Barrier of Light

Chapter 133 New World

Gu Shen looked a little strange.

He couldn't understand what could be said in such a short conversation.

Chen San actually gave up on saving his son...

Chen Mei was also stunned. He watched his father turn and leave. Ye Ningqiu just looked at him one more time with a complicated expression. Then everyone began to evacuate one after another. Zhou Jiren raised his hand and removed the entanglement of Jiang An. The vines of the extraordinary ones and the high-beam lights of the blazing confrontation were extinguished one after another, and everyone in the South Bay left so quickly and silently.

He doesn't understand...why?

Chase the suspect by yourself, but in the end, you become the suspect?

It wasn't until the light on the side of the river disappeared that he realized that all of this was true.

Gu Shen, who was in the middle of the situation, felt that all of this seemed a bit like a dream.

A second ago, he was being chased.

The next second, the identity was reversed.

And I'm really not used to the feeling of being stared at by countless eyes... The crow stared directly at him, and the meaning in his eyes couldn't be more obvious.

"Are you from the Judgment Office? S-class?"

Song Ci grinned and rubbed his arms. He stared at Gu Shen, "No wonder I always think you are so naughty..."


Gu Shen smiled helplessly.

"This guy's fist is a bit too hard."

At the end of the battle, Wu Wu came to Chen Mei and wandered around. He was grinning in pain and had red fist marks all over his body. If Zhou Jiren hadn't stopped him, the outcome of this fight would have been hard to say.

Chen was not restrained by the vines and could not move.

He simply gave up the struggle, looked at his nose and heart, and said softly: "What are you going to do with me?"

"Relax. Although I am not a good person." Zhou Jiren said calmly: "But neither is your father. Come with me and explain the case file clearly. When the matter is resolved, you can still go home."

"I have nothing to say..." Chen Mei responded coldly and smiled: "Besides, that place is not my home."

"Okay. Since there is nothing to say, then don't say it."

Mr. Shu raised his hand, and the vines wrapped Chen Mei up with a whoosh, like wrapping A-009, into a wooden coffin.

The outside world cannot hear the sound inside.

vice versa.

"Zhao Xilai, as you wish, I gave the old boy next to Chen San a good beating." Mr. Shu pressed the sarcophagus with one hand and stood on the river. There were ripples on the soles of his feet. There was no change in the expression on his face. "This After the fight, Liangzi is finally settled. I no longer owe you the favor of the impeachment incident and the amnesty order."

The old man hummed softly.

"However, I have a request." Mr. Shu smiled. He took Gu Shen with his other hand and came to his side: "I meant what I just said... Gu Shen is really me. A closed disciple, after this impeachment incident, I know very well that surrounded by wolves and a dangerous environment, the so-called position of Grand Adjudicator of the Adjudication Office may not last long."

Hearing this, the old man slowly raised his head.

In fact, when the pardon order was passed, it was Cui Zhongcheng who killed him first and then reported it later. He only took a cursory glance at the boy's file and never felt that there was anything special about him.

With his experience, he has seen too many geniuses.

And Gu Shen is too ordinary, too ordinary.

It wasn't until he passed the assessment of the review team that the old man looked at him slightly.

This time Zhao Xilai carefully observed the young man in front of him. The young man had a childish face and firm eyes. Other than that... there seemed to be nothing else.

This time, I still can't see anything outstanding.

"Do you want me to help you take care of him?" Zhao Xilai said slowly: "Or do you want me to help him take the position of the Grand Adjudicator?"

Gu Shen's pupils contracted.

This old man speaks... too directly, right?

The middle of the river was filled with the sound of wind and was deserted. There were only six people and no outsiders.


Zhou Jiren shook his head and his words stopped abruptly.

He looked meaningfully at the crow.

"Well, I need to pee urgently, so I need to withdraw first."

Song Ci, who wished he could hold a small bench and eat melon, was very sensible. After seeing Zhou Jiren's eyes, he scratched his head in embarrassment, hummed a tune, turned and left Jiang Xin. On the surface, he was very cool and unrestrained, but in his heart he was really unwilling. I don't want to, I can't wait to turn back step by step.

Wait until people leave.

Zhou Jiren finally spoke.

He chuckled, stared at Zhao Xilai, and said, "I hope he will participate in the advancement of the bill."

The scene became a little frozen for a moment.

Zhao Xilai's body gradually tensed up. He frowned and looked at Zhou Jiren solemnly.

"The reason why I took action today is not just because I owe you a favor." Zhou Jiren smiled and said: "The battle over the Awakening Decree has caused turmoil in the entire Eastern Continent Council for too long... I think this turmoil is about to come to an end. ? The bill has been overturned and revised more than once. Nagano City announced that it would give up the vote, and the only variable point that can affect the bill is the metropolitan area. Metropolis has not yet participated in the fierce bill battle, but in fact this battle The situation has reached a fever pitch, and everyone will soon need to show their attitude."

The old man's voice was very weak: "Continue..."

"Chen San is the opposition." Zhou Jiren spoke concisely, "That's why I'm helping you. I know you are a supporter. If everyone wants to express their opinions, then you will definitely support it and be committed to taking the lead in issuing the awakening order." Implemented in the metropolitan area..."

The moment these words were spoken.

Cui Zhongcheng pushed up his monocle.

Madam's pupils shrank slightly and soon returned to normal.

"Ah...Old fox..."

Zhao Xilai smiled in a low voice, "The parliament is now voting anonymously. There are a total of nineteen votes in the nine districts. Nagano gave up all, and most of them did not come out. The votes for and against were seven to seven. Chen San publicly expressed his opposition to the bill in the parliament. remarks, but I didn’t say anything... Why do you think my attitude is supportive?"

"There is no reason." Zhou Jiren said: "Or...because the bill has not been voted down yet."

"If I say the real old fox, it should be you."

"Because Gu Changzhi is sleeping, it is reasonable and reasonable for Nagano to give up such an important voting right. This once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, the largest right of opinion in the Eastern Continent Council, has come into your hands." Zhou Jiren said calmly: "You have been waiting and watching... Now the balance is in balance When we reach the balance point, whether the bill is passed or not depends on your opinion."

Speaking of this, Zhao Xilai stopped pushing and pulling.

"You want Gu Shen to join the work schedule for advancing the bill... It's not impossible." Zhao Xilai said calmly: "But I want to know why."

"I don't care about the position of the Grand Adjudicator. With the 'Tiantong', even if I resign as the Grand Adjudicator, I don't need to worry about the revenge of my enemies. Dongzhou still needs to pay attention to my opinions." Zhou Jiren wrote lightly: "I was most worried before. The problem has been solved with her appearance... This is a titled extraordinary person with an infinitely bright future who is at his peak."

Zhao Xilai said softly: "You have indeed cultivated many geniuses..."

"I hope he will participate in the progress of the bill, and I hope he will witness the arrival of the 'new world' with his own eyes." Zhou Jiren whispered: "It can be regarded as... a witness."

Zhao Xilai was thoughtful.

"Do you support the passage of the bill?"

After a long time, the old man slowly spoke.

And the answer is beyond doubt——


Zhou Jiren said calmly: "If the parliament is willing to listen to the jury's opinion, I will vote in favor with both hands and feet."

"It's really old guy like you who survived the previous era is actually willing to embrace the arrival of the 'new world'." Zhao Xilai smiled with some emotion.

"Neither are you?"

Zhou Jiren looked at the old man in the wheelchair and said sarcastically: "You are the real old guy, the kind who is half buried in the soil... If I count on you to take care of Gu Shen, how long can you live and how long can you survive?" How long will you take care of him?"

Zhao Xilai was not angry, but chuckled softly: "As you said, I won't live long, but I know that he will shine brightly before then... because he chose me."

The old man stood up with difficulty, and Cui Zhongcheng quickly helped him up.

"Mr. Congressman..." Mr. Cui said worriedly.

" need for help...I can do it alone."

Zhao Xilai took a deep breath, and his trembling movements suddenly became stable.

The old man slowly took two steps forward, stretched out his arms, hugged Gu Shen, and said softly: "Welcome to the 'New World', you will have an infinitely bright future."

New world?

Gu Shen was a little confused. He looked at the teacher, and Zhou Jiren cast an appreciative look at him.

"The New World... is a special operations group specially set up by Dadu."

"Zhou Jiren is right, the debate on the bill has been going on for too long, and everyone is tired." Zhao Xilai slowly sat back on the chair, his voice was low and mellow, like iron: "There is more than one old fox in the parliament... …At first they were all waiting for Nagano Castle’s opinion, but Gu Changzhi did not wake up, and Nagano was determined not to participate in the advancement of the bill, so those old foxes, for their own benefit, began to jump out of the water one by one.”

Gu Shen saw a smile in the old man's eyes.

He realized what was going to happen next... everyone's opinions were in a stalemate, and the situation was in balance. It only took a little bit of power to break the balance.

"Seven votes to seven." Zhao Xilai chuckled softly, "Add two more votes, one for and one against, and it's still a tie. This was originally a dead end, but it's a pity."

"For a long time... most of the seats have been vacant."

The old man looked at the woman holding an umbrella for him.

"Nan Zhi, you have worked hard these years." He said slowly: "Not long ago, I revised my will... I hope that after I leave, you can take over the Zhao family's banner."

The lady's body was a little stiff.

"There is still a parliamentary seat in Dadu, do you want it?"

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