Barrier of Light

Chapter 189 Spiritual Exile

The music ends.

Someone wakes up slowly.

This performance is like a dream... you are immersed in it, time has passed before you know it, and when you wake up, you feel that reality is trance-like.

Pierre is no exception.

He suddenly woke up and realized that he had completed the entire performance in a daze... Someone in the audience applauded, the curtain slowly closed, and most of the players in the orchestra were like this, looking at each other with blank expressions.

After [Dream of Oblivion] was shattered, Xiao removed all mental control.

For him, if there is no [Dream Dream], then controlling these people... will lose its meaning.

Some people woke up one after another and applauded. To them, this performance was really wonderful and amazing.

"Never has a classical music concert made me sleep so soundly."

Jiang Wan also woke up slowly. She rubbed her sore and swollen forehead, and her consciousness gradually returned from the chaos. It took her two or three seconds to wake herself up completely, and then she looked at the seat of the "target person".

This time when I came to the free dance, my biggest goal was Zhao Qi.

However... Zhao Qi's seat was empty.

Immediately afterwards, an old man at the front looked gloomy and waved, and more and more people gathered around.

Lu Nanzhi, who symbolizes the glory of most women, lowered her head slightly, as if she was asleep, sitting on the seat.

No...not like.

Instead, she just fell asleep.

At this moment, everyone was awake, but she was still sleeping, but her breathing was weak, and she looked more like...dead than sleeping.

Because Lu Nanzhi was so quiet, even if she was shaken gently and carefully, there was still no reaction.


Councilor Chen San quickly came to the front row. He looked nervous and looked at several professional medical staff who were checking.

"Still breathing...heartbeat normal..."

"All data is normal...but cannot be awakened..."

Listening to the conversation of these medical staff, Chen San felt an unknown anger welling up in his heart. He said coldly, "What's going on?"

Zhao Xilai frowned slightly and did not answer.

Cui Zhongcheng answered: "Lu Nanzhi is 'asleep'."

"Of course I know, I'm not blind." Chen San said solemnly: "She just finished the conversation with Nanwan, and it was your turn... and this kind of accident happened. And what happened to the music just now?"

Most people in Liberty Auditorium still didn't know what was going on.

But they are different. These few carry extremely high-quality spiritual seals, and they were vaguely aware of it just now... There seemed to be an irresistible force that pulled them into the dream.

The dream is not lifted until the music ends.

"I have reason to suspect that it was you who did it." Chen San said expressionlessly: "Lu Nanzhi doesn't agree with the Awakening Act, so that's not the case, right?"

The silent Zhao Xilai finally spoke.

"If I were to take action... would it be now?"

"She had an accident while talking to me... What good will it do to Hua Zhi?"

After two rhetorical questions.

Chen San restrained himself a little, took a deep breath, and said: "You'd better have nothing to do with this matter...otherwise I will apply for sanctions from the parliament and accuse you of murdering the upcoming candidate members."

"...Ha." The old man ignored this weak verbal warning.

There was commotion at the dance.

The people at the scene gathered around, but were quickly stopped... The extraordinary people from the third institute quickly established order at the scene and delivered a warning message at Zhao Xilai's request.

The entire main hall of the concert hall was emptied.

Immediately afterwards, several figures rushed over.


Song Ci, who was covered in dust, ran all the way. When he saw the scene, his eyes suddenly turned red. When he came to his wife, the temporary medical staff had been replaced by an extraordinary person with healing ability.

He hurriedly came to the lady's side, looking flustered.

"What's going on here?"

No one at the scene answered the young man. The extraordinary person responsible for sensing Lu Nanzhi's physical condition slowly opened his eyes and whispered: "Madam's body functions are still normal, but now she is in a very strange situation... She It's like 'falling asleep', but it's different from ordinary hypnosis, it's more like..."

"Spiritual exile."

When the words "mental exile" came out, the expressions of these people visibly solidified.

In the end what happened?

"The previous Freedom Auditorium..." Zhou Jiren took the two congressmen and Cui Zhongcheng and briefly explained what happened before.

During hypnosis.

Everyone lost consciousness.

But it happened that Lu Nanzhi suffered mental exile... This is not in line with normal understanding. If Xiao has the ability to mentally exile, then given his character, he will definitely not do such a thing to just one person.

Everyone in the entire auditorium will fall into a deep sleep.

"Zhou Jiren...can your 'Holy Wood' do anything about this situation?" Zhao Xilai sat in a wheelchair and spoke slowly.

"Holy wood can only heal physical wounds." Mr. Shu shook his head and said: "Spiritual injuries...I am sorry that I can't do anything, not to mention that this is a spiritual exile, which is different from a normal awakening."

Normal arousal is that the spirit is still there and only the consciousness needs to be stimulated.

And spiritual exile is... this person's "sleeping" is just an appearance. Her soul has wandered to an unknown distance. She needs to find the spirit first before she can "recall" it.

"Although I have thought about solving the Awakening Act at its root..." Zhao Xilai looked at Chen San and explained seriously: "But I did not do this. I hope Lu Nanzhi can wake up."

"People are already like this." Chen San was especially angry. He clenched his fingers until they turned blue and said coldly: "As long as she keeps sleeping like this, who will believe what you are saying now? What's the point?"

The scene was a bit stiff.

Zhao Xilai remained silent because he knew... what Chen San said was right.

"Spiritual exile... Mr. Gu, do you have any idea?" Councilor Chen asked for help anxiously.

The old man shook his head and said he was helpless.


A weak voice sounded from an inconspicuous corner.

"Can I give it a try?"

Zhao Xilai, Cui Zhongcheng, and Chen San all looked at the young man who spoke.

It wasn't until this moment that Song Ci reacted belatedly, and then he remembered that there was a great Bodhisattva who didn't look amazing, but actually had great supernatural powers.

"You, get up and drive."

Crow slapped the extraordinary person in charge of treatment and asked him to get out of the way unceremoniously.

Gu Shen came to Lu Nanzhi's seat.

He looked at the sleeping lady... and lost in thought.

Lu Nanzhi's eyebrows exuded a faint aura of death.

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