Barrier of Light

Chapter 373 Catching God (Big Chapter! Please subscribe!)

The twilight air is filled with frost and snow.

The cold light shines on the iron coat.

No... not Iron Clothes.

At this moment, what penetrated Mr. Zhuo's body and lifted him high was a sharp and slender iron spear. The "iron clothes" in the tomb were made of a very special material, a special iron quality that Gu Shen could not understand.

But, it is still iron!

As long as it is still iron, the [Iron Throne] can change its "form"...iron clothes, iron boots, iron hat, or iron spear.

No matter what form it is...

As long as the "sturdiness" of this iron coat remains unchanged and it can break the opponent's defense and create a wound, then it is enough.

Gu Shen, lying in the snow, slowly opened his eyes.

He looked a little pale.

In order to deliver "this spear" perfectly, he also paid a lot of price. The blood at this moment was real. His ribs were pierced by the small sword, and the flesh and blood were blurred. The breath of spring repaired the physical injuries very quickly.

But... a blood hole penetrated, and blood was flowing continuously.

It soon soaked the snow.

Because of the coldness, the pain from the wound had not yet erupted. Gu Shen sat up with his support on the ground. He looked at the body that was lifted high by him.

There was hot blood on Gu Shen's face.

This blood is not his.

But Mr. Zhuo’s...


Mr. Zhuo's pupils were a little dizzy. At the moment when the iron spear penetrated his body, he understood a lot of things, but there were also many things that he didn't understand.

He struggled to find something to say.

But his chest was punctured and his heart was stabbed.

Every word he says is a huge burden... Even though Mr. Zhuo is a third-stage transcendent who has condensed his own domain and transcended the ordinary categories in terms of "spirit" and "ability", he still It is flesh and blood.

Gu Shen interrupted Mr. Zhuo: "You can experience it for yourself... After seeing it, you will understand everything."

Mr. Zhuo was a little confused.

A ray of blazing fire was reflected in his pupils.

The pierced body gradually became blurred.

The wind and snow from all directions... were thrown away bit by bit, broken into pieces, and turned into blades of grass.

Mr. Zhuo was suspended in the air in the Four Seasons Wilderness, with a huge blood hole opened in his chest. However, this world was clean and spotless, and the blood hole in his chest did not see any blood. It just showed a big circle of nothingness, which was enough for people to see. Put your fist in and pull it out.

The moment he looked up at the opposite side, he understood everything.

Why did the hypnotist say... She saw a huge throne comparable to the "Throne of Storm God".

The hypnotist didn't lie.

Because...there really is such a throne.

The grass blades in the wilderness flow with the strong wind, seemingly chaotic and irregular.

But actually.

Billions of blades of grass, moving with the wind, gather indistinctly, and together with the wind, worship in one direction.

A huge throne is condensed on the spiritual wilderness. The first time people see it, they have the thought of worshiping and kneeling in submission.

Mr. Zhuo is no exception.

He looked pale, trying to breathe, adjust his spirit, and try to fight against the whole world's suppression of himself...

"Now, do you understand?"

Gu Shen looked down and spoke softly.

Mr. Zhuo gritted his teeth and veins popped out on his forehead.

Unable to hold on, he finally fell to his knees, crawling like an ant.

This is the spiritual realm, a complete spiritual realm with the prototype of the world.

This world has light, wind, grass, and a grand and complete law... It is different from all the spiritual worlds Mr. Zhuo has ever seen. This is a "living" world!

This is simply not the world that the "third stage" can condense into!

And he was only a little short of killing this young man... He knew very well that this young man's extraordinary strength was only at the second level, and he could only reach the sixth level with all his strength!

He doesn't understand!

Why would such a young man... have such a terrifying spiritual world!

"Now, I want to take away the 'slate'."

Gu Shen's voice was like a divine decree, "You'd better hand it over yourself."

Mr. Zhuo's will is rapidly collapsing.

From the moment he fell asleep, he had already lost.

His will simply cannot resist the rules of this world.

Gu Shen wanted to take away the memory of the "Ancient Slate", so he could only offer it with both hands.

The prostrate Mr. Zhuo, with his head lowered, raised his hands in a respectful gesture.

In the four-season wilderness, the final spirit was immediately condensed.

It was an ancient stone slab with vague ancient texts carved on it. The memory was still condensing... it had not yet been completely formed.

Gu Shen suddenly frowned.

I saw Mr. Zhuo's "expression" suddenly changed.

From struggling in pain, to bewilderment, and finally to ecstasy...

In just one second, his face flashed several times quickly.

When he raised his head, "Mr. Zhuo"'s face was only indifferent.

Between the three snow-capped mountains, a continuous storm arose.

This is the biggest reason why the Church of the Evening Bell dares to establish a base in the tundra... They brought a special "sealed object" from South Continent, which has incredible magical power. It can block the surrounding terrain just by leaving it alone. , to prevent outsiders from intruding, and can be activated when encountering an enemy attack. It can also lock the interior of the three snow mountains and turn them into prisons to prevent enemies from escaping.

That sealed object is actually the "trident" engraved on the silver foil!

It's just that it's not the "authentic" one on the church robe, but a "substitute" that looks similar.

The "Trident" guarding the three snow-capped mountains was buried deep in the center of the formation.

The snow is flying.

Threads of snow particles were splashed to the ground and exploded.

The spurge also gradually revealed its true "shape", as if there was a strong will condensed and manifested here!

The trident rises from the ground and flies into the distance!

"Rumble, rumble—"

The sound of the storm echoing among the three snow-capped mountains suddenly became louder, several times stronger than before.

This place has completely become a "place inaccessible to outsiders"!

The memory of the stone slab only condensed into vague ancient texts, and no longer continued to be concrete.

With the rise of "Mr. Zhuo".

The memory on the slate became blurry little by little, and then Mr. Zhuo suddenly waved his sleeves, and these ancient writings disappeared together with the slate.

In the spiritual world, Gu Shen watched this scene calmly.

He knows what's going on.

A large halberd flew from the snow in the distance and finally landed in front of Mr. Zhuo.

This is a "greeting" from the material world.

And the feedback to the spiritual world... is huge pressure.

Able to do this scene.

no doubt……

He is the owner of the "trident" on the emblem of the Church of the Evening Bell.

Seat of Storms.

Iron Five is still digging holes.

Master Shenzuo told him that this "seed" might grow into a very large tree in the future, so he had to dig a very large hole for the seeds.

The days of farming and practicing in the wilderness of all seasons are very happy.

He truly felt the peace of mind... And in ordinary days, Lord God Seat would always give him some "surprises".

For example, bring a guest.

There are some "scares" too.

For example, I brought hundreds of guests just now.

If his perception was correct... Lord Goddess should have thought about himself. The more than 300 "guests" were placed on the other side of the sky. The moment they entered the wilderness, all their spirits were wiped out.

Instant kill.

But this time... what Lord God has brought to him may be "fear".

Living in Gu Shen's four-season wilderness, every time Gu Shen comes, as long as he doesn't deliberately hide it... Tie Wu can sense it, and his evaluation of Gu Shen's response is "unpredictable".

Lord God's power is like an abyss, bottomless!

He is the well-deserved master of this chaotic world!

But this time, Tie Wu felt the weakness of "Gu Shen"... He was still a little scared when he was shocked. Who else in this world can hurt the Lord God?


The second breath in the spiritual world confirmed Tie Wu's guess.

Tie Wu, who was stepping on the hoe, had no idea of ​​climbing out of the pit and taking a look. He looked pale and felt uneasy, and uncontrollably thought of the young man in the moon-white robe in his mind.

His fingers began to tremble, and he could not even hold a hoe.

The next moment, a huge spiritual aura set off a mighty storm.

This wild storm unreasonably swept through the "Four Seasons Wilderness" where chaos was beginning to bloom.

There is sea water pouring down from the sky.

The shadow of a trident buzzed from the sky!

The moment he saw the "Trident", Tie Wu breathed a sigh of was not the Dionysus who came to his door!

But soon, he felt an even bigger headache.

What came to my door was not the Dionysian throne...but it was really a divine throne!

The symbol of the trident is the Storm God's Seat in Southern Continent!

The immeasurable sea water fell from the sky and crashed into the wilderness, submerging the land of chaos in an instant. Gu Shen sat on the throne, adjusting his breath, and looked at the "Three Forks" in front of him with an expressionless face. Halberd" man.

The penetrating wound on Mr. Zhuo's chest was actually healing bit by bit.

in the real world.

The man who was pierced by the spear still had his eyes closed tightly, but the storms in all directions seemed to have a sense from somewhere. The "trident" inserted into the earth burst out with weak but incredible divine power, guiding him bit by bit. Click, get away from the iron spear!

The water is rolling.

A huge wave piles up into a tide.

"Mr. Zhuo" held the trident, stood on the wave, and slowly rose to the same position as Gu Shen... The waves continued to pile up, but they could not rise any higher, because this is the highest place in the world. right here.

"Be bold!"

Mr. Zhuo took a deep breath, and his voice vibrated throughout the spiritual world, conveying——

"Since you see the throne of God, why don't you worship!"

That majestic spirit swept across with a crash, rushing toward Gu Shen together with the waves.

Gu Shen looked calm.

He held up two fingers together in front of his chest.

The overwhelming tide split into two halves... and rumblingly swallowed up the entire wilderness.

Gu Shen didn't care.

The seeds haven't been planted yet, and if your "new world" is flooded, you won't suffer any loss... At most, you can go back and consume some mental power and source of essence to repair the world again.

The important thing... is the trident in front of me.

He knows it very well.

This is not the true arrival of the "Throne of Storms"!

The God of Faith in Nanzhou probably doesn’t even know what the Wanzhong Church is mining... There are dozens or hundreds of churches in Nanzhou, or even more. The "silver foil" he bestowed as a miracle spreads the rain, almost A must-have "holy thing" for anyone in the church.

The same is true for this "trident" in the snowy mountains.

The trident engraved on the silver foil coat of arms is a sacred weapon.

And this shot at this moment... I am afraid that if there is even a trace of "divine power" left, it is already a great blessing for the Wanzhong Church.

Nanzhou's "Northward Plan" is huge and complicated, and it penetrates not only Dongzhou. Before the translation of the ancient stone tablet is completed, the Storm God Seat will not pay attention to what is happening in the tundra.

As for the life and death of the seventh-level transcendent?

Although I have never seen the Storm God Seat.

But its real plot can be inferred just from the "Northward Plan".

Gu Shen is too familiar with this kind of "god seat" that goes against the original intention.

Even "apostles" like Tie Wu can abandon the Dionysian Seat of the Tower of Source... In the war-torn land of Southern Continent, seventh-level transcendent beings are just existences slightly larger than ants. How can the Storm God Seat really be seen!

Therefore, it is not difficult to guess the reason for the arrival of this ray of "god consciousness".

The Church of the Evening Bell has pinned all its hopes on this stone slab... As long as the ancient text is successfully deciphered and can be taken seriously by the "Lord God", then the entire church will be favored. They will do their best to go north and collect the treasures at the bottom of the box. "Trident" was also brought over.

This trident has a little bit of divine power left behind by the "Throne of Storm God".

A little bit is small to God.

For them, enough is enough.

"Why do I...want to worship?"

Gu Shen looked at the man in front of him and said coldly: "This is Dongzhou!"

He knew that after the trident's magical power was released, the balance of the spiritual world was disturbed... At this moment, Mr. Zhuo's consciousness no longer completely belonged to him, but merged with the trident.

Mr. Zhuo frowned.

Perhaps the word Dongzhou reminded him.


The remaining divine power in the trident began to take over the body, and a ray of will from the Storm God Throne spoke. His voice was thick and hoarse, full of anger: "So what about Dongzhou? How can I be afraid of Gu Changzhi!"

He held the halberd high.

The majestic sea water swept across.

A ray of divine power from the throne of God fell on the heads of mortals, and it became a big mountain.

If it were any other "spiritual realm", it would probably be broken in an instant.

But at this moment, Gu Shen's "Pure Land" is extremely strong!

The source of the blazing fire began to be consumed rapidly!

At this moment, the trident's divine power felt strange.

The sea washes over the wilderness.

It was not destroyed directly!

next moment.

"Mr. Zhuo" stared at Gu Shen. This young man's spiritual aura was very unusual. Although his mental power was only around the fourth level, he had condensed a spiritual world with complete rules!

"This is...the four-season wilderness!"

The God of Storms said coldly: "What is your relationship with Gu Changzhi!"

Without waiting for Gu Shen to answer——

He directly stretched out his big hand and grabbed Gu Shen!

"The dream...disappears!"

Gu Shen released his own spiritual realm without hesitation. Even if there is only a trace of the Storm God's will, it is too powerful!

In the spiritual world, Gu Shen is the supreme master of the Four Seasons Wilderness, but the will of the God of Storms is even stronger than him.

So he has no choice.

Under the impact of "seawater intrusion", the Four Seasons Wilderness has been submerged, and the extraordinary source of energy is consumed too fast... If it continues, I will not be able to win this protracted battle, and my spirit will collapse!

Gu Shen could only choose to come to the material world.

This is actually a good choice.

Returning to reality, he became ordinary.

And "Mr. Zhuo" holding the trident will also become an ordinary person, an ordinary person who is not much better than himself.

Gu Shen had seen the battle of the apostles.

He also personally built a bridge for "God's arrival".

So he knew very well...the "divine power" in this trident could not be compared with a real token.

The moment I opened my eyes——

"Mr. Zhuo" also opened his eyes at the same time!

The trident had merged with his will. He slipped from the tip of the iron spear and stretched out his hand the moment he hit the ground. The trident instantly flew into his palm. At the same time, the storm in the entire snow-capped mountain valley roared!

After the spiritual realm was lifted, the Storm God Throne was not in a hurry to take action.

This weak spiritual thought calmly stared at the young man in front of him.

Gu Shen looked a little pale, and he covered his ribs... The flow of blood slowed down a little, but at this moment, there was already a large pool of blood on the snow.

"Breath of Spring..."

The God of Storms could tell the rhythm of Gu Shen's breathing at a glance.

He smiled and said, "No wonder you are not afraid of me at it because Gu Changzhi is standing behind you?"

Gu Shen also smiled.


He shook his head, looked at "Mr. Zhuo" in front of him, and said softly: "After the last time, I understood a truth... It is better to rely on the throne than to rely on the sky and the earth."

Last time?

"Mr. Zhuo" frowned. He no longer knew what the young man was talking about.

"The dying person... I don't mind chatting with you for a few more words."

He raised his trident, pointed it at Gu Shen, and asked softly: "So... you want to rely on yourself?"

Gu Shen nodded and said softly: "Yes."

The iron spear stuck in the snow shot out instantly!

The Storm God didn't even look back.

A ray of divine power shook out, and the iron spear was twisted and deformed, and bounced away with trembling——

This scene surprised the Storm God Throne.

He didn't expect that this iron spear was so strong... Even though it was just a casual blow, it was enough to shatter most of the "iron weapons" in the world!

If it were just this method...

There are actually some...


He turned back slowly, and the smile on his lips dissipated little by little.

"Mr. Zhuo"...or rather, a trace of the Storm God's thoughts, looked at the big sniper set up in front of him with a solemn expression.

There was a crisp sound of "click".

It's the sound of a bullet being loaded.

After Bengxue loaded the bullet, Gu Shen didn't waste any time and fired cleanly and decisively!

He knows it very well.

In the face of the will of the God of Storms, this is his last resort...if he hits, the opponent will die, if he misses, he will die!

At this moment, the dizziness from blood loss and the pain from broken bones all disappeared. Gu Shen's mental power had never been so focused. He seemed to be able to feel that time had slowed down countless times.

"Bang" sound!

When the sound echoed in the snow-capped mountains and valleys, the blood splattered all over the rocks. Mr. Zhuo's fragile body was penetrated by the snow bullets, and the powerful spirit of the "Throne of Storms" was also penetrated along with it.

Spirit and matter complement each other.

No matter how powerful the spirit is, it will eventually turn into nothingness without a carrier.

The shot shattered Mr. Zhuo's forehead, and the smile on his face was forever frozen a second ago.

The body fell down and fell into the heavy snow.

The avalanche of bullets destroyed the "logic" of his entire body. Mr. Zhuo was like a paper man on fire. The moment it ignited, he could not escape the fate of being turned into ashes.

The same goes for that trident——

The transcendent essence of the deceased is rolling in the void.

And the powerful spirit of the Storm God Seat that has lost its material carrier!

Gu Shen looked pale and was breathing heavily.

The arc of the truth sniper gradually dissipated, retracted into his sleeve, and condensed into a silver ruler... Counting from the moment the base alarm sounded, this battle lasted for nearly ten hours, and it was finally over at this moment. He had consumed too much Spirit.

Blazing fire swept out from the center of his eyebrows, casually devouring the "victory" of this battle - the source of the extraordinary beings of the Evening Bell Church who could dissipate at any time.

The final result.

Gu Shen was satisfied.

Xiao's clone was beaten to death by himself, and his blood and fire were swallowed up by himself.

The Church of the Evening Bell was annihilated.

But when he raised his head, Gu Shen had some regret in his eyes.

He looked at the storm spirit floating slowly in the void.

After the trident was broken, the ray of divine power given by the god began to return. Such power would not be easily wiped out unless it encountered a "blow" from a force of the same level.


It is difficult for him to prevent the return of this divine power.

Gu Shen stared at the "spirit" that was slowly disappearing. After the trident was broken, the formations of the snow-capped mountains were also broken, and the sudden violent storm no longer enveloped it, as if everything had turned into clouds.

Just when Gu Shen was about to let go of that "spirit".

The ring finger he was wearing suddenly made a strange rhythm, as if to remind himself... don't let it go!

Gu Shen narrowed his eyes.

"What does it mean?"

He raised his palm.

The silent jade ring finger actually started to beat again, guiding Gu Shen to approach the distant "Remnant of the Storm God's Throne".

Gu Shen's figure disappeared instantly.

The ruler of truth roars.

He flew into the wind and snow, reaching out to grab the stray will... The terrifying divine power filled the void. Even though it was thousands of miles away from Nanzhou and lost its carrier, it was still the power of "god" Spirit!

How can a mortal blaspheme!

Gu Shen's palm was directly bounced away!

The moment it became accessible, the finger flew out from Gu Shen's knuckles, and it captured the will of the "Throne of Storms"...

There is one iron law in this world that will never change.

Materiality and spirit complement each other.

No one can leave anyone.

But the funerary objects in this tomb are all "dead objects". The Lamp of Mourning, Iron Clothes, and Jade Rings are truly "things that have lost their spirit." Gu Shen knows the spirit of the Lamp of Mourning, so he can Stay on the temple mountain.

The material strength of the iron coat has exceeded Gu Shen's understanding!

And this jade ring... directly "captures" the floating spirit of the Storm God Seat!

(PS: Today is still a 10,000-word update, so I won’t ask for votes, but please subscribe~ There has been a slight drop in subscriptions recently. I hope everyone can support the full subscription of the original version~)

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