Barrier of Light

Chapter 176 Necklace

"Mr. Zhao Qi, what do you do for a living?"

Lu Nanzhi calmly stared at the man in front of her. She neither invited him in nor opened her mouth to drive him away.

So the two of them maintained such a stiff and awkward distance... Zhao Qi stood at the door, and Lu Nanzhi sat on the sofa indoors.

"My father asked me to come."

After a while, Zhao Qi confessed frankly and asked cautiously: "Can I come in and sit down?"

Lu Nanzhi lowered her eyebrows and held the tea cup. The tea in the cup was already cold, reflecting her downcast cheeks... The previous conversation had just mentioned Zhao. Her emotions towards Zhao were very complicated, and her emotions towards Zhao Qi. It's also complicated.

If we say that this is an ignorant and terrible dandy... But after the marriage, he has not touched a finger on himself. He knows the meaning of this marriage better than himself.

Outside, many people described Zhao Qi as trash who did all kinds of evil.

In fact, only mud is the most appropriate description.

He couldn't hold up the wall, and he knew he couldn't hold it up... So he only squandered, drank, had fun, and made friends within the scope allowed by Zu Yin. According to his "consumption" method, Zhao's huge financial resources could be easily Loosely support him for a lifetime.

This is a puddle of mud, and it is also a puddle of qualified mud.

But if he applied to take over some projects as a "successor" over the years, and replaced the decision-making of Huazhi's senior management with his own opinions... that would be a real disaster.

With a few wrong decisions, the Zhao family will collapse in a few years. The collapse of a building often only occurs in one day, one night, one moment, and one person.

"There's dancing outside..."

Zhao Qi saw that his wife had no intention of rejecting him, so he slowly entered the room with very gentle movements. He closed the door and came to the sofa. His posture and expression were a little reserved, and he said slowly: "I saw your sister. ...It has been ten years since she left Dadu."

Lu Nanzhi didn't know what to say, so she just hummed softly.

ten years.

In fact, she felt a little bit relieved in her heart. Zhao Qi could tell ten years, which meant that he still remembered what happened back then, unlike those people outside who could only say "many years" and "a long time". Such a Ambiguous emotional words.

There is only one such greeting.

Because even if you are as stupid as Zhao Qi, you know that... there is really nothing to say in the matter of greetings. He and Lu Nanzhi only have a nominal relationship as husband and wife, and the relationship between them is as indifferent as water, and there is no bullshit." "One day brings a hundred days of grace to a husband." Being able to enter this reception room is considered a great blessing.

He said frankly: " was my father who asked me to come."

"……I know."

Lu Nanzhi took a sip of her slightly cold tea and calmed down. She looked at the man in front of her and said slowly: "But I really didn't expect that Mr. Congressman would let you come in contact with me first..."

What kind of trick is this?

Today's free dance is actually a silent battlefield without smoke.

Chen San from the Nanwan faction had a secret conversation with him immediately, hoping to confirm the final opinions on the Awakening Act... and further establish an alliance and cooperation between the two parties.

But until now, Cui Zhongcheng and Zhao Xilai have not made any move.

They arrived at the Liberty Auditorium, but they did not participate in the conversation in the living room, nor did they come to see me... It seemed that they were waiting for the symphony concert in the auditorium hall to start.

So these two want to make their final appearance.

But Zhao Xilai actually sent an... unexpected "vanguard".

"Father asked me to come and see you..."

Zhao Qi chuckled softly and said: "Actually, I don't really want to come, or I don't dare to come, because to me... you are really a being that is too far away, too sacred, and too ethereal."

After some compliments, Lu Nanzhi didn't react at all.

Zhao Qi did not continue to talk nonsense, but directly got to the point.

"Father hopes that you can change your attitude about the Awakening Bill... Huazhi will fully support all your political opinions except the bill." Zhao Qi took out a contract from his arms, "This is my father's will that has not been made public yet."

He put the contract on the table and slowly pushed it over. While gazing into his wife's eyes, he slowly said, "Zhao will give away 51% of the shares in Huazhi Building, and you will have absolute control of Huazhi." Power... This is far better than the wealth that Mr. Lu Cheng had back then, which has increased dozens of times in ten years. You will become the most prominent and greatest woman in Dongzhou, and even the entire five continents, second only to the one in the northern fortress. .”

Huazhi's shares are for wealth.

The seats of MPs are for power.

Lu Nanzhi looked at the contract silently. She did not open the document, but she was shocked by Zhao Xilai's courage just by listening to the words... This kind of concession was even more outrageous than cutting flesh, and it was by no means comparable to the conditions offered by Nanwan. of.

"Father's time is running out. If everything goes well, then after he leaves, he will leave me a simple trust fund. The Zhao family will still exist, but it will no longer be the owner of Huazhi... Just like Shi Like years ago." Zhao Qi said in a very soft voice: "If you are willing, you can choose to end the relationship with Zhao at any time... At that time, I will take the initiative to end the marriage with you and return your innocence. The reputation of being extraneous.”

In addition to wealth, power... and the reputation of having been in business for many years.

All were brought to him.

This guy who looked like a puddle of mud actually said something that could affect the entire five continents.

"I do not understand."

Lu Nanzhi rubbed her eyebrows and murmured softly, "I don't understand why things turned out like this... This kind of decision-making is not like the style of Mr. Congressman."

Zhao lost everything.

They all made wedding clothes for themselves.

"You really chose the wrong person to say these things to me." Zhao Qi shrugged helplessly, "I know my position very well, I'm just a fool and can't think of such profound questions... So, I can't give you Any answers.”

"These are the words that my father asked me to pass on. If you have any confusion, I think it is necessary for you to have a good talk next time."

Speaking of this, Zhao Qi's sitting posture suddenly changed. He began to sit very seriously and spoke very seriously, "Actually, I also have what I want to say...even if I am a useless waste."

"Not long ago, I also read the speeches made by alternative members."

"Father seems to be shocked. This incident is beyond everyone's expectation. I heard that Huazhi was holding a celebration banquet at that time." Zhao Qi laughed softly, "These guys have opened their champagne and are preparing to celebrate the bill war in advance. You won a big victory, and then the camera turned and you expressed your objections, everyone was shocked... This is really an interesting scene, but it's a pity that I was not there to witness it with my own eyes."

"I don't know why, but I had a hunch that you would object."

Zhao Qi said lightly: "I have no evidence, no thinking...just intuition. From the day you married Zhao, I felt that sooner or later you would stand up and stand against Zhao."

"Looking at it now, my hunch is quite accurate."

Mr. Zhao laughed at himself: "So I asked myself a long time ago...if one day Lu Nanzhi comes to the opposite side of the Zhao family, how should I deal with it? Most of the media said it right, I am just a waste with no ability. Living a prosperous life is all because I have a good father. If my father is gone one day, I will be nothing."

"For a woman like you to marry the Zhao family, it is Zhao's blessing, but it is my disaster... Because once you become my opponent, ten of us tied together will be equally vulnerable."

Lu Nanzhi looked at Zhao Qi silently.

She has some doubts now... Is this really the mud that has been reviled and looked down upon by millions of people?

A person who has such a clear understanding of himself...will he still be a puddle of mud?

"What do you want to say?"

"What I want to say is very simple... If I can't prevent the worst situation from happening, then why should I struggle and just continue to mess up." Zhao Qi said softly: "Actually, I just want a sum of money... a sum of money. This sum of money is enough for me to eat, drink and have fun. To you and Mrs. Zhao, this amount of money is just a drop in the bucket, right?"

Reality hit me hard.

How can you not be knocked down?

Some people choose to resist the pressure, straighten their spines, and stand up hard——

But Mr. Zhao's idea is very novel... I just need to lie down... and no one can knock me down.

"If you insist on holding an objection, then this fight will gradually evolve into a tug-of-war. My father will definitely modify his will, and I will still be the final successor." Zhao Qi said softly: "I came here today just to say An unlucky, but possibly possible situation—"

"Have you ever thought about what would happen if he passed away during the struggle?"

Lu Nanzhi fell silent.

If the will is revised and Zhao Qi becomes the largest controller of Huazhi, then this foundation that countless people have devoted their efforts to, this building that his father regards as a dream, will collapse soon.

“In a struggle, one side does not necessarily have to win.”

"It could also be...a lose-lose situation."

"This—that's why I'm here, to avoid a lose-lose situation."

"I don't care about one billion or ten billion, because it's too much...I can't spend it in this life. What use are the flowers to me? Since everyone wants me to be a waste, then I can just continue to be a waste. ." Zhao Qi smiled without any courtesy and shame: "I came to you because I hope I can still retain the capital of being a waste... I used to chew on the old, but now I am just a different person and become a soft rice. I don't care. ."

"If I give in and cooperate... I guess your progress will be smooth, right?"


Lu Nanzhi looked at Zhao Qi. Today's conversation gave her a new understanding of the man in front of her. He was by no means as good-for-nothing as the public thought. At least he was self-aware, and he was despicable enough... to be shameless... He unethically used his father's hard work as a bargaining chip in exchange for actual benefits.

To myself.

This is a good thing.

Zhao Qi's concession and cooperation will make this fight much easier, and all he has to pay is "a little money".

But Lu Nanzhi did not give a clear attitude. She just gave this reply calmly: "If you just want to say these things... then you can leave."

I heard the eviction order.

Zhao Qi took a deep breath and said, "I am here today for one more thing..."

He put his hand into his arms and said sincerely: "I have prepared a gift for you, a necklace. If you don't mind it, wear it at the next concert. Father will know that we have talked about it, and that we have talked about it." It’s pretty good.”

The moment Zhao Qi was about to take out the necklace box——

The lights in the reception room suddenly went out.

Not just the drawing room.

The entire free auditorium, reception room, main hall, and several side halls, together with the corridors, all lights went out in an instant, and everything was plunged into darkness.

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