Barrier of Light

Chapter 248 Welcome to my world

"Buzz buzz."

The moment Gu Shen clenched his fist, the iron tools trembled.

It was as if there was an invisible feeling that was born along with his thoughts.

After leaving the old city, I felt something strange about the burning between my eyebrows.

Now he had a strange premonition.

I should be able to control these "iron objects", just like Tie Wu controls those iron tools... Every time I breathe, Jingzhe's mind guides me to enter the visualization state faster.

Is this the gift Gu Changzhi gave to himself?

Gu Shen narrowed his eyes... He felt really itchy, like ants crawling.

He looked up at the surveillance camera in the corridor and asked softly: "Can you help erase the surveillance camera?"

"...No problem." Chu Ling had already guessed what Gu Shen was going to do.

After receiving the affirmative answer, Gu Shen breathed a long sigh of relief.

Feeling comfortable.

He raised his palm.

With a "jumping" sound, the iron screws at the end of the corridor in the distance were quickly turned and removed. The exhaust pipe that had just been tightened instantly disassembled itself. As Gu Shen tightened his fingers, dozens of iron pipes crackled. They collided together, changed their form, and turned into a small and exquisite pocket Iron Throne.

In the monitoring field of view of the deep sea, everything is peaceful and there is no abnormal movement.

The surveillance screen was frozen at the frame before Gu Shen used his ability.

Gu Shen stared deeply at the "Iron Throne" in front of him. He moved his fingers, and the steel condensed and reorganized again, as if it were a ball of liquid without a rigid structure, turning into soft tissue around his fingers.

Didn't play with it for long.

Gu Shen suddenly threw away his hand, and the series of steel flew back into the ventilation duct, quickly returning to its original form.

He stood at the door honestly.

"Crack" the door opened.

"Thank you for your hard work... Do you need to go in and take a look at Song Ci?" Zhou Jiren took out a cigar, held it in his mouth, and glanced at his proud disciple.

"This guy is too lucky to die." Gu Shen shook his head and said, "As long as he's still alive, and listening to the noise shouldn't be anything wrong with me."

Mr. Tree grinned.

"Okay...if you are tired, you can go back and rest first."

After experiencing a bitter battle with the apostles of Central Continent, tonight was a night longer than the river beach. Everyone was exhausted mentally and physically. Next, the adjudication office was responsible for detaining and interrogating Qin Ye, as well as receiving the response from the Tower of Source.

Gu Shen may be the most special one among everyone tonight...

After meeting Gu Changzhi, Chihuo became inexplicably excited, causing him to be extremely energetic.

This is why he took the initiative to patrol outside the ward... Only the mausoleum guardians should know that he carried Gu Changzhi's spiritual presence. After the war, he was still so full of energy that it might attract attention.


Gu Shen did not refuse the teacher's kindness. He was worried that he would not have a chance to be alone and explore the "gift" that Mr. Gu Changzhi left for him.


Endless darkness.

【"I am dead."】

Consciousness emerges from freezing.

Tie Wu felt that his soul was shattered, but strangely, there was not much pain... Is this what it feels like to die?

Before his eyes opened, he imagined what he might see next——

You may see your soul floating away from your body like seaweed.

Lord God Throne once told him that at the moment of death, people will see their spirit and body separated... He firmly believed it and had been looking forward to this scene during the years of performing tasks.

Today's death is not a regret for him, but a glory.

If you can sacrifice yourself in the presence of God, you will have no regrets.

This is the best fate for an apostle.

Then he slowly opened his eyes.

And then.

Tie Wu was stunned.

A flying blade of grass slapped his face, mixed with moist dew. In front of him was the vast and endless wilderness. The sky was high, the wind was cool, and it was full of green. The distant low sky echoed with the whining wind, and there was a thin layer of it. The dark clouds are shrouded.

"This is……"

Tie Wu lowered his head and found that his soul had not left his body.

Where is this?

After God came, didn't he die?

As for Lord God... He subconsciously looked for the token, but when he reached out to turn over his windbreaker, he found that his fingers went directly through the skirt.

Is this a dream, or... after God comes, only his soul is left?

A kind of loneliness and desolation that goes straight to the heart appears in my heart.

Haven't figured out what happened yet.

Suddenly there was a burning sound in the empty wilderness.

Tie Wu raised his head nervously as if facing a formidable enemy. There was a blazing fire burning not far away, outlining a square door, and a familiar-looking young man slowly walked out of the door.

He had an impression of this young man, but it was limited to an impression... because in the mission just now, this young man was the most inconspicuous little character.

Here we go.


In Tie Wu's eyes, there was no difference from those three officials in Lion Alley who could be pierced with one sword.

"Who are you?"

Tie Wu's expression was tense and he stared coldly at the young man in front of him.

Because his mind was frozen, his memory still stayed before the arrival of God, and he had no idea what happened after that.

After the Lord Dionysus arrives, he should calm down all chaos and suppress all enemies.

What's going on now?

"Dongzhou, Gu Shen."

Gu Shen spoke calmly and introduced himself very simply.

He saw through Tie Wu's thoughts at a glance and said calmly: "Tie Wu, Dionysus has lost and you have been abandoned."

The wilderness is eerily quiet throughout the seasons.

The cool wind blew, and the dwarf in the trench coat suspended in the wilderness looked like a ghost, lost in thought, with a face full of shock and astonishment.

These words were like a bolt from the blue.

After standing stunned for two seconds, Tie Wu reacted.

He became furious and rushed towards Gu Shen.

"You fart! How could Lord God lose! How could he abandon me!"

There was no iron element in this barren wilderness, so Tie Wu only caused a strong gust of wind when he rushed over, but it didn't matter... If I remember correctly, this kid's strength was only about the third level of the deep water area.

With just one thought, he can kill him instantly!

The two are not far apart.

So this ferocious killing really only took a moment. Tie Wu felt that his body was unusually light, and he was faster than the wind!

Gu Shen's expression was calm and untroubled.

He simply slapped him away.

next moment.

Tie Wu, who was attacking ferociously, was slapped in the face and made an 1,800-degree spin on the spot.

Like a top.

After five rounds, Tie Wu was stunned. He subconsciously wanted to continue to pounce forward and tear the boy in front of him to pieces.

Then there was another "pop" sound.

The second slap made Tie Wu's eyes sparkle. He caught a glimpse of Gu Shen's third raised slap from the corner of his eye. He suddenly woke up and suddenly retracted his neck, protecting his head with both hands.

Gu Shen saw Tie Wu's current appearance and nodded in satisfaction.

He could finally quietly appreciate the scene of this vast wilderness, which was exactly the same as when he was meditating on the Waking of Insect Breathing Method. This place seemed to be a spiritual world created by himself.

Every plant, every tree, every movement of wind and grass, I am feeling it.

In other words...he is the master of this world.

"Let me introduce to you, this is the 'Four Seasons Wilderness'..."

Gu Shen retracted his palms, spread out his arms, and stood in the wind of the vast wilderness. Countless winds roared past, and the grass blades flew like a new king.

His voice echoed in the wind.

Every word.

Like the vibration from the sky, like the mighty spring thunder.

"Welcome to my world."

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