Barrier of Light

Chapter 318 Sui Ci

"There is no need for more miracle fire... just one ray is enough."

After a long time, Li Qingci forced out a smile.

She comforted Gu Shen.

It is a miracle to be able to completely remove the black flowers from this mountain wall. This is something that no one else can do except the God's Throne and the apostles... Even the titled Extraordinary who has been awarded the title by the Federation, facing the "collapse of order" "Point", but he was helpless and could only avoid it.

Gu Shen could see that Li Qingci was hiding her laughter.

He thought quietly for a moment and asked, "How big is this mountain?"

Li Qingci was stunned and replied honestly: "If you eat like this every day, you may have to eat it for decades."

The two people's gazes were cast higher and further away.

A large shadow hung over my head.

At the top of the mountain, there is a suffocating sense of oppression...

"The top of the mountain that Lord God's Throne once climbed is the forbidden place where the God's Temple's prayer technique condenses the 'divine fetus'." Li Qingci whispered: "The flowers of order collapse that grow there are a hundred times more than what you see now."

"How long can you live?" Gu Shen asked again.

This question was a bit direct, and Li Qingci was caught off guard. She lowered her eyes and stared at her withered figure in the waterfall in the curtain hole, shook her head and said, "Celadon doesn't know either..."

"In Shenci Mountain, none of Li's protectors have lived beyond the age of forty." Speaking of this, she smiled again: "Looking at it from this point of view, Celadon still has more than ten years to live. Spend time.”

More than ten it a long time?

The towering mountains are just a drop in the sky.

In this case, ten or twenty years are nothing.

If you stand in the future and look towards the present, you will find that time seems to have passed only a moment, and this woman named Li Qingci has become the past of Shenci Mountain... Like those guardians, in the Six Hundred Years Submerged in the waves of years, not a single wave can be splashed. What may be left in the end is the monuments and dim names left in the tombs.

"Stay alive."

Gu Shen stared at the woman in the dead wall in the distance and said word by word: "Only if you survive... can you see the day when the fire of hope will set a prairie fire."

Twenty years ago, Gu Changzhi could move mountains and reclaim seas by himself.

Today's Gu Shen...can't do it.

But he still has time, he can grow, and the fire can also grow... The fire of hope that the world expects always needs to spread bit by bit before it can eventually grow into a "prairie fire".

"Stay alive..."

Li Qingci, who was sitting in the dim night, was stunned.

She silently repeated this sentence in her heart, feeling that her lonely and bleak life suddenly shone with a ray of light.

Hundreds of years in the Temple Mountain are like a long night.

But today there is a ray of fire.

This ray of fire illuminated a small mountain wall, and also illuminated... the hope in Li Qingci's heart.

Li Qingci's expression became determined. She stood up slowly, her thin and pale gauze clothes moving in the wind. She slowly bowed to Gu Shen and made an ancient and solemn salute.

"Thank you Mr. Gu."

The valley is quiet.

The bluestone echoed with the sound of footsteps.

The mountains in the distance gradually disappear into the darkness. In fact, you only need to stand farther away, and the large sea of ​​black flowers that grow entangled will fade away, leaving only layers of mist.

"Gu Shen, what did sister say to you?" On the way back, Li Qingsui asked curiously, holding a lantern.


Gu Shen glanced at the little girl bouncing in front of him and said calmly: "She and I have agreed on a date to meet at Shenci Mountain for supper next time."

Li Qingsui's face was filled with disbelief.

"The trouble in Shenci Mountain... I can help a little bit." Gu Shen said frankly: "Even if it's just a little bit, it's better than nothing."

Li's protector and the head of the family are like twins.

"They" are the front and back of each other's mirror.

One stands under the light and is the leader of the Li family among the five families.

The other one dedicated himself to the darkness and silently guarded the future of the Li family.

Li Qingsui is the future head of the Li family. Although this little girl is young, she is actually very clear-minded... She has long known the meaning of Shenci Mountain to the Li family, and she also knows what her sister is doing and what it means.

Hence the previous sentence.

"Sister is the hardest working and greatest person in the world."

The Temple Mountain is covered with flowers of order collapse, which cannot be touched or removed. Even gazing at close range will cause spiritual panic... This is the sharp blade hanging above Li's head, which has been crumbling for six hundred years. It may fall at any time.

Li Qingsui began to practice hard after knowing that her sister spent her life praying at the Shenci Mountain. She wanted to do her best to help her sister.

But those flowers...even if they were as powerful as Uncle Gao, there was nothing they could do.

According to the prophecies left by the guardians of the Li family in the past dynasties, it is a sacred flower.

And they are only mortals after all.

"Can you help...sister?" Li Qingsui's expression changed subtly. She looked at Gu Shen, her face changing from firm disbelief to hesitant suspicion.

The first time she saw Gu Shen... she could tell that this guy, who was only a few years older than her, was indeed "gifted."

The small flame between the eyebrows made me fascinated.

This is a strange situation that has never happened before.

"What did I lie to you for..."

Gu Shen smiled helplessly.

"Besides, who wants to come to a place like this for the second time?" He looked back and sighed with lingering fear: "The vast mountains are full of desolation."

Gu Shen did not continue climbing tonight.

He didn't see what the top of the temple looked like.'s obvious that the entire shrine mountain is at the stage of being overwhelmed and about to collapse.

There is nothing left here except the black spots where order has collapsed.

"Yeah...who wants to come to a place like this a second time?"

When Li Qingsui heard this, she echoed softly, and an imperceptible sadness flashed in the girl's eyes.

My sister stayed in a place like this for more than ten years.

As the head of the Li family, Li Qingsui's world is bright. For her, time is short. She can meet many, many people and see different scenery.

In the outside world, there are spring, summer, autumn and winter, flowers blooming all four seasons, and many, many flowers...but those sisters can't see them.

"Gu Shen."

Li Qingsui took a deep breath, with a serious face, and asked again: "Can you really help solve the trouble in Shenci Mountain?"

"Of course... I lied to you that I was a puppy." Gu Shen stretched out a finger and wrote lightly: "But for now... it can only help a little."


Literally a little bit.

"A little bit is better than nothing."

Li Qingsui mustered up his courage again and said: "I am the future head of the Li family, and I want to make a deal with you... If you can clear away all the broken flowers in Shenci Mountain, I don't care if you can hatch a divine fetus... as long as You can let my sister regain her freedom, see the outside world, and let me do anything!"

The girl almost said the second half of the sentence through gritted teeth.


The finger Gu Shen extended was hanging in the air.

He was silent for a moment, looking at this little girl's film helplessly.

The finger bent slightly, then popped out with a "snap" sound.

Li Qingsui covered her head, almost crying in pain, and she looked up with a puzzled look on her face.

"I'll help, but not because of the deal."

Gu Shen said calmly: "You are the future head of the Li family. Don't say such words again."

"Your sister will be sad to hear..."

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