Barrier of Light

Chapter 237 Fugue

"There is still...countdown until consciousness freezes, 5 seconds."

"4 seconds."

The moment the purple glow dispersed, Chu Ling's spiritual link prompt sounded in Gu Shen's mind.

Freeze of consciousness...

Gu Shen raised his head, and in countless hazy and flickering purple lights, he saw Tie Wu who was originally sitting on the Iron Throne. A large amount of extraordinary source material emerged from his body, and his entire face began to distort, change... and become someone else. A young man with a divine aura.

Is that...the throne of God?

"1 second……"

The countdown is over.

His consciousness was really frozen... This was a very strange feeling. Gu Shen felt as if his hands and feet had fallen into an ice cellar. He tried to move his head and hold his fists, but all movements failed. Then be able to respond to the brain's response.


The world in front of me became dark little by little.

My mind is like a computer, and what controls my mind is a series of codes... Now the code tells me that it is about to shut down.

He could not refuse such an order.

After his consciousness froze, Gu Shen didn't hear the notification sound in his mind.

"The mental emergency extraction procedure is started."

I do not know how long it has been.

Maybe it's a second, maybe it's a hundred years.

The moment the freezing of consciousness occurs, time loses its meaning.

"Swiss, swiss, swish."

Until a slight noise sounded inside the skull.

["Is this... what it feels like when your consciousness is frozen?\

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