Barrier of Light

Chapter 210 Apostle

The wind in Dadu today is very noisy.

But not gentle.

Especially on the top of the thirty-ninth floor of Nanwan Tower.

"It is said that standing here, you can overlook the entire metropolitan area..."

A thin man wearing a long black windbreaker sat hanging on the edge of the roof of Nanwan Building, with his hands on the ground. At this height, the biting wind blew against the hem of the windbreaker like a blade, blowing the coat back and forth. Swing.

"It's pure nonsense."

A calm and contemptuous response came from behind.

The flowing strong wind swept over the roof of the building and formed a weak vortex against the ground.

The man who spoke had his arms folded. He was wearing a long black trench coat that was almost the same style as the previous one, but he looked very funny. The hem of the long windbreaker fell to the ground, and after being lifted by the wind... it could be seen that his feet did not touch the ground at all, but were hanging above the roof of the building.

This man looks tall because he is actually hanging half a meter above the ground. His real height is only about one and a half meters, maybe... a little more.

A giant-looking... dwarf.

He said with great disdain, "Standing on the roof of this building, you can't see anything... In terms of height, if you put it in Zhongzhou, it is not even one-third of the Tower of Source, maybe even lower!"

"After all, this is Dongzhou. A small dilapidated building... cannot be compared with the Tower of Origin."

The thin man smiled and stood up slowly. Half of his body was hanging outside the building, swaying slightly in the wind. It looked like he might fall at any time, but in fact his feet were stuck to the ground. He stood extremely stable, like a spirit. iron.

"This is my second time coming to Dadu after ten years... In fact, the development here is quite fast, and the scenery is quite beautiful. It's much better than I imagined." The thin man dusted off the dust on his shoulders and said softly: "Before The words were actually said by Chen San. When he just won the metropolitan district council seat, he was an ambitious man. At that time, he felt that the higher he stood, the further he could see. But standing on the roof of the Nanwan Building, he could see further. Being able to arm-wrestle with Zhao Xilai is like overlooking the entire metropolis."

The dwarf hanging in the air sneered: "Come on? Nanwan is almost beaten by Huazhi and can't even lift his head. If you can clearly see the one-third of an acre of land in front of your door, you are lucky. After the federal investigation team concludes the case, Standing on the roof of this building, how far can you see clearly? Can you see the Nanjiang River in the distance? He is no match for Zhao Xilai."

The thin man smiled and agreed, then murmured softly: "Now that he is determined to oppose the bill... I think Chen San still doesn't know what price he is about to pay for his choice."

As he spoke, a few rays of light flashed in the distance.

Several drones flying in the air, carrying the "Sky Eyes" of the deep sea, patrolled the area under the jurisdiction of Nanwan Building.

After experiencing a power outage, South Bay's defense was extremely tight.

Every once in a while, the Sky Eye will capture the scene around the building in all directions.


The flickering light fell in front of the two people on the roof of the building. There was nothing strange about it. There was no alarm or warning. It was as if... it was captured in the air.

At the moment of recording, there was an invisible force twisting in the air, as if a twisting barrier had formed, obliterating the sight of the two of them.

In fact, thanks to the support of huge database computing power, the "eyes of the sky" in the deep sea can detect strange extraordinary auras and report them immediately, using the calculations of the master brain to determine whether there is danger... This wall of air can block normal The human eye, however, cannot stop the "eyes of the sky" under the concentration of the deep sea.

However, there are always exceptions to everything.

All actions in the deep sea, from recording to uploading to early warning...every level requires permission and consent. Although it is only completed in a "moment", it actually goes through layers of consent.

The moment the strange extraordinary aura was detected, a certain command that had already been preset in the program was automatically triggered and the order was issued.

The authority of this order is far higher than that of the person in charge of Nanwan Building.


Report an interruption.

Judging from what happened on the surface...then nothing happened.

But... the normal patrol procedure still needs to go through a complete process. The drones are arranged in a queue and slowly rotate around the Nanwan Building——

The dwarf suspended in the air frowned. He stared at the drones flying around and gradually lost his patience.

In his eyes... these drones equipped with "Sky Eyes" are like mosquitoes buzzing around his ears. Although they will not trigger the alarm, they keep flying around him. A very annoying thing.

The dwarf snapped his fingers.


Where the fingertips tapped, a ripple appeared in the void, as if a chess piece was knocked out... But the transfer of the chess piece was not linear, but discontinuous, leaping, and shattering like a shuttle. After a distance of tens of meters in the void, all these drones were directly beaten to pieces!

"Bang" sound!

The sky eye was blown out, a burst of green smoke emitted in the air, and the patrol drones exploded high in the sky of the building, turning into a cloud of broken daytime fireworks.

Seeing this scene, the thin man looked a little gloomy. He whispered, "Tie Wu, Master Jiu should have reminded you not to be high-profile during your trip to Dadu. Before taking action... don't let anyone know that the apostle is here."

The dwarf Iron Five disagreed.

"Old Qin, relax."

He said calmly: "The damage to the Sky Eye... happens every day. Even if the staff of this small broken building wants to investigate, they will find that there is nothing abnormal in the final video of the deep sea. This is an ordinary accident. No one will care about it. Several drones crashed. What's more, I am responsible for most of the tasks and have nothing to do with you. I will use my own way to resolve the dispute over the bill."

Lao Qin's expression gradually returned to calm, and he did not continue speaking.

"Master Jiu asked me to kill Lu Nanzhi... But down there is Chen San's office. If he gets rid of him, wouldn't the matter of the bill be solved more thoroughly?" Tie Wu said regretfully, "Kill him." Death of a woman sounds really boring.”

"Chen San is always accompanied by a titled Chaorhan."

The thin man reminded lightly: "It's [Shuangchuan] Gu Zhi who retreated from Beizhou Fortress ten years ago. You should have heard of this title's name. A skinny camel is bigger than a horse... Although his strength has declined now, But it’s still a ban.”


Tiewu narrowed his eyes, licked his lips, and laughed softly: "Of course I have heard of [Shangchuan]... But these old bones are almost falling apart, right? Can they still fight?"

Lao Qin did not give him any face, and said coldly: "If I don't use the token, I will have no problem beating you to death."

Tiewu didn't feel the slightest bit embarrassed.

He smiled frankly and said, "Yeah... If I don't use tokens, I wouldn't dare challenge the title. But who makes us an 'apostle'?"

"Whether the power of the badge token can be used is another question if you disobey the Lord God's order."

Old Qin said calmly: "Master Jiu asked you to kill Lu Nanzhi, you'd better obey God's decree."

"Okay, okay, okay."

Tiewu looked helpless and raised his hands in a gesture of surrender, "Of course I know that I must abide by God's will... I have served Lord Jiu for many years, and I have never done anything wrong that goes against his will. What I just said was just words."

"Let me make it clear to you in advance. The gentleman I serve has told me to just monitor the passage of the bill in the dark. So from today on, whatever you want to do... has nothing to do with me." Lao Qin said: " I am only responsible for confirming that the bill has been passed when I leave Dadu. Do you... understand what I mean?"

Although they are both apostles and came to the capital from Central China together, Lao Qin and Tie Wu actually serve different "gods".

But the purpose of the embrace is the same.

With the blessing of the will of the highest seat, most of them were turned into a chessboard.

"I understand." Tie Wu's ears were almost calloused. He sighed softly: "I will do the don't need to take action."

"Yes, I won't take action." Lao Qin stood on the roof of the building, overlooking the ground. Several people were surrounding the wreckage of the fallen drone. He spoke in a very soft voice, "Even if you are killed."

"Dong dong."

On the top floor of Huazhi Building, there was a knock on the door in front of Cui Zhongcheng's office.

The secretary spoke in a low voice, "Mr. Xiao Cui... there is someone outside who wants to see you."

Due to the sudden change in the bill, the entire Huazhi has become very busy. The date for Lu Nanzhi to take over as an alternative member is counting down. The negotiations at the Liberty Auditorium have not worked. Now Huazhi is preparing to impose final sanctions on her.

In order to ensure that enough pressure can be exerted to force Lu Nanzhi to change his mind, it is not enough to freeze assets and authority... After all, the latter has already hid in the old house on Lion Lane, and taking over the alternative council seat has become a What is certain is that Lu Nanzhi is obviously ready to give up everything in Huazhi and join Nanwan's camp.

"No appointments, no show."

Cui Zhongcheng was on the phone with someone important... He didn't even look up.

In fact, everyone knows that the sanctions that Huazhi can come up with are difficult to change all this... If you want Lu Nanzhi to cast the decisive vote, conventional methods are just a waste of time and in vain.

It's just that the old man doesn't want to quarrel.

five minutes later.

There was a knock on the office door again.


Cui Zhongcheng frowned and put down the communicator, but did not hang up.

But this time there was no voice of inquiry, the door was just pushed open, and a man in a trench coat floating in the air slowly floated over. He turned twice in the air like a ghost, and then slowly landed on the sofa, looking for He sat down lazily in a comfortable position.

"He's from Zhongzhou." Tie Wu stretched out a hand, lazily supported his chin, and said softly: "Cui Zhongcheng, right... I've heard your name, don't worry, I just came to have a chat with you. "

The door crack opened a corner.

Cui Zhongcheng looked gloomy, and he caught a glimpse of his secretary sleeping on the ground.

The one from Central Continent... is so unbridled and rampant that his identity is already revealed.

"Is this the attitude of having a chat?" Mr. Xiao Cui pushed up his monocle and spoke coldly.

"Don't worry, it's just ordinary hypnosis. She won't be harmed... At this juncture, I want to see you, a busy man, and I seem to have no other choice." Tie Wu smiled indifferently and said gently: "According to Zhao According to our original agreement, the bill should not be like it is now, with so many troubles, and even whether it is passed or not, there is a big question mark."

"Whether the bill can be passed... is a matter for Dadu. If you step back ten thousand steps, it is also Dongzhou's matter. It is not your turn, and the person behind you will intervene." Cui Zhongcheng's attitude did not change, his face was expressionless. The expression said: "The duty of an apostle is to eliminate black spots and avoid the expansion of disasters that destroy order... When did you start to take care of other people's internal affairs?"

"Every man is responsible for the rise and fall of the world." Tie Wu leaned forward and said with a smile: "As an apostle, what you have to do is not only to eliminate black spots, but also to maintain the peace and stability of the five continents. It is also one of your responsibilities."


Extremely shameless.

"My meeting with Mr. Xiao Cui this time is definitely not to cause trouble. In fact, I have high respect for Zhao and Huazhi. After the future bill is implemented, Zhongzhou will maintain close cooperation with you."

"I just want to convey the meaning of the adult behind me... Huazhi handled the matter of the bill too slowly."

Tie Wu crossed his arms and sat back on the sofa, "It's just a woman, why is it so difficult to deal with? Is there anyone in Dadu whom Hua Zhi cannot bribe?"

Cui Zhongcheng said unceremoniously: "I'm sorry...there really is such a person, Lu Nanzhi is it."

Is there anything greater than the conditions offered by Zhao Xilai?

He rejected the inheritance rights of the entire flower banner, but also opposed the bill... This kind of courage has actually inspired many people. Senior officials who have clearly seen the situation in Dongzhou and other continents are more or less resistant to the bill. of.

Take a step back today.

What about tomorrow?

To take one step back is to take ten thousand steps back.

"Since it can't be bribed, then just get rid of her." Tie Wu said calmly: "Kill her and cultivate a new candidate member in a short time... It just requires a yes vote. Nanwan is now We are deeply involved in a public controversy, and the federal investigation team will soon arrive. Now is an excellent opportunity."


Cui Zhongcheng was silent for a long time and said, "Sorry, it's not your turn to teach me what to do about the bill..."

"It's really surprising... Has Zhao become so weak now? He has completely lost his original firmness."

Tie Wu shook his head regretfully, "Today's conversation... I will truthfully pass it on to the two adults at the Tower of Source. I hope they can still trust you so firmly. In addition, within three days, if you If you don't take action, I will have to do the dirty work for you two reluctantly."


Cui Zhongcheng stared at Tie Wu, his face livid, "I won't give it away."

This black windbreaker dangling in the air slowly lifted off the ground, resuspended and floated away. In the real-time monitoring displayed on the desktop screen... this was a formless ghost. The deep sea ignored the existence of the "apostle" and wiped it away. There are no traces of his visit.

After confirming that the person has left.

"Did you...hear everything?" Cui Zhongcheng said with a headache.

There was a long silence over the communicator.


Mr. Zhao's voice sounded a little weak: "Let Liu Yi take the people there..."

The communicator is also turned off.

The whole office fell into silence. Cui Zhongcheng slowly leaned back. He was in a daze, and there was a knock on the door again.

"Same as the previous person... no appointment."

The voice outside the door sounded smiling and very young.

Humble and gentle.

There is no hostility.

"The difference surname is Gu, and I'm from Nagano."

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