Barrier of Light

Chapter 379 Hope is the most precious gift

Blood spurted from the deck.

In just an instant, the deck was swallowed up by the sea water and crushed into iron slag.

And the next moment, the seawater was crushed and evaporated into billowing mist——

The storm roared.

For the man standing on the statue, the world had been completely quiet until this moment.

No more disturbing tsunami sounds.

No more...noisy cries for help.

Countless water droplets fell quietly and returned to the embrace of the sea. Dark clouds still lingered over this sea area, but those thunder and lightning only dared to hide in the clouds and did not dare to strike again... Because compared to them, the man on the statue is like this The true master of the sea.

The Throne of Storms watches over the return of the waters and the destruction of believers.

There was no mercy in his expression.

When he looked at the broken deck and the broken lives... his eyes were no different from looking at the water.

He certainly heard the cries, pleas for help, and final ecstasy of those on deck.

I just heard too much.

It will feel... noisy.

People in the world always need faith to save themselves, but they ignore the essence of the problem because they are too weak.

they shouted.

So he showed up.

In a sense... the attack just now was also a rescue.

Because in this sea, human life and sea water are the same thing.

After being crushed, they will return to this world in another form.

The statue stands above the sea, and the trident held by the giant is surrounded by storms.

As the world calmed down, the storm at the tip of the trident slowly dissipated.

The God of Storms walked on top of his "huge statue". He slowly came to the location of the trident, and then frowned.

There was something going on here that he couldn't understand.

Because he is in charge of the entire Nanzhou, he has the highest say in the Nanzhou Ocean and the continent wrapped by the Nanzhou Ocean.

He gave gifts to those "devout followers" who believed in him.

Silver foil tokens are gifts from God.

The trident, which contains spiritual power, is a gift that can only be obtained by a church that is devout enough.

Every trident has an indelible ray of spiritual power.

In a sense, this is a kind of "protection"... but also a kind of supervision. The destruction of the church in Nanzhou is not a big deal. Churches overthrow every year. When the trident is broken, my spirit flies back, It only takes a few minutes to witness the "life" of this church.

Can be biased.

A ray of spirit... disappeared.

The God of Storms narrowed his eyes and stared at this huge statue.

There are many statues like this on the sea of ​​Nanzhou... all carved by himself, which are tributes from the church. Through these statues, he can listen to the whispers praising the storm in the temple.

On this sea, with just one thought, he could reach the location of the "Songer".

In fact.

In this ocean, there are too many voices singing every day.

At the beginning of building the statue, he was willing to enjoy the "praises", but when the praises got too loud... it turned into a kind of noise.

A call on the scale just now would not attract him to come at all.

He came here...just to investigate what was going on with that lost spirit.

The God of Storms narrowed his eyes.

If I remember correctly... the statue beneath me is a tribute from the "Evening Bell Church".

As a gift in return, the spirit in the trident should have had a mysterious connection with the statue... But at this moment, the connection was completely lost. There was no doubt that his spiritual power was lost.

Memories related to the "Evening Bell Church" emerged in his mind... It was really an inconspicuous small church, with almost nothing worth paying attention to. The only thing worth paying attention to was... the Evening Bell Church asked him half a year ago. The temple presented an ancient stone tablet, which was said to be an ancient object brought back from the tundra of Dongzhou, but no one could decipher the content on the stone tablet.

There are too many similar objects.

Unable to be understood, unexplored... As long as such characteristics appear, such "antiques" are most likely to be fakes, or useless defective items. When this ancient inscription tablet was delivered, of course it was positioned in this way by the temple. After the Wanzhong Church moved the tablet back to Nanzhou, it was rejected and its contribution failed. It could only start behind closed doors and silently carry out the deciphering work.

Until now... there seems to be no progress.

It is an existence that is fleeting and forgettable.

Now, due to the loss of spiritual power, the God of Storms has noticed this small church.

The loss of that ray of mental power is actually a very small thing.

If you compare your mental power to this vast sea.

Then the lost ray of mental power... I'm afraid it is like the storm that I just crushed casually. It has no impact on this sea, whether it exists or not.

However, this matter is unreasonable.

He is the supreme "God"!

His spiritual power is a complete ocean. Unless he is willing... every drop of water should not be missing!

The God of Storms fell into deep thought. He tried to use his spiritual thoughts to calculate the future outcome of this matter, but the conclusion he got was chaos.

So he began to hesitate.

Regarding the loss of mental power, should we wait quietly for its return, or should we pursue it directly?


The God of Storms slowly raised his eyes and looked towards the other side of the sea.

There was someone he least wanted to come into contact with.

It was also the place he couldn't see through the most.

Huaiyin is a small town in Jiangbei. This small town is very quiet and different from other cities in Jiangbei. Although it is also in the north, it is often bathed in sunshine.

Compared with Jiangnan, Jiangbei's economic development lags a few years behind.

Some remote small towns still retain transportation methods such as "green trains". Even in the era of comprehensive deep-sea connections... not all cities are racing forward.

The Green Train stops at Huaiyin Station.

Several men in suits and ties were waiting outside the station early. Compared with the crowd around them, their clothes were really out of place and too conspicuous... In a small town like Huaiyin, such "business people" are rare. ".

These men in suits looked nervously, looking around, holding greeting cards in their arms.

This clearly looks like a gesture to welcome the noble young master.

And on the welcome sign... the word "young master" was indeed written.

"Master Baixiu..."

Many people got off the green train.

One of the fair-looking young men saw the sign held high in the crowd from a distance. He sighed silently, muttered this shameful welcome, quickly lowered the brim of his hat, and walked quickly Forward.

He was traveling alone this time because he didn't want to see anyone from the Bai family.

Baixiu wants to find Yu Shu's family.

His authority is high enough.

Knowing the name of "Qu Long", there will be no difficulty in the subsequent investigation. [Deep Sea] found the file of "Yu Shu" for him.

Born in Huaiyin City, his parents are still alive and he has a younger sister.

Before his name was erased, he seemed to have a pretty good family...

After reading the file, Baixiu didn't quite understand why Yu Shu chose to become a "sacrifice".

It took him an hour to find the address where Yu Shu's parents currently live as recorded in the [Deep Sea] database... There are not many high-rise buildings in this small town, but there are many adjacent houses.

Yu Shu's parents live in an old courtyard. Although they have lived there for ten years, it does not look shabby. There are still several pots of green plants on the wall. Perhaps it is because they have been taken care of all year round. Standing outside the courtyard gate, it is also You can feel the vitality in the yard.

Baixiu hesitated before knocking on the door.

He adjusted his clothes, adjusted his mood, and then knocked on the door.

There were light footsteps in the yard.

It was Yu Shu's sister who ran to open the door.

"...It's brother! Brother is back!"

A girl with braids ran over, and before she opened the door, she spoke in a sweet voice, full of surprise.

After opening the door, the girl saw an unfamiliar face.

She was a little confused.

"I am... Yu Shu's friend." Baixiu lowered his eyebrows slightly. He hesitated for a moment, knelt down and said softly: "Where are your parents?"

The little girl blinked and hid half of her body behind the door, but she was not afraid of anything.

Maybe it's because the white sleeves look so good-looking.

She looked back at the house...

After thinking for a long time, the little girl wrung her hands together and read out word by word very seriously: " in the house...Mom is taking care of Daddy."

Baixiu smiled softly and asked, "Can I come in?"

A woman walked out of the room, looking a little haggard. Her hands stained with oil smoke were wiping on her apron. When she saw the appearance of white sleeves, she felt a little embarrassed. She pinched the corner of the apron and said softly: "If you don't mind... Just come into the house and have a cup of tea.”

Bai Xiu entered the courtyard.

This is indeed a very lively yard.

A shade shed was set up in the yard to enjoy the shade, and there were large graffiti painted on the walls. He caught a glimpse of the graffiti corner, and there was a chalk calendar full of crosses, which he had erased many times and written on many times... After the girl let go of the door handle, she ran to the corner of the wall, picked up the smoothed chalk, and lightly drew a cross on the latest date on the calendar in the corner.

After entering the house, there was a sharp contrast.

The facilities in the house are very simple, an ordinary bed, a complex set of instruments, and a haggard man.

Baixiu looked around silently.

Other than that, the family is bare.

He couldn't understand...why the man who devoted everything to the Bai family ended up in such a situation?

During the years that Yu Shu had been a sacrificer, his family deserved to be treated with the highest standards.

Bai Xiu's spiritual power spread silently. He looked at the man lying on the bed. Yu Shu's father was as thin as a piece of paper. From his open chest, there was almost no sound of a strong heartbeat. The electrocardiogram instrument only showed slight fluctuations...

Baixiu wanted to see what kind of disease it was and whether it was really incurable.

And after the mental contact.

He realized that things were not as simple as he thought.

The man lying on the bed was unconscious and his spirit was completely shattered... It was a miracle that he maintained basic vital signs.

He still has a way to deal with "fainting" or "loss of consciousness" under normal circumstances.

But this is the case.

Not to mention myself, even if the throne of God comes, there is nothing we can do. No one can save an empty shell that has lost its soul.

"Thank you for traveling all the way... How is Yu Shu doing in Beizhou?"

Yu Shu's mother was holding hot tea. She looked at Bai Xiu nervously. This young man looked very much like a noble son from a wealthy family. Does Yu Shu really have a chance to meet such a friend?


The files of [Deep Sea] record Yu Shu’s deeds before he became a sacrificer, but they cannot record Yu Shu’s explanation to his parents before leaving Huaiyin. After all, he is an unimportant person, a dust of the times. No one cares what he says, just like no one cares...where he goes.

Bai Xiu took a sip of tea.

A mellow and powerful voice sounded outside the door.

"Mrs. She! Do you still remember me?"

"A Shu always talks about you and wants to come back to see you... It's a pity that he is still stationed in the fortress. Xiaoxiu and I took annual leave and happened to pass by Huaiyin, so I came to see you for him." A plainly dressed middle-aged man The young man pushed open the door and walked in. His smile was very kind and his laughter was full of joy. He picked up the little girl who was squatting in the corner painting.

Baixiu was stunned.

The head of the family? !

The middle-aged man took out a toy from his inner pocket like a magic trick. It was a sunflower that was about to wither. This kind of plant is almost impossible to see in cold areas like Jiangbei.

The little girl's eyes lit up and she was quite curious.

"Do you still remember me?" The head of the Bai family said with a smile and handed the flowers over.


The little guy took the sunflower, carefully smoothed the petals that were about to wither, and said softly: "You are the bad guy who picked up my brother...white...idiot uncle..."

Baixiu's expression was a little complicated.

The real name of the head of the Bai family is Bai Xiaochi.

In so many years... this is the first time someone has called the head of the family that.

After hearing this answer, the woman was obviously a little angry. She came to the child and corrected her carefully word by word: "You can't say that! It's very rude..."

"It's okay, it's okay... the child is still young."

Bai Xiaochi didn't get angry at all. Instead, he laughed and put the child down.

He came to Bai Xiu, put down the package he was carrying, and said with a soft smile: "A Shu asked me and Xiao Xiu to bring some Beizhou specialties, and some money... all in this package. "

The child holding Sunflower in his arms tugged on the corner of his mother's clothes and looked at the two people silently.

She muttered: "Brother...hasn't come back for a long time..."

Yu Shu's mother looked at the package on the table with a complicated expression. She seemed to be thinking about something.

"You two...please wait a moment."

After taking a deep breath, she carried the child to the next room.

"Why did you come?"

Baixiu did not break the silence in the room, but transmitted the message with spiritual power.

"Why can't I come?"

Bai Xiaochi also responded with spiritual power.

There was still a faint smile on his face.

No one would have thought that... this decisive and murderous head of the Bai family would have such an "amiable" side.

"There are some things that are not in the files of [Deep Sea]. You don't need to have high authority to know."

Bai Xiaochi wrote lightly: "Bai Zesheng didn't know the information about 'Qu Long' because I personally picked up the sacrificer... Yu Shu's wish is that his parents' files can be effectively protected."

"Effective protection...means being alone, with father and daughter dependent on each other?"

"...If you insist on understanding it this way, yes, this is the most effective protection."

Bai Xiaochi looked at the man on the bed and said calmly: "This man is dead. Even if Gu Changzhi comes back to life, he won't survive."

Bai Xiu was silent.

Because he knew...the family leader was telling the truth.

"We can't resurrect a dead person, but we can do it... keep living people alive."

Bai Xiaochi spoke softly, "When Yu Shu awakened his extraordinary abilities, something unexpected happened. His physical condition was very poor and he needed to constantly take medicine to stabilize his body. He took the initiative to find the Bai family, hoping that he could keep taking medicine and live as long as possible. It has to last longer. He voluntarily became a 'sacrifice'. The only requirement is that his mother and sister can be taken care of. I can guarantee that this small courtyard is the safest place in Huaiyin City. No matter what happens, this pair Mother and daughter’s lives will not be disturbed in any way.”

Baixiu was stunned.

"To join the army in Beizhou...this lame reason was actually something he came up with himself."

Bai Xiaochi said sadly: "People always need a hope to survive... The world we see is different from that of ordinary people. What they see is that this electrocardiographic instrument still shows the ups and downs of life, and What we saw was a complete shattering of the brain and spirit, and the man on the bed was hopeless."

Same thing.

What Yu Shu saw of himself was that his life was destined to end and was short-lived.

And he wanted the mother and daughter in the small courtyard to see that their son was stationed at the border and there was still hope of returning home.

"If you think... those who sacrifice their lives should die spectacularly, then you can tell them the truth."

Bai Xiaochi said softly: "They will know that Yu Shu is dead. As for whether he died on the tundra or somewhere, it shouldn't be that important to them. But if you do this... you killed Yu Shu and left him Their hope. This ray of hope is the most precious gift he left to them."

Bai Xiu silently clenched his fists.

He didn't think about it.

Pushing open the courtyard, he would see a scene like this.

It’s different from what I expected…

Everything in this courtyard is full of hope.

Yu Shu's mother soon came out again, this time she was alone.

She did not shy away from her "husband" lying on the bed.

She mustered up her courage and asked with a trembling voice: "You two...Did something happen to Yu Shu?"

I went to be stationed at Beizhou Fortress, day after day, year after year... Although I wrote letters and sent messages.

But after Yu Shu left, he never came back.

In fact, she had already begun to worry and doubt.

But people who really have hope in their dare they think so much.

At this time, she only expected an answer.

Even if this answer... was only slightly possible, she was willing to believe it.

Bai Xiaochi turned his attention to Bai Xiu.


Bai Xiu smiled easily and said softly: "A Shuta asked me to tell you that he is living a good life in Beizhou...don't miss him."

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