Barrier of Light

Chapter 1200 Breaking the Wall (2)

"Why is Zhong Yuan's spiritual link broken?"

"Reporting back to the deputy captain, it may be that the distance from the high wall of the source is too close. The spiritual network of [Deep Sea] has locked onto the main ship and blocked the signal. It may also be because there is a spiritual realm that has locked the sea area."

Mu Wanqiu looked anxious.

The technicians in the inspection room were more anxious than she was.


After a fuzzy sound, the screen restored. The fleet in the inland sea had completed its evacuation, but in the sea near the High Wall of Source, several source energy boats were crushed and crushed!

"Is the original strong man from Central Continent coming forward now?"

Mu Wanqiu stared at the end of the black mist.

A tall and thin figure stood there.

In the past few years, the Tower of Source has maintained an extremely mysterious image, controlling the two battlefields of Nanzhou and the border from a distance. The senior officials of the Three Continents Alliance speculated that the deep sea has secretly cultivated several powerful sources like "Lie Renault". However, the secret work of Deep Sea was done very well. After five years of tug-of-war, no one from the origin was dispatched.

It converges and hides all its power!

And now...

The League of Guilds broke through the high wall.

The deep sea no longer hides its ultimate resort!

In these few seconds of silence, the technician had completed the statistics of the mission. He whispered: "Sir, deputy commander, a team successfully evacuated forty-seven airships, and four airships were shot down."

This casualty data is within the acceptable range.

After hearing that most of the fleet had completed its evacuation, Mu Wanqiu did not relax. What she was most concerned about now was the safety of the first team captain Zhong Yuan!

She didn't expect that the strong man from the origin would attack so quickly and decisively... As soon as Shi appeared, he directly knocked down Zhong Yuan's main boat!

"Zhongyuan is still alive."

A steady voice came from the central control room.

On the other side of the spiritual link, there is a new "connector", and the voice of this "connector" is accompanied by the sound of gurgling blisters.

Mu Wanqiu's eyes lit up, and the tension in her heart eased a lot.

Under the bottom of the Black Sea, a huge dark domain spreads out in a circle.

Fisher held one person under each arm.

Zhong Yuan and Yuan Yuan did not die after the explosion of the source energy boat. Because they had long been aware of the "danger", Zhong Yuan cut the bottom of the source energy boat with his knife field in advance and escaped before the source powerhouse launched an attack. The day he was born... But he did not escape completely. He was locked by the origin and hit from the air. Even though he reacted quickly, he paid the price.

A large amount of blood spread in the sea water.

One of Zhong Yuan's arms was almost cut off by the power of the source... His face was very pale, but there was no sign of pain.

A lot of blood was compressed by Fisher's field.

The living fish used his water talent to forcefully block Zhong Yuan's blood. At this moment, this huge domain was evacuating at an extremely fast speed.

Not far away, the apostle A'zha'er was responsible for guiding him. If the origin of the Tower of Source chased him out of the inner sea, he would be intercepted by A'zha'er.

This "wall-breaking operation" is of course more than just breaking the wall.

After Gu Nanfeng decided to launch a general attack, the huge alliance of the Three Continents Alliance began to "operate". Without knowing the origin of the tower of source, the best situation is to "fish and hunt", just like the Ice Sea back then. Ambush Lieutenant.

Song Ci, A'zha'er, and Su Ye who serve in the Temple of Light in Xiyin City all have the strength to fight against the origin.

"The other party... doesn't seem to be chasing after him."

Fisher had some regrets.

He submerged in the water, waiting for the origin to pursue him, feeling extremely nervous in his heart.

Although this place is my home ground——

But after all, the opponent is an origin, and a transcendent of this level cannot be underestimated. The living fish was ready, and once the opponent took the bait, it deployed all its domain power to run away, but the black shadow just stood in the thick smoke of the cracked high wall, silently casting a watching gaze, as if nothing else was happening. important.

As long as he chases for another thirty miles, he can hunt down the captain of the first team of the most elite survey corps in Beizhou, and there is also a chance to kill Fisher, another man with "general potential"!

Such tempting conditions did not impress the origin of the Tower of Source.

After a while.

He was hidden in the black sea of ​​black smoke, as if he had never appeared before.

"Why...why do you want to let go of the prey you got?"

At this moment, in the Sky God Realm, a puzzled question came from the dark mirror erected on the side.

This voice was none other than "Gu Xi", the original powerhouse of the Tower of Origin who had just taken action.

He habitually launches links to the deep sea.

Little did he know, this voice was transmitted directly to Qinglong through the [Cloud Mirror].

The expression of the deep sea is complicated.

After the war between gods ended, the power given to it by Qinglong was still there, but because the real master of the Tower of Source reappeared, the highest decision-making power of this war returned to Qinglong's hands, and he had just ordered the source to stop hunting. , not allowed to step out of the high wall, came from Qingwu's order.

It looked at the man on the throne, lowered its voice and explained to Gu Xi: "'s a trap."

Deepsea's answer is simple.

But for Gu Xi, this answer is meaningless.

Of course he knew it was a trap.

But he doesn't care...

"You only need to execute the order. You don't need to know more about other things."

Shenhai hung up the voice.

It looked at Qingwu on the throne and said in a deep voice: "No one else knows about your awakening yet."

"You don't have to let anyone else know."

Qinglong said calmly: "The reason why they dare to attack Zhongzhou is because I haven't woken up yet... Since the Three Continents Alliance has decided to launch a general attack, let them launch it. I am happy to see them giving everything they have. "


Shenhai was silent for a moment and said: "Actually, I don't quite understand the choice you just made."

As long as Qinglong is willing, it is not a problem to kill Zhongyuan, Fisher, and the leaders waiting inside and outside the sea.

In this case, Qinglong actually chose to "give up".

Its eyes vaguely glanced at the throne.

The hazy half of the body was still frozen in ice.

"Do you still remember how Di Jiu died?"

Qinglong suddenly spoke. This question made Shenhai stunned for a second.

Di Jiu...the previous Master of Wine was also the most "cowardly" death among the highest seats.

Because he stepped into Gu Changzhi's Qingzhong Divine Domain, he was directly beaten to death!

This is a light rhetorical question.

Let Shenhai immediately understand Qinglong's thoughts.

"That's the same thing...if they want to use 'Sky Scabbard Strike' to break through the wall, let them break through it and let my people survive."

Qinglong closed her eyes and said softly: "I will wait for them at the Tower of Source."


"A lot of people will come, right?"

The inland sea surrounding Middle-earth has never been so spectacular.

The Three Continents Alliance mobilized 1,400 source energy boats. These source energy boats surrounded the towering wall and launched an extremely intense fire strike.

The number of black silver is extremely rare, and there are only a few key attack areas. Use "black silver artillery shells" to forcefully destroy the wall!

In most other areas, the one-level-lower-efficiency "Green Silver Cannonballs" are used for auxiliary attacks.

This attack is just the prelude to the general attack.

Whether they are black silver cannonballs or green silver cannonballs, their role is only to test the "regional strength" of the high wall and reduce the overall defense capability of the giant wall in Central Continent. Everyone knows what will happen next... After the bombardment of the cannonballs is over, It’s the Sky Sheath attack that the Alliance has been holding back for five years!

"Son of a bitch, you can't fucking bear it."

Song Ci sat cross-legged on the sea, frowning. He had been waiting for several hours.

The huge wall corresponding to the high wall of the Rhine City has been blasted out. The person responsible for this "dirty work" is none other than the desperate "Mu Qingyang" of the Mu family. Due to the previous exploration of the northern sea area, Dongzhou The fleet was prepared, and sure enough, after the high wall was broken, the original strongman from the Tower of Source appeared immediately.

Mu Qingyang used himself as "bait" to lure the powerful ones to pursue him.

Less than a hundred miles away, there was Song Ci who was eager to try!


Song Ci this time was just like the Binghai five years ago. He had been waiting for a long time, but he still didn't find the enemy he expected!

"The Tower of Source will not take the initiative to attack... They know what we are going to do next."

A'zha'er's voice sounded on Song Cixin Lake through the spiritual link.

This fishing plan has completely failed.

Su Ye, the Apostle of Light who was stationed in the southern sea of ​​Central Continent, also spoke at this moment and said: "It's the same here. There is a strong man from the origin in the gap in the high wall, but he has no intention of pursuing him at all. The sea is calm and there is no movement."

None of the three "anglers" caught the fish they wanted to catch.

"The wall will be broken soon."

A'zha'er comforted: "When the high wall is broken, the general attack on the Tower of Source will be officially launched... By then, even if they don't choose to come out, we can still fight in."


After hearing this, Song Ci cheered up again.

He looked at the towering wall at the end of the sea, his eyes vaguely burning!


It doesn't matter if the original strongman of the Tower of Source doesn't want to come out... He can kill in after the Sky Scabbard attack is over!

"Are all the plans in place? Confirm again."


Gu Nanfeng stood on the frozen soil of the tundra. He was thinly dressed but did not feel cold. Instead, he felt that the blood in his body was hot, as if it was about to burst out.

Skysheath weapons were pushed out from the base one after another.

Luo Yu was extremely busy, but his mental state was the most exciting in his life...

In another hour, these sky-sheath weapons will land on the high walls of Middle-Continent!

The "preliminary plan" of the Three Continent Alliance is to use the sky sheath to strike and knock down the high wall first... As for the "follow-up strike" in the interior, it can be launched at any time. The strike plan for Central Continent was already very mature five years ago. Tundra now has a sufficient number of Sky Sheath weapons reserves, which can not only be used for war, but the remaining number of Sky Sheath weapons is also enough to guard against the surprise attack of "Essence Storm".

"Countdown, fifty-nine minutes, fifty-nine seconds."

The moment the countdown begins.

Gu Nanfeng knew that the gears of destiny for all mankind were beginning to turn, and there was no room for turning back.

And he is undoubtedly the biggest promoter behind the scenes.

A hundred years later.

Perhaps he was nailed to the pillar of shame and reviled by countless people.

But now, he still issued the order resolutely.

If you don't do this...

Humanity will not have another "hundred years".

"It's easier on you than I thought."

On the snow, there was a woman in a snow-white robe walking with Gu Nanfeng. After finishing their chores, the two of them arrived at the top of the snow-capped mountains not far from the tundra base, where they could overlook the entire base. .

"For most people, the most difficult thing is not the result, but the beginning."

Gu Nanfeng laughed at himself and shook his head, saying: "If the Sky Sheath attack is completely rejected from the beginning, I will not feel tortured. If I can launch a direct attack, I will not... But it is 'pending' , is the most tortured thing. I have been waiting for five years, but now that I see these weapons being pushed onto the battlefield, I feel relieved in my heart."

"This 'blow' will only have a very small number of victims."

Meng Xizhou said softly: "The number of people stationed on the high wall is very small. A complete spiritual network has been built in the deep sea, and almost all the 'living people' have been evacuated."

The Beizhou border guards at that time did not believe in AI.

But's the other way around.


Gu Nanfeng smiled with a complicated expression.

Does that seem like a good thing to him?

His purpose is to destroy the resistance in Middle-earth as quickly as possible to end the war, not to kill as many extraordinary beings as possible.

"On the contrary, I started to get nervous..."

Meng Xizhou took a breath and murmured: "When the wall is broken, the real war will begin."

The Three Continents Alliance will fight against the Reserve Corps of the Tower of Source from four directions.

The intensity of this battle will be far greater than the Battle of Travelers on the border of Beizhou.

The origin of Zhongzhou, the title, the fourth level... will come out in full force.

And among the countless battlefields, large and small, the most dangerous and dangerous one is the upper city.

The war between gods five years ago should have an ending.

As for stepping into the main domain and spying on the 'life and death' of the owner of the divine domain, this behavior... was done by someone several years ago.

The guy named "Di Jiu" later died miserably.

Nowadays, the board switches.

The "task" of confirming Qinglong's life and death fell on the shoulders of Meng Xizhou and others.


A warm palm held Meng Xizhou's hand.

"I will accompany the Eastern Continent Fleet from Rhine City to the interior of Central Continent."

Gu Nanfeng did not move his head, but stood at the highest point of the snow mountain, looking at the dazzling sun directly in front of him. He said calmly: "I know what you are going to do... I hope you are still alive the day I break into the upper city. , you are all still alive."

Meng Xizhou was stunned.

Many people are looking up at this moment.

They looked at the two people standing on the top of the mountain holding hands.


Meng Xizhou came back to her senses, and she firmly held the hand that she had missed for more than ten years.

This palm is warmer than I imagined.

"Of course we will live." She said seriously: "The purpose of breaking that broken wall is to keep everyone alive."

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