Barrier of Light

Chapter 361 A Piece of Snow (Big Chapter! Please vote for me!)

What the world sees is often superficial.

So what the world often what they want to believe.

Everyone wanted to believe that Bai Xiu and Gu Shen would start fighting when they met... So from the moment Bai Xiu entered the Qing Tomb, the Shenshui Forum began to discuss the situation in the cemetery a few hours later.

The news was impactful.

The impact reflects but is not limited to the prison market. The market quickly filled up and began to close.

But I am afraid no one can imagine that the Qingzhong Cemetery at this moment is quieter and more harmonious than any other day in the past.

Mist lingers.

When Gu Shen arrived at the top of the mountain, there was already a figure standing at the bottom of the mountain. The man stood patiently at the original waiting position, as if he had guessed that Gu Shen would definitely come.

"I'm here to say thank you."

Bai Xiu saluted again, "Thank you for those two reminders... you saved me a lot of trouble."

Without those two reminders.

Although the matter is not unsolvable, it is really troublesome and troublesome.

"You are welcome."

Since Master Qianye wants to help him.

So Gu Shen just accepted this favor smoothly.

He smiled and asked: "Has the matter been resolved?"

"Half solved."

Baixiu pointed outside the cemetery, his eyebrows relaxed, and said: "That man will die tonight... He will not be buried in the clear tomb."

That person refers to Bai Buzheng, this is a damn person.

Half of the things are still unresolved.

The dead man who blocked Baixiu's knife was a person who should have been alive... Now he is dead and needs to be buried.

"If you are willing to go down the mountain, I would like to ask you for another favor... use divination to choose a good location in the outer mausoleum."

Baixiu spoke again and said, "I want to bury Yu Shu tonight."

When speaking.

Gu Shen had already started going down the mountain.

Baixiu watched the mountain mist in front of him swaying and spreading bit by bit. Finally, from the mist dispersed by the waterfall, a figure in black clothes who was similar to his own age gradually stepped out.

In fact, there is nothing similar between the two, their faces, expressions, temperaments... To be more precise, Gu Shen and Bai Xiu are just like the colors of the clothes they are wearing at the moment, or the two emotions that burst out when they comprehend the breath of spring. A ray of spiritual light.

One black, one white.

The two people's auras were completely opposite.

And it goes in the opposite direction.

"He died after blocking a knife for you... Isn't such a person qualified to enter the Bai Family Ancestral Hall?"

After Gu Shen asked this question and saw Bai Xiu's silence, he understood the answer.

Yu Shu's surname is not Bai.

This is a person with a foreign surname.

Baixiu's eyebrows still contained a hint of cold murderous intent.

It is not difficult to see that although the reminder of those two names saved him a lot of trouble... but the whole process still caused a lot of trouble.

"It's okay not to go to Bai's ancestral hall."

Bai Xiuyan said concisely: "Actually... that's not a good place."

It is not difficult to choose a stone tablet for Yu Shu.

In fact, there is no need to use "divination"... Gu Shen's blazing fire can see things that ordinary people can't see, such as the flow of extraordinary sources, and in the cemetery of Qingzhong, the richness and thinness of extraordinary sources , is a manifestation of the direction of the formation.

The so-called "good location" is a place with rich source quality.

In fact, it is not difficult to see this.

Gu Shen knew that in such a short period of time, Bai Xiu had left and returned, and came back to Qing Tomb... probably just to see him again.

And choosing the stone tablet... is just a reason to invite yourself to meet him out of the mountain.

"Just here."

Gu Shen came to a mountain forest in the outer mausoleum. There were no other monuments standing here. It was very peaceful. The rain was blocked by the forest leaves. Except for the large array operating all year round, extremely bad weather would not come. Within this cemetery.

Standing in the forest, you will have a quiet and empty feeling.


Baixiu nodded. He did not use his abilities extensively. Instead, he only focused a ray of lightning, dug into the soil, and dug out a rough boulder. He put his hands together and slowly cut the stone surface.

Gu Shen narrowed his eyes.

[Thunder World Walker] It should be the power of natural thunder... A bright white light vaguely appeared in the air.

An unstable arc of thunder was suppressed by Baixiu and was extremely submissive.

The stone surface was completely cut and soon carved into a monument.

The names of sacrifices were engraved on Baixiu's fingers, and Yu Shu's name was engraved on the stele.

Then, the lightning in his palm slowly dissipated.

Just hold the stone tablet in your hands, slowly insert it into the mud, then dust it off with your palms, and clean it carefully.

"I heard that the formation pattern in the Qing Tomb has a mysterious connection with Mr. Gu Changzhi's 'fire'...even if there is no body, it can still summon the source of matter." Baixiu squatted in front of the stone tablet, without looking back, murmured Said: "Is this really happening?"

Master Qianye's voice echoed in Gu Shen's mind.


So Gu Shen shook his head.

"Then if I bring the body back...the extraordinary source material has been dissipated, can I be summoned?" Bai Xiu was a little regretful, but he didn't give up.

Gu Shen asked.

"This is no problem."

The guardian of the tomb said: "The essence of this world follows the law of summoning. When it disperses, it gathers... Even the dead can still summon their own essence, but the distance is too far and the summons is ethereal. It takes a long time.”

Gu Shen nodded.

He also squatted in front of the stone tablet and said softly: "You can... but it will take a long time to complete the summoning."

The condensation of extraordinary essence is like rain.

Raindrops fall, fall to the ground, evaporate, rise again, gather and turn into rain clouds... This takes a long time.

"It doesn't matter, he has a long, long time now."

Bai Xiu said: "As long as I can return to the right place... it will be fine."

This is a more suitable resting place than the Bai Family Ancestral Hall.

"Before I knew your identity, I wanted to clear the tomb again..." Baixiu said slowly: "But I didn't think about inviting you down the mountain at that time. I just wanted to express my gratitude."


He knew Baixiu's identity.

Bai Xiu also knew his identity.

Gu Shen thought for a while and then reported a person's name: "Bai Lu?"

"Is this the result of divination...or is it just a random guess?" Baixiu narrowed his eyes and looked at Gu Shen. The two were very close, less than one meter apart.

Gu Shen could see a slender, snow-white light shining deep in Bai Xiu's dark pupils.

This ray of light is not dazzling.

Not so long ago.

He should be looking at me like this through the heavy fog... maybe his eyes are dozens of times brighter than this.

"Of course I'm guessing," Gu Shen said calmly, "Actually, I don't know how to do divination."

Sometimes, people who tell the truth are not believed.

Everything Gu Shen said was very consistent with his status as "heir of divination".

First, leave an "ominous word" to keep Bai Lu in the ancestral hall.

Everything that followed immediately erupted in the ancestral hall.

And my identity... At present, it seems that the foreshadowing was laid many days ago.

"I prefer to believe that all this is within your calculation." Bai Xiu smiled, "In all these years, no one has ever been able to make Bai Lu so docile and willing to study and meditate in the ancestral hall."

Baixiu looked at Gu Shen seriously for dozens of seconds.

The slender white light in his eyes slowly dissipated.

It's like a cat extinguishing its vertical pupils in the night.

The swaying fire between Gu Shen's brows also slowly extinguished.

"She said you are a real genius." Baixiu sighed softly: "So I want to meet you..."

"They all say that you are the real genius." Gu Shen smiled and said, "So... I have always wanted to meet you."

Bai Xiu was startled.

"You are indeed different from the people I met before."

He immediately smiled and said: "I can't see through you... nor can I see through that wisp of fire."

"Is this a compliment?"


"Well, thank you for the compliment."

"If you stay in Nagano longer, you will know... everyone is waiting for us to have a fight." Gu Shen's mood was a little subtle. He said with a smile: "I thought we would really have a fight. field."

"Sounds interesting." Baixiu said, "But now... is not a good time."

This sentence is put very gently.

Gu Shen started his extraordinary cultivation too late.

There is already a huge distance gap between the two people.

It is extremely difficult to catch up.

Not to mention... Now there is a huge difference in strength.

"Extraordinary practice is a big thing. Winning or losing is a very small thing." Bai Xiu stood up and said: "I will participate in next year's rookie battle... The original reason is very simple, just because I want to Use your best condition to welcome the 'Dream of Fire'."

He stretched out his hand and said: "And now, there is one more reason."

This sentence means opponent.

This hand means friend.

Gu Shen also stood up.

He briefly shook hands with Baixiu.

Then he said seriously: "I'm sorry...I won't participate in the rookie battle...not this year, nor next year. If I can't beat you, I won't, and if I beat you, I won't."

This was beyond Bai Xiu's expectation.

"As you said... extraordinary cultivation is a big thing. Winning or losing is a very small thing."

Gu Shen said slowly: "This is why I won't participate."

Is this indisputable?


This is another kind of struggle.

Everyone in the Snow Forbidden City is vying to be the leader of this newcomer battle... But Gu Shen doesn't care about this false reputation. He cares more about his "learning of ancient literature" and the black flowers in "Shenci Mountain".

The "Tao" he fights for day and night is not in the Snow Forbidden City.

"I see."

Bai Xiu was thoughtful and murmured: "No wonder Master Qianye accepted you as the successor of divination."

"There is one thing I want to remind you."

"This assassination... is very likely not over yet."

The long night will dawn.

After thinking about it carefully, Gu Shen decided to convey his thoughts to Bai Xiu: "Maybe you don't care what the assassin's intention is, but if you want to plan such an exquisite and perfect plan... you must not rely on just one person."

These words sounded like an attempt to rebel against the Bai family.

But in fact, Gu Shen had no such thoughts.

"The plotter is in Nagano, the assassin is in the tundra... The elder Bai is about to execute is usually just a member of the clan in charge of the account books. He has no direct conflict with you. No matter how much I dislike you, there is no way he would risk doing this. Big risk, hire a murderer to kill you."

Gu Shen looked at Yu Shu's monument and whispered: "The cause and effect that divination can find is direct cause and effect... In other words, divination can tell that the tundra killer was hired by him, but The person who really has murderous intentions towards you is most likely still hiding in the dark."

Baixiu didn't speak.

He just listened quietly.

"The rules in the world are generally divided into two sets, one is on the surface and the other is hidden underground."

"For hundreds of years, the five major families have abided by the underground rules set by each other. No matter how they broke up, they would not attract external forces to resolve internal conflicts... But in the past few years while the god was sleeping, the conflicts have become more and more intense. , with no intention of stopping at all.”

Gu Shen paused deliberately.

Bai Xiu said: "You want to say that someone started to violate the rules of the underground."

Gu Shen nodded slowly.

The reason why I have such an idea.

It was because of the meeting with the old man of the Gu family not long ago.

Gu Shen vaguely felt... there seemed to be a huge storm brewing underground in Nagano.

If it is as expected.

Someone among the five major families violated the rules, "colluded" with external forces, and prepared to reshuffle... Then it won't be long before the whole of Nagano will face an unprecedented impact!

"I know what you want to say, it's just..."

Baixiu slowly moved his head and looked at Gu Shen, "Even if this is true... we can't do anything."

"Of course, one's power is limited." Gu Shen said calmly: "What I want to say is... no matter where you are, you need to be careful. Because such an assassination is likely to happen again. three times."

Bai Xiu fell into silence.

Killing him...what benefits can Bai get?

At first glance, this would do the Bai family no good at all. How could anyone within the Bai family hope for his death?

But come to think of it...not really.

The "bloodline theory" that has been passed down for six hundred years has been broken in his case. With the speed of his advancement, the dazzling brilliance of his eldest son Bai Chen will be completely obscured in a few years.

And at that time, how will the Bai family's position as "head of the family" be passed on?

Would the Presbyterian Church really be willing to pass on the position of "head of the family" to a Jiangbei orphan with a despicable background and low-blooded blood?

And sometimes, you can’t decide whether you want something or not.

If you don't want it, someone will stuff it into your hands.

And then... there will be another group of people trying to chop off your hands.

Or... cut off your head.

"You just said that the in the tundra?"

Gu Shen continued: "If the Bai family successfully catches the assassin, verifies his identity, and executes him...then some of the previous doubts can be dispelled. But I always have a hunch that the assassin will not be caught. By then, he will probably escape the tundra."

When making friends, don't make shallow friends.

At this point, it’s already a bit “deep”.

Gu Shen quickly stopped.

He said seriously: "In have to be careful."

A ray of dawn fell in the forest.

Gu Shen and Bai Xiu stood in front of the stone tablet.

The clouds and mist dispersed, the forest leaves rustled, and the birds chirped softly.

A ray of light that could not shine into the Qingzhong forest all year round fell on Yu Shu's stone tablet.

Bai Xiu looked at Gu Shen meaningfully.

He did not agree or refute, he just nodded slightly and said softly and seriously: "I remember these words..."

"Baixiu hasn't come out yet...but Gu Shen came out first!"

There were many people outside Qingzhong.

Because I dare not disturb the purity of the cemetery.

They were waiting at the exit of the cemetery.

Unexpectedly, after one night, the wind and rain had dissipated.

The first person to walk out of the Qing Tomb was not Bai Xiu, but Gu Shen!

Gu Shen walked out of Qingzhong Cemetery with a very complicated expression.

Although I had long expected that wherever Baixiu went, there would be many onlookers, but I never expected... that there would be so many people, and most of them were young and beautiful women.

He had sneaked into Qingzhong while Bai Xiu was entering the city, just to avoid the hustle and bustle of the world.

No matter how hard you hide, what is supposed to come will always come. You can't hide or avoid it.

The crowd was a little disappointed when they saw Gu Shen coming out.

"You kid... you're quite capable!"

An iron hand patted Gu Shen's shoulder, and then with a sudden force, a tall body slowly and powerfully squeezed out of the crowd, leading Gu Shen to the car. Luo Yu's rich voice sounded, "I didn't expect that it could be possible." Come out alive... your life is really big!"

Come out alive?

This is so unlucky... Gu Shen smiled bitterly and said, "Brother Luo, what do you mean, are you expecting something to happen to me?"

Luo Yu chuckled and said, "I don't dare. If something happens to you, I'm afraid both the young master and the old man will hold me accountable!"

There was a hint of schadenfreude in this smile.

"Gu are you...unscathed?!"

Someone sighed loudly from the back seat of the car.

Gu Shen turned around and saw the familiar Prince Gong and Shen Li who was resting with his eyes closed.

"How much did you buy?" Gu Shen realized the reason for Gong Zi's ugly expression and sneered: "It's not because Stud paid for me to be beaten to death by Baixiu, right?"

"How is that possible!" Gong Zi said angrily: "Am I that kind of person?"

"The news of Baixiu entering Qingzhong last night was too sudden," Shen Li opened his eyes and said calmly: "When someone took me to the prison, the ticket was already closed, let alone stud, he didn't even have time to get off. Note."

Gu Shen was a little confused: "Then why do you have such a sad face..."

"It's just that the thief is determined to make a fortune." Shen Li, who was in the back seat of the car, stretched out a hand, showed off the new jade bracelet on his wrist, and said calmly: "Brother Gong, I am willing to admit defeat... Now this one The sealed artifact is mine."

Gong Zi gritted her teeth, pretended to be generous, and waved her hand, "It was originally given to you... don't let me see it!"

Shen Li closed his eyes and went to sleep again.

Gong Zi came over and twirled the fabric of Gu Shen's clothes disbelievingly, with confusion on her face, "Brother on earth did you do that?"

He did feel the breath of Baixiu.

Gu Shen...definitely met Bai Xiu!

These two people didn't fight?

No... It should be said that Gu Shen was not beaten by Baixiu? !

"Obviously, Nagano is not just about fighting and killing, but also about people."

Gu Shen used two fingers to remove Gong Zi's salty pig's trotters with disgust, and asked calmly: "Can't I talk to Bai Xiu all night long and sit down and discuss the truth?"

Gong Zi shook her head crazily: "It's possible for anyone...but Bai Xiu..."

"What's wrong with Baixiu?" Gu Shen raised his eyebrows.

"Baixiu will not 'discuss the Tao' with anyone of his age." Gong Zi smiled bitterly: "Even if there is a similar verbal exchange, it can only be his 'preaching'."

Gu Shen fell silent for a moment.


In terms of extraordinary attainments... Bai Xiu is much higher than others.

"He is indeed a very strong man."

Thinking back to the gaze in front of the stone monument and the test of each other.

Bai Xiu failed to see through his own "wilderness of four seasons".

Similarly, Gu Shen's blazing fire did not see the reality of [Thunder Realm Walker].

Gu Shen took a gentle breath to adjust his mood.

The road is still long.

You... don't need to compare yourself to others, you just need to follow your own path!

After calming down, Gu Shen glanced at the back seat and said with a smile: "Brother Gong, this is a blessing in disguise. Although you lost a sealed artifact... I want to tell you good news."

Gong Zi was a little confused.

"Baixiu will not participate in this year's rookie battle." Gu Shen said softly, "You can start preparing for the competition."

It took Gong Zi several seconds to react.

This is simply unbelievable news!

Shirasode deliberately returned to Nagano, but he didn’t even participate in this year’s “Rookie Battle”!

Having said that... there is hope for my "dream of fire"!

The news that Bai Xiu gave up this year's rookie competition... first spread throughout the Bai family clan, and then spread throughout Nagano.

This is great news for those young extraordinary people who are eager to win the championship and choose to wait and see at the last moment.

For the Bai family.

Baixiu's willfulness is really a troublesome thing sometimes.

[Fengtong] In the surveillance room.

"If you give up the game, just give up the game..."

"This year and next year, it's no different."

Bai Chengong stood beside him.

The man sat back on the chair and leaned back slightly. He looked at the huge screen and spoke softly, asking: "It took a lot of sampling time. Regarding the young man named Gu Shen... what useful information did [Feng Tong] capture?" information?"

On that huge screen, layers of code began to flow.

[Deep Sea] was driven by authority and began to mobilize Gu Shen's "information" in Nagano from the central database.

Ever since he stepped into Nagano, countless pairs of eyes have been looking at this boy.

Scene after scene, reflected on the huge screen, was divided into small squares one after another.

Huge amounts of information are being sifted through.

The blocks are quickly eliminated, leaving a useful "picture".

Deep Sea quickly captured one picture after another... Those pictures had one thing in common, that is, Gu Shen's brows were on fire.

"Will the S-level ability be a simple spiritual one?"

The man's voice was rich and powerful. He laughed in a low voice: "I don't believe the files of the adjudication office, nor do I believe the report submitted by the old fox Zhou Jiren..."

"Father." Bai Chen said softly: "In the Snow Forbidden City, I met Gu Shen from a distance...For a moment, I felt a familiar aura on his body."


"It's not that blazing fire..."

Bai Chen thought about it seriously, hesitated, and said, "I can't tell... That power seemed to resonate with my bloodline and suppress it. But it disappeared in just an instant."

The man narrowed his eyes, lost in thought.

He zoomed in on the picture in the night of the Snow Forbidden City, which was the picture of Gu Shen being dragged into the realm of [Mantra] by Han Dang. [Wind Eyes] captured a complete and coherent image.

The moment the field spreads.

Gu Shen's shadow seemed to turn pale for a moment.

That's a piece of snow...

This piece of snow successfully attracted the attention of the head of the Bai family. He frowned and stared at the video. The normal flow of images slowed down hundreds or thousands of times in the man's eyes.

He read every frame carefully.

Then I discovered something incomprehensible and terrifying.

The moment he landed, a patch of snow appeared on Gu Shen's shadow.

He didn't see clearly.

How did this piece of snow appear?

(I’ve been waiting for a long time, it’s another day that costs tens of thousands, so I confidently ask for a monthly ticket!)

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