Barrier of Light

Chapter 128 Fighting Together

A thunder exploded over the river.

The two figures dispersed as soon as they collided.

Almost no one could see clearly what happened... It was as if a thunder exploded overhead, the burning gasoline roared like a bomb, the scattered flames were fleeting like fireworks, the blazing light cascaded, and the phosphorescence spread across the river. Reflected like day.

Only Gu Shen knew what had just happened.

Because he was the only one who actually felt the fierce impact from behind just at that moment... Chen Mei's whip kick was aimed at him!

This is a power that I absolutely cannot bear at the moment.

Gu Shen's scalp was numb, and he could only do his best to press his body against the back of the car to minimize the impact of the impact on himself. At the same time, he used this violent push to accelerate his fall into the river.


The blazing oil fires fell one after another.

The light is fleeting.

Song Ci and Chen Meudi hit their whip legs, and they retreated at the same time, landing in two places a hundred meters apart in the river.

The crow was still in a relaxed posture with his hands behind his back, but his leg muscles were trembling slightly.

The curly-haired young man on the other side, Chen Mei, couldn't tell anything strange because of his thick clothes... In fact, his breathing was also a little disordered.

The group of people led by Qi Zhu immediately came behind Chen Mei, and they no longer had any plans as before.

Crows are indeed strong.

But now...the strongest combat force on his side has arrived at Jiangtan.

There is still more to fight in this battle.

"Are you okay?"

Crow glanced slightly behind him, and saw a rather embarrassed figure in the river, holding on to a thin layer of ice floe, barely keeping his balance.

"Treading water three inches below the knees..."

Gu Shen held the thin ice with both hands, looked up at Song Ci who was stepping on the river, and sighed softly: "I thought it was just talk... How did you do this?"

"This is nothing. A transcendent with a 'domain' can do it." Crow said calmly: "How are you, are you injured?"

Gu Shen smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"It's nothing serious...just a little upset."

The blow just now was like a bomb exploding from the back.

This kind of impact is even worse than the time when Jiujiu Foundation believers detonated a large amount of trinitrotoluene on Lipu Street.

The people and horses on the river gradually formed two groups of enemies.

The group of extraordinary beings led by Qi Zhu have regrouped and seem to have new confidence.

Crow's eyes were fixed on Chen Mei at the front, a smile slowly appeared on his face.

"Chen Mei's expression is really ugly... To make him so angry and to catch up to this point means that you must have succeeded." Song Ci sighed sincerely: "It's really incredible, you are such an extraordinary person who doesn't even have a domain. , how could you escape so far from his hands? Mr. and Mrs. Xiao Cui did not misjudge the person, you are indeed a genius like no other."

Gu Shen had always been indifferent to this kind of appreciation. He just slowly raised his middle finger to the calm Crow.

In fact, tonight's operation of sneaking into the Nanwan Building was extremely thrilling, but... it's over.

"You're right. There is a closed-circuit host in Nanwan Building. I took away the information in the host. They probably don't know about it yet..." Gu Shen whispered: "Chen didn't chase me because When he invaded the Nanwan Building, an alarm was set off. This guy has a very keen sense of smell, and he chased after him when the clues were interrupted."

"I can still catch you without any clues. Is it because I applied for deep-sea intervention..."

Crow looked at Gu Shen meaningfully.

In fact, he knew very well that invading Nanwan Building was an extremely difficult task, but if it was left to Gu Shen, for some reason, that kind of unwarranted trust and certainty emerged in his heart.

From the beginning, he felt that no matter how difficult this matter was, Gu Shen could do it.

Crow's intuition is very accurate.

"Actually, there is a closed-circuit host in Nanwan Building. I'm just talking about it... This is an unconfirmed and unconfirmed guess, although I don't know how you did it." Song Ci ignored the previous suspicion of the middle finger and said to the person lying on the floor. Gu Shen on the ice floe gave a thumbs up, "I just want to say two words. Awesome."

"What are you going to do about this mess?"

Gu Shen lay on the ice and did not get up. From the moment he hit the guardrail, the Ruler of Truth activated again, steaming heat mist, covering his face. So far, no one has seen his true face.

He was a little afraid of the curly-haired young man in the distance. This guy didn't look like the pampered only son of a congressman. He was obviously a wild dog that went crazy when he saw people.

"Just run away. I'll stop you here." Wu Wu said softly, "I think I haven't fought with Chen for a long time, and this time I finally have a chance to try...I want to thank you very much."

"Where are those guys?" Gu Shen narrowed his eyes and shifted his gaze to Qi Ju's group of people.

"Them? They're just a bunch of chickens and dogs."

Song Ci smiled disdainfully.

After expressing his contempt, Crow still gave Gu Shen serious instructions: "Of course, the chickens and dogs are aimed at me. You must be careful when you run away. That guy named Qi Zhu has a purple in his hand. Silver bullet, if you get could die."

"You leave Jiangtan, and then go find Madam, or Mr. Xiao Cui, anyone can do it. Since the data of the closed-circuit host has been brought out, then take out Shi Li's introducer information, and tonight's war will be won."

"Even though the river beach is quiet now, there are actually many pairs of eyes staring at it."

"Tonight... they won't be able to sleep." Song Ci said calmly: "People will be here soon, more and more, more and more. When there are more people, the situation will be very complicated... By then, we will investigate Responsibility has also become a very complicated matter.”

Crow promised Madam not to initiate any provocation.

In fact he did.

The reason for taking action in Huazhi Underground was because the other party had indeed violated the rules, and during the Jiangtan meeting, Wu Wu also kept his promise to "release the person when he arrives". If the conflict was to be thoroughly investigated, it would be the one who fired the first shot and provoked the trouble. Chen San's side.

"So... just do as I say."

He spoke softly, slowly crossed his body and stood in front of Gu Shen.

"Run away."

Gu Shen raised his head.

He noticed that the crow's face looked relaxed, as if everything was under control. that really the case?

Song Ci's palms trembled slightly, not much, but Gu Shen noticed it.

This guy is nervous inside...

If tonight's dispute is to be traced back, it can be traced back to Chen Jingtan, who was injured by him not long ago. If this turmoil really goes as Song Ci expected and gets bigger and bigger, then Chen San will be able to deal with it after finally arriving. Field?


Gu Shen murmured softly.

Thousands of thoughts gathered together.

Then, he shook his head, "I will not run away. I will stay here and fight with you."

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