Barrier of Light

Chapter 258 A story long after

Qin Ye is dead.

It only took three minutes for the news to spread throughout Dadu.

The joint efforts of Nanwan and Huazhi lasted only one night... Before the two sides could sort out the suspicious case files from that year, and before the Central Arbitration Tribunal of the Federal Parliament completed the cross-continental trial, everything was over.

For the senior council officials who were investigating the old case in Lion Lane, Qin Ye's death was the end. Even according to the most stringent laws... the deepest and most severe punishment that could be given to this man was death.

At this time, death becomes a "light" thing. it really over?

Lu Nanjin, who witnessed Qin Ye's death scene, and Lu Nanzhi, who was waiting in Song Ci's ward, didn't think so... Qin Ye was just a knife used to kill people. The knife was broken, but the hand holding the knife was still there.

If you want to avenge Lu Cheng.

Then the real enemy... is not Qin Ye, but the throne of the Tower of Source.

Brilliant stars hang high in the dome.

In today's metropolis, it is rare to see such clear and bright night stars once in ten years. The neon-lit night always makes people feel illusory and unreal... Information deduce everything, and data creates everything. Maybe it won't be long before people The starry sky above our heads will also become a product of intelligence.

This was the first time that Gu Shen and Chu Ling "spent a good night together."

In the virtual world of spiritual connection, putting aside the shackles of the material world and being able to meet each other in pure spirit... This is actually a very romantic thing.

The spirit transcends the skin.

In the virtual consciousness, emotions such as joy, anger, sadness, joy, etc. will be displayed nakedly.

Maybe...this is the real "candid meeting".

There is no heart, but the heartbeat can still be heard, which is a sound similar to the beating of the spirit... in the silent wilderness, accompanied by the twinkling stars, it beats slowly and powerfully.

Gu Shen could hear Chu Ling.

Chu Ling could also hear Gu Shen.

The two of them lay in the wilderness, with blades of grass blowing across their cheeks and the wind ruffling their hair.

Time seems to be frozen in this area.

I really hope so... There seems to be nothing wrong with freezing at this moment.

Chu Ling stretched out her white palm and slowly pointed it at the zenith. Her index finger and thumb were slightly bent in an arc to form a circle. She framed a star, squinted her eyes, looked at the twinkling stars in the frame of her fingers, and asked softly.

"Have you ever heard of 'astrology'?"

"Seven political affairs and four more, four pillars and eight this considered 'astrology'?" Gu Shen put his hands behind his head, he smiled and said: "The books I read before were quite complicated... I knew a little bit about it, I thought It’s all lies.”

When he heard the words "seven political affairs and four remaining", Chu Ling looked at Gu Shen in surprise.

This is not a word that can be said casually.

She smiled and said: "You read a lot of books... This is indeed astrology, but it is just one of its branches."

Compared to Gu Shen, she is the truly "knowledgeable" person. [Source Code] started a lot of efficient learning from the moment she built the deep sea network. When all the science and logic are absorbed, the deep sea will Begin to deduce towards the "extraordinary" field.

"It is said that a long time ago, in the age before extraordinary, people have always believed in the existence of 'astrology'." Chu Ling looked at the star framed by himself and murmured: "All of us...whether in Dongzhou, Nanzhou, Beizhou... When you raise your head, what you see is the same starry sky."

"Every star in this starry sky has a meaning."

Gu Shen also imitated Chu Ling's movements. He slowly stretched out his palm, framed the stars, and said softly: "Meaning..."

"It can be as small as a person's fate, or as big as the fortune of an ethnic group." Chu Ling said: "Of course... this is a record in the book. Those are the ancients many years ago, and people seem to be in awe because of their age. But Mr. Turing didn't think so when he created [Source Code]. There is no age difference in knowledge, only the difference between right and wrong. Until now, I still can't understand 'astrology'."

After a slight pause.

Chu Ling said: "Just as I cannot understand 'extraordinary'... I can only accept these laws that do not conform to my cognition, and tell myself that this is another basic state of the laws."

Gu Shen slowly moved his head.

He looked at the girl lying in the wilderness and wondered why Chu Ling suddenly talked about astrology...

"Actually...this is just a casual comment."

Chu Ling also looked at Gu Shen. She seemed to have the ability to read minds and saw what Gu Shen was thinking.

"You don't have to take it seriously, and you don't have to think about it deeply..."

Her cheeks were slightly red and she said: "I used to be very bored when I was alone... Thoughts like this would appear from time to time, and I always wanted to find someone to talk to."

Gu Shen was stunned.

Is what Mr. Turing created... really just [source code]?

Gu Shen didn't think that the girl sitting in the Ling Ling Yao carriage was a string of emotionless and intangible codes from the first time he met her. In his heart, she was not data.

She is happy, sad, and has her own emotions... She will also feel lonely in the closed ocean of data. In the long years, she also wants to find someone to talk to.

Gu Shen framed the star with both hands, tilted his head slightly, squinted his eyes, watched it carefully for a while, and said, "Well... astrology is real."


Chu Ling was slightly startled.

She looked at Gu Shen, who seemed to be divining from the star, his face full of seriousness, and the blazing fire fluttering between his eyebrows swaying back and forth.

So far, what she can't understand the most is not astrology, nor the abilities on the extraordinary genealogy chart...but the flame between Gu Shen's brows, which is the fire of hope that can create miracles. What kind of things can it do? Things are not unusual either.

"Did you...see something from the stars?" Chu Ling came over curiously.

"Shhh... I'm doing divination."

Gu Shen moved his shoulders and raised his palms, signaling Chu Ling to come closer.

Chu Ling rested her head on Gu Shen's shoulder. She looked in the direction where Gu Shen raised his arm. What was framed in her palm was an ordinary star... In fact, she knew that this four-season wilderness They are all fictitious spiritual realms. Everything here is fake. Even if Gu Shen really learns astrology, he cannot use it here.

But she still believed it.

"What are you...divining?" Chu Ling said in a low voice, huddled in Gu Shen's arms like a cat, for fear of disturbing the divination.

"I'm divining...our future."

The girl looked at Gu Shen in astonishment, and a blush appeared on her baby-fat cheeks.

Gu Shen said calmly: "I'm asking the stars... what will our sea and this wilderness look like in a long time."

Chu Ling asked guiltily: "Then... what did Xingxing say?"

"After a long time, the sea will be more beautiful and the wilderness will be broader...our future..."

Gu Shen paused deliberately.

He saw Chu Ling lying in his arms, looking at him carefully, waiting patiently for the next chapter.

"About our future..."

Gu Shen narrowed his eyes and smiled: "That's really a story for a long time to come. Xingxing said he would tell us after a long time."

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