Barrier of Light

Chapter 220 Sisters (3)

It’s not that I’m unprepared…

Although Tie Wu looked down on the extraordinary people in this Lion Alley, he knew very well what this mission meant.

He has always been adhering to the idea of ​​​​surprise and preemptive strike.

Say hello with a smile, and then suddenly draw the sword out of its sheath, this is what he does best.

However, I didn't expect... there was someone more "insidious" than him, who didn't even bother to say hello.

"Bang" sound!

Tie Wu only felt as if he had been kicked by an elephant. The man in the suit's fist was as hot as a branding iron, pouring into him with extremely heavy power.

too heavy!

too heavy! !

The short figure hanging in the air stepped on the vortex fan at the bottom of his feet, and used his cheek to catch Song Ci's full punch. The steel fan spun wildly, and a low roar burst out, soaring in the long night.

He seemed to want to fight against this huge force. only lasted for a second.

The fan on the bottom of the foot could not bear the huge penetration force and suddenly exploded.

Song Ci punched out a complete punch.

Tie Wu's body was shot out like a cannonball, crashing through two thick alley walls one after another, and was hit from Lion Alley to the next door Jixiang Alley.

Liu Yi looked at Song Ci with a horrified expression, as if he was seeing a ghost.

Is this a power that humans can possess? No matter how hard an attack-type transcendent refines his body, it will be difficult for him to have such brute strength, right?

If you get punched by this guy...can you really survive?

Smoke and dust filled the air.

Song Ci patted his shoulder, dusted off the excess dust, and said softly: "Sorry... I didn't hear clearly. What's your name?"

A trembling voice came from the distance.

"Since you didn't hear it clearly... then I'll say it again..."

There was laughter in the voice.

The trembling was because... crackling stone chips and iron chips kept falling from his body.

"Iron five... iron of steel, five of one, two, three, four, five."

"Central Continent, Tower of Source, Apostle of Dionysus. Iron Five."

Song Ci narrowed his eyes. Two alleys were penetrated, revealing a large hole. The diffuse smoke and dust were blown away by the powerful wind. At the end, a short figure who fell heavily appeared. His face was covered with blood, but With a full smile, even after suffering such a heavy blow, he still remained calm and did not fall to the ground.

Tie Wu raised his hands as if sitting on a throne.


That is a throne.

The walls were mottled and peeled off, countless iron filings were revealed, and the trembling voice became denser and more determined... Finally, behind him and under him, steel intertwined to form a throne, and he sat on it.

"In the name of the throne of God... I carry out the orders of the gods."

Tie Wu raised a palm, pointed it at Song Ci, and pressed it slowly.

The entire Lion Alley resounded with a detailed roaring sound. One by one, the iron tools were pulled out and then recast. They crashed into the "black hole" in the dark night, and at this moment, each iron tool began to reveal its Cold light... The old rust stains attached to them were removed by indescribable divine power, and the "black hole" where countless iron tools collided and collapsed began to expand.

After recasting.

A sword emerged from the iron ball completely transformed.

Song Ci looked at the magnificent scene in the sky and felt tremendous pressure, with a few drops of sweat on his forehead.

Countless iron tools were pulled out, recast into new forms...and washed away from dust and rust, and given new life. This is truly an incredible sight that makes people want to admire them. wasn't pointed out by these iron tools.

He took a gentle, subtle breath.

Song Ci's expression didn't change. He smiled lightly despite the pressure.

Tie Wu, who was sitting on the throne, had a face as powerful as a god. He stared at Song Ci, and his voice spread like thunder.

"Tell me your name."

Song Ci was silent for a second.

He is a vulgar man.

Faced with this situation, his response has always been vulgar.

"I'm your father."

"Follow me, there is a secret passage in the master bedroom of the house."

The lady tidied up briefly.

At the first moment of the crisis...she did not hesitate and chose to evacuate.

This is not the first time this has happened. She has also experienced "assassinations" in the past in Dadu. Professional matters need to be handled by professionals. Hesitation will only cause greater losses.

During this handover of candidates, she is ready to deal with any bad situation.

Being assassinated... is naturally also considered.

A long time ago, when Lao Lu built this house, he had considered safety issues. This underground passage was Huazhi's secret project in the old city. After going deep into the passage, you can reach the underground pipes that connect the entire old city. The underground construction extends in all directions. As long as you are familiar with the road map, you can go to any place.

The lady subconsciously tugged on her sister and found that she was not tugged.


Nan Jin held the knife in his hand and said to Gu Shen, "You are responsible for escorting my sister out of here."

"You're not leaving?"

The lady frowned: "You should know what kind of existence [Apostle] is."

[Lantern] is about to burn out.

If we don't get out at this time, there will only be more trouble in the future.

"of course I know……"

Lu Nanjin smiled: "[Apostles] with God-given power are invincible...that's what the teacher said to me."

She looked out of the courtyard and whispered, "How can you know it's true if you don't give it a try?"

Lu Nanzhi fell silent.

"I know what you're thinking, I'm not crazy."

Nan Jin took a breath, and his whole state became much lighter.

All along, she had something to say.

The words I had been holding back for a long time finally came out at this moment: "In fact, these years, I am not like you think, running around all over the world, just to find a place to give up my life. Who wouldn't want to Live longer?”

"I just don't like the feeling of being unable to do anything on that day when blood was shed in Lion Alley. I was hiding behind you, pulling on your clothes."

Her palm rested on the scabbard inside her windbreaker.

"So...I held the knife."

"The purpose is that one day, if the same thing happens again, I don't have to flinch and can draw my sword to kill."

Little girl holding knife.

Now he has grown up.

"Now the day has come—"

"Song Ci has always been good at fighting. What if he is almost able to kill the [Apostle]?" Lu Nanjin held down the two swords, her eyes ignited with a fierce fighting spirit, and her voice became louder and louder: "If you add me, we might be able to succeed."

"...You are still the same as before."

The lady looked at her sister and spoke softly, "Ten years have passed, and you are still the same Lu Nanjin you were before. It's just that you have grown up, but your personality has not changed at all. Who else knows you better than me? Even without holding a knife. , you are also that little hedgehog who wants to fight to the death."

Lu Nanjin was startled.

"I know, I can't defeat you."

The lady slowly approached and gave her sister a hug that she had not seen for ten years.

She patted Nan Jin's shoulder and said softly: "You will definitely do what you are determined to do...even if it means you are broken into pieces, you don't care."

The words fell.

Lu Nanjin's pupils shrank slightly, then widened.

The palm holding the scabbard slowly relaxed.

The lady retracted her hand from her cuff. There was a quick-acting psycholytic needle hidden there, which was made from the spiritual element of "Lion Sobering Up".

She leaned against Lu Nanjin's gradually falling shoulders and said softly: "Mr. Xiao Gu... help me. I'm going to trouble you next."

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