Barrier of Light

Chapter 355: Waterways in the Old World (big chapter, please vote for me!)

"Family dinner?"

These two words shocked Gu Shen.

"Don't think too much..." Gu Qilin said quietly: "Inviting you to this meal has something to do with your identity... If you are just an ordinary kid from the mountains, you are not an S-class , I don’t know the art of divination, and I don’t have any background in Huazhi. I will definitely not be able to treat you to this meal tonight.”

The truth.

When Gu Shen heard this, he relaxed a lot.

"In addition, there is another very important reason."

Gu Qilin said slowly: "Your teacher and I are old friends who have known each other for many years. Aren't you curious... where has Zhou Jiren gone these days?"

Gu Shen's expression gradually became serious.

"The authority of [Wind Eye] and [Sky Eye] were handed over. The plane that Zhou Ji took set off from Dongzhou, transferred to an energy airship midway, and finally arrived at Beiyuecheng Fortress."

"He entered the super-large disaster situation of Piyue City Fortress."

"Before that, a total of one hundred and thirty-seven people entered this disaster area... none left."

On the top floor of Jiangbei Hotel, dim candles were burning.

A [Lantern] was hung on the rooftop without any hanging objects. It was just floating, burning, emitting warm heat, and enveloped the two people on the rooftop.

This is not the first time Gu Shen has seen [Lantern].

When Gu Qilin took it out, he was only slightly surprised for a second.

This [Lantern] is similar to the one developed by Lu Cheng in Lion Alley in the old city of Dadu. It can block the signal of [Deep Sea] and prevent [Wind Pupil] and [Earthworm] from monitoring. It is a very safe security measure.

And to take such measures...there is no doubt that the following conversation is very confidential and extremely important.

Gu Qilin is the commander of the Dongzhou Command Post.

Mr. Shu, Mr. Shan, Mr. Lin... these three are actually giants called the "Three Giants" by the Snow Forbidden City.

And he holds in his hands an intelligence network spanning five continents.

Gu Shen has always wanted to investigate the "teacher"'s whereabouts after he left, but even Chu Ling can't connect to other continents... The power of [source code] seems to be incomplete, and it is difficult to fully exert it at certain times. In this case, unless there is a complete file that has been separated, the real-time nature of the [source code] will be insufficient.

This is actually the reason why the deep sea constantly renews itself.

As the most basic basic code, it is inevitable to be slow in the application of this emerging function.

But Gu Qilin is different.

He is truly a person with "monstrous skills", and he actually retrieved the teacher's whereabouts map.

"The super-large disaster area has not yet been named." Gu Qilin enlarged the virtual projection, slowly moved his finger, and called up the three-dimensional image outside the Piyue City Fortress, and said slowly: "Judging from the degree of the disaster shown ...It has far exceeded the initial estimate of the fortress garrison.”

Senior Sister Luo and Senior Brother Zhong...were in that disaster area.

Gu Shen looked tense.

When the projection was released, Chu Ling had already started working. She immediately used Gu Shen's "spiritual vision" to convert the projection into private information in the [database] for easy access at any time. At the same time, she recruited The real-time Beizhou map conducted a new round of scanning of the "Piyue City Fortress".

"Gu Shen...the map where the disaster is located has changed."

Chu Ling scanned the area briefly and said, "There seems to be a hole in the canyon of the Snow Mountain."

In the light of the [Lantern], Gu Qilin slowly crossed the map with two fingers, crossed them left and right at the end of the canyon, and drew a cross.

"Just today...that super-large disaster area has established a connection with the real world."

The reason why disaster situations are taken so seriously is because people who walk into them will lose their way, sink deeper and deeper, and eventually become "out of control" or lose their lives.

And establishing contact with the outside world means...

"Is someone out?" Gu Shen said subconsciously.

At the same time, he had a vague hunch in his heart that this matter would not be so simple, otherwise the old man of the Gu family would not have told him personally.


Gu Qilin said slowly: "One hundred and thirty-five people came out, one hundred and twenty-nine died, and only six survived, all in severe coma... But don't worry, you are not among these people. Teacher, senior brother, senior sister."

"Zhou Jiren, Luo'er, and Zhongwei are still in this disaster!"

"They sent out the dead and survivors in the snowy mountains... In a sense, the mission has been completed, the portal has been opened, and those people can be sent away, and they can come out."

Gu Shen murmured: "They didn't come out?"

Mr. Gu was silent for a few seconds.

"Watch this video first."

Heavy snow.

There was heavy snow covering the sky.

Heavy enough snow to drown everything.

The sight of the trekker shook violently, as if he might fall down at any time, but in such a snow-white world, even if he fell, the things he saw... would not change.

Up and down in all directions, there is nothing but vastness.

There is no difference between seeing and not seeing.

"Trying to establish link..."

"Link failed..."

"Trying to establish link..."

"Link failed..."

The huge sound of wind and snow was mixed with the sound of intermittent electronic signals.

A faint female voice sounded in the distance.

"Can't the link be established yet?"

His gaze turned slightly downward.

The video was recorded by a thin young man, holding a communicator. His dry palms were covered with a thin layer of ice, his skin was pale from the cold, and a green vine was wrapped around his wrist. The mouth exudes a bright green light.

Precisely because of the green light coverage.

He could barely resist the majestic wind and snow.

" need the door wider..."

The young man took a deep breath.

He turned his head.

Looking towards the direction where countless winds and snows were flowing... behind him, a portal that was previously unseen actually opened in the void, made of countless vines and hairs.

On both sides of the door, two figures sat, one on the left and one on the right, supporting the opening of the "portal".

This door was only opened for a few meters, and hundreds of tons of snow poured out, like a volcano erupting, spitting out from this world... except that what was spit out was extreme cold.

The torrent of snow surged and rolled.

The young man stepped on the ground with difficulty, tried his best, and leaned forward, like a crumbling old tree. Even so, one foot was still lifted off the ground, but the soles of his feet were covered with hair. Because of these hairs The reason... He resisted the terrifying suction of this world and was not spit out directly by the "portal" in the distance.

With the efforts of the two people sitting cross-legged on the left and right.

That small door in nothingness, trying to expand even bigger——

No matter how big it is!

this moment!

The sound of electricity in the communicator is no longer intermittent.

But it returned to normal.

"Trying to establish link..."

"Link successful."

The young man shouted happily, "Success! Keep it up!"

The figures sitting cross-legged in front of the two portals, one old and one young, were trembling violently... Keeping the portals open was a huge drain on them.

The young man seized this brief moment and spoke quickly into the communicator.

"This is the special operations team of the Dongzhou Adjudication Office. I am Adjudicator Zhong Wei. I am accompanied by Adjudicator Luo Er and Grand Adjudicator Zhou Jiren."

"The recording location is Beizhou Piyue City Fortress, the entrance to the canyon twenty-six kilometers due north."

"If [Deep Sea] can hear our voices, please upload the video to the Beizhou Federation database after the link is interrupted, make a signature note on this data, and deliver it to the Grand Duke Zhuxue."

"We discovered a very large disaster in Piyue City... The original size was estimated to be 12,000 meters in diameter, and it is gradually spreading at a rate of 30 meters per day. According to federal regulations, after confirming the characteristics of the disaster, we will Strike. But we are requesting in the name of the Dongzhou Adjudication Office... We hope that the Beizhou Military Headquarters can protect the scene and not allow extraordinary people to enter the disaster area again, nor carry out a devastating blow to the disaster area."

"In this disaster, we found a 'channel' that is not entangled by 'black spots'... It is suspected to be an ancient road leading to the [Old World]."

Speaking of which.

A lot of effort has been spent.

The young man ran quickly towards the distance and spoke loudly. His throat seemed to have a knife inserted into it. It sounded hoarse and rough, but even so, he still shouted loudly to ensure that the communicator could carry his voice. Go to the outside world, "Because the link is unstable... I may not be able to guarantee the display of the picture, but I will try my best to run!"

next moment!

He was like a meteor burning with fire.

All extraordinary abilities exploded.

All the frost and snow on his body burned, and even the ivy burned. The burning sound sounded from the communicator, even covering up the howling of the wind and snow... But the further away from the portal, the weaker the signal. As things got worse, he tried his best to run into the distance, and the picture in his spiritual link became increasingly blurry.

In the distance is the howling wind and snow.

The wind and snow were getting bigger and bigger, like a knife... bloodshot eyes even appeared in the mental vision.

At the end are two towering, pale mountains!

On the other side of the mountain, there are small silver-white dots... countless winds and snows tear the air, but it seems to be the only peaceful land. As long as you reach there, all the cold and frost will cease to exist.

next moment.

Video ends.

All the sounds and images were frozen in silvery white.

"This is a video from Beizhou Fortress."

Gu Qilin opened his mouth and said, "I think it is necessary for you to see this image."

"Is this why Teacher and the others... didn't come out?"

This video playback has ended.

The light of the [lantern] on the rooftop seemed to have become much dimmer.

Gu Shen came to his senses and felt a little inexplicably cold... The overwhelming snow could freeze people into ice sculptures.

"Yes. They chose to stay in that disaster, and the only thing that came out was this video."

The old man's expression was a little complicated.

"As far as I know...the reason why Zhou Jiren left Dadu and went to the Piyue City Fortress was because [Tian Tong] sent a strand of hair. With the strength of [Tian Tong], it could only send a strand of hair. The delivery of this video is already a miracle.”

Because of the combined efforts of two top transcendent beings.

Only then did the door open.

But even so... there were still heavy casualties.

Gu Qilin said: "As you can see, the last video was successfully arrived in the hands of Grand Duke Zhuxue in Qianqian City. Beizhou was undergoing a severe purge. Grand Duke Zhuxue originally wanted to use purge as the theme. , convened a meeting, and this video successfully changed the focus of his meeting. The Privy Council of Qianjin City signed an approval document for the Fourth Army to guard Piyue City, and at the same time began to transfer the people in the fortress. From a strategic point of view, it is equivalent to An arc point was made on the west side of Yu Beizhou's main wing."

The black spots will continue to spread.

Beizhou's super-large disaster situation, if left unchecked... may lead to a huge disaster!

"And this decision was made... not because of the noble status of Zhou Jiren and Luo Er." The old man said softly: "In the face of such a huge disaster, the trapped people have no status to speak of... Even if Grand Duke Zhuxue still Inside, when it’s time to destroy it, it will still be destroyed. It’s just that a larger monument will be erected afterwards.”

Gu Shen murmured: "This video mentioned...the shipping lanes of the old world..."

"To be precise, it is an old world waterway that is not entangled by black spots."

The old man said calmly: "This is why the Beizhou Military Headquarters ordered to protect this disaster situation... The amount of information in that video is actually very large."

He held out two fingers.

In the screenshot of the video, at the last frame, start to enlarge the small silver dot.

In the sight of Senior Brother Zhong Wei, the silver dot sandwiched between two towering mountains... was almost too small to be seen directly, but after being magnified hundreds of times and made clear, it was vaguely visible.

That is a...


"Theoretically speaking, the disaster situation forms a closed loop, which is likely to present an endless and endless scene. There will hardly be such a 'ferry'. Such a place can basically be regarded as a 'connection point'."

The old man said: "The small dot provided by Zhong Xie at the end is very likely to be the connection point between the disaster situation of Piyue City Fortress and the real world... which can lead to another place."

"Is this...the entrance to the waterway?" Gu Shen's pupils shrank slightly.

"That's right." Gu Qilin said: "Once the disaster realm is destroyed, it will no longer have the ability to resurrect. This means that we will lose the link entrance forever. This is why the Beizhou Military Department decided to protect this disaster realm. 's sake."

"The most important thing is... this 'connection point' within the disaster area is likely to appear randomly."

The old man narrowed his eyes and said, "Do you still remember the six people who were sent out by the door? Deep Sea read the memories of these two comatose people... and found that they each saw different dreams..."

"Is this why Teacher and the others chose to stay in the disaster situation?"

Gu Shen figured it out and murmured to himself: "If they choose to leave the disaster situation and step into it again...the connection point may disappear."

"Yes, because no one knows what patterns these black spots have." Gu Qilin said solemnly: "Maybe they have no patterns at all... So we must be cautious! Every move from the outside world may lead to disaster. Changes have occurred. Now the entire Fourth Legion is on alert to prevent this disaster from coming into contact with any living beings and causing changes!"

"The passages of the old world..."

Gu Shen rubbed his eyebrows and asked, "What on earth is that?"

How can Beizhou Military Headquarters pay so much attention to it!

A general personally guarded the area and evacuated the residents of an entire fortress. This was obviously going to be a protracted war.

The old man did not answer directly, but instead asked Gu Shen a question.

"You have been to Qingzhong, and you should have seen the 'colossus ruins' there, right?"

Gu Shen was startled.

"Do you think...those things were built by us?" Gu Qilin said meaningfully.

Gu Shen shook his head.

Those giant statues have a long history.

Counting from the New Calendar, it is only more than six hundred years.

"It's like a question that each of us will ask after we are born...where do we come from and where are we going."

Mr. Gu said softly: "Standing on the torrent of history, we will also have the same question, where did mankind come from and where are we going?"

Gu Shen somewhat understood.

But I don’t fully understand.

"The ruins of the colossi are from before the New Calendar. No one knows who built these big stone sculptures." Gu Qilin smiled and said: "Similarly, the New Calendar has been over six hundred years, and no one knows. What is the Old World? That's probably where we came from... I heard a rumor a long time ago that outside the giant wall of Beizhou, in the broken and collapsed void, there are An [Oasis], it is a holy land that carries the hope of the [Old World]. And to find it, you need to go through endless hardships and overcome countless obstacles."

Gu Shen thought of the scene he had just seen in the super-large disaster area.

Endless wind and snow!

The frost is as cold as a knife!

He thought of Li's Shrine Mountain again... There were countless black spots outside Beizhou Fortress. Each one picked out might be comparable to a Shrine Mountain topped by black clouds.

Outside of such a there an [Oasis]?

How can it be……

"You must be thinking, how is it possible?" Mr. Gu shrugged and said with a smile: "I thought the same way when I was young. When I saw the fortress of Beizhou, I saw the billions of coins that could not be seen to the end." Black Spot', thinking that even a god would not be able to cross the 'Black Sea' outside Beizhou and reach the so-called 'Oasis of the Old World'."

"But... what I can tell you is this."

"For so many years, mankind has never given up the search for the 'oasis'... When the top extraordinary people from the five continents reach a certain level of strength, many of them will join the Survey Corps, cross the giant wall, and explore the outside world."

Gu Qilin narrowed his eyes and thought for a moment, "For example... you should know Gu Zhi from Dadu District?"

Gu Shen nodded...

Shuangchuan, Guzhi.

This is a titled powerhouse with considerable strength!

If I remember correctly, Mr. Gu Zhi became a "banned" in the Beizhou Fortress. Because of an accident, he was injured and his strength declined, so he left Beizhou and came to Dadu with Representative Chen San.

"The most difficult exploration of the oasis is the 'black spot'. Except for the God's Throne and the apostles who can ignore the black spots and forcibly trek a certain distance, others are almost unable to move forward long distances... This is why the fortress was built. The construction and repair work cost a lot of money. It took a huge amount of energy and time, but the facts proved that building the giant wall was completely worth it, not only to fight against the invasion of black spots, but also to find the legendary 'waterway'."

Gu Shen vaguely understood.

He silently visualized the map of Beizhou in his mind.

Looking down.

On that vast map of Beizhou, the fortresses were connected into a line. It was a long, winding line, and this long line was only the entrance to one side of the maze.

If there really is an "oasis"...then every point on this long line may be an entry point.

"This discovery is very important. If this is a real 'waterway', then human history is likely to usher in a new breakthrough." Mr. Gu narrowed his eyes and said, "Of course...the only thing we can do now is , just waiting.”

"Your teacher, Ji Ren, may have to go on a long journey for a long time... and won't come back for a long time."

The wind on the rooftop blew quietly.

"No one knows when he will come back."

"Even... no one can guarantee that he will be able to come back." Mr. Gu said calmly: "The worst result is... after a long, long time, there is no news about the three people who traveled far away. Beizhou cannot allow the disaster to continue indefinitely. expansion, so Her Majesty the Queen personally took action to crush the disaster. Everything was shattered."

These words sound very ominous.

But Gu Shen knew...this was the most real.

"If the disaster is shattered..."

"If Zhou Jiren has arrived at the real 'connection point', then after the disaster is broken, he needs to find a way home again." Mr. Gu said slowly: "If he is still in the disaster, then... It will be broken together with the disaster."

Either way, it sucks.

"But judging from Zhuxue's current attitude, Beizhou is very patient, and the possibility of crushing the disaster situation is not high."

The old man said calmly: "At least we will wait until the Piyue City Fortress is completely engulfed... If Zhou Jiren hasn't appeared by then, I'm afraid things will be bad."


Gu Shen's mood was a little complicated.

"This news may cause some changes in Nagano." Gu Qilin said: "You also know... some people have been eyeing the position of the Grand Adjudicator, and the two biggest troubles have now disappeared. "

Zhou Jiren, Luo'er.

"I'm afraid this is bad news for you."

Gu Qilin sighed and said: "Just after the news about Beizhou came out, the Dongzhou Federation held an emergency meeting. The position of the Grand Adjudicator of the Adjudication Institute is crucial. Before the news about Zhou Jiren is unknown, someone is needed. Temporary acting...and the most suitable candidate is Zhu Wang."

Gu Shen narrowed his eyes.

"I heard about what happened in the Snow Forbidden City a few days ago. Han Dang used some shameful tricks behind his back. Although you fought back, there will inevitably be a next time..."

The old man is in trouble.

He smiled and said: "A child without a mother is not popular with is not a problem to be bullied all the time. Do you want to think about it? The Gu family can protect you."

(I updated 10,000 words today, please vote for me!)

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