Barrier of Light

Chapter 279 All the way north

There was a "boom"!

Due to the impact force, the off-road vehicle bulged slightly forward, and then returned to normal the next moment, with almost no impact.

It all happened so fast.

It was over before it started. The off-road vehicle continued to drive at high speed. It was obvious that the "unclean" thing was already in the chassis and was cut in two by Arashiri.

"What was that just now?"

The frightened Tsukauki murmured.

Gu Nanfeng calmed down, rolled down the window, stretched out his palm, and saw a ball of broken mechanical parts wrapped in pieces, floating in the air.

"This thing is called 'Earthworm'. Like the 'Wind Eye', it is a surveillance object with little lethality, but it is extremely concealable and has some small harassment capabilities... such as poking tires." Gu Nanfeng said calmly. : "After leaving Dadu, we have been targeted by people from Nagano Castle."


Tsukasa realized something was wrong and quickly said: "This word doesn't sound very auspicious."

"You can take out the word 'seems'."

Gu Nanfeng waved his hand, and the group of mechanical parts was shattered in the wind, and flew together with the sand in the wilderness of no man's land.

"There's a 'Wind Eye' on the top and a 'Earthworm' on the bottom. It's obviously a bad person." Gu Nanfeng said calmly: "I left Nagano for eight years and disappeared without a trace. They must hope that this situation will continue, or I Just die outside."

For the "new school".

Gu Changzhi was sleeping in the clear tomb.

The "future head of the family" who was appointed by the tomb keeper was defeated in the struggle and chose to go north.

This situation is not unacceptable...but the revival of the apostle's token and the return of the young master of the Gu family is not good news.

Tsukauki scratched his head and muttered: "A clichéd story, will there be an assassination next, and the guys in Nagano Castle will do everything possible to prevent you from going back?"

"It is indeed cliché." Lu Nanjin commented lightly.

The orange cat in Gu Shen's arms nodded in agreement.

"This is why I stayed in Beizhou for eight years..." Gu Nanfeng said softly: "I have just returned to Dongzhou after I have mastered my sword skills. I want to see who dares to stop me?"

Tsukauki was the first and only one to take the lead in applauding: "Young master, you have so much courage!"

It's true... It's true that the new faction in Nagano City don't want Gu Nanfeng to return to the city, and it's true that they have no other options.

Earthworms, wind pupil... what is the use of these small junk objects?

So what if it can be blocked for a while?

In the face of absolute strength, these tricks are useless.

As for the assassination... it is even more nonsense. Who is sure that Dacheng Lanqie on the 12th floor of the deep sea can complete the "assassination"? Even if the two banned people join forces, Gu Nanfeng can completely escape the encirclement and assassination.

The art of controlling the wind.

Gu Nanfeng's "speed" can be said to be the fastest in the five continents.

"They knew I was coming back."

Gu Nanfeng raised his head and said quietly, "And now, I also know...they know."

The journey is long, two days and one night.

Fortunately, Tsukauki's unlucky attributes seemed to disappear briefly.

After experiencing an attack by earthworms... the rest of the trip went unexpectedly smoothly, from Jiangnan to Jiangbei. Because they were going straight all the way, the routes Gu Nanfeng chose were all quite deserted cross-country roads.

This was a "trek" that Gu Shen had never imagined.

After crossing the wind and sand in no man's land, Dadu District has been left far behind.

Although the wind and sand were very strong, the area south of the Yangtze River was actually not that rough. Gu Shen soon saw his hometown.


A wide river stretches across both banks.

On the other side of the car window, less than a hundred meters away, is the roar of the Qinghe River, and there are overlapping mountain shadows in the distance. In an era when the deep sea is fully connected, "barrenness" seems to be luck in another sense.

Unexploited means untrodden.

The orange cat in his arms moved and cupped Gu Shen's chin.

A vague three-dimensional map appeared in front of Gu Shen's eyes. He looked out the window and saw a vague mountain outlined in the rolling river in the distance.


Gu Shen immediately understood Chu Ling's intention in marking the mountain shadow.

He smiled silently.

Qinghe is a large river that separates Jiangnan and Jiangbei.

He never thought that one day he would be on the other side of the Qinghe River, looking back at the homeland where he was born and raised.

During the time he left Qinghe, Wulaoshan would send emails from time to time, and Gu Shen would reply as soon as he was free. Every once in a while, Gu Shen would talk to his mother-in-law and children in Wulaoshan. He is now a researcher at a research institute in Dadu District and has a bright and wonderful future.

In fact.

If another self in a parallel universe had such a life, it would seem pretty good.

Night fell on the first day.

Gradually, the sound of the river died down.

Crossing Qinghe means... the four major districts of Dadu, Yinghai, Qinghe, Sequoia, and Jiangnan are all left behind.

The climate in the north of the Yangtze River is cold. When he first arrived at the area bordering the south of the Yangtze River, which is the Qianjiang District on the branch of the Qinghe River, Gu Shen did not notice the difference yet. However, when he arrived in the Jiuning District in the latter half of the night, it was already getting colder and colder.

It is said that the northernmost tundra area is comparable to Beizhou. It is snowy and frozen all year round. Because the temperature is too low, it is very difficult to even carry out the [Sky Eye] project of the Dongzhou Federation.

Although it was very cold...the three extraordinary beings didn't feel anything strange.

Gu Shen did not feel bored. He devoted himself to practicing the "Jingzhe Breathing Technique" along the way and constantly felt the ebb and flow of his mental power. Now he no longer needed much rest and could keep his energy in a full state.

As for the other two...Lu Nanjin has been immersed in the so-called "penetration practice".

She decided to give up the spiritual trial in the deep water area and try to seek a breakthrough like the ancient practitioners of Beizhou by relying solely on her own consciousness without relying on external forces.

The first step is to integrate the extraordinary power into your daily habits.

The car window opened a crack.

She constantly manipulates the wind and condenses the sand.

And this is the fate of a certain unlucky guy... Along the way north, the cold wind blew. Xing Yun, who was in the back seat of the car, turned pale from the cold. The cold wind outside the window kept blowing against his face. He gathered up the big cotton-padded jacket that was wrapped around him with all his strength. , sniffed.

The three people sitting in the car are really "iron bones", each one is more resistant than the other.

Why don't these gods take care of the feelings of this mortal?

He proposed to turn on the heating... but Gu Shen objected and refused ruthlessly.

It wasn't because Gu Shen did this deliberately.

But... he vaguely guessed the pattern of "bad luck" caused by Tsuka ghosts.

If the Tsuka ghost and the contact person are considered as a whole, and the Tsuka ghost itself does not suffer from bad luck, then there is a high probability that the bad luck will befall other people.

But assume that luck is conserved.

Then...just let the Tsuka Oni be shrouded in "ominous".

The problem seems to be solved.

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