Barrier of Light

Chapter 246 Draw a knife

Most of the wind has been shed tonight, and the blood has been shed.

The long knife hanging above Qin Ye's eyebrows was extremely stable in the wind.

Just a hair's breadth away and it will fall.

Lu Nanjin's hair was messed up by the wind and flew in front of her face, revealing only a pair of eyes that exuded a ghostly light.

Qin Ye slowly opened his eyes and saw Lu Nanjin's murderous eyes, and he couldn't help but smile.

"Do you want to kill me?"

Qin Ye spoke in a very soft voice, and his tone sounded more like provocation... He didn't care about his life or death at all, as if he was looking forward to the moment when Lu Nanjin dropped the knife.


Lu Nanjin's voice was colder than the light of the sword.

ten years ago.

This man didn't hesitate at all when he took away Lu Cheng's life.

"Then take action..." Qin Ye smiled and said, "Kill me with one knife."

Before Qin Ye could finish his words—

The sword light has flashed out!

Lu Nanjin held the knife in both hands and stabbed down with all his strength!

At the same time, an invisible and thin layer of dark mirror opened between Qin Ye's eyebrows!


Qin Ye groaned, and Lan Qie's sharp blade slammed into the area where [Xumi] was close to him, piercing a layer of flesh and blood, but was bounced away the next moment.

With a moment of impact.

Qin Ye rolled over and tried to stand up, but fell heavily to the ground again the next moment.

Countless vines covered with ferocious spikes burst out of the ground in an instant and entangled his legs. These vines and [Xumi] were entangled together, making it impossible for him to move...

"damn it--"

Veins bulged on Qin Ye's forehead, and his furious voice suddenly stopped.

An iron fist hit him hard on the cheek, causing him to roll in the air, and a tooth was knocked out.

It's hard to believe that this is a woman's fist.


Immediately afterwards, another blow struck his knee, hitting Qin Ye's heart, causing him to fly out and embed himself on a stone wall in the distance. He coughed up a large mouthful of blood, and before he could react, There was another thunderous sound next to my ears.

Lu Nanjin took a running start from a distance. She threw her long knife, threw away her windbreaker, and countless fists fell like a storm. She used her full strength to hit Qin Ye's face with every blow!

at last……

"Boom" sound.

The last punch missed and hit the stone wall where Qin Ye's head used to be.

Lu Nanjin gasped hoarsely.

Hair strands fall apart.

In front of her, Qin Ye, who was leaning against the stone wall, slowly slid down. He no longer had the strength to stand... Who would have thought that the aloof [Apostle] would look so embarrassed, with blood all over his face and no breath left. Didn't get out much.

"Do you want to kill him?"

Zhou Jiren's voice came from afar.

Lu Nanjin looked at the teacher.

Mr. Shu squatted on the ground, narrowed his eyes, and was staring intently at a blood-stained coat of arms on the ground, which was engraved with an acorn fell out of Qin Ye's arms during the fight.

This is... a token of another divine throne in the Tower of Source.

The old guy didn't directly reach out to pick up the coat of arms. Instead, he put on special gloves with strong logical material properties and took out a purple-silver sealed bag. Then he reached out to touch the token and put it into the bag.


Lu Nanjin lowered his head and looked down at Qin Ye, whose face was covered with blood. He had lost his token and was bound by the sacred tree. This should be his best chance to kill Qin Ye, bar none.

"He killed Lu Cheng." She said calmly: "Blood debt must be paid with blood, one life for another. This is fair."

"Well...that makes sense, I agree."

Zhou Jiren took back the token and said calmly: "Now that the decision has been made, let's take action... The premise is that you are ready to withstand the counterattack of the Tower of Source."

Lu Nanjin stared at Qin Ye silently. The man with blood on his face no longer had the strength to resist. He simply raised his head, grinned slowly at himself, and squeezed out a smile.

He is inviting his own hands.

next moment.

The sacred tree broke out of the ground and wrapped it into a cocoon, locking Qin Ye inside. He was unable to communicate with the outside world and could not hear any sound.

"What will happen if you don't kill him?" Lu Nanjin asked in a hoarse voice.

"The Judgment Council will detain him. Even the [Apostle], who violated the laws of the Federal Parliament, cannot escape due sanctions." Zhou Jiren stood up and said: "If Zhongzhou chooses to negotiate and try to rescue him, then ten Cases from years ago can be held accountable again.”

Lu Nanjin's gray eyes moved slightly.

Is it still necessary to pursue the case ten years ago? People are dead.

In fact, she knew that this was a trap. If Zhongzhou wanted to rescue Qin Ye, it would be equivalent to indirectly admitting that she had participated in the plot to assassinate important officials in Dongzhou.

But what if Zhongzhou is not fooled?

"If that god chooses to give up on him... then he will be dead."

Zhou Jiren said: "I don't want to interfere with your choice, I just want to tell you that this is a person who will die sooner or later."

There was silence for a long time.

Lu Nanjin pressed the big cocoon with one hand and slowly turned back. Her eyes were a little dazed and confused as she passed by the people present one by one.

elder sister.

Gu Shen.

Mr. Gu Zhi. own teacher.

After ten years of hard training, the biggest motivation that supported her to this point... was hatred.

She thought that on the day of revenge, she would not hesitate at all.

But now this day has come... why is it different from what I imagined.

Gu Nanfeng held the handle of the wooden knife with one hand and stood in a remote corner very wisely. He watched this scene silently and seemed to understand something... In fact, he was the one who could understand Lu Nanjin's mood at the moment.

The reason why people are often in pain is because they are not strong enough.

Finally, Lu Nanjin's eyes fell on the teacher.

The conversation they had not long ago in the old house, the two of them understood each other tacitly through a wooden door.

"What... do you want me to do?"

Zhou Jiren narrowed his eyes. He thought briefly for a second, picked up the knife from the ground, and came to his disciple. "If it were thirty years ago, I would kill him, and then try my best to remove him from the throne of God." I will escape from the hands of God... I will cut off all ties with the Judgment Office and will not return to the capital until one day I have the strength to survive from the hands of the God Throne."

"If it were now, I wouldn't use the knife."

He hung the knife handle upside down and handed it to Lu Nanjin.

"As long as the result is determined, then I will wait..."

Lu Nanjin held the long knife.

She took a deep breath. For a moment, she thought about the previous scene mentioned by the teacher. She killed Qin Ye, was sensed by the Tower of Source far away in Central Continent, and then fled... There will be a source of origin. With extraordinary beings constantly coming to hunt him down, he either dies or becomes stronger. This doesn't seem to be such a bad choice.

But in the next moment, her sister's smiling face appeared in her mind, Song Ci appeared, and many... faces that she thought she had ignored, but which she remembered deeply in her heart.

She slowly inserted the long knife into the soil.

The sacred tree lifted the seal, revealing Qin Ye's blood-stained cheek.

Lu Nanjin breathed out gently.

She said every word.

"I'm waiting for the day you die."

(PS: 1 Thank you all for your rewards and monthly votes. Thank you very much. Unfortunately, it was still a little short of the 2,000 monthly votes. We will continue to work hard in the new month. In order to express my gratitude, I will add an update at the beginning of the month. 2 Today Maybe it will be just one chapter tonight. After this series of climaxes, I need to sort out my thoughts a little and prepare for the next climax. I will write a public chapter tonight and make a writing summary.)

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