Barrier of Light

Chapter 338 The heart is full of light

There is still darkness between the dead walls of the Temple Mountain, and a [lantern] needs to be lit to break through the mist.

This time Gu Shen came alone and did not let Li Qingsui show the way.

He held the [Lantern] and stood among the waterfalls and springs halfway up the mountain. He used the blazing fire to sweep away the mist and saw clearly the withered and thin woman's figure in the distance.

"Mr. Gu Shen, you are here again."

Li Qingci turned her back to Gu Shen, carrying a small wooden pot.

She seemed to be watering the flowers.

It is completely different from the flowers of broken order that bloom all over the Temple Mountain.

Between the mountain walls, a very small, snow-white flower grew. This small white flower... formed a sharp contrast with the dark demonic flowers in all directions.

"I didn't expect...that your talent is so good."

Li Qingci turned around and looked at Gu Shen intently... She stared deeply at the flickering flame between her eyebrows.

After a while, he couldn't help but sigh: "It has only been a few days, and all those extraordinary sources have been absorbed by you?"

Gu Shen put down the [Lantern].

He just smiled and did not tell Li Qingci about the existence of the four-season wilderness in his mind.

In fact, the consumption rate of Blazing Fire's transformation source material is limited, at least for now... The vast majority of the source material absorbed this time is used to cultivate the "spiritual world", and the buried seed is in After the hole was filled, there was no news, as if it had never been sown.

Iron five is very hard.

Gu Shen... also worked very hard.

But for now, it will take a long, long time to germinate.

"I'm here to eat some flowers...and by the way, I brought something with me."

Gu Shen hasn't spoken yet.

Li Qingci immediately smiled and said: "Are they the goods at the entrance of Shenci Mountain?"

Gu Shen was startled.

"After all, he is the protector of the Shenci Mountain... he can't just sit here." Li Qingci said softly: "Not a word or a word in this wonderful place can escape my perception."

I see.

Gu Shen smiled... That would save trouble. If these goods were placed here, Li Qingci could see them, which made him feel more at ease.

But his expression suddenly became a little subtle.

So last time, the chat between myself and Li Qingsui in the car was also heard?

At that time, I had not yet restored my spiritual connection, that is, I had not yet left the wonderland of Shenci Mountain...

"Mr. Xiao Gu, are you worried?" Li Qingci still smiled gently: "Put these things in Shenci Mountain, you can rest assured. No one usually comes in and out here, I will take care of it for you."

"Thank you very much."

Gu Shen bowed and bowed.

He stared at the little white flower between the mountain walls and asked seriously: "I have a question... In the realm of the temple mountain, the order is broken and everything is dead. How can there be any living beings born?"

Li Qingci knelt down and gently touched the fragile white flower with her fingers.

Her voice swayed in the faint mountain breeze.

"Mr. Xiao Gu is right..."

"The order is broken, black flowers are all over the mountain, and the temple mountain has long lost its vitality. There is no spring, summer, autumn and winter here, only six hundred years of darkness and eternal silence."

"It's just that if there are shadows in this world, there is light, right?"

Gu Shen fell into deep thought.

He always felt that... what Li Qingci said was the opposite.

This sentence should be: where there is light, there is shadow.

"You must think... what I said is wrong." Li Qingci smiled and said: "In fact, it is not. This is the original saying in Li's secret prayer book. There is black and white in the world, and everything has life and death. . The Shenci Mountain is shrouded in billions of shadows, and it always needs a little bit of light to illuminate such a huge shadow."

If you never see hope.

Then people will not feel despair.

Just because I saw a little bit of light.

Only then will people feel that the darkness in front of them is too huge, too oppressive, and overwhelming to resist.

"So this the only light?"

Gu Shen just felt a little bit of thoughts, but he still didn't fully understand it. He frowned and said, "But the last time I came here... I didn't see this flower."

"Because the last time you came, it wasn't born yet."

There was a touch of sadness flowing in Li Qingci's eyes.

She stroked the petals and whispered: "And soon, it will wither again."

"The task of a guardian is actually very boring."

Li Qingci stretched her body, looked into the distance, and chuckled: "Because the 'collapse of order' is unstoppable, every day... the guardians must use the 'prayer technique' to guide the growth of the black flowers and continue the growth of the Shenci Mountain. Lifespan. We are like the pruners of the Temple of God, trying to make the mountain last longer. And in the process, we will see small white flowers like this from time to time."

"No one knows why these flowers grow and sprout in Shenci Mountain, and no one knows... how long these flowers can live."

Li Qingci raised her head and asked with a smile: "The longer ones can live for three or four days, and the shorter ones will wither in about one night. Maybe they are things left by the ancestors, but I am very curious, such flowers...really Can it be considered glorious?”

"Actually, if you think about it, all the guardians of the Li family in the past six hundred years are the same as these flowers."

"If you come here to guard the temple and stay with the black flowers all day long, your life span must be short. Even if some of the outstanding ones can live longer, they will only live for thirty or forty years, less than half a year."

"When the protector died, the people of the same age outside the temple mountain were still in their prime, their hair not white yet."

Li Qingci said slowly: "It's just that, for us, there is no difference whether it blooms for one night or three days in Shenci Mountain. They are all the same... short-lived."

Gu Shen was silent.

This white flower blooms between the cliffs. It should be a ray of hope.

But this place is full of "black spots", disordered extraordinary sources, which have sucked up the nutrients in the mountain wall... It is very difficult for Bai Hua to survive for a day.

"Celadon girl, do you yearn for the light outside the mountain?" Gu Shen took a deep breath and asked seriously.

Li Qingsui once told herself that her biggest wish was to realize the prayer technique, restore the Temple Mountain, and then take her sister to see the outside world.


Li Qingci's answer was beyond Gu Shen's expectation.

She said calmly: "But... I would rather be a white flower that only blooms for one night in Shenci Mountain."

"My father once said..."

"Black symbolizes destruction, death, evil thoughts, and disorder."

"White symbolizes dawn, life, hope and tranquility."

Li Qingci shook her head and said with a bright smile: "If such fleeting splendor in Shenci Mountain can be regarded as a ray of light... Then I am willing to be a ray of light. I only hope that one day, these white flowers can bloom more. Some will bloom longer and bloom all over the mountains and plains. On that day, they will be able to break through the shadows that have remained unchanged for six hundred years and be able to reflect the Shenci Mountain like daylight."

In this world, there are people who live in an endless night.

There is a lot of light in my heart.

At this moment, Gu Shen was very sure... Li Qingci was such a person. When she came here and volunteered to be the protector of Shenci Mountain, she was already determined to dedicate everything.

She doesn't need anyone to save her.

She herself is the savior.

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