Barrier of Light

Chapter 151 Goodbye Blood and Fire

"I have good news for you -"

"Just now, the closed-circuit host information stolen from Nanwan Building... was decrypted."

Leave the auditorium.

Chu Ling's voice sounded immediately.

"I searched for this file, please take a look."

A self-decompressed data packet popped up on the operating interface of Gu Shen's glasses. A series of data flowed down side by side, and one of the files was opened.

"This is..." Gu Shen was startled.

"The introducers of the sincere members of the Nantang Hall...are all here."

A series of names and files are connected to another series of names and files.

Huge amounts of information.

Gu Shen felt a little dizzy.

This is one of the most important data of Chengxin Hui Nantang in the past ten years.

Finally, there is a clue!

Shi Li's introducer is an important part of finding Xiao.

In another section of the deep sea, rapid information retrieval was going on, and soon two files popped up in front of Gu Shen's eyes...

"Shi Li, male, 27 years old, joined the fifth group of Chengxin Hui Nantang...the introducer was Zhu He."

The second file is Zhu He’s——

"Zhu He, male, died in 628 of the New Calendar...Introducer, none."


Are you kidding me... Gu Shen felt as if he was being teased through the screen by the guy who entered the information.

"Shi Li joined the Chengxin Society in 628, and the introducer Zhu He suffered a sudden heart attack in 628. Although the probability is very small... extraordinary people can also die from sudden illnesses." Chu Ling said slowly: "Of course. I don’t think this is the real cause of Zhu He’s death.”

"Obviously, although this closed-circuit host records the important information of the Chengxin Association, it is obviously not rigorous enough in the verification of key information. As the Chengxin Association grows, more and more people need to be reviewed. Nantang It is impossible to check the background of each one. So after Shi Li entered the sincerity meeting, Zhu He's death was naturally just an accident or coincidence. No one would suspect that there was anything wrong with it."

"Is Zhu He's introducer Wu?"

"Chen Mo has no introducer." Chu Ling said: "When joining the Chengxin Association, there is usually an introducer... unless a fierce man appears out of nowhere and is directly accepted. Zhu He is such a fierce man. He has a very powerful attack system. Talent was once arrested in prison. After he was released from prison, he was directly absorbed by Chengxinhui Nantang, and his nickname was 'Red Lightning'."

"The message was interrupted..." Gu Shen knew that this could not be a coincidence.

The only explanation is that when Xiao introduced Shi Li, he thought that there would be such a day in the future.

Even information entered into a closed-circuit host may be exposed.

Then, make everything perfect.

"No... the information has not been interrupted..." Chu Ling said with a solemn tone: "I retrieved Zhu He's detailed files in the three prisons. Do you know how he was arrested by the prison?"

Gu Shen listened quietly.

"Thanks to 'Zhou Yu'." Chu Ling said: "Red Lightning met the genius judge of Yinghai District and ended sadly. However, he did not commit any major evil deeds and was released after three years..."

"Zhou Yu?"

The clues that were originally unconnected were suddenly connected at this moment.

Gu Shen recalled Chen's reaction when he saw Zhou Yu's photo... If Zhou Yu is the missing link in the clues to find Xiao, then if this link is added, the information and logic will be complete enough.

"I'm just providing a guess..." Chu Ling said: "Zhou Yu is not dead. He is still alive. Of course, there is currently no evidence to prove all of this... and based on Shenhai's assessment of Zhou Yu's personality, he did not make any of this. The reason for the matter. But if Zhou Yu is still alive, then many things that cannot be explained by common sense will be explained."

"Assuming he is still alive. Then he is the one who taught Chen Mo the physical skills... everything that caused the blood fire explosion is also explained."

No matter how the envoys from the Judgment Office checked, no riot of supernatural elements was detected at the scene.

Because... there was no battle between extraordinary beings at all.

All of this was directed and acted by Zhou Yu. He disappeared in the fire and changed his identity. As a "hiding", he erased Zhou Yexin's memory. This was also Zhou Yu's face in the dream. Reason for loss.

This guess...can perfectly fill in all the irrationalities.

"But I always feel like...there's something wrong."

Gu Shen murmured: "Can you check Zhou Yu's files? I want to know, what are his abilities?"

"Zhou Yu's files..."

Chu Ling's voice said slowly, "I'll give it a try."

When he and Judge Tang Qingquan went to visit Zhou Yexin, Gu Shen wanted to take a look at Zhou Yu's files... What he was curious about at that time was what kind of power this genius judge had and how he could be evaluated. For "S" level.

Only by knowing the specific extraordinary abilities can we guess what kind of battle took place at the scene of the blood fire explosion.

The response from the justice was astonishing.

Tang Qingquan said that he did not have enough permissions to view it.

"The authority is very high... on the same level as Han..." Chu Ling first suppressed and then raised his voice, his tone was a little playful, "But this time I am sure that I will unlock the authority."


All Han Dang's key files had been blocked before, but Chu Ling was helpless.

"After the deep sea system was upgraded, have you become stronger?" Gu Shen asked with a smile.

"You can understand it this way...but I don't guarantee that all of them can be unlocked. If you just check Zhou Yu's 'extraordinary abilities', it shouldn't be a big problem." Chu Ling whispered: "This guy's file is very strange. Deep Sea has conducted a comprehensive Blockade, the most basic information cannot be accessed, this is not the treatment that a normal dead person should receive."

Gu Shen turned into a small alley.

He smiled and was about to say something.

On the other side of the alley, a woman walking quickly appeared suddenly. She was a middle-aged woman, dressed simply, with her hands hanging down, as if she was carrying a heavy object. It could be seen from her clothes that she did not look like she was free. A permanent resident near the auditorium.

Gu Shen frowned slightly and stepped aside to make way.


The middle-aged woman, on the other hand, stopped accelerating after approaching Gu Shen and walked very slowly. She lowered her head the whole time and slowly raised it until the last moment when she passed by, revealing a friendly and commanding face. A scary smile.

What she is carrying is...

Gu Shen's pupils contracted.


A violent explosion sound came from the alley, and two narrow stone walls were instantly destroyed by the fire. A majestic blazing wave rose in the air, and a small mushroom cloud actually condensed.

In this extremely brief moment, the surrounding area of ​​the alley was swept by the impact, and a circle of ripples visible to the naked eye passed by. Small and medium-sized vehicles were lifted up and jumped on the spot, and then fell heavily.

Gu Shen's ears were filled with noise, countless sounds poured into his ears, the harsh honking of vehicles one after another, the roar of burning flames, Chu Ling's concerned shouts, and the sentence that still lingered in his ears, "Rubbing shoulders." And passed.


In fact, it was only a short moment, but it seemed like a long, long time passed.

The huge power of explosives blooms at extremely close distances.

Gu Shen's reaction speed could not be faster.

The Ruler of Truth was activated instantly, and the power of thought turned into a barrier, but it was too late to wrap up all the crazy believers of the Jiujiu Foundation like last time... The only thing that could be done was to open up a barrier, resist the explosion as much as possible, and let oneself Don't take the full frontal impact.

But in 0.01 seconds, he was pushed out by a huge impact, as if he had the hands of a god.

These hands were supposed to tear his whole body into pieces, but at this moment they were intercepted by the barrier of truth, leaving only one percent of the residual power, maybe not even one percent, but it fell on Gu Shen like a million-dollar weapon. Jun heavy hammer.

He smashed an entire stone wall in the alley, and his ribs should have been broken... But fortunately, his mind was still functioning clearly, and the Ruler of Truth was still open.

Gu Shen stared at the alley after the explosion. Among the ruins, the middle-aged woman who smiled "sincerely" to him had been blown up to the point where not even her ashes were left... The barrier of truth withstood a The damage from the direction and the reaction force caused her to be blown to pieces in an instant.

Extraordinary people are powerful, and extraordinary people are also fragile... No matter how strong one's abilities are, he is still a mortal body after all.

"Is it a coincidence... Or was it planned in advance... When did you target me..."

Gu Shen wiped the blood from the corners of his lips.

No one else knew about his meeting with Tsuka Oni, so this bombing attack could not have been planned in advance.

The compass in his arms trembled slightly.

Gu Shen resisted the urge to crush the compass and slowly took it out. The compass covered with dirt slowly became as clear as a mirror. The other end of the mirror reflected the world of the alley at this moment, with collapsed stones and burning of blood and fire.

"Gu are lucky. It seems that you only broke a few insignificant bones."

The laughter of the Bloodfire Master slowly sounded.

"Two broken ribs, no pain or itching..."

Gu Shen had no expression on his face and slowly applied force to the wound. The Ruler of Truth turned into soft light and flowed over the wound. The pain was relieved a lot, "You seem to be just a fool who hides behind the scenes and only makes mysteries...because Extraordinary beings are under the supervision of the deep sea, so you choose to mentally control ordinary people. On the surface, you are praising the old era. In fact, your technical level can only make weapons of the old era. You should not have enough funds, or in other words, the funds that can be used limited."

"Do you know that the explosion just now, if it were replaced by a red and silver bomb, how many pieces would I be blown into?" Gu Shen mocked: "Anyway, it won't be as simple as just two broken ribs... You should have a person who specializes in making trinitrate The base of the toluene detonator bomb... I think about it, the only possibility is that it is in the old city, and the woman just now also set off from the old city."

"The funny thing is... your information channels are very wide, but also very limited. If you had known that I would come to the Free Auditorium, you would not have delayed arranging the assassination until now, and there would not have been only a mere explosion." Gu Shen murmured: "It's not impossible for a crazy guy like you to blow up the entire Freedom Auditorium."

"So, I guess you have seconded some of the Deep Sea permissions. This part of the permissions can give you a lot of freedom, but unfortunately, it does not take effect at any time. The system is still being upgraded. I think the permissions you seconded should be more than Are you coming less and less?"

Gu Shen smiled and said: "Since you like the old era, you should go back to the old era. Why do you still need to imitate young people and surf the Internet?"

The laughter of the Bloodfire Master disappeared little by little.

"Stop talking. Did you get poked?"

Gu Shen smiled and said, "Okay, I'll be honest. In fact, everything I just did was just a guess... I thought that only the protagonist could do the secondment. It turns out that a guy like you who has no morals and no bottom line can also To enjoy this privilege..."

"Gu Shen."

The Bloodfire Master spoke in a very soft voice, "I will make you pay for what you said today."

"Is it still the same old high-explosive thing?"

Gu Shen stared at the compass and said, "You don't think... I will play this turn-based game with you obediently until the end of the game, right?"

The Bloodfire Master fell silent.

And this silence made Gu Shen feel more confident.

The surveillance video of the Special Operations Group has been circulated, but Xiao Xiao has not received the news yet... This guy's information channels are very weird, sometimes he is well informed and sometimes he is not.

"Idiot... He is about to die and he doesn't know it yet."

Gu Shen finally said something in a low voice.

He stood up, raised one foot, and stepped on the face of the master of blood and fire in the compass mirror.

Crush it hard.

The compass was very strong and made a rattling sound, but it did not suffer any damage. No matter how hard it was crushed, it only vented the anger in my heart.

A siren sounded in the distance.

The big explosion near Liberty Auditorium attracted the attention of many people.

Gu Shen saw several familiar faces in the crowd of people rushing towards him...the teacher, the senior sister, and the crow.

Seeing these people, I felt inexplicably at peace.

Gu Shen covered his waist, took a breath of cold air, and gritted his teeth.

" hurts."

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