Long asked before.

Even Red Dragon, who had wanted to take action for a long time, was still surprised after hearing the storm's will and confirmed it in disbelief.

"What's this?"

A scoff.

The figure of the man on the throne slowly appeared behind the curtain of flowing water.

[Tide] Authority condensed thousands of water droplets, surrounding the Temple of Storms. Under these layers of water curtains, only a vague silhouette of the man sitting on the throne was revealed.

The Storm God held his chin with one hand, as if he was taking a nap. His eyes penetrated the water curtain and fell on the red dragon kneeling in front of him.

"If you kill these people, you will kill them."

"They are where they are today, all because of my training. If one day I want to take back the previous 'gift'... they shouldn't complain."

The Storm God's tone was very indifferent, and every word was full of taken-for-granted meaning.

In his mind, everything he gave to the saints, members of the Church... could be taken back at any time.

And among the things given out, there is also one thing.


Taking back the lives of these people is also a trivial matter.

The red dragon took the order and left.

After everyone leaves.

In the empty temple, there was a slightly dull and painful coughing sound.

After the water curtain.

The God of Storms, who was taking a nap on his elbows, lowered his head. He looked at the open lapel on his chest. There was a golden palm print imprinted on his skin and flesh. It was a wound left during the battle with Baizhu... Although there was an S-level He used the "Sealed Substitute" to resist on his behalf, but this palm left a huge shadow on him.

For the past four years, he has been practicing in seclusion at the Temple of Storms.

Call it a retreat.

In's just "licking" the wounds.

The Storm God didn't expect that agreeing to fight [Deep Sea] with Bai Shu back then would bring such a strong backlash to him. He was obviously just a new Fighter God, but Bai Shu's combat prowess was really shocking.

This palm contains three levels of [reverse flow] pressure from the divine realm!

[Reverse Time] This ability, after Baizhu smelted the fighting fire, came into contact with the power of the origin of time... This is the most difficult and taboo power of the origin among countless origins.

The God of Storms used countless methods, but could not remove this palm mark.

This golden palm print is like a tarsal maggot.

When I first met him, I didn't know what he was doing.

But the longer time goes by, the greater the damage left by this palm print... In the past four years, the pain in my chest has never stopped for a moment.

Fortunately... the God of Storms still has a way to suppress the situation.

The old injuries left by Bai Shu, mixed with the power of the triple [Backflow], constantly put pressure on this body. The Storm God Seat knew that the time that his body could support was running out.

If you still can't conquer this "source of time" power that keeps poisoning you.

He must consider changing his body.

This was also the main reason why he decided to flee Nanzhou... After the battle with Bai Shu, he vaguely guessed his own ending.

The Genetic Act of that year was repealed in front of Wuzhou Ming.

But the God of Storms secretly raised a group of "babies". These babies were raised in nutrition cabins, and their souls were as clean as white paper. Now it seems that the "extraordinary geniuses" created by these genetic laws were replaced by themselves. Best choice for body.


If he just "changes his body", he will inevitably usher in a period of silence.

During this period, the Storm Throne needs support from subordinates who have enough trust.

Originally, Chunli was the number one candidate for the Storm God Throne.

But now.

The spring plow is no more.

Over the years, he has summoned Sage Chunli more than once, giving insinuations and reminding the "champion" who has followed him for decades. The reason why Red Dragon can reach a high position is not because of its outstanding ability, but because it is loyal enough. .

The most loyal people in this world are those who have signed a soul contract.

Even if he changes his body, as long as this soul does not change... then the red dragon needs to obey his orders unconditionally.

The Saint of Spring Plow is a wise man.

But many times at important moments, I pretended not to understand my own reminders.

In fact, the God of Storms can understand Chunli... After standing below one person and above tens of thousands of people for so many years, Saint Chunli believes that his relationship with him is firm enough, so he is always unwilling to mention the "soul contract" Things.

Once a "soul contract" is signed, it is equivalent to giving up one's own life.

But it was precisely because of Chunli's evasive attitude.

Let the God of Storms strengthen the idea this time.


Let the red dragon kill all the saints and vassals under Chunli, kill them all!

In this way... there won't be so much "trouble" during the days when I change my body and am forced to recuperate.

He knew that everyone in the church was loyal to him.

The extraordinary beings on the entire starship chant the name of the storm every day. With just one order, these people will sacrifice their lives for themselves without hesitation!

It's just that he doesn't trust anyone.

He only believes in his own power.

Once he is no longer the lofty "Throne of Storm God", can he still have so many believers?

Once he falls off the altar.

Even if it's just a short fall...

Will these people still crowd around him, still worship him, and still hold up this high throne for him?

He didn't believe it.

He doesn't even believe in himself.

He has fallen to his peak, and is no longer the invincible supreme god who crossed the ice sea... After being seriously injured by Baizhu, the most serious injury he suffered was not physical, but mental.

In this life, he has never been defeated.

But this time, he came back defeated.

Beaten to death by Bai Shu, he fled to the [Old World] in embarrassment, only to find that his injuries could not be cured...

The God of Storms began to doubt life and himself.

That battle in Nagano, if he hadn't escaped, would the outcome have been different?

Now that he has changed his body again, can he really get better?

If he returns to the top in the future and meets Bai Shu again, will he still have the courage to fight again?

These questions, during the more than a thousand days and nights of wandering, the God of Storms asked himself more than once.

There is no answer.

This is the bleakest answer.

It’s not that there is no answer, it’s that I don’t dare to have an answer.

Everything he is doing now... is not for Saint Chunli, not for Red Dragon, not for anyone, just for himself.

From beginning to end, he was a man who only thought about himself.

He wanted to live well, and he wanted to continue sitting on this throne.

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