Barrier of Light

Chapter 138 Sisters (2)

A gentle breeze blew.

The dead leaves on the small barren mountains were blown up by the wind. Most of the air in late autumn was dry, and the moisture in the leaves had dried up. These leaves were dryly wrapped together, making a crisp rustling sound.

A few dry leaves slapped Song Ci's cheek crisply.

There were also the harsh and unpleasant cries of crows echoing in the mountains, all of which reminded him——

This is all true.


Really back.

Song Ci had thought about it more than once, what would he say if Xiao Lu came back one day... and met him again.

But at this moment, all the original expectations were useless, my mind went blank, and I couldn't even recall a single word of the words I had rehearsed in front of the mirror in the past.

On the mountain top in late autumn, with the flying leaves, this scene is frozen, filled with a touch of sadness.

No one spoke, so the top of the mountain fell silent.

The woman with tied up red hair kept her movements unchanged, and slowly kowtowed to the wooden tablet. During the whole process, the only sound from the top of the mountain was the rustling of dead leaves.

After the worship, Nan Jin picked up the scabbard and stood up. She lowered her eyes, held the handle of the knife under her windbreaker, and walked slowly towards where she came from.

"Excuse me."

A voice without emotion.

The madam did not move. She stopped in front of her sister and looked at the stubborn face, her eyes full of herself.

"Ten years have passed..."

Lu Nanzhi greeted softly: "I thought you wouldn't come back this year."

"Is there any difference?"

Nan Jin raised his head, "Come back or not, die or live... is there any difference to you?"

"You are my sister."

The lady spoke again, but her voice was interrupted the next second.

"I'm not..." Nan Jin shook his head, "I erased my surname and severed contact with you from my name. From the day I left Dadu, I was no longer your sister."

"But you are still from the Lu family." Lu Nanzhi frowned and tried his best to keep his tone calm and gentle.

"Yes... I have erased my surname, but it doesn't mean anything. Of course I am still a member of the Lu family, because I have been investigating the tragedy in Shixiang for ten years. I still remember the way Old Lu fell in a pool of blood, and I still remember the line The alley was filled with spectators. I still remember the grief and anger that all this brought me. I searched all over Dongzhou, looking for the truth and evidence, just because I am a member of the Lu family." Nan Jin raised his head, his eyes filled with tears. With gray anger, she coldly asked word for word: "But, you, are you?"

Lu Nanzhi was stunned.

She opened her mouth, choking on a thousand words, but at this moment she couldn't say a single word.

"I once had such a sister. In the eyes of everyone, she was an unattainable genius. She had extraordinary talents, extraordinary courage, and countless virtues."

Nan Jin slowly spoke: "I once regarded her as my idol, and tried my best to become such an outstanding person... But later I discovered that I was wrong. All these were superficial illusions, and she was not worthy of my respect. .”

"What did you do after Lao Lu died?"

Nan Jin asked coldly and forcefully: "After the fall of the Lu family, who is the biggest winner? Do you know what is being said in the streets? Can't you see the 'truth' that even a ten-year-old child can understand? ? You are my sister, how can you... collude with the Zhao family who embezzled Huazhi!"

After saying this, she turned slightly, passed by Lu Nanzhi, and walked down the mountain alone.

From the moment Nan Qin's anger broke out, Madam never said a word again.

She fell silent.

Quiet and dull, like a wooden man.

Every question from Nan Jin was like a bullet hitting her heart, but she just stood silently and endured it all.

Standing on the last stone step at the top of the mountain, you can just see your father's monument.

"Ma'am...are you okay?"

After hearing these words, Song Ci's expression was very complicated.

Lu Nanzhi waved her hand to indicate that she was fine. From the beginning to the end, her expression did not change much, because the attack just now was nothing. She had experienced more intense words and more heart-wrenching attacks than this... But if anyone carefully observed Madam's expression, they would find that when Nan Jin left decisively, sadness flowed in her eyes for a moment, but it was quickly covered up.

"Since you are willing to go back to Dadu, it is a good thing." She took a breath, her voice a little hoarse, "You and Nan Jin are old friends, go after her, don't let her leave like this."


Crow sighed in his heart and ran towards the foot of the mountain.

Lu Nanzhi was the only one left on the desolate hilltop.

She came to her father's grave, took out a small bottle of wine from her arms, and poured it slowly in front of the wooden monument. The dead leaves were wet, and there was a faint sound of wind roaring. This is the lion sobering up prepared by Lu Cheng. Use a little less. , part of it is kept in the hands of Song Ci, and the other part is collected by Lu Nanzhi. Some are poured out only when the tomb is visited every year.

The wooden tablet with the inscription "The unknown man Lu Cheng" drank the lion sober up turned bright red.

That is the spiritual element burning logic and rules.

It looked like someone had opened his eyes and was looking at Lu Nanzhi quietly.

"Father...have you seen it? Nan Jin is back and has grown up."

The lady spoke softly, with a soft smile on her face: "But she is still the same as before, stubborn and stubborn... In fact, I am quite happy for her. She has been away for ten years and has not been changed by the environment. It’s not an easy thing.”

"She still can't understand what I did."

"I can't understand...what exactly you and I are working hard for."

"But I believe that day will come soon."

Lu Nanzhi took a sip of the lion's sobering wine. Her cheeks turned crimson and fine beads of sweat appeared on her forehead.

"Another year has passed, and everyone is struggling to find the 'secret key'... Without the 'secret key', the conference room in the deep water area may be overturned at any time, and the people in the conference room dare not show their true colors. ." She smiled and said: "Sometimes I wonder, is there really such a thing as a 'secret key'? Could this all be a big lie?"

The red light of the stone tablet flickered like a blink of an eye.

No one could give her an answer.

"Just at the last meeting... someone said that he had found the 'secret key' and sent it to my city..."

Lu Nanzhi smiled softly and said: "It's just that the 'Red Gate' didn't sense anything, and that 031 didn't sound particularly reliable... But it doesn't matter, this is not the first time that we came back with high hopes and disappointment... We can still persist for many, many years, but the deep sea is evolving too fast, and I’m afraid there isn’t much time left.”

Only in front of this wooden tablet did the lady look like a little girl.

She can talk to her heart without any worries.

"By the way, there is another news, it is very important..."

"The election for vacant parliamentary seats will begin soon."

When he said these words, there was no joy in Lu Nanzhi's eyes, only ridicule, "Zhao Xilai finally couldn't stand it any longer. As long as I agree to the implementation of the Awakening Act, I can win most of the parliamentary seats."

She mustered up the courage to speak seriously to her father.

"But... I don't want to agree."

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