Barrier of Light

Chapter 268 Farewell and Joy (5)

Is all this a lie from [Deep Sea]?

Zhao Xilai, who was sitting in a wheelchair, waiting for a long speech, never expected that Lu Nanzhi would give him such a reply.


There is no such thing as a runaway train.

Then the people who were tied to the abandoned track and sacrificed... were innocent victims.

Their sacrifice was meaningless.

The trade-offs at either end of the scale are meaningless.

"This sentence... sounds familiar..."

The old man murmured.

Maybe it's because I'm older, or maybe it's because the time is coming. Countless fragments of pictures from my long life are coming to me, and I can't even remember who said this.

The wheelchair reached the top of Xiaohuang Mountain.

A wooden monument stood there.

Zhao Xilai, who had been thinking hard for a long time, finally caught the light.

He said with a complicated expression, "I remember...this is what Lao Lu said to me."

"It turns out you are also a member of the Ancient Literature Society..."

Lu Nanzhi squatted down and cleaned the dust accumulated on the wooden monument. She did not admit it, nor did she deny it.

The dust of the past is swept away in just a few strokes of dusting your hands.

[Guwenhui] These three words are the truth that Zhao Xilai has not been able to bear to tell Lu Nanzhi all these years... The reason why Huazhihui was fully taken over by the Zhao family after Lu Cheng's death was because of [Guwenhui].

As early as twenty years ago, the federal government ordered the elimination of all members of the Ancient Literature Society.

Leave no one behind!

This purge lasted for many years.

The skin is broken, but the blood and bones remain.

Before the Lion Alley Massacre...the Metropolitan Council had established a private investigation against Lu Cheng. Zhao Xilai was responsible for this secret investigation. The investigation team at that time seriously suspected that Lu Cheng was a remnant member of the [Ancient Literature Society]. And we have some evidence.

The federal government was skeptical.

Some survivors of the [Ancient Literature Society] still maintain contact.

And the way they communicate... is through encrypted meetings established in the deep-sea network. Because the founder of this organization is Alan Turing, they still retain crude methods of subduing deep-water authority.

The federal government calls it... "Encryption Gate."

Because the deep sea network is fully open to all people in the five continents, billions of people are connected every day, and countless computing power is shared... The encrypted conference room of [Ancient Literature Society] is attached to one of the roots. , using the same homologous algorithm as the deep water area, trying to find this theoretically existing independent space is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack.

Unless the so-called "encryption door" can be found.

The investigation team suspected that Lu Cheng was carrying the "Encrypted Door"... and the Lion Lane murder case not long after proved this man's "innocence".

This is why Zhao Xilai really feels guilty.

But now.

He looked at Lu Cheng's daughter's back...and realized that what happened back then was not that simple.

Lu Nanzhi straightened the wooden tablet, knelt in front of the tomb, and kowtowed respectfully.

After finishing, she stood up, turned her back to the old man, twisted the sandalwood in her hands, took out a folded paper lantern from her arms, then slowly shook it open, and lit the wick with the remaining flames of the sandalwood.

The remaining light of dusk fades beyond the horizon.

The firelight emitted by the lantern enveloped the entire small barren mountain.

Lu Nanzhi finally spoke: "Actually, Lao Lu told me back then... about the investigation team... and about you..."

As the eldest daughter of the Lu family.

She shouldered that secret responsibility earlier than Nan Jin... This weight may be a kind of misfortune, but now looking at it, carrying this weight is actually a kind of luck.

If she were younger and unable to bear this responsibility, then [Red Gate] would be exposed with the murder in Lion Lane, and Lao Lu would not be the only one to die.

She slowly turned around, faced Zhao Xilai, and said calmly: "Yes... I am a member of the Ancient Literature Society, and the [door] you are looking for is with me. The reason why I oppose the bill is because I do not believe in the federal government, nor do I Believe in the deep sea.”

The old man looked a little dazed.

After Lu Cheng died.

The guys in the investigation team did not stop because of this... they even proposed to continue investigating Lu Cheng's family and must dig out the truth about the [Ancient Literature Society].

Zhao Xilai was furious at that time.

Because Lao Lu's wife has passed away, the only family left behind is two daughters, one who has just grown up, and the other who is just a child.

The so-called "investigating family members" means using the same tricks and tactics used against Lao Lu on his children!

He raised strong objections and protests.

Not long after the Lion Lane massacre... the federal government began to fully support Zhao Xilai. He successfully took over Huazhi. Naturally, this ridiculous proposal was directly rejected, and the original investigation team was dismissed.

The investigation into the [Encryption Door] disappeared. Zhao Xilai used his parliamentary privileges to lift up the determined investigation results on Lu Cheng's file and put them down gently.

Dead people...have no secrets.

And the [Encryption Door], which only existed in theory, was also deemed non-existent by Zhao Xilai.

The power of the parliament is also limited... With the complete disappearance of the [Ancient Literature Society], the federal government has no longer set up an investigation team to pursue the illusory [Gate].

He did this because of Zhao Xilai's guilt.

Because of this investigation, he got his wish and became the owner of Huazhi and a talker in Dadu. Anyone who looks at him is the biggest beneficiary of the Lion Lane case.

And at this moment.

Suddenly, a stone fell down in the old man's heart.

He looked at Lu Nanzhi, the young girl who entered Huazhi ten years ago. After going through many hardships in the past ten years, she has become a "madam" in her own right.

In fact, after Lu Cheng died... he regarded Lu Nanzhi as his "daughter".

This is never out of guilt.

But there is tenderness, sustenance, and intolerance in his heart... Under that iron stone, he always remembers the agreement he made with Lu Cheng many years ago, that he should not be the only one to raise the flag.

He also has a daughter.

If one day, I can take over the flag for him... maybe it won't be a violation of the agreement back then.

Now that Zhao Xilai knew the truth, he didn't feel regretful, but felt... fortunate.

If I had even the slightest hesitation at that time.

So what will happen after Lu Nanzhi is set as a target by the investigation team is self-evident.

"None of these...are important anymore..."

The old man murmured softly, "We won't talk about those heavy topics today... I'm here to visit an old friend."

At the end of life.

He no longer needs to struggle with those painful, complicated, and difficult-to-distinguish between right and wrong issues of cognition, consciousness, culture, beliefs, etc...

He just wants to relax now, and relax even more.

So Zhao Xilai pushed the wheelchair hard and moved towards the wooden monument, looking at it intently from a distance.

[Unknown person, Lu Cheng. 】

What an ironic epitaph... A pile of withered bones buried outside the barren mountains and ignored by no one is actually the backbone soul that shakes thousands of buildings and the banner of tens of thousands of people.

Ten years later, no one remembers Lu Cheng's name.

Can be compared with him.

He... is the real unknown person.

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