Barrier of Light

Chapter 277 Let’s go! Nagano!

Grains of sand flew.

The dry sand in winter crackles against the windows of the off-road vehicle, and the rolling snow and dust condense into fog... This is quite a bad road condition. Fortunately, with the access of the deep sea navigation system, the vehicle can still accurately capture the correct scene. direction.

There were pits along the way.

Bumping back and forth.

Most of them are eight thousand miles away from Nagano.

If you take a special plane, it only takes half a day.

And driving there, even taking the fastest route... takes thirty hours.

And this time, we didn’t take a special plane to set off... It was Tsukauki’s strong request.

This guy was willing to go to Nagano, but he was unwilling to take the special plane. He was only willing to take a bus, and he gave a reason that Gu Shen and the others couldn't refuse.

All the planes Tsukauki has been on...all crashed.

Vehicle killer?

Since this guy who was "cursed" by the goddess of fate did have various criminal records, Gu Nanfeng decided to abandon the air route, set off by land, and drive there instead.

Leaving the main city of Dadu, we gradually entered a desolate no man's land.

So far, peaceful.

Gu Nanfeng sat in the driver's seat and slightly lowered the window next to him. Not a grain of dust flowed in from the gap in the window.

Because he released his "Lakiri".

The sand grains are blown by the fine wind, and each grain is clearly suspended on the side of the vehicle, as if condensed by invisible suction. From the outside, it looks like a slender salon roll that is winding and accompanying.

Lu Nanjin, who was sitting in the passenger seat, tried to imitate exactly the same... but it was a little bit worse. It was not difficult to block the sand grains, but if you wanted to capture every grain of sand passing by the side of the car with extreme precision, The difficulty has increased exponentially.

Viewed from the other side, on the side where Lu Nanjin was, the sand grains were also flying, but they were unable to condense into shape.

"Concerning the control and exploration of each person's extraordinary abilities... Although Deep Sea has provided a systematic set of training algorithms, even without the assistance of Deep Water, just oneself can still achieve continuous development."

Gu Nanfeng was multitasking and said calmly: "In Beizhou, there are many people who are not connected to the 'deep sea'. They neither conduct extraordinary trials in the deep water nor ask for help from the super brain to help them break through bottlenecks... This kind of The method is called 'penetration practice'."

"Infiltration practice?"

Gu Shen, who was sitting in the back seat of the car petting his cat, woke up from the Jingzhe breathing method.

"Suppose... there is a technology that can swap the souls of two people." Gu Nanfeng answered the question and said, "Swap the souls of mine and Lu Nanjin... What will happen after our bodies change owners?"

The ghost of Zuka, who had closed his eyes and fell asleep, suddenly became interested when he heard this sentence. He just had time to laugh strangely and heard the scabbard in Lu Nanjin's arms vibrating, and he immediately swallowed it with interest.

Gu Shen frowned and fell into thought.


The abilities of these two people are both "Lanqi", but one of them has reached the realm of Dacheng in practice, and the other is probably wandering around the eighth and ninth levels of the deep sea.

"To practice extraordinary things...the spirit and the body need to match, but who is more important?" Gu Nanfeng changed the question, "If she and I fight again after the body changes hands, who will win?"


This time, Lu Nanjin spoke.

Gu Shen vaguely understood.

Even if the body changes hands, the spirit that stores the memory and the perception will not change... Gu Nanfeng can still perfectly master "Lanqie". He is still in the "Dacheng" realm, limited by the lower realm of the physical body. , his strength will be affected and he can only display a certain degree of lethality.

But Senior Sister Nan Jin's spirit is completely unable to reach the height of the "twelfth floor" container. Even if she has a physical body, she cannot exert the power of Dacheng Lanqi.

"And the 'penetration practice' is to turn the spirit and perception into physical memory and penetrate into every cell." Gu Nanfeng said quietly, "Even if you give up thinking, your body still has extraordinary feelings. Under this practice The tempered extraordinary beings...are born warriors."

"You can say that Beizhou's cultivation method is backward, but their actual combat ability is very strong."

Gu Nanfeng said seriously: "In recent years, the academic sects in Central Continent have led the wave of cultivation in the extraordinary world... Everyone is undergoing trials in the deep water area. Indeed, it is very fast to improve the realm, but it is easy to turn oneself into a greenhouse. flowers inside.”

There was a pause.

He smiled and said: "This is not to say that the extraordinary people of the Judgment Institute are flowers in the greenhouse... The way the Dongzhou Judgment Institute trains new people is through a large number of tasks and actual life and death combat. Some of them are like a combination of the Central Continent Academy and the North Continent Infiltration. Law."

"Think about it again. A long time ago, before the deep sea was created by Alan Turing... How did the powerful extraordinary people of the Five Continents Council at that time come to practice?"

Including Tsuka Oni.

The three people in the car were lost in thought.

Groping in the dark, one person is holding a lamp, and the other person is completely in the dark... There is no doubt that the latter's traveling speed will be much slower, but if two people reach the same process, because the traveling process is difficult and encounters countless setbacks, The latter will also have richer experience in traveling.

And then to the back.

There is no light left... The latter still summed up his own "experience".

In the former case, the light is suddenly lost.

The deep sea... is that light!

"That's why... the deep water area is only open to the twelfth floor now." Gu Nanfeng said seriously: "It's not because the end of extraordinary practice is the twelfth floor, but because of the computing power of the deep sea, currently only Reaching this point. Those with titles after the twelfth level will no longer be able to rely on the deep sea to advance their cultivation."

"Perhaps many years from now, the computing power of Deep Sea can be further improved, and the overall strength of extraordinary beings can also be further improved. But for now... this light cannot help you reach the end."

Gu Nanfeng lowered his eyes and smiled sarcastically: "What's more... the end of this road is really too far away."

Once you have seen the throne of God, you will understand.

If extraordinary practice really has an end... then they should be the so-called end.

He does not believe that if the deep sea is developed to the extreme, a deep water algorithm that can "reach the throne of God" can be developed.

"So...if you want to become stronger, you need to get rid of the idea of ​​relying on external things as soon as possible..."

Gu Nanfeng had just spoken, but the words had not yet finished.

"Bang" sound!

The tires of the off-road vehicle seemed to make a muffled sound, as if it had hit something. The vehicle was suspended in the air for a brief moment, and then landed heavily, losing control. The moment the electronic system alarm sounded, Gu Nanfeng frowned and suddenly started to fight. The steering wheel and the salon roll lingering on the side of the vehicle are instantly thrown away, supporting the chassis.

The vehicle lost direction after landing, but with the help of "Arashi Kiri", it finally stopped slowly.

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