Barrier of Light

Chapter 149 Freedom Auditorium

Two days later.

A sunny afternoon.


Liberty Auditorium.

The light and smooth symphony echoed above the circular vault, like snow-white clouds flowing slowly on the azure dome.

In this era, it is not easy to hear a band perform offline... but the Liberty Auditorium is an exception. It is hosted by the parliament and has cultivated many "aspirants" who love classical music.

To put it another way, it may be easier to understand. In fact, it is the taxpayers who have undertaken the cultural treasures left over from this old era.

Just like a library, most people are indifferent to spiritual culture from the bottom of their hearts. As long as they have it, it is no longer important to put a book on the shelf and read it or not.

It is enough for most people to know about the existence of the Free Auditorium.

Even if you come here to enjoy a performance, the ticket price is not expensive, it is probably equivalent to going out for a fast food.

But obviously... In this era, most people would rather eat fast food than waste time chewing spiritual food.

"Today is a special day."

Zhonggui Xingyun squatted on the seat in the last row of the auditorium. His posture was very weird. He looked like a ball hiding himself in the shadow. He turned his head and looked at the young man with a smile: "You know what it is?" Day?"

"I don't know. But I guess..."

Gu Shen spoke lightly.

"Today is very likely to be the day when you are caught by your enemies and shot in the head."

He and Tsuka Oni were sitting not far away, three or four chairs apart. They looked like two unrelated people, but in fact the auditorium was empty enough, with almost no one sitting in the last row.

Those who really want to enjoy the music sit in the front row... There are large tracts of empty seats there, which are the best seats to immerse yourself in the performance.

"As the person in charge of the 'New World Project', he is jointly wanted by the big shots in Nagano. There are countless people lining up outside to kill you. You should is safest to hide underground." Gu Shen frowned and said, "At this juncture, you actually dare to come out to listen to the concert?"

Tsukauki smiled nonchalantly.

He stretched out his fingers and rubbed them, and asked: "Even a real lonely ghost should have his own spiritual pursuits, right? What happened when he came out to listen to a concert... Do you know what the music is?"

"I am ignorant." Gu Shen shook his head again.

For him, listening to symphony is too noble a hobby.

Gu Shen has always been honest and self-aware.

He knows that he is not an elegant person, but he will not despise or despise elegant things because of this... He has tried to understand "symphony" and "concert", but unfortunately, he has been shut down by God since he was born. He looked out of a certain window. He was just an idiot who didn't understand music. He could only vaguely hear some of the emotions flowing in the tune.

That's all.

"Haydn's Symphony No. 94." Tsukauki said softly, "I like this piece."


Gu Shen rubbed his eyebrows to make sure he heard correctly.

He pondered his thoughts, and then asked slowly: "Are you serious...Tomorrow is the day to nominate alternative members. You invited me here just to invite me to listen to this symphony and then tell me about this symphony." The name of the track?”

"Yes, not entirely." Tsukauki said with a smile: "It's not me who invited you, but the taxpayers. The citizens of Dadu funded the construction of the Freedom Auditorium, and this band is supported by them."

"Okay. No more joking."

Seeing Gu Shen's expression, Zhonggui gradually became serious.

He whispered: "As you said... tomorrow is the day for the nomination of alternative members. I have to ask you out to meet. The occasion is not important, because no matter where you are, you can't escape Cui Zhongcheng's eyes."

Gu Shen looked calm.

He put on a pair of glasses, and the three-dimensional structure diagram of the Liberty Auditorium appeared before his eyes. Chu Ling was transmitting the data of the auditorium in real time. He was aware of all the monitoring and personnel changes.

Not far behind him, there were three cameras, covering the back of the auditorium without blind spots.

" escape route."

Xing Yun smiled and said: "It's not a secret that I want to run away. Just like the big shots are used to 'killing the donkey', it's also not a secret. Once the proposal of the alternative member is passed, there will be almost no surprises when Lu Nanzhi is elected. , in my opinion... the Awakening Act has reached its final step. And my use value is about to reach its end. Once the bill is passed, the New World Project Team can be disbanded. I think Zhao Xilai is happy to hand over the 'Tsukagami' to Nagano It’s in the hands of those old guys from the city.”

"Squeezing out the last bit of value from me is like collecting the fee for sheltering freedom during this period." He sighed softly: "It is very likely that this will be the last concert I attend."

"No need to pretend to be sad, this is of no use to me." Gu Shen said calmly: "The encounter between us was purely accidental, and the New World Project has been established for several years. I don't believe you don't have follow-up means... If not When you meet me, are you ready to surrender and wait for death?"

Tsukauki glanced at the boy next to him in surprise.

This kid is smarter than he thought... I thought he was young, but it's really hard to fool him.

He smiled shyly, "I heard that you are Zhou Jiren's 'closed disciple'."

Gu Shen responded with silence.

"I want to apply for an 'amnesty order'." Tsukauki smiled and confessed: "After thinking about it, there are too few people in Dongzhou who can do this... The Grand Adjudicator should be one of them. For Zhao Xilai and Nagano Castle To me, I have lost my value, but to Mr. Zhou, I still have something to use, and I can help him get re-elected."

Gu Shen remained silent.

"Even I, an outsider, know that Zhu Wang of the adjudication office has been coveting the position of the Grand Adjudicator for a long time. In recent years, he has been launching a fierce attack on Zhou Ji people. In the future, the struggle within the adjudication office will not subside, but will only intensify. The Awakening Act Once promulgated, the adjudication office will face huge manpower pressure. Zhu Wang and several other adjudicators with sufficient qualifications will jointly request the establishment of an additional position of 'Grand Adjudicator'——"

Tsukauki spoke faster and faster, and finally stopped slowly and said: "Lions will always grow old. No matter how powerful they are when they are young, once they grow old, their fate will always be very tragic. When the position of Grand Adjudicator is replaced by an additional Open, the towering trees of the past... surrounded by wolves, will inevitably wither. I am not qualified to meet Mr. Tree, I can only make an appointment with you. I think these words... you will tell him, right? "

"I will convey it, but I won't make any promises to you."

Gu Shen said in a deep voice: "Before this concert ends, if you regret it, I can pretend that you never heard anything."

Tsukasa was stunned.

His pupils shrank slightly, and he noticed two figures in the distance of the venue who had arrived late.

One after the other.

The woman in front is wearing a white dress and a bowler hat, she is very elegant.

Lu Nanzhi.

Next to Lu Nanzhi, there was another lady wearing a low-key black dress, with a fine veil hanging over her face, making it difficult to see her true face.

A few minutes ago, at Chu Ling's prompt, Gu Shen learned the news that two "big men" came to the Liberty Auditorium together——

Next to another legendary woman with a very high status in South Bay.

Ye Ningqiu.

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