Barrier of Light

Chapter 357 The silent sacrificer (big chapter, please vote for me)

Finished reading the file.

Gu Shen let out a long breath.

A lot of pressure.

Baixiu's file is really perfect. This document records every task he performed in detail.

Can't fault it at all.

"Nagano has not had such a perfect young talent for many years..."

Gu Nanfeng also read this file, and he said seriously: "Before the establishment of the Third Institute, [Deep Sea] did not establish a central database, our information was not complete, and we did not know much about the geniuses in the past. And Bai Xiu... can be said to be the 'most perfect' human being seen within Dongzhou since the establishment of the database."


This word is too much... but it is used on Baixiu so that it won't make people feel inappropriate.

Incomparably powerful capabilities, and extremely strong stability.

This is perfect!

"Thunder World Walker..." Gu Shen narrowed his eyes and asked slowly, "What kind of ability is this?"

"We don't know yet."

"There is only one example of Bai Xiu in the Extraordinary Pedigree Chart, so it cannot be referenced... And when he went out to perform tasks, he did not show his full strength. In the picture captured by [Deep Sea], Bai Xiu showed The characteristic is the 'power of thunder'." Fatty Luo said seriously: "He named this name himself. After the third stage of understanding the field, he corrected the information in the deep sea database and uploaded the name 'Thunder Realm Walker'. Even with the authority of the old man, he can only call out these."

Gu Shen already understood after hearing this.

White sleeves never fought with all their strength.

I'm afraid no one knows what the real ability of "Thunder World Walker" is except for the big shots of the Bai family who mentored him... and a very few people close to him.

But this is reasonable.

His own "blazing fire" is also the only ability in the extraordinary genealogy chart. It doesn't even have a special name. The information in the deep sea database is "blazing fire". It has an extremely high temperature and belongs to the spiritual system.

But in fact, no one knows about the characteristics of Blazing Fire's "swallowing source matter" and "digestive power"!

Gu Shen couldn't expose it easily!

"So...Thunder Realm Walker may not only have the ability of the natural system..." He silently kept an eye on it.

"You may not know the suppressive power of White Sleeves in Nagano."

Fatty Luo looked solemn and said: "All the geniuses of the younger generation in the three institutes, the five great schools, were suppressed by him alone... He originally had an S-level ability that allowed him to fight across levels, and his cultivation speed was extremely fast. , if he participates in the rookie battle, then everyone else can only compete for second place!"

"But a year ago, Shirasode left Nagano...many people breathed a sigh of relief."

Fatty Luo shrugged, "Actually, if you think about it carefully, this is a very ironic thing. With Bai Xiu leaving, they can hope to obtain a ray of fire dream and see if they can become the future god."

The God Throne...should have been the strongest person among millions of people!

Being weighed down by white sleeves, I dare not raise my head... Can such a person really pass the spiritual test even if he gets the "Dream of Fire"?

Even if... this is just the simplest level, I'm afraid I will lose miserably.

Gu Shen asked curiously: "So what did Bai Xiu do when he left Nagano?"


Fatty Luo said in a deep voice: "No one knows where exactly he went for the trial. The Bai family claims that it is the frozen wasteland north of Nagano. The environment there is harsh and it is difficult to survive... But I heard that it was Bai Xiu himself. He wanted to go alone, but the Bai family must have secretly sent a protector to protect and follow him."

It is impossible for the Bai family to allow an accident to happen to such a genius, leading to his demise.


Fatty Luo leaned down and winked at Gu Shen, "Master Gu, did you figure out anything by investigating his files?"

Gu Shen raised his eyebrows.

Ever since he was officially announced as the successor of divination by the guardian of the tomb...his name has gradually become strange and weird...

Chu Ling's voice sounded in his mind, and the real-time surveillance image was called up at the same time.

"Friendly reminder, there are many people gathering in the north of Snow Forbidden City..."

He glanced at the crowd and saw a familiar figure like Bai Chen, and he immediately understood what had happened.

Gu Shen sighed inwardly.

I thought this year was really a "good luck year".

Whatever comes to mind, comes.

"The White Sleeve Trial is back." He looked at Fatty Luo and said calmly, "People are waiting for him at the gate of the Snow Forbidden City now, right?"

"It's boring..."

Luo Yu muttered, this is the latest news. No one has been told about Baixiu's return to the Snow Forbidden City. The Bai family has not made any preparations. Looking at the look on Gu Shen's face, there is no surprise at all...

He must have used divination to predict the fortune in advance!

The Bai family clan has a strict hierarchy, with one direct line and dozens of branches. Because the family business is so large, the direct line has always succeeded to the position of the head of the family... and the branch members are controlled by the Presbyterian Council and spread throughout Jiangbei.

In fact, most of the systems of the five major families are like this.

The entire Dongzhou Jiangbei is actually under the joint control of the five major families.

Times will change.

But the blood flowing in the family, and the resonance condensed in the blood... have not changed for hundreds of years. After six hundred years of vicissitudes of wind and snow, Nagano is still the most powerful region in Dongzhou, and the five families sitting high in the Snow Forbidden City are still the real masters of Jiangbei.

The north of the Snow Forbidden City was not busy today.

Heavy snow fell all over the city.

Because it was the Bai family's annual "ancestral worship" festival, many elders went to the ancestral hall, and only a few people knew about Bai Xiu's return to Nagano, so the crowd waiting at first could only be regarded as deserted.

The second elder of the Bai clan was wearing the standard robe worn during ancestor worship, a high crown on his head, and his sleeves rolled up with his hands. Wearing such an incongruous ancient robe, he stood at the top of the snow-forbidden city, waiting silently.

If time goes back many years...

What was whizzing past the city gate was not a car but a carriage. Perhaps this outfit would suit the occasion.

"Why did Little Sleeve come back in such a hurry this time?"

Bai Chen came to the top of the city, stood side by side with the second elder, and said with a smile: "You don't even want to say hello to us in advance... There are many people in Nagano who are looking forward to seeing him, even if it's just from a distance. "

The second elder looked solemn.

Bai Chen raised his eyebrows, vaguely aware that something was wrong.

Maybe it's because the snow is not over yet.

There were dark clouds passing by in the distance at the top of the Snow Forbidden City. Wisps of black air were swirling and condensing rapidly. Black clouds covered the sky, and the sound of thunder gradually sounded.

The second elder is the person who single-handedly cultivated Bai Xiu in the ancestral hall, and he is also the person closest to Bai Xiu...

Regarding the news about Bai Xiu's return, he learned about it from the second elder.

Not long after.

After the thunder and lightning gathered, many people learned the news of Bai Xiu's return, and the Bai family members who were busy offering sacrifices in many ancestral halls also rushed out. People slowly moved closer to the city, wanting to have a glimpse of the scene.

At this moment.

"Little Sleeve did encounter something... He has already entered the city first."

The second elder whispered to Bai Chen: "Stay with me for a little longer... He wants to be alone."

Bai Chen felt something bad in his heart.

"What's going on here?"

There was silence for a long time.

The second elder said softly: "On the way back, Bai Xiu... encountered an assassination."

"Reading? Going out? Reading..."

One leaf after another, Bai Lu picked out the leaves in her palm and made a selection.

She always felt that it was difficult to calm down today. There were fewer and fewer people in the ancestral hall. It seemed that they all ran to greet Xiaoxiu, but why couldn't she read anymore?

I have a bad premonition.

She closed the page, stood up, and raised her head.

There are dark clouds hanging over the Snow Forbidden City.

Thunder and lightning.

The ancestral hall was instantly transformed into daylight.

The next moment, Bai Lu suddenly saw a familiar figure.

A boy in white.

"...little sleeves?"

She doubted her eyes.

The streets outside the Bai clan's ancestral hall were deserted, and the streets were quiet except for the rustling of the ginkgo trees.

Everyone left to greet Baixiu...and Baixiu came here quietly.

The mountain that countless geniuses in the Snow Forbidden City can't reach.

In fact, he has a rather immature baby face.

There was no expression on Baixiu's face... but there was solidified blood between her sleeves...


Bai Lu was startled.

When Bai Xiu saw her, he just nodded and said nothing.

He walked straight towards the ancestral hall in the backyard, without disturbing a gust of wind or a leaf. After arriving at the ancestral hall silently, Bai Xiu looked at the plaques enshrined on the ancestral hall one after another.

He just watched silently.

There was no anger, no sadness, no color in the eyes... there was just calmness.


Bai Chen couldn't believe his ears.

"The information I have is very limited."

The second elder said softly: "I only know that...the other party has a very thorough plan and a very meticulous style of action. If you attack in the tundra wilderness, if you fail to succeed, you will retreat thousands of miles."

"But the specific position of the little sleeves...only the Bai family knows." Bai Chen's expression gradually became complicated.

"Yeah, that's the problem."

The second elder said: "To be precise, only a few people in the Bai clan know the information about Xiaoxiu."

For some words, it is enough to just click on it.


Bai Chen couldn't believe it and frowned: "How could there be such a person in the ancestral hall?"

The Bai family is in full swing!

Have yourself first, then show off your white sleeves.

The next two decades will be like twin stars in the sky!

As for Baixiu... he is a better and more talented person than himself. If he continues to develop at this rate, he may even become...

The next throne.

"The facts are before our eyes. No matter how unwilling you or I are to believe it, we must accept it... Someone leaked the news and organized this assassination, within the Bai family."

The second elder said expressionlessly: "This assassination was just a little bit successful. 'Qu Long' stepped forward at the critical moment and blocked Baixiu's blow. He died on the tundra. He wounded the assassin before he died. By."

When Shirasode left Nagano.

The ancestral hall sent a "guardian"... This is a position established by the five families hundreds of years ago. It has been passed down through the generations with the patriarchal system. It is similar to the "death warrior" and the "life-sacrificial person". They dedicated their lives For the clan, be willing to become a shadow under the light.

The guardians of the Bai family are different from the guardians of the Li family's temple mountain in terms of responsibilities.

But what they paid for was almost the same.

They also give everything.

It can be said... The meaning of Qu Long's life is to die for Bai Xiu.

There were faint veins bulging on Bai Chen's forehead: "Where is Little Sleeve now?"


The second elder said softly: "The protectors of the Bai family are silent when they are born and silent when they die. They will not leave a monument in the ancestral hall, nor will they leave their names on the roster... Bai Xiu said that he wanted to take a look. ."

Bai Chen was about to leave and lowered his voice, "I'll check it out!"

"How to check..."

The second elder asked coldly: "Where can I find out? If you leave now, can you find out the truth?"

Bai Chen was speechless for a moment.

"The enemy is right in front of you..."

The old man wearing a high crown spoke softly. His vision passed over the Snow Forbidden City, including falling snow, fine rain, pale thunder, and one after another, waiting figures.

"Never...snatch the enemy off guard."

He stretched out one hand, slowly pressed Bai Chen's shoulder, and said calmly: "Today is a happy day for Bai Chen to complete the trial and return home. He has just broken through and achieved the ninth level of perfection. Everyone in Nagano Five While you are watching here, do you want everyone to know...that there has been such a major change within the Bai family?"

Bai Mo lowered his head silently. His breath only changed for a moment, and soon returned to normal.

"We are here waiting for him to 'come back'. As for the tundra assassination..."

The second elder's high-gown belt was swaying in the wind, and he said: "During the thorough investigation, we must suppress the rumors and don't spread the news!"

Baixiu stood silently in front of the ancestral hall.

After the wind and thunder, there is heavy rain and heavy snow.

He did not enter the house.

He didn't shield himself from the rain, he just stood silently... This white clothes had actually been soaked in the tundra, but now it was soaked again.

Bai Lu stood under the eaves, watching this scene with some worry.

After seeing the blood on the cuffs of her white clothes, Bai Lu probably guessed what happened.

She took out the white silk and wanted to hand it to Xiaoxiu.

Baixiu didn't answer it.

The two of them just stood in the heavy rain.

After a long time, Baixiu spoke.

His voice was a little confused: "Is it because of... my background?"


Bai Lu didn't know how to answer this question. She actually grew up with Xiaoxiu and had a vague understanding of the hidden story behind it.

The head of the Bai family is determined by blood.

Only direct descendants... can inherit the position of head of the family.

Unlike Bai Chen and Bai Lu, these two "big men" who followed their destiny, Bai Xiu's background was not noble. can even be described as "lowly".

His birth was just an "accident."

Bai Xiu's mother was a woman from the Jiangbei branch. She was frail and sick. She used all her strength to give birth to him, and her father was an out-and-out bastard. It was said that he was thrown into the river to feed the fish...

When Baixiu's ability was awakened and he was sent to the Snow Forbidden City, the files were sealed immediately.

It's not just because the Bai family discovered the young man's powerful abilities and wanted to protect him as soon as possible.

Even more because... Bai Xiu's birth was actually an insult to Bai.

"This time, someone died for me."

Bai Xiu said softly: "And I don't even know his surname or first name... There will be no monument for him in the Bai family's ancestral hall."

This sentence touched the chord in Bai Lu's heart.

The witch lowered her eyes, feeling a little sad.

She said with difficulty: "Guardians have always been like this..."

At this point, she couldn't speak anymore.

Is it right that this has always been the case?

"There are still many people waiting for me outside the Snow Forbidden City."

Bai Xiu said: "The second elder hopes that I will keep quiet and show that... nothing happened. He said that today is a good day. I have finished the trial and successfully broke through, so... I should laugh. "

He slowly turned his head and looked at Bai Lu.

There was no trace of joy, sadness, or anger in those eyes.

All emotions were well hidden by him.

"You feel……"

Baixiu asked softly, word by word: "Should I laugh?"

"Tsk... don't look at those crappy drawings of yours!"

"latest news--"

Fatty Luo pressed his iron hand heavily on the table.

He was in high spirits and was about to speak.

"Baixiu didn't appear at the gate of the Snow Forbidden City at all. Everyone was waiting in vain." Gu Shen's tone was calm and understated, stealing his words.

Fatty Luo was so angry that his nose was filled with smoke.

Use divination again!

"There are still people waiting at the gate of the Snow Forbidden City. Maybe Baixiu just hasn't come back yet!" Fatty Luo gritted his teeth and sat down. He randomly picked up a drawing that looked like a ghost drawing, and his face was full of question marks.

"Won't come back."

Gu Shen said leisurely, "This guy must have gone to the ancestral hall...and [Feng Tong] can't see it. The Bai family will definitely use their authority to erase these traces."

" did you know?" Luo Yu was stunned.

"...Secret." Gu Shen smiled slightly, picked up the drawing, and continued to review it in his mind, dismantling the formation patterns.

Chu Ling has been monitoring the Snow Forbidden City.

After the [Feng Tong] signal appeared abnormal, she conducted a test. It should be the same method that Li used to escort her that day... The stars were twinkling, and the dim track was actually the trace she wanted to cover up.

Some [Wind Pupils] failed.

It happened to be that we arrived at the Bai clan's ancestral hall from the Snow Forbidden City Gate.

No matter how powerful the Thunder World Walker is, he has not reached the point where he can open up his spiritual realm and block the perception of Feng Tong... This can only mean that when Bai Xiu went to the ancestral hall, someone from the Bai family had used their authority.

But the news was obviously released, but Chen Cang was kept secretly.

This makes people think too much.

Is this trying to attract people to the city gate?


"Baixiu is back this time..." Gu Shen smiled and said, "The Bai family may be in trouble."

Tsukasa narrowed his eyes, thoughtfully.

Fatty Luo frowned, a little confused, "Bai Xiu is back...why is the Bai family in trouble?"

He thought about it again and vaguely realized something.

"Of course... I just said it casually. Without evidence, no matter how much I guess, it's just nonsense."

Gu Shen reached out and put away the drawings. He reviewed the ancient prose he learned from Qingzhong last time and confirmed that it was almost digested. It was time to go there again.

"If you continue to eat melon, I will no longer accompany you."


The dim firelight flickered in the rain, reflecting a deep red.

The ancestral hall is full of falling trees, and the courtyard is full of raw materials.

The welcoming ceremony at the gate of the Snow Forbidden City attracted a lot of people, but Baixiu refused to show up, so Bai could only find an excuse to pass by... In fact, this anomaly was enough to attract the attention of many people.

Baixiu doesn't care.

He was waiting for the important figures of the Bai family in the ancestral hall.

And now...he has waited.


An elder shook his head and said: "Without such a precedent, the protector cannot leave his name in the ancestral hall... This is the rule."

"It is the duty of a protector to sacrifice his life..."

Another elder said: "Qu Long is dead, and he deserves to die."

The elders looked at Baixiu strangely.

This peerless genius whom the Bai family has encountered in decades would actually make such a strange request?

Want to leave a monument for a person who is destined to die anonymously...?

"Stop talking!"

The second elder spoke in a deep voice.

He glanced around coldly, suppressing the momentum of the other people who were about to speak.

"We will investigate the case thoroughly... and we will definitely catch the murderer."

The second elder comforted him in a calm voice, "We will investigate the case as soon as possible... and give Qu Long an explanation."

Bai Xiu also looked at these elders.

Including the second elder, they scanned them one by one.

His gaze was neither demeaning nor mocking, neither confused nor curious.


As calm as water.

Or rather...dead silence.

Bai Xiu asked a question.

"what is his name?"

The courtyard suddenly became so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.

Everyone looked at each other, this question... no one could answer it.

Qu Long... is just a code name.

No one knows his name.


An elder sighed, rubbed his brows, and said with a headache: "The sacrificers are all comrades in the Bai family branch who have only a few lives to live. They are willing to sacrifice themselves, and after becoming 'life sacrificers', they give up everything... "

Halfway through, the voice stopped abruptly.

He realized he had said the wrong thing.

These unknown people...come from the Bai family's branch.

And Bai Xiu was also born in a branch.

And when it comes to life experience... Baixiu will only be bleaker than those people.

He quickly stopped talking, then looked at Bai Xiu, and breathed a sigh of relief... There was no anger in the other person's expression, and it was as smooth as a mirror as always.

Fortunately, Baixiu probably wasn't that keen.

So he finished what he said next: "In short... no one will remember their names."


The second elder appeared again.

"Now that you have returned to Nagano, it means... that you are safe. The Presbyterian Council will handle the Tundra assassination case in the most severe manner. While this matter is being handled, I hope you... will not make any noise."

The second elder's voice was also a little nervous.

As he spoke, he observed Baixiu's expression to ensure that the latter's mood did not fluctuate too much.

"The trial is over. It's good news that you successfully broke through. Don't be stressed recently. Take a good rest and wait for the results of our investigation."

He consoled him in a broad voice: "Next, prepare for the newcomer battle in the Snow Forbidden City. If you can capture that 'Dream of Fire', maybe in the future... you will be the next God of Nagano!"

Baixiu shook his head.

He looked at the plain white robes fluttering all over the courtyard and spoke slowly.

"You...let me down so much."

(This chapter took a long time to write and revise. Long wait.)

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