Barrier of Light

Chapter 145 Special Operations Group

"Chen Mo, you have the right to remain silent..."

trial room.

Chen didn't look at the old guy in front of him. He had already prepared to remain silent. However, to his surprise, Zhou Jiren did not follow the rules and declare the constitutional right to inform the person under trial.

"If you choose to remain silent, then I will remain silent as well."

Zhou Jiren took a chair and sat opposite Chen Mei. He glanced at the hands of the curly-haired young man.

The pair of wrists that looked like white bones were tightly bound by vine shackles. There were several overlapping scars, which were caused by breaking free.

“It’s better to give up on unrealistic ideas as soon as possible.”

Hearing this sentence, Chen Bu couldn't hold himself any longer.

With a gloomy look on his face, he stood up suddenly, but in fact his body remained motionless. After the sharp pull, he felt a tightening pain in his waist, which was also tightly held by a vine...

I don’t know where this appeared. The seemingly old vines that can be easily broken apart are actually much stronger than alloy!

Can't break away at all.

"let me go!"

He whispered: "The adjudication office only has the power of law enforcement and does not have the power of custody and interrogation. Either you kill me, transfer me to the prison."

"I'm sorry, what I'm doing now is in compliance with the laws of Dongzhou. Because once the special operations team is established, it can enjoy the exclusive power of the three offices before special events." Zhou Jiren said calmly: "This answer should be considered A free gift out of kindness. Next...if you want to know something from me, then you need to exchange it for the corresponding information."

Special operations team?

Chen stopped talking for a while.

The old fox in front of him obviously knew that there was no point in trying hard and wanted to "exchange information" with him.

And he... didn't want to know anything, and he didn't want to say anything.

Zhou Jiren was not in a hurry, just waiting for the time...

Until the door opens.

The place responsible for detention and interrogation was not big and a little dark. After the door was opened, light suddenly appeared.

Chen did not frown as he saw a familiar figure.

"Teacher...I'm here."

Gu Shen received a temporary notice that Mr. Shu needed to accompany him to interrogate Chen Mei.

When he arrived here and saw the "familiar" interrogation environment, he suddenly felt a little funny.

It's really...not what it used to be.

He came to the interrogation table again, but this time, he was no longer the subject of interrogation.

When Chen didn't see Gu Shen, his eyes suddenly changed. His originally lazy eyes suddenly became as sharp as swords. He wanted to stand up immediately, but unfortunately he was tightly suppressed by Fujiki.

The cause of all this was the boy in front of him... The South Bay Building lost power and he chased the suspect by himself. Now it seems that this is probably a trap set by the ruling.

At the moment when he lost his composure, Chen didn't realize that he had fallen into the old fox's trap.

It's not that he doesn't want to know least, he wants to know the truth of it all.

"calm down."

Gu Shen sat down carelessly and greeted Chen Noi in a friendly manner. Just twelve hours ago, the identities of the two parties were still hunter and prey, cat and mouse, but now, everything has been exchanged.

Now, looking at Chen Mei's cloudy and angry expression, Gu Shen not only didn't feel nervous at all.

Even... I want to laugh a little bit.

He couldn't help but change his sitting position.

I have to say that the seats on the other side of the interrogation table are really comfortable.

"When will the interrogation start?" Gu Shen asked.

"It's already started... Chen refuses to say anything."

Zhou Jiren still had the same waiting attitude, looking at the clock, "However, everyone hasn't arrived yet. We have plenty of time."

Not everyone is here yet?

Gu Shen was startled. The next moment, the door of the interrogation room was opened again. A figure with long red hair in a trench coat came into view from the corner of the eye. The visitor sat on a chair, his voice was cold and apologetic, "Sorry, something happened." It took a while."

Then the apologetic voice suddenly stopped——

Lu Nanjin looked at Gu Shen, and Gu Shen looked at Lu Nanjin. The two looked strange. It was obvious that before they met, they had no idea... that the other party would appear here.

"Senior sister?" Gu Shen was a little confused.

Shouldn't Senior Sister be performing missions all over the world at this time?

Especially after knowing the hidden secrets of the Lu family's Lion Alley, Gu Shen originally thought that... the senior sister might not return to Dadu for a long time.

Zhou Jiren raised his hand with a smile, and in an instant the vines rose up from the ground. With a muffled roar of anger and resistance, he wrapped up Chen Mei and turned him into a human-shaped wooden stake in an instant. No sound from the outside world could be heard. Chen didn't hear it.

"Okay. We're finally here."

He smiled happily, "Now let me explain the specific situation to you two..."

"You all already know about the merged files of Zhou Yu's case... This matter has attracted widespread attention from high-level officials. After passing an emergency meeting, the parliament decided to establish a 'Special Action Group' in Dadu, and Shenhai will be responsible for providing specific actions. personnel support and planning staff, but the election of core team members is decided by me.”

"So...I chose three people."

"Deep digging into Zhou Yu's case files, coupled with the 'Compass' obtained by Gu Shen, allowed us to basically confirm that there is a dangerous person hiding in the darkness of Dadu. He is trying to create riots and destroy order."

"We call him 'Owl'."

“And the plan carried out by this special operations team is also named ‘Owl Hunting Plan’.”

The old guy looked solemn and said: "The risk rating of this case file is tentatively 'S'. If it is not handled properly, it is likely to put the entire city into crisis. The selection of core team members is very important, not because you are My proud students, I have included you as the core members of the special operations team. In my plan, each of the three of you will play a huge role. If the Hunter Plan is to succeed, the three of you must People are indispensable.”

"Wait a minute."

"Three...where's the other one?"

Nan Jin frowned.

But Zhou Jiren just slowly cast his gaze towards the human-shaped wooden stake.

Gu Shen was a little surprised, "You mean... Chen?"


"Think about it, if I force Chen Mei to be arrested, how could Chen San, a member of Dongzhou Council, agree easily?" Zhou Jiren said calmly: "At least... he won't turn around and leave."


Chen San's reaction that night was extremely abnormal.

After talking for a while in Mr. Shu's domain, he agreed to take his son away.

Gu Shen suddenly realized something at this moment.

"But this interrogation is real. To ensure that he joins our team, there must be such an interrogation." Zhou Jiren whispered: "I have taken out Chen Mei's file. You can take a look first."

Gu Shen and Nan Jin looked at each other.

They took the file and started looking through it.

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