Barrier of Light

Chapter 369 Storm (Big Chapter! Please vote for me!)

In the Nanzhou area, wars are frequent.

However, there are many church forces... In order to develop believers, there was the so-called "Northward Plan"!

Now think about it, isn't the cancer that is clinging to the roots of the metropolitan area, the "Long-term Foundation", actually a certain territory of the plan to go north?

Xiao Xiao himself lives in Nanzhou, so he is so familiar with the matter of "preaching"... If it weren't for the special ability of "Blood Fire", the arresting party in the metropolitan area would have pointed the conflict at Nanzhou.

"Why did you come to the tundra in person?"

Gu Shen narrowed his eyes. Although the original owner of this body was a believer of the Wanzhong Church, Xiao Xiao did not seem to be the kind of person who traveled thousands of miles for a small profit.

It can be deployed in the metropolitan area for ten years.

His pursuit should be the top "ability person"!

"Ancient prose."

Xiao Xiao stared at Gu Shen, the ray of blood between his eyebrows beating restlessly. When he said this, he was also observing Gu Shen's reaction... Gu Shen's facial expression was slightly affected, and he looked at When it came to this detail, he smiled with satisfaction.

Gu Shen's face was expressionless and he said: "Continue talking...what ancient prose?"


The owl grinned and breathed slowly to relieve the restraints of the iron rope. The strength of this body was too weak, and it was still weak among ordinary people. He had obviously felt discomfort and needed to take a deep breath to feel more comfortable. .

He spoke with difficulty and said with a smile: "You can't lie to me, you don't know where this place is at all... You know nothing, and there is no information to exchange at all."

"You...just want to get information from me."

Gu Shen was silent.

Yes...he really knew nothing.

Everything after arriving in the snowfield exceeded my expectations.

Chu Ling's dream had a deeper meaning than he expected!

"However, it doesn't hurt to tell you... The reason why I came here is because I saw the ancient text left by Alan Turing."

Xiao Xiao raised his head, gasped and smiled: "The Church of the Evening Bell accidentally discovered an ancient tomb in the snow-capped mountains of the tundra. This ancient tomb was carved with complex and obscure ancient texts. And the back of the tomb is the base you see. They couldn't open the coffin... so they tried to dig through the back, open the vertical coffin, and if that didn't work, peel the vertical coffin off."

"Where is Gu Wen...?"

Gu Shen narrowed his eyes.

He looked around and even scanned with his mental power, but found no trace of the "ancient text".

"Ancient inscriptions are carved on the stone slab at the entrance to the mausoleum. That stone slab was taken away by the Wanzhong Church a long time ago... and moved back to Nanzhou. You can't even see it if you want to." Xiao Xiao's hands were tied, and he tried hard to He made a gesture of pointing his finger at his head, but couldn't move, so he had to give up. He made the next best move and tilted his head, and said with a hoarse laugh: "But... that stone slab and the corresponding ancient inscriptions are there. In my mind. I accidentally saw it inside the Church of the Evening Bell, so I decided to leave for here."


Gu Shen couldn't completely believe Xiao's words.

This guy is a born liar. No word from his mouth can be believed. He has deceived almost everyone in the metropolitan area... But what he said at the moment makes it really difficult to distinguish between truth and falsehood.

"If you are willing to let me go, I can share the information in my head with you." Xiao Xiao smiled: "It's the same sentence... I don't want to come empty-handed. If we cooperate, we can get more."

Gu Shen did not nod or shake his head.

He just looked at the man in front of him silently: "How do you know the ancient text? And how do you know that it was left by Alan Turing?"

The man's cheek instantly became sinister.

He lunged forward, trying to break through the iron chain, and then only managed to pull forward a short distance before being tied back again and slammed back into the stone pillar.

The bloody flame was surging.

The anger inside seems to have condensed into substance and is about to burst out!

Gu Shen looked expressionless as he looked at the emotional man...


Or... really angry?

None of this matters.

He silently waited for Xiao Xiao's next chapter.

The blood fire slowly returned to calm.

"Do you know... why I set up in Dadu?" Xiao gradually regained his composure and asked this question.

Gu Shen narrowed his eyes.

Without waiting for him to say anything.

Xiao said slowly: "Many years ago, the federal government secretly passed a bill that allowed humans to modify embryos through extraordinary genes in an attempt to create a 'perfect person'..."

Gu Shen was shocked.

Gene bill!

"Huazhi took over the research of this experiment and invested a lot of money to carry out the development and research of this experiment in the deepest part of the building. But at that time, Zhao Xilai and Lu Cheng were just unknown people .”

Saw Gu Shen's reaction.

Xiao Xiao smiled, "You seem to know this secret bill... Have you been to Huazhi's tenth underground level?"

Gu Shen's silence was actually the answer.

"The first batch of experiments went well...the 'human beings' created by the genetic act were perfect. They possessed powerful power and were simply 'sons of God's blessing.' However, the experimenters soon discovered that there was a problem with the project."

Xiao's voice became hoarse: "The growth rate of the experimental subjects is too fast...the spirit and the body cannot be synchronized..."

"out of control?"

Gu Shen immediately realized what this situation meant.

The practice of extraordinary people is a slow process——

Once you forcibly elevate any aspect of your mind or body, it will have severe adverse effects!

Trying to use science to touch the "transcendent realm" and possess the "forbidden power"... will never end well!

"Yes...out of control...the experimental subjects grew rapidly, and then quickly lost control. The federal government spent a huge amount of effort to complete the 'cleaning'. If I remember correctly, the report submitted to the highest seat said so. The special investigation team paid At great cost, these failed 'experimental subjects' were extinguished."

Xiao said the last two words very slowly.


In fact, the original intention of passing the "Gene Act" was to bring hope to mankind.

In the crisis of order collapse, if we can create flawless extraordinary beings through "genetic engineering", then they will become fires in the dark curtain and light up the world!

Extinguishing...sounds a bit desperate.

"In the beginning, the research on the Gene Act was personally conducted by Alan Turing... He was still alive at that time. If I remember correctly, he and Lu Cheng were experts in this field. Many years later, the project was transferred to Dongzhou.”

The owl's voice stopped abruptly.

There was something crazy about his smile.

" I still need to do I know these ancient texts? As for whether they were left by Alan Turing, I know his handwriting very well. I can tell the authenticity from the fake just by looking at it. … He must have been here and studied this tomb.”

An experimental subject.

An experimental subject immersed in a "biological chamber" and unable to leave all year round.

A "freak" whose mental strength is far higher than that of his physical body, who is destined to be perfect and incomplete after birth... there should only be a few things left that he can do every day.

Think, speculate...and peek.

In the laboratory where Alan Turing works, there is no shortage of ancient writing drawings. All it takes is accumulated observation over time... Then naturally there will be a certain amount of knowledge reserve about the results of ancient writing experiments.

In the initial annihilation, all the "out-of-control persons" of the Gene Act were killed...but Xiao Xiao survived tenaciously. He paid a heavy price for it, and only a trace of blood and fire spirit was left.

If what he said is true.

So after the deaths of Lu Cheng and Alan Turing, it is true that no one can recognize this guy's identity.

This "blood fire" and all the unreasonable things about him seemed to have been answered.

"I don't need you to believe me."

"But the point I want to make ... is the collaboration that follows."

Xiao's speech became faster: "That ancient inscription stone tablet has been sent back to Nanzhou for some time... Regarding the owner of the Evening Bell Church, he may not have noticed the stone tablet sooner or later, but the deciphered content is Sooner or later. If we don’t take away the things in the tomb, then by the time he realizes the existence of this snowfield, it will be too late!"

"Master of the Evening Bell Church?"

Gu Shen was still not in a hurry.

He narrowed his eyes and asked slowly: "You seem to be afraid of that guy...who is he?"

With Xiao's there anything he's afraid of?

Xiao Xiao stared into Gu Shen's eyes, almost gritted his teeth, and said word by word: "One of the seven great beings in charge of fire...the Storm God's Seat."

"The Seat of Storms?"

Gu Shen's expression changed slightly, and when he looked at the silver foil of the trident again, his eyes became strange.

No wonder!

No wonder the man he killed outside the snowfield...the memory was cut so cleanly that even if he wanted to go back, he couldn't go back!

That is the power of God!

"Is the Church of the Evening Bell such a huge force?" Gu Shen pondered.

"The Church of the Evening Bell is just an ant, an ant crawling on the soles of the giant elephant." Xiao sneered, "There are countless churches like this in South China, but they all serve the same master."

He took a deep breath, "There are hundreds of churches in the entire South Continent. Each of these sects worships ancient gods that only exist in legends, and each occupies an area...Due to some complicated reasons, sects have been ignited all year round. There are wars and mutual conquests. But one thing is unquestionable...all churches must respect the true 'God'!"

Storm Throne!

"Among the five continents... Nanzhou is a place of chaos in the true sense..." Xiao said slowly: "In the era when the deep sea connected the five continents, ignorant people thought that the war in Nanzhou was due to conflicting beliefs, but in fact..."

He sneered.

these wars.

In fact, it is the powerful transcendent consciousness that is leading behind the scenes.

After hearing this, Gu Shen fell into deep thought.

No wonder.

Xiao wants to cooperate with him... This is to snatch good fortune from the hands of the Storm God.

"So...what exactly is in this tomb?"


The man bound by the iron rope did not speak.

Xiao Xiao looked very unhappy. After asking and answering questions, he had no choice. By now, he had almost confided all his secrets.

Only this last one remains.

Gu Shen smiled lightly and made a promise.

"After you answer my questions, I will naturally release you."

"...specifically, I don't know."

Xiao narrowed his eyes and said slowly: "I only recognized some of the contents on the ancient inscription stone tablet. It probably means that this tomb ruins are related to some kind of 'forbidden magic' that has been passed down for hundreds of years... "

"Forbidden magic?"

Gu Shen's mind suddenly thought of the art of praying and divination!

"This is the first time I have heard of such a spell... The ancient text on the stone tablet says that even if the caster does not have extraordinary abilities, he only needs to pay the corresponding price to get the corresponding 'feedback'..."

Xiao narrowed his eyes: "Who wouldn't want such power?"

As he spoke, he raised his eyes, looked around the huge mausoleum, and murmured: "It's just... I've been lurking here for dozens of days and found nothing. I didn't see other 'recorded ancient texts', the daily tomb Mining on the wall didn't yield any clues. So I placed my last hope in the coffin of the mausoleum."

Gu Shen frowned: "The people from the Wanzhong Church tried their best, but they couldn't open the coffin. They spent a lot of manpower to mine it from behind... How did you open the coffin?"

"It's not that hard, it's just that they're stupid."

Xiao's face was expressionless, "The last ancient text is engraved on the vertical coffin. To open the coffin, you only need to follow the guidance of the ancient text and use your mental power... The whole process only takes three seconds. For those who cannot understand the 'ancient text', This is an astronomical code, but for those who can understand it, the coffin’s seal is in vain.”

This is also the reason why he believes... there is something good in the coffin!

I just didn't expect that after opening the coffin... I was so disappointed.

If it weren't for Gu Shen.

He will get a "Snowfall Bullet". Although he has gained something, he has come all the way here just for the so-called "forbidden magic"!

After listening to this, Gu Shen fell into thinking.

He looked at the owl.

What Xiao said...can't be taken seriously. Maybe some of it is true, but the key point is that Gu Shen didn't believe a word of it. He didn't see the so-called "slate" at all. There was some kind of forbidden magic hidden in the tomb. The statement of the law is really ambiguous.

However, there should be good news.

Xiao Xiao doesn't even know the existence of the "Lamp of Sorrow"!

Because he never glanced at the "funeral objects" in the coffin from beginning to end.

He must have never imagined that... he actually came here for the bronze lamp.

"Give me that ancient inscription slate and use your spiritual power to visualize it."

After thinking for a while, Gu Shen spoke again.

Xiao Xiao was completely silent.

He gently shook the iron rope on his body, his meaning was obvious.


Gu Shen did not hesitate, he flicked his fingers, and the iron rope was instantly released... The whole process seemed to be smooth and smooth, but in fact he did not let down his guard. Once the opponent made the slightest move, the Iron Throne, the Ruler of Truth, and the Snow-Bangxue Bullet , will all explode at the same time!

Xiao Xiao let out a long sigh of relief. He stood up and kneaded his wrists. This body was indeed too weak. After being restrained by the iron chain for just a moment, he clearly felt dizzy and depressed.

He rolled his neck and let out a long breath.

"Before I reveal the spiritual embodiment of the tablet... I have a question."

He looked at Gu Shen with a smile and said, "If I'm not mistaken, it seems that you... can also borrow the power of [Deep Sea], right?"

Just after turning off the base power and sneaking into the mausoleum.

Xiao Xiao was completely unaware of Gu Shen's presence!

One reason is that this body is too weak and his spiritual capacity is limited.

The second reason is... Gu Shen moved too quickly and had a thorough understanding of the map of the entire mausoleum.

As an observer of the mausoleum, Xiao Xiao would observe the environment and the believers of the Evening Bell Church every day when he came to the snowfield. He recognized all the "human beings" who had just been captured and the priests who had already returned. In order to prevent accidents, he even marked it with his spiritual power. He was confident that even if Gu Shen disguised himself, he could not escape his induction.

So it's obvious.

Gu Shen had just entered the "mausoleum"... I don't know whether to say that this boy was lucky or that he was unlucky and bumped into each other after the mausoleum was sealed.

But being able to sneak in here is definitely not an accident!

"You don't have to guess at questions like this." Gu Shen responded calmly: "You will never guess the answer."

The owl narrowed his eyes.

He sighed, put two fingers between his eyebrows, and slowly mapped out an image.

It was a vague ancient slate with many obscure words in it.

Gu Shen accepted this ray of spirit, and at the same time, Chu Ling immediately scanned and printed the content of the image.

Although the database cannot identify ancient texts.

But there is a reserve of ancient texts in the [Source Code]. Every word on the stone slab has been disassembled individually and compared... to find similar words as much as possible.

When Gu Shen scanned the ancient writings on the slate.

A faint sigh sounded.

"No...actually you misunderstood."

A regretful smile appeared little by little on the dark face belonging to "Sandinir Singh", "I don't care about this issue... I just want to remind you... Have you never been curious? But, what is your origin?"

Gu Shen was slightly startled.

Xiao's voice became deeper: "I possess the 'blood fire' that can invade the mortal body at will, and you also possess a ray of 'flame', which looks brighter than mine. Presumably the spiritual power in this flame, You should have figured out some things, right?"

"I can borrow the power of the Deep Sea, and you can also..."

"If... I am the product of the first generation of 'Gene Act'..."

"how about you?"

Gu Shen raised his head.

He stared closely at the man in front of him, and suddenly a strong sense of crisis surged into his heart, and a wisp of blood-colored flames suddenly appeared on the stone image where his mental power was condensed.

The frail man's body was instantly ignited by scarlet fire.

The voice of "Sandini Singh" roared out, and his rich roar shook the entire tomb: "Actually, from the first time we met, I wanted to swallow you up...Gu Shen! This is really... What an unbearable hunger!"

The huge and empty tomb suddenly began to tremble!

The stone pillars are cracked and cracked.

At the same time, Chu Ling's anxious voice sounded in Gu Shen's mind: "There is a 95% possibility that this picture is fake... During the first scan, I did not find any correspondence with the ancient text in the database!"

The moment the roar came out, Gu Shen calmly raised his hand. He did not use the Sniper of Truth. The arc flashed and turned into a long knife.

With such a close distance and having figured out Xiao Xiao's abilities, Gu Shen had the confidence to kill him directly!

Save an avalanche!

The distance between the two is indeed very close.

He stepped forward to resist the attack——

The sound of "swish" is the sound of gentle stepping.

In just a moment, Gu Shen came to the front of "Sandini Singh" without any obstruction. The silver sword light of the ruler of truth penetrated this vulnerable and frail body like a full moon, as if the gods were descending their wrath. Punished, the man's roaring voice also collapsed at this moment.

The knife falls from the hand!

Gu Shen's calculations were very accurate.

Without using "snow-colliding bullets", only one knife was used to smash this formidable enemy who had previously been like a mountain to look up to!

But in fact, before the man opened his mouth, the underside of his robe was already covered in bloody flames, and countless scarlet flames seeped out like blood, burning the black robe.

The sword hit the ground, and all that was thrown away was a large ball of scattered sparks and ashes!

The tremors in the tomb did not stop, but became more intense.

"While reading the slate text, he attacked the base database and triggered the alarm... This guy has been waiting for me to decentralize my authority..."

Chu Ling's voice was a little anxious, "Those guys outside are coming in!"

Gu Shen heard the news and nodded slowly.

At this moment, he fell into extreme calmness.

He came to the drifting ash.

The corpse was separated, the body was burned... With such injuries, other people would have been completely annihilated.

But "Xiao" is different.

He was still conscious, and his head was looking in the direction of the vertical coffin.

"You don't have to... sound the alarm just to bury me here?" Gu Shen said calmly: "What good will this do to you?"


The head was burned by bloody flames until it became a blur.

Like a ball of mud, watered by heavy rain, it gradually melts.

"Gu Shen... In fact, I have found what I 'want'..."

Gu Shen frowned.

He looked at the empty coffin and the empty tomb.

Here... there is nothing.

Not even a body!

Xiao Xiao looked at Gu Shen's expression at this moment and smiled with satisfaction.

"We...know each other well enough...right?"

Gu Shen was silent for a second.

He was going to read the image on the slate, confirm that the text was correct, and then erase the owl's consciousness.

However, Xiao Xiao took action first!

It is indeed helpless to prevent the other party's "authority" from being seconded... So far, he has not understood what means Xiao Xiao used to mobilize part of Deep Sea's authority?

Gu Shen said softly: "So, it's all fake."

Those words are all false.

The writing on the slate is false, Xiao's origin, the information about the tomb, everything he just said... may be false.


Xiao Xiao's voice became interesting and playful, "Why should I lie to you about some things... You can... take a guess..."

His voice stopped abruptly.

Gu Shen pressed his palm on the head, and fire burst out. The whole head instantly erupted with tongues of fire. The fire, which could even swallow the "black flower", absorbed all the blood and fire in an instant.

"You overestimate my patience..."

Gu Shen spoke coldly.

He looked at the remaining bloody flames wandering in the tomb and whispered: "By the way... I also want to swallow you..."

He releases blazing fire.

The small flames were rampant in the tomb, killing and swallowing all the blood and fire!

(PS: One million words ~ Sahua ~ A short article will be updated on the official account tomorrow. You can follow "The Wrestling Panda" ~)

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