Barrier of Light

Chapter 314 Goddess (Part 2)

Snow Forbidden City, at the intersection of old alleys.

"This girl Li Qingsui... actually robbed her directly?"

Bai Lu looked a little ugly. She stared at [Feng Tong] and calculated the time. From Li Qingsui's appearance to his departure, it only took three minutes. This silent "battle" ended too quickly, before she could react. ... Gu Shen was taken into the car and drove directly away from the Snow Forbidden City with Juechen.

The [Wind Eye] in her hand has limited authority.

Although Bai Chen doted on his sister, he also knew the importance. During today's trip, he only allowed her to use part of the [Wind Pupil] and related computing power in the Snow Forbidden City to track Gu Shen.


Bai Lu punched him angrily.

The most important thing is that the extraordinary aura of the man holding an umbrella following Li Qingsui directly disrupted [Feng Tong]'s senses. Even if her brother was willing to lend her authority... she would not be able to track the movement of the car.

I originally planned to appear at the end for the finale, but now I have become a complete fool.

The more she thought about it, the angrier she became. Bai Lu decided to find a way to vent her anger, so she got out of the car and headed straight to the old alley.

Gong Zi, who had just paid the bill, suddenly felt an ominous sign.

"Pumpkin, look where that crazy woman is now."

The snow particles in Mu Nan's palm just reflected the scene of the Bai family witch slamming the car door and exiting.

Their expressions changed.

They knew very well what kind of character this woman was... They looked at each other and started running in unison.

So when Bai Lu rushed to the old house full of anger, it was already empty and the building was empty.


Gu Shen heard a gentle reminder.

He slowly opened his eyes.

There were wisps of mist lingering in front of me, closing in on "Uncle Gao". It seemed that with the other party's kind reminder, it was the right choice for me to close my eyes obediently along the way.

With the fog covering his face, even if he opened his eyes, he couldn't see anything.

Uncle Gao got out of the car, opened the door for Li Qingsui, and said softly, "Miss, I'm waiting for you here... There's a long road ahead, so be careful."

Gu Shen frowned.

Ahead is a mountain covered in mist.

The fog was so thick that it was difficult to see the true appearance.

North of there such a place?

The spiritual link was severed and he could not contact Chu Ling. The road map in Gu Shen's mind only recorded the "turning point" at the northern border of Nagano. The route after that was blank.

"Let's go." Li Qingsui took out a lantern from the trunk of the vehicle.

Wait... lantern?

Gu Shen looked at the lantern and felt it looked familiar.

He had seen... the [Lantern] used by Lu Nanzhi in the house on Lion Lane, which was very similar to this one, but the extraordinary power it emitted after being lit was completely opposite.

The [Lantern] in Lion Alley, after being lit, can shield the induction from being stared at by extraordinary beings.

And the [Lantern] here, after being lit, illuminates the illusion.

The mountain mist breaks.

An ancient bluestone staircase shines ahead, leading to an unknown distance.

Gu Shen looked at the deep darkness in front of him.

Where the light from the [Lantern] is not shining, there seems to be something attracting the blazing fire... What is that?

As he stared into the darkness, Gu Shen felt a little uneasy.

He looked back at Uncle Gao, who was standing upright in front of the vehicle. To be cautious, he coughed in a low voice and asked, "Your...Uncle Gao, are you sure he won't come?"

"What, are you scared?"

Li Qingsui handed the [lantern] in his hand to Gu Shen, then took out the second one from the trunk, and said with a smile, "It will be safe if you just take it. Don't worry."

After saying that, she walked forward alone.

The moment Gu Shen took the [Lantern], the uneasiness and heaviness in his heart... disappeared instantly. He was a little surprised and twisted the slender lantern handle. This object was so magical?

"Mr. Xiao Gu, please." Uncle Gao stretched out his hand slightly and pointed in a direction.

Gu Shen quickly followed.

Li Qingsui didn't walk very fast. When Gu Shen caught up, he speeded up his pace slightly.

"Where is this?" Gu Shen asked straight to the point.

The reason why I came to this ghost place was because of the existence of "Uncle Gao" before. That man was too strong, and I couldn't refuse this invitation at all.

But now Uncle Gao is not here.

This little girl...can't control herself.

"This is Li's 'sacred place'. You can call it 'sacred mountain' or 'sacred temple'." Li Qingsui glanced at Gu Shen and explained calmly: "In fact, it is what the world calls a 'wonderful place' '."

The wonderful state is the disaster state.

Gu Shen recalled the palpitations he felt when he stared into the darkness.

This place looks beautiful and peaceful, but in fact it contains hidden murderous intent. Without a [Lantern], I might not be able to move forward.

After a moment of silence, he reminded seriously: "You said earlier... that you wanted to treat me to a late-night snack."


Li Qingsui's little face was covered with frost. When she said this, she didn't seem very happy. Instead, she extended her tone and solemnly declared: "It's not me who wants to invite you...but my sister who wants to invite you." .”

Gu Shen was startled.

Li Qingsui's sister?

This family is too mysterious... The files that Chu Ling can retrieve at present are limited, and he didn't mention to himself just now who Li Qingsui's sister is.

"Although the little flame between your eyebrows is indeed pretty..." Li Qingsui muttered softly, "But I really don't understand why my sister invited an outsider to the temple..."

She sighed and suddenly stopped.

Gu Shen also stopped.

He heard the sound of gurgling water in the distance, which seemed to be a falling waterfall, and it was a very big waterfall... From a very far distance, he could feel the moist water vapor filling the air. This was indeed a grand and wonderful scene.

Because the whole of Nagano outside the "shrine" was snowing.

And there is no hint of coldness here.

On the contrary, there are traces of coolness that are refreshing, and even if there is water vapor hitting your face, it does not feel biting.

On the contrary... Gu Shen had the illusion that he was in the height of summer.

"Okay...we're here."

Li Qingsui pointed to the dim distance with a lantern. She lowered her voice and warned Gu Shen fiercely: "Sister is the hardest working and greatest person in the world... Please don't talk nonsense later."

The hardest working and greatest person in the world?

Gu Shen couldn't help laughing as he looked at the cute little girl who was trying hard to put on a fierce expression.


A helpless roar came from the sound of distant waterfalls.

"elder sister."

Hearing the voice, Li Qingsui immediately restrained herself. She returned to the cute and cute appearance of the porcelain doll before, and said softly: "Then Qingsui will step aside first and won't disturb you..."

Before leaving, he did not forget to give Gu Shen a vicious look.

Gu Shen laughed dumbly.

He held the [Lantern] and slowly shined it forward.

The curtain hole with the sound of flowing water in the distance was illuminated by a dark light and shadow, and a slim figure was vaguely visible.

Gu Shen thought for a while and called, "Goddess?"

This is the temple of the Li family, the sacred mountain, and the sister Li Qingsui I see at this moment... there shouldn't be anything wrong with calling her a goddess, right?

A solemn voice immediately came from the curtain hole.

"Mr. Xiao Gu, you can't call her that..." She was silent for a moment and said, "There is another goddess enshrined in the temple. Mr. Gu, you can call me Celadon."

Li Qingci?

Li's name is really ancient.

Gu Shen nodded and said slowly: "Miss Celadon, if you just wanted to see me... then you have already met me."

The woman in the curtain hole was slightly startled.

"If you want to treat me to a late-night snack..." Gu Shen looked at the barren mountains, cold water, and darkness around him, "I think there is nothing to eat here."

A gentle laugh.

"Mr. Gu, you can put out the [lantern] and open your eyes to take a look."

Turned out the [lantern]?

Gu Shen vaguely felt...this was not a good choice.

But out of trust in Li Qingci, he slowly blew out the inner core of the [Lantern] and at the same time opened the "blazing fire" between his eyebrows.

Gu Shen's expression became very exciting.

After the [Lantern] went out, his vision first turned dark.

And then... the blazing fire illuminated his vision bit by bit.

He saw the true side of this wonderful scene.

In the mountains and wilderness.

There are countless stray, frantic, and broken extraordinary sources wandering around.

And countless deformed, twisted, and growing black spots of order.

Li Qingci's voice echoed among the mountains.


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