Barrier of Light

Chapter 350: Annihilation (please vote)

To the north of Piyue City Fortress, there is a huge canyon, which is like a god holding a sharp ax. It spreads out like a line of sky, stretching for dozens of miles, boundless as far as the eye can see, and the wind and snow are strong.

Two black robes rustled in the wind and snow.

The wild dog is wearing a cloak, standing on the edge of the cliff, looking into the distance.

Heavy snow covered my eyes.

The wind was as loud as a ghost crying.

He tightly grasped the laces of his cloak and raised his head, "Under my command...the elite of the Fourth Legion have been placed in the rear."


A low, hoarse response came from the cold wind and snow.

The sound came like beating a rusty iron drum.

The vibrations spread hundreds of meters, which is very powerful!

Looking from the top of the cliff, you will find that there are two figures, one large and one small... The wild dog is already extremely tall, but compared with the other person, it is as thin as a child.

This "monster" who was as tall as a hill was respectfully called "his subordinate" by the wild dogs, and the man who commanded the fourth legion... was none other than Beizhou's famous [Rusty Bone General]!

He stood on the edge of the cliff above the canyon heights, wearing a black iron headband and holding an iron sword in both hands. His huge body seemed to weigh several tons, and the weight of the cliff made the snow fly everywhere, and the protruding mountain seemed to be unable to bear it. This huge weight may break at any time.

A strong wind blew.

The huge pitch black cloak was blown up, revealing tens of thousands of snow-white scales that were stretched to pieces.

[General Rusty Bones] wears a heavy iron armor, each iron scale is the size of a baby's fist, as if it has its own life, can breathe, and sucks wind and snow into the gaps.

He took a long breath.

Tens of thousands of scales opened like vertical pupils, trembled, and blew out streams of white air, sweeping away the heavy snow all around!

Just one look at it will make your scalp numb and oppressive.

It is hard to imagine what kind of huge power is contained in the body of such a burly figure. If he swings a sword with all his strength, what kind of terrifying killing power will burst out?

The wild dogs endured the spray of snow from their heavily armored scales.

He whispered: "My subordinates, are you really just waiting here...and not taking any other measures?"

"Stationing here...isn't it the Grand Duke's request?"

General Rustybone glanced at the wild dog.

The latter quickly lowered his head and said in a deep voice: "...Yes."

"The super-large disaster area is ahead." He stood with a sword and a rusty bone, and said calmly: "There are one hundred and thirty-eight people trapped inside. Even [Tian Tong] is trapped here and cannot get out. If the Fourth Army rushes forward rashly, will things get better?"

Wild Dog took a deep breath and said, "I just... want to do something."

A big hand slapped him on the head.

Like a kind father caressing the child.

The wild dog has a very strange feeling... Normally, he hates this action very much. Apart from the Duke Zhuxue, he has no other person to surrender to.

But now, I don't seem to hate this big hand.

"You will see similar 'super-large disasters' in the future."

Although the voice of General Rusty Bones was hoarse, it made people feel inexplicably reassured after listening to it.

"Because of the location of Beizhou... it is inevitable that 'black spots' will spread and evolve around the fortress. If the Queen and the apostles do not take action, disasters will hatch... Maybe some disasters mean opportunities and good fortune."

"But a 'mega' like this... is almost guaranteed to be a disaster."

General Rusty Bones has an excellent reputation in Beizhou. He is known for his iron-bloodedness, ruthlessness, and fearlessness of death.

In every battle of the Fourth Army, he personally went into battle and was at the forefront!

But Wild Dog never expected that the first lesson this general taught him was...

"Remember, if you encounter such a 'super-large disaster', the first thing you have to do is to ensure that you can survive." Rusty Bones said softly: "Only living is meaningful."

The wild dog was stunned.

"The Fourth Legion can break into the disaster situation at any time. But if the order is issued before the internal situation of the disaster situation is many people will die in vain?"

"I watched each of them grow within the fortress."

"Every one of them is my 'bone'."

The general said softly: "Now... all we can do is wait. The [Towering Tree] has entered a disaster situation. If the two extraordinarys cannot deliver the message and cannot save themselves, then what the Fourth Legion can do... It’s about severing the connection between this disaster and the real world.”

The wild dog's pupils shrank slightly.

It took him ten seconds to understand the meaning of General Rusty Bones' words.

"You mean...give up?"

Rusty Bones was silent for a moment.

"Sometimes, giving not an option."

"I have known Zhou Ji for a long time... Cutting off contact is what he asked me to do before entering the disaster situation." The general shook his head and said: "Before cutting off the contact, I will try to enter the disaster situation for the last time. Try, but don’t go deep, and make sure you can pull away.”

This is the worst case scenario.

"After cutting off contact, there is still a possibility of 'rescue'."

General Rusty Bones murmured: "It's just... hope will become very slim..."

Wild Dog silently counted the time in his heart.

The Grand Adjudicator of Dongzhou has been in this disaster situation for ten days.

From a time perspective.

Hope... is already very slim.

"Wait a minute..."

Wild Dog suddenly felt something strange.

There seemed to be the sound of something breaking at the end of the windy and snowy canyon in the distance.

General Rusty Bones stared silently at the snow-white world...

In the wind and snow, countless hairs and vines rushed out, turning into a square door!

" out!"

"Everyone, we meet again... This is the first meeting held in Qiancheng this year..."

Figures appeared on the conference round table of the virtual network.

"There are two things to say at this meeting."

Grand Duke Zhuxue said softly: "The first thing is that I have a response plan for the 'super large disaster' that has recently appeared in the Piyue City Fortress, and I would like to ask everyone in the Privy Council to take a look."

The members began to browse the files sent by Grand Duke Zhuxue.

ten minutes later.

The silence was broken.

"Since the Fourth Army has arrived at the disaster area...why not attack directly?"

After someone read the document, exchanged glances with his colleagues around him, he spoke angrily, "The Fourth Army is fully capable of taking down a disaster of this scale... Just pull it out, but you actually asked the Fourth Army to be stationed? If it's just Just wait and see what happens, why waste your strength and leave the fortress?”

The quiet atmosphere at the round table suddenly became a little noisy.

Many people were whispering.

Grand Duke Zhuxue just smiled.

He didn't answer directly, but looked around, waiting for a similar sound to appear.


Zhuxue said softly: "If you have any objections to this plan or similar questions, you can raise them together."


The originally noisy round table now became quiet again.

"This disaster has not yet been named... but its scale can be determined. It is 10,000 meters in diameter and is expanding outside the boundary at a rate of at least one thousand meters per month. It has reached the category of 'super large disaster', and the expansion rate is There is a trend of getting faster and faster." Zhuxue said slowly: "After one year of expansion of this disaster realm, it will reach the main entrance of Piyue City Fortress. Whether strong logic materials can stop it... is a question. The prediction results of Deep Sea No, Piyue City Fortress will be directly squeezed by the disaster, and then all the garrison in the fortress and the residents behind the giant wall will need to be relocated."

"That's why we should crush it!"

The "angry" member of the Privy Council stood up.


Zhuxue smiled and shook his head, "Actually, I have prepared two plans. The first plan is a permission letter for the Fourth Legion to station in the disaster area of ​​Piyue City, which requires your signature... and the second plan is that from now on From now on, Qianjin City needs to order the transfer of relevant personnel of Piyue City Fortress."

Everyone was shocked.

"This video... is the latest secret message from Piyue City."

Zhuxue put one hand behind his back and waved his sleeves gently.

The sight of Wild Dog and General Rusty Bones looking out from the cliff appeared in front of everyone.

Due to the strong interference of extraordinary source matter, [Deep Sea] was unable to monitor the huge snow valley, and all related electronic components lost their effect, and could only rely on the extraordinary person's own mental power to record.

Everyone who attended the meeting saw the shocking scene that followed.

The huge snow valley was broken by trees and hair... A door emerged from the void, and tens of thousands of tons of snowfall poured out. This lasted for more than ten minutes, and the snowfall was mixed with subtle... black spots.

"This is……"

The "angry" member of the Privy Council looked bewildered.

He still doesn't quite understand what this video means.

"When the disaster in Piyue City was born, one hundred and thirty-eight people poured into it. After all the disaster came out, none of these one hundred and thirty-eight people... could leave. This attracted the attention of the Fourth Legion. Later, when the situation escalated, we discovered that this disaster situation was different from the past, and all 'communication means' were useless."

"You should know that the deep sea can also be connected through spiritual power."

"And this disaster... has greatly weakened the connection between spiritual power and the outside world. Among the one hundred and thirty-eight people, only [Tian Tong] sent a strand of hair."

What follows.

Everyone knows it.

The wild dog sent the strand of hair to Dongzhou, so Zhou Jiren, the Grand Adjudicator of Dongzhou, rushed to Piyue City and personally entered this super-large disaster area to fish for people... The strength of these two top extraordinary beings can almost be found in Walk sideways anywhere on the five continents.

But after entering the disaster situation of Piyue City, there was no news at all.

"Just two hours before the meeting, a sudden change occurred in the disaster area of ​​Piyue City... [Tian Tong] and [Towering Tree] worked together to open a door and sent out one hundred and thirty-five people. These people They are extraordinary people who enter the disaster situation to try to gain opportunities... and the way of sending them out of the disaster situation is a bit special." Grand Duke Zhuxue narrowed his eyes and said: "As you can see... these people were sent away by a snowfall. came out. Deep Sea conducted data analysis and concluded that a huge avalanche broke out in that disaster."

"One hundred and thirty-five people, one hundred and twenty-nine died, and only six survived... all of them were unconscious."

This data plunged everyone into deathly silence.

After hearing the news, the angry Privy Council participant felt as if he had been struck by lightning and looked pale.

The reason why the Fourth Army was strongly urged to attack the disaster situation in Piyue City... was because those who entered this disaster situation and tried to grab "profits" were their colleagues in the camp.

"All dead..."

There were incredible murmurs at the round table.

One hundred and thirty-five people, one hundred and twenty-nine died.

That's basically... total annihilation.

In this super-large disaster area... what force is at work that has such a terrifying fatality rate?

In the past, the biggest problem when entering a disaster situation was the inability to find an exit to connect with the real world.

There is indeed a fatality rate.

But it has never been so high... Even if all six comatose people could survive, the mortality rate would be as high as 95%!

Someone soon realized something was wrong, "There are still three people who have not left this disaster situation..."


Grand Duke Zhuxue said calmly: "This is the reason why I drew up these two plans. [Heaven Eye], [Towering Tree] from Dongzhou, and the adjudicator Zhong Wei are still in this disaster. They are not leave."

"You want the Fourth Legion to wait for them outside the disaster territory?"

The member of the Privy Council was startled and immediately objected: "Do you know how much it will cost to have Beizhou's army stationed outside for the three people in Dongzhou?"

Zhuxue glanced expressionlessly at the member of the Privy Council who had jumped out to object more than once.

The latter did not realize the strangeness and was still chattering.

"Daily military expenditures, food, energy... these funds are all allocated by the Privy Council!"

"Airship, energy cannon, and armor attached!"

"Tobacco, alcohol, strong logic material!"

There was a "pop" sound.

A slight crisp sound sounded over the round table.

The angry voice stopped suddenly.

The "privy council official" who was still resisting angrily a second ago disconnected the connection. At the moment when his mental power was not completely disconnected, someone heard the origin of the voice clearly.

That seemed to be the sound in the Linker's real world.

" don't have to worry...that should be the sound of the 'sentinel' knocking on the door."

Zhuxue spoke calmly.

He said word by word: "Her Majesty the Queen checked the financial account books a few days ago and found errors in the accounts. There is a group of idiots hiding behind the copper and iron walls of Beizhou, trying to hollow out the giant wall and achieve success. Some people sacrificed their lives for Beizhou, Some people are colluding with corruption and playing political tricks. In such a difficult and special period, Her Majesty the Queen cannot condone such behavior."

"I forgot to tell you...this is the second thing about this meeting."

"The investigation into corruption has ended, and all relevant evidence has been searched. Just as you are attending the meeting, the sentries heading into the city have already set off."

There was an uproar!

The round table fell into chaos, some were frightened and some were confused.

The sound of gunshots was transmitted into the meeting through the spiritual link!

Soon someone disconnected the link, and the last voice that came to the round table was full of anger: "Let me go! I was wronged!"

A few minutes later.

Nearly ten "familiar" figures were missing from the round table... The expressions of the remaining people seated were all complicated. Among those who disappeared, some were their friends. They had heard some rumors more or less, and some Incorruptible people who are unaware have different reactions, ranging from panic to calmness, but one thing is the same.


No one knows when Zhuxue's investigation was launched. When the news was heard, everything was over.

The judgment and the sword have fallen.

"Okay... elites of the Privy Council, the spine of Beizhou, let's continue."

Zhuxue smiled softly and said: "The order for the Fourth Legion to be stationed in the disaster area still needs your signature. Next, I will elaborate on the reasons for the formulation of the two orders."

(This month, a monthly ticket goal of 1,800 votes has been set. 10% will be automatically rewarded. Counting the rewards, 50 votes are needed to achieve the monthly ticket achievement of "2,000 votes"! It doesn't feel like a big problem, and there will be another update tonight!)

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