Barrier of Light

Chapter 202 Night Talk (Part 1)

" don't have anything to say?"

The dim firelight swayed in the old house on Lion Lane. Lu Nanzhi took out a red lantern from the old house. This old house was very old and seemed to have kept many "old era" items.

The lady stood on tiptoes and hung the lantern on the branches of the banyan tree in the yard.

The red string swayed in the wind.

The lantern emitted thousands of weak lights, and Gu Shen felt illuminated by these lights... and his spirit became much more relaxed.

This is no ordinary lantern.

The flickering fire seemed to contain some incredible spiritual element.

Hmm... the principle seems to be somewhat similar to "Lion Sobering Up"?

But... the owner of this old mansion is Lu Cheng, a pioneer in Dongzhou who studied and researched with Alan Turing. It's not surprising what kind of items he can develop!

"What do I want to hear..." After Lu Nanzhi hung the lantern, he sat under the tree, upright, looked at Gu Shen, and said, "You should know very well."

Gu Shen also sat down.

He said frankly: "As I said last time...I can push the door open..."

There was a pause.

Gu Shen looked directly at Lu Nanzhi, "Then, I pushed away."

Lu Nanzhi did not realize that "spiritual exile" was a scary or dangerous thing... Everything that happened in the Freedom Auditorium was just a dream to her.

And when I woke up, the dusty old door in my mind had been opened.

The ancient characters sealed on the red door no longer exist, and the entangled spiritual shackles have also fallen even if she doesn't know what happened, she knows it.

The red door was pushed open!

"What's behind that door?" Lu Nanzhi's tone became urgent. When the red door opened, she was the one with the worst luck. According to the powerful summoning rules, all the members of the Ancient Literature Society in the conference room would be mentally alert. She came to see the "key", but she was the only "exception"... The spirit was exiled and wandered outside the void, unable to be summoned at all.

In a sense, in the perception of the deep sea, Lu Nanzhi is no different from a dead person.

So...she was unaware of everything that happened in the conference room.

Find the key!

This is the goal that my father has been pursuing for nearly ten years!

After Alan Turing's "death", only a fragmented conference room and an elusive "key" message were left. The remaining members of the Ancient Literature Society on five continents are looking for this last hope.

Now that the key finally appeared, how could she not be excited?


Gu Shen said slowly: "Behind the door is a conference room. I think you should know very well what this conference room means. Besides... you are the one who should give more explanations."

He looked at the woman who was about to become the third member of parliament in the metropolitan area.

"Many big figures in the parliament have read my file, and I believe you are no exception..."

Gu Shen said solemnly: "Three months ago, I was just an ordinary citizen in Dadeng City. Because of a fire, I was involved in a series of extraordinary events. I joined the adjudication office, became an adjudicator, and then became a so-called The 'key'... Fate did not give me the power to choose. I need an explanation for all of this."

In the spiritual world.

Gu Shen had already heard an answer from Chu Ling from the "source code".

Now, he wants to get the answer to the material world from the carrier of the "Red Door".

Under the dim light of the banyan tree lantern, Lu Nanzhi's expression calmed down. She stared at the boy and said softly but firmly: "The fire accident... is basically the work of the Jiujiu Foundation. The origin of all this It's a coincidence, but what happened next...joining the adjudication office, coming to Dadu, and becoming an adjudicator was the plan of the [Ancient Literature Society]."

Gu Shen's pupils contracted slightly.

"Someone knew earlier than me... that you are the 'key'. He is the boy code-named 031 in the conference room. I don't know his specific identity in the real world, but he revealed the information about the 'key' to me. "." Lu Nanzhi said seriously: "Actually, it is reasonable that he can find you, because the remaining members of the Ancient Literature Society, the survivors from all five continents of the world, are all looking for you. We have been working hard for nearly twenty years. "

The boy codenamed 031?

Gu Shen frowned slightly.

He thought of that familiar look when the meeting ended...

031 locked up his "key" identity earlier than Lu Nanzhi... If we start from the fire accident, there are only two identities for 031, one is a big figure in the parliament who has not yet appeared in public.

There are twenty seats in the Dongzhou Parliament. Those who sit on the seats, as well as some people who have great power but do not sit on the seats, need to be classified into the first category.

As for the second category... Gu Shen thought of his teacher almost instantly.

"Are you from Zhou Ji?"

This doubt appeared in my mind and immediately took root.

Before the fire accident, Zhou Jiren had extended an olive branch to him... He seemed to know the history of the [Ancient Literature Society] very well, and he was also very optimistic about his future. For an ordinary person who had not yet awakened to his extraordinary abilities, this was too much. It's unreasonable.

After he left the conference room, he met the teacher's eyes.

I didn't feel anything strange at all.

This old he hiding, or is he?

Gu Shen silently suppressed this doubt. In his opinion, Zhou Jiren was the "biggest suspect" of 031. Since the old fox wanted to hide it, he did not need to expose it.

He briefly talked about what happened after opening the red door.

Of course... Chu Ling was hidden.

It's not that he doesn't believe Madam, but because Chu Ling's existence is too special, Gu Shen doesn't think it is meaningful to leak the secret of the "source code".

"Forcing a spiritual link..."

Lu Nanzhi's frown slowly loosened. She breathed a sigh of relief after hearing the end, "After the mental gathering... I immediately announced the adjournment of the meeting. Although it seemed to be a bluff, the thunder was loud and the rain was small, but in fact it was already very serious. Good solution.”

It’s better than forcing a meeting.

"I have nothing to say." Gu Shen said calmly: "And with that spiritual veil... everyone must be very interested in the identity of 'Key'. The more you talk about it, the more it will be exposed. At this stage, I I don’t want to reveal my identity yet.”

"You did the right thing."

"After more than ten years of continuous changes... the Ancient Prose Society has undergone many changes." Lu Nanzhi said softly: "At least in this conference room, everyone is a stranger to each other, gathered because of the search for the 'key' , in a sense, we are all desperadoes looking for light in the apocalypse... What we fear most is not the lack of hope, but how to continue to move forward cohesively after we truly have hope."

Sharing joys and sorrows, the difficulty lies in the former.

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