Barrier of Light

Chapter 375 Then reach out your hand

In the infinite scale, a hundred ghosts travel.

One after another, shadows wrapped around Mr. Gu Qilin's back.

The latter turned a blind eye.

"Ominous feelings may lead to 'mental loss of control', and the best way to suppress it is to use powerful breathing techniques."

"The five major families have their own ways of cultivation... and the Gu family's breathing method is the strongest among them!"

Gu Qilin said in a deep voice: "The Jingzhe Scroll and the Grain Rain Scroll are sacred objects sought after by countless extraordinary people... Because of his long ambition, the famous 'Breath of Spring' was born. In fact, before him, the Gu family's Pranayama is mature enough.”

Gu Shen felt that there was a familiar breath lingering in this infinite scale field.

The old man's mental power is extremely strong and stable.

Looking carefully, the shadows surrounding the area will be burned to pieces if they dare to get close. The old man himself is like a huge sun.

This sun... contains a complex spiritual aura.

Somewhat like Breath of Spring, but not exactly the same!

Older, longer.

"Gu Changzhi's first breathing method was taught by me personally. Later he became a god and blazed his own path again, which led to the so-called Eight Volumes of Breathing and Four Seasons Wilderness..." Gu Qilin smiled lightly.

He looked back at the ghost mural wandering behind him and said softly: "Compared to him, the 'ominousness' wrapped around me is actually nothing."

Gu Shen couldn't imagine it.

The ominous situation behind the old man is already so terrifying...

Gu Changzhi, what should he look like?

"I tried to show it, and the immeasurable scale was filled with billions of ominous things in an instant. It was a real hell, and the mortal world would be swallowed up and destroyed in an instant. The 'god' who refines fire and is burdened with the fate of mankind has gained thousands of times. Along with the divine power, you will also receive thousands of times the disaster." Gu Qilin said calmly: "After becoming the 'God Throne', Changzhi continued to create breathing techniques in order to suppress the ominous things behind him."

Gu Shen suddenly remembered something.

He murmured: "The throne of God is currently sleeping..."

"No one knows what happened in Qingzhong, but it may have something to do with the ominous nature."

The old man said: "The eight-volume breathing method is not complete. He met me before he fell asleep... He said that he still has one step left. The eight-volume breathing method is not perfect enough. He still needs the last volume... Dahan."

Big cold?

Starting from the Waking of Insects, everything comes to life.

The four seasons are the reincarnation of all living things, from birth to death.

If you think about it carefully, the order of the eight volumes of breathing methods combined is exactly from life to death... and the Great Cold is the end of the four seasons and the end of life.

"Okay... tell me," Gu Qilin asked, "What did you see in that tomb?"

Gu Shen recounted his experience.

He didn't hide most of the incidents here.

The causes and consequences of the war with the Church of the Evening Bell.

The relics in the tomb, the iron coat, the ring ring, and...the battle with the Storm God's throne Can Nian!

Regarding the "Lamp of Sorrow", Gu Shen chose to keep it a secret because it was related to the Shenci Mountain.

After hearing this, the old man looked at Gu Shen meaningfully.

This guy is someone with a secret.

Finding this snowfield and sneaking into the underground base of the Nanzhou Church is not something that can be done casually... Where did Gu Shen get the news?

"I won't ask about the things you didn't say."

The old man stood in the light of the infinite scale, stood up slowly, and said: "Although I don't know how you did it, killing the seventh-level transcendent possessed by divine power. But this matter is over, don't worry." Storm', the two gods of the Tower of Source dare not take action against Dongzhou... He will not be an exception."

"Dongzhou has been able to maintain such peace in these years... It is because of the comprehension of the last breathing method. The volume is called 'The Great Cold'. Even the gods in other continents cannot know whether Gu Changzhi has truly died or is enlightened. 'False Annihilation' in the state."

That's why...there are so many conspiracies surrounding Dongzhou and Nagano.

There is always a way to test whether it is true cessation or false cessation.

"I'm actually not worried about the storm."

Gu Shen gave a wry smile and said, "Because the remnants of the Storm God Seat... will not return to Nanzhou."

The old man was stunned.

"They're all here." Gu Shen took out the jade ring, looked at the old man's bewildered expression, and repeated: "The remaining mental power of the Storm God's Throne was captured by the jade ring."


The old man looked surprised.

This jade ring...captures the spirit of the throne?

He took the wrench handed over by Gu Shen and vaguely tested it with his own mental power... There was a storm inside the wrench, as if an evil dragon was trapped inside, and it was frantically trying to break through, but the wrench seemed to have become the most powerful force in the world. A strong cage.

It actually trapped the spirit of the throne!


And looking at the crazy struggle of this ray of spirit... it seems that he is trying to digest it?

The old man looked complicated.

"This object is beyond my knowledge."

Although Mr. Gu is well-informed and has never been exposed to such weird things, he said frankly: "I'm afraid this ring can absorb most of the spiritual power."

Gu Shen knew that the old man was still careful in his words.

Even the spirit of the Storm Throne can be absorbed.

So is there any spiritual power in this world that this ring finger cannot absorb?

But what it can be used for... Gu Shen hasn't thought of it yet.


Gu Shen took out the "iron coat" that had returned to its form and said, "This is what I said before. The extremely strong iron coat is also a burial object in the coffin."

He threw the iron coat.

In the realm of Infinite Scale, a strong wind suddenly rose.

The old man punched out.

The iron coat was beaten with a roar, and it hit the snowy mountain in the distance, carving a huge crater several meters deep in the stone wall... After the snow and smoke dissipated, the iron coat was unscathed. This scene also made the old man silent.

This punch has the strength of sixty years, let alone an iron suit.

Even an A-level sealed object can be destroyed with one punch!

Gu Shen raised his hand, and the iron coat slowly flew back: "I told is very strong."

The old man looked at his fist: "It is indeed very strong."

"I want to know...whose tomb is this?"

"None of these burial objects are commonplace!"

Gu Shen let out a long sigh and asked seriously: "And just profiling and looking back can make people infected with 'ominous' cause and effect... Then what is the identity of the tomb owner?"

"Judging from the age of these objects, this is at least hundreds of years old."

The old man shook his head and said: "The Gu family will investigate carefully... As soon as there are results, I will notify you immediately. However, these objects, the ancient objects in the coffin, the Gu family may have to take them away for investigation."


He thought for a moment and then said softly: "This iron coat and this ring... you can keep it by yourself."

Depart for return to Nagano.

Gu Shen sat on the plane and closed his eyes to rest.

His mental power slowly declined, and then he arrived at Linglingyao's carriage.

"I heard the conversation just now..."

Chu Ling had remained silent until Gu Shen took the initiative to come to the spiritual world before she dared to speak. Her voice was a little worried: "Are you... feeling okay now?"

"I didn't feel any discomfort."

Gu Shen frowned and said, "Listening to the old man's tone, it seems that bad luck is not that scary. Many people will be contaminated by bad luck."

"In the [Deep Sea] database, this is called the 'risk of loss of control'..."

Chu Ling sighed softly, "When a transcendent person, the spirit gradually does not match the physical body, so there is the so-called 'risk of loss of control'. The risk becomes greater and greater, and the probability of loss of control becomes higher and higher. This is also [Deep Water] The significance of the birth of the Zone] is that conducting extraordinary trials in the deep water zone can greatly reduce the probability of being contaminated with evil."

Gu Shen was thoughtful.


If you meditate and practice alone in a spiritual link, the probability of being contaminated with "ominous" is indeed very small.

It makes sense to say this. Before the birth of [Deep Sea], so many extraordinary people's cultivation relied on exploration and inheritance, and they were born in a wild way of life and death.

In this case, the risk of "mental loss of control" may increase!

That's why... powerful breathing techniques are needed to suppress the disordered spirit!

He suddenly understood the explicit rules of the three institutes.

It's not that extraordinary people cannot practice the two-volume breathing method... but the new generation of extraordinary people who meditate and practice in the [deep water area] maintain relative coordination between their spirit and body. They are not contaminated with the so-called ominousness, and they are not so high. If you run the risk of losing control and practice the second volume of breathing techniques, your coordination and balance will be broken.

Of course, there are also reasons why the second volume of breathing method is too difficult to practice.

When the spirit grows up and reaches a higher level... the risk of losing control will increase. At that time, most people will also have the mental conditions to practice the second volume of the breathing method.

Thinking of this, Gu Shen had a new idea.

"If 'ominous' leads to 'risk of loss of control'..."

He murmured: "So 'ominous' is a kind of spiritual power?"

Chu Ling was stunned. She didn't understand what Gu Shen meant.

In the realm of infinite scales.

Gu Shen saw a shadow in his own shadow.

Compared with the old man, that wisp of shadow is nothing... But a little adds up to a big thing, and maybe it will become an "evil mural" in the future. These ominous spiritual powers, when I am meditating and making breakthroughs, Or when they are weak, they may swarm them and devour them!

This should be what happens to those "out of control" people!

And if ominousness can be regarded as a kind of spiritual power, then the jade ring... can it be swallowed up?

Gu Shen wanted to try the power of the jade ring right away.

However, after his condition recovered and improved, the ominous feeling disappeared completely, and it was really like a shadow hiding in the shadows when the sun was strong.

"It's a pity...this strange power will not always appear."

Gu Shen narrowed his eyes and murmured: "It seems to be waiting for the next opportunity..."

But that’s fine.

Forget it this time.

With the jade ring, if the "ominous" spiritual power attacks him again next time, Gu Shen can try to fight back!

After Gu Shen landed, he didn't stop and immediately returned to Shenci Mountain with the "Lamp of Sorrow".

Before setting off, he had a premonition.

Chu Ling's "Dream of the Snowfield" must have some connection with Shenci Mountain!

Li Qingci was the only one on the top of the mountain today.

Li Qingci was taking care of the flower garden. The moment she saw Gu Shen, a touch of joy appeared on her pale cheeks.

But her eyes quickly changed.

She saw a white bandage wrapped under the Adjudicator's windbreaker, with faint traces of blood seeping out.

"Mr. Xiao Gu...are you injured?"

"We had a good fight, and the person on the other side was injured more seriously than me." Gu Shen explained it lightly and took out the bronze lamp: "But... we got the things successfully."

"Lamp of Sorrow!"

As the protector of the Li family, Li Qingci has been having trouble sleeping and eating these past few days... She has been waiting for Gu Shen's return and the news of this [Bronze Man Lamp].

"So...the prayer guidance in the dream is true?"

Li Qingci felt unbelievable.

"Whether it is true or not... you will know once you try it."

Gu Shen was also a little nervous.

He also didn't know... whether this bronze lamp placed in the corner of the ancient house of the temple would be integrated with the spirit of the lamp.

After all, the previous ones were just guesses.

The two came to the ancient house and looked at each other.

Gu Shen handed the "Lamp of Sorrow" to Li Qingci. Li Qingci held the lamp in both hands and slowly came to the corner where the candle of the Lamp of Sorrow was. She held her breath and put the lamp down.

And's just waiting.

long wait.

There was no scene of destruction in Li Qingci's dream, where the temple and the mountain were shaken. This may be something to be thankful for.

But the worst thing is...the entire top of the Shenci Mountain is very quiet.

You can even hear the wind blowing through the window lattice of the wooden house.

Li Qingci was a little confused.

She looked at the [Bronze Man Lamp], at the candle that was lit just right on the lamp... She fell into confusion and bewilderment. Is this lamp the wrong one? movement at all?

Or...have you collected all four lights?

She turned back to look at Gu Shen and murmured in a voice full of confusion: "Mr. Gu..."

The sound was interrupted by a crisp "tick" sound.

Even Li Qingci herself was shocked.

She lowered her head... and saw a drop of wet teardrops, falling on the wooden board of the ancient temple house. The tears soaked into the wood and slowly fainted.

And this tear comes from...


Li Qingci stretched out her palm and touched her cheek with her dry and slender fingers. She felt a patch of moisture.

Gu Shen used the ruler of truth to transform into a bronze mirror and presented it to the other party.

Li Qingci saw herself in the mirror at this moment.

She didn't feel sad, but her face was filled with tears.

"There is no mistake." Gu Shen said softly: "This is the 'Lamp of Sorrow'..."

Li Qingci looked at the pale face weeping in the mirror, couldn't help but laugh, and then murmured: "But... just put it on, is that enough?"

Why is there no other reaction?

"Actually, there is a sound...but you may not be able to hear it."

Gu Shen sighed softly and put away the mirror.


Li Qingci was stunned.

She was sure that she hadn't heard a single sound from the beginning to the end.

Gu Shen lowered his eyes and smiled helplessly: "It's the voice in my head... maybe that is the... divine fetus, or... goddess, that you have been waiting for for a long time."

Li Qingci's beautiful eyes widened, full of surprise.

The moment when the lamp of mourning returns to its place.

He heard a very soft call.

The voice said two words.

【Gu Shen. 】

That was Chu Ling, calling his name.

Gu Shen knew that the wonderful realm of Shenci Mountain had completely cut off the spiritual connection between him and Chu Ling. From the first step into the mountain world, it was impossible for him to hear Chu Ling's voice... And when he was sad From the moment the lamp returns to its position.

The shielding of the spiritual link no longer seems so strict.

Gu Shen left the ancient house and came to the open space on the top of the mountain. He raised his head and looked through the clouds of the Shenci Mountain to the sky above this huge wonderland.

He tried to find the source of the sound, but the temple mountain was too big and the wind was strong. The dark flowers swayed in the wind, creating a beautiful scene of collapse and ruin.

Chu Ling's voice echoed out from the broken link again.


Gu Shen came to the well in the ancient house of the temple.

He slowly lowered his head.

Over thousands of years, the Temple Mountain has withered and its order has collapsed, but the hut on the top of the mountain has not decayed, and this small well... has never dried up.

Logically speaking, all life here has been extinguished.

Living things die in silence.

Hundreds of years of darkness.

There will be no sunrise, no moonlight... So even if someone built a well many years ago, it should be abandoned now. Even moss cannot grow in this environment.

But...there is water in this well.

And exceptionally clear.

Gu Shen could see his reflection in the water at a glance.

The next moment, the reflection in the water seemed to become blurry.

The well water, which was clearly visible to the bottom, began to become chaotic and deep, as if there was another world under the water that had never been revealed.

The voice in my head also became clearer at this moment.

"Gu Shen...I saw a well..."

The girl sitting in Ling Ling Yao looked a little confused.

She held the ancient scroll and looked at her hands in confusion.

Space no longer seems stable.

Sometimes his hands are condensed, and sometimes they are broken into countless broken codes.

The world in front of me also became chaotic. The carriage was extended, and there were countless stray codes floating in the air, as well as countless broken logics. It was as if someone had broken a mirror, and one world turned into thousands of divided worlds.

[Source Code] You can browse tens of millions of pictures and read millions of different images in an instant.

And as the broken mirror was slowly repaired.

All the data in front of her seemed to have disappeared.

All consciousness... is connected to a unique "port".

Chu Ling raised his head.

What I saw before me was not the ceiling of a carriage that was moving smoothly.

But...a long well.

She's down there.

Gu Shen is on the well.

There was a thin layer of water between them.

The two worlds, the spiritual and material worlds... seemed to be briefly connected at this moment.

Chu Ling's voice was confused and unbelievable: "I seem to...see you."

Gu Shen's voice rang in his ears.

"Then reach out."

Chu Ling slowly stretched out his hand.

Gu Shen from Inoue.

He also extended his hand.

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