Barrier of Light

Chapter 242 I’m still alive (1500 votes plus more updates)

Zhongzhou sent two apostles to Dadu.

Assassinating Lu Nanzhi was only one of the goals... There was another more important thing than the Awakening Act, which was to investigate Gu Changzhi's life and death.

This is the biggest issue that has weighed on the minds of everyone in Parliament for the past two decades.

The truth has been suppressed in the tomb for too long, and everyone needs an answer.

Now Dionysus sees—

The answer is that Gu Changzhi is still alive.

But the "god coming" at this moment is very abnormal.

Dionysus calmed down and asked tentatively: "Since you have never died... why did you wait until today to show up?"

Gu Shen didn't respond.

He just looked at the Dionysus coldly.

it is more than words.

"...What do you want to talk about and how do you want to talk about it?" Dionysus suddenly felt a headache.

Taming fire and becoming a god is actually just putting a layer of deification on the ordinary heart.

If the appearance of the "Dionysian Seat" fades away, will he still be admired by thousands of people in the Tower of Source?

Just like this moment... Even in his own divine domain, he still inevitably becomes a common man. He needs to assess the situation, scheming and fighting for the final benefits for himself and Central Continent.

Under the cloak of God, there may not be a pure and innocent heart.

Or maybe... there has never been a god who is aloof and unstained by dust in this world.

Gu Shen remained expressionless.

But his heart was spinning rapidly.

Obviously, the Dionysus wanted to extract some information from himself... I am afraid that this aloof God never thought that this body was not controlled by Gu Changzhi, but by himself.


He still didn't respond, but just raised his palm again, and the arc of truth symbolizing "destruction" appeared in his palm.

This divine war has ended before it even begins.

Holding the ruler of truth developed to 200% by the "God's Thought", Gu Shen can crush the divine realm at any time. In this case, he has the absolute initiative.

He must ensure that after today's visit, the Dionysus believes that... Gu Changzhi is still alive.

Too many words lead to mistakes.

He didn't want to reveal any information.

So Gu Shen put on a tough stance ready to flip the table over at any time.

This time is not that time.

There is a very delicate balance between war and peace. When both sides regain their senses and one side is willing to make a retreat...then the possibility of the war rekindling is greatly reduced.

If that evil thought was controlling the body, then the divine realm at this moment might have been beaten to pieces.

And it is unknown what kind of counterattack the Dionysus, under the overwhelming rage, will make after the divine presence is over...

Gu Shen said nothing.

Dionysus can only guess for himself.

He gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice: "If you care about Dongzhou's Awakening Act, this is not something I can decide alone... But after today, knowing that you are still alive, the Federation will definitely reconsider..."

"Since you can come to God, it would be great to participate in the God's Throne meeting... We will all seriously consider your opinions!"

Hearing these words of compromise and concession... Gu Shen suddenly understood something outrageous and sad.


The implementation of the bill is a sharp sword used by the Tower of Source to test whether Gu Changzhi is still alive.

This is bullying Dongzhou No One!

If what Mr. Turing said is true...then the enactment of the bill will cause a disaster.

"The bill should not be enacted." Gu Shen said slowly.


The Dionysus looked startled and frowned.

This is not something Gu Changzhi should say...

"You must also know that the bill is the best choice after deep-sea calculations. Even if it is not implemented in Dongzhou, it will be promulgated in other regions." Dionysian looked a little confused and said: "At the beginning, the construction of deep-water areas was the most popular to promote extraordinary development. The person... is you. The one who stands up to oppose the bill now is you, Gu Changzhi, what are you thinking?"

Is that so?

At that time, Mr. Gu Changzhi was actually the person most supportive of the construction of deepwater areas...

Gu Shen avoided the topic and said, "Besides the bill...what else is there?"

For some reason, Dionysian's attitude changed.

He narrowed his eyes and stopped retreating: "Since it is a negotiation, you have to say something, right? Your behavior in the God's Domain has violated the default rules of the highest table."

"Rules?" Gu Shen said coldly: "Who broke the rules first?"

Zhongzhou sent apostles to openly assassinate most of the congressmen.

This is a "representative person" who acts under the orders of God. If we look into this matter... it is not Dongzhou who wants to provoke a war, but the Tower of Origin.

If God hadn’t come today.

Then soon... Dongzhou will become a plaything in the palm of the tower's big shot.


Dionysian's attitude suddenly changed.

He slowly drifted backwards, and stared at Gu Shen meaningfully from a distance. His blue pupils reflected everything in the world, and he seemed to see through all the souls in this body.

The god in moon-white robes said softly: "You are not Gu Changzhi."

Negotiations were terminated at this point.

"I have never seen such a 'divine presence', and I have never seen tokens change hands..."


"Too strange……"

"Is this... really Gu Changzhi's token?"

Dionysus spread his arms and made a free falling posture.

Before falling, he looked at the silver arc in Gu Shen's palm. It was indeed a terrifying weapon, but unfortunately... this was just a battle in the spiritual realm.

No matter how this battle develops, it will not threaten his own fire or his life.

"I don't believe that Gu Changzhi is still alive..."

The voice of the boy in a moon-white robe floated in the night sky.

"If you want to erase my head, then erase it. I will not resist in the final moments of 'God's Coming'. This divine battle is meaningless...and this negotiation is meaningless. After today, about this I will personally set out to find the answer to the truth about this 'divine arrival' and the secret of [Qingzhong]."

behind him.

The falling raindrops are about to fall on the earth.

This is a real-world second.

This is also the time when Iron Five's body can carry the "god's arrival"... Everyone's frozen thoughts are about to recover, just like spring comes to life, the ice melts and the snow melts, and at the last moment when the water drops are about to drip.

A wisp of fire ignited between Gu Shen's eyebrows.

The complete divine realm of Dionysus was originally cut in half by the arc of truth, but at this moment... it was completely stripped away. This does not symbolize the power of destruction.

Most of the night was burned and broken.

Dionysus spread his arms and fell. His consciousness did not return to the Tower of Source as expected, but fell to the actual ground.

He was startled.

The blazing light in front of him was like a grand palace made of countless lights.

This is?

This is……

The Dionysus propped up his elbows and sat up with difficulty.

This is... Gu Changzhi's spiritual realm.

He had seen this place before... He had paid the price for that "spying".

The Dionysian's face turned pale. He was also a God, but his spiritual power was forcibly detained elsewhere after ending the divine presence?

There was a man standing on the throne of light, his body wrapped in blazing flames. His face could not be seen clearly, but his voice resounded like a yellow bell, reverberating in all directions of the boundless light.

"Don't bother me and leave in person..."

"I'm alive."

(Continue to ask for monthly tickets~)

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