Barrier of Light

Chapter 394 Balance

Chu Ling told her dream and waved her hand to summon specific pictures.

Rather than saying that this is a dream, it is better to say that this is a photo captured by the [Celestial Eye].

The logic of this picture is very rigorous, like a scene shot from a thousand meters above the ground... The square city walls are mottled and faded, and inside are dilapidated and crude streets, and crowds of people.

These people are wearing white linen robes...

Moreover, most of them wore uniform badges on their shoulders, which Gu Shen was very familiar with.


"Is this Nanzhou?"

Gu Shen recognized the meaning of the badge logo at a glance... These people were all believers of the Storm God's Throne.


Chu Ling nodded slowly.

The last guidance scene she saw in her dream... was a pale snowfield with no information at all, just a silvery white field. She needed to use a prayer spell to find the specific location.

But this time the picture is completely different. The badge alone provides a lot of information.

In Nanzhou, the Storm God Seat believers gathered in such a small town.

The database started running immediately... Chu Ling began to search for the location corresponding to this photo.

Gu Shen's expression was a little complicated.

He breathed a long sigh of relief.

It takes no effort to get there even if you wear iron shoes.

I was still having a headache, how to start the ancient literature meeting, or how to prepare for the next "melee situation"... Chu Ling's dream of guidance arrived in time, which greatly relieved his pressure.

The reason why the [Light Searching] project was started in the first place was because Chu Ling's dreams no longer appeared.

Lost guidance.

There is no way the prayer technique can help Gu Shen find the [Bronze Man Lamp].

We can only rely on the stupidest method... In Chu Ling's words, exhaustive methods.

But things are different now.

There are images of dreams, and even if the database cannot find the answer, you can still use the prayer spell to pay the price and seek guidance!


Gu Shen called up a temporarily generated case file report and the corresponding image simulation results in front of him. An aerial picture with a similarity of 98% was presented in front of him. This was the same ancient city as in Chu Ling's dream, and A large number of believers wearing trident emblems.

"Nanzhou...inland state, Xiyin City."

Lu Nanzhi returned to the [Conference Room].

She took a deep breath, and before Gu Shen could speak, she took the first step and expressed the result of her deep thinking.

"Judging from the current situation, mobilizing members of the Ancient Literature Society to search... is not the best choice. The time is not mature enough. The identities of [Key] and [Source Code] alone are not enough to win everyone's confidence. .My suggestion is to let Huazhi join the [Light Hunting] project, scatter enough money, and then wait for others to join. The more people join, the faster the search for lights will be...but the final result is It will also become very troublesome. What we need to plan is how to bring back the real bronze lamp among many opponents."

This is a very long sentence.

It can be seen that during the time she left, Madam thought about it seriously for a long time.

After Gu Shen listened quietly, he placed a photo of a spiritual image on the long table and slowly pushed it over.

Lu Nanzhi was stunned.

She looked at the photo that slid in front of her... looking a little confused.

A strange city.

"The situation has changed." Gu Shen smiled bitterly, held his forehead and whispered softly: "I think... I should have found the location of the last light."

Lu Nanzhi squinted her eyes and looked at the photo carefully.

"This is……"

"Nanzhou, an inland state, Xiyin City." Gu Shen said, "The last lamp is right here."

Mrs. Lu glanced at Gu Shen with a strange expression.

This kid...

It should only take half an hour to disconnect the link myself.

I worked hard to come up with a simple plan, and when I came back, I found everything... It was obvious that these plans could be scrapped.

But how did you find this?

"Thanks to some indescribable mysterious power." Gu Shen said slowly: "I don't know where the thing is, but I can be sure... the thing is in Xiyin City."

An unspeakable mysterious power?

Madam understood immediately and showed a meaningful expression... Divination!

Although she was in Dadu, she was always paying attention to Gu Shen's deeds in the Snow Forbidden City... When the news that Gu Shen was accepted as a disciple by Master Qianye reached Huazhi, it really shocked Madam.

Heir of divination.

This is an extremely impressive status.

There are only two "divination masters" in the entire Five Continents, and this number is even rarer than the so-called "S-class".

Gu Shen could see the reason for Madam's strange expression at a glance, but he didn't explain anything.

Divination is divination.

Madam can think whatever she wants... This reason is more credible than Chu Ling's dream.

"Okay... the plan can be overturned." Lu Nanzhi asked softly: "Are you ready to leave immediately?"


Gu Shen thought for a while and said slowly: "It's just... I've never been to a place outside Dongzhou."

Lu Nanzhi understood.

The propellers whirled.

The sky is full of clouds.

Gu Shen sat on the side of the cabin, leaning against the window, looking at the cloudscape and the shrinking Snow Forbidden City.

At this time, he remembered what the second elder of the Li family said.

It's so majestic with its back against a huge wall.

This past year had been too quiet, and it was only now that Gu Shen felt the beauty of "backing against a huge wall".

If you want to leave for Nanzhou, you only need to wait for a while, and a special plane from Huazhi will come to pick you up.

Lu Nanzhi also thoughtfully gave herself an assistant.

Cui Zhongcheng quietly turned the pages of the book and said softly: "My wife told me about finding the lamp... She thinks you may need a helper. If you don't think you need it, I will fly by myself after you land in Nanzhou." go back."

"That's so embarrassing..."

"I'm here," Gu Shen smiled and did not refuse: "I'm afraid you need to worry more about Nanzhou."

I don’t understand Nanzhou myself.

But he knows Cui Zhongcheng. If nothing else, this second-in-command is quite reliable in "getting things done".

Having an extra helper on this matter will save a lot of effort.

When acquaintances meet, they don't exchange much greetings.

The two people sat quietly on the plane, waiting for takeoff and final landing.

Gu Shen watched the light from the plane window fall on Cui Zhongcheng's face, and then he realized...the two hadn't seen each other for a year.

Last time, the transaction was successfully completed on National Highway 447, at the entrance to the Shenci Mountain boundary.

One year has passed, and the years seem to have stopped growing on this man's face. There is an indescribable elegance in his body, which is ancient but not decadent, swaying but not ostentatious.

Hours passed.

After Cui Zhongcheng finished reading the book, he took out the notebook full of words and spoke softly, breaking the calm.

"Southern Continent is the most chaotic place among the five continents...[Deep Sea] spends a lot of computing power every year to 'balance' information processing on South Continent."

"Balance?" Gu Shen, who closed his eyes to rest, slowly opened his eyes.

"People live in the link of [the deep sea], and everything they see and hear... is processed information. If you want to let a person know how bad the world is, you only need to replace his query results and change his Search the page and constantly throw negative news at him, trying to make a person think that the world is extremely beautiful... and vice versa." Cui Zhongcheng said calmly: "This is 'balancing', and [Deep Sea] has been doing this since its birth. It will change people’s impression of the world on a macro level, and ultimately maintain a balance point.”

Gu Shen narrowed his eyes.

That’s nice to say… Macroscopic changes?

This is actually playing with people's hearts.

He suddenly realized that... with the [Deep Sea], for ordinary people, it did not really broaden their understanding. On the contrary, they could no longer see the "real" world.

Everything he saw was covered with a curtain of nothingness.

And it can never be torn apart.

If you don't have enough authority, you will always be able to live in "falseness". At most, you can only raise weak doubts that cannot change the world, and then start to question yourself bit by bit amidst the doubts of others.

"Because this place in Nanzhou... is really bad. All kinds of bad extraordinary events are happening one after another, and there is a lack of limited control." Cui Zhongcheng said in a low voice: "To the extent that [Deep Sea] requires more and more computing power. To balance the situation, the Central Federation has decided to take further measures.”

"for example?"

"For example... change the first test site of the awakening plan to Nanzhou instead of Dongzhou." Cui Zhongcheng said calmly: "It's just that this may lead to uncontrollable situations... because there are many believers in Nanzhou, and they I believe in my own 'god' more than the federal government."

Gu Shen frowned and said, "Storm Throne?"

Cui Zhongcheng shook his head.

"It's an illusory 'god', not a real 'god'." He asked with a smile: "For ordinary people, if gods really appear in their world, will they still believe in and follow them?"

Gu Shen fell silent.

Cui Zhongcheng took out the photo and said slowly: "In fact... although Nanzhou is chaotic, it is not easy for outsiders to enter Xiyin City. This is a trading city purely open to believers. If If you are not a believer and do not have a strong identity, you will be discovered soon."


Think back to the scene in Xiyin City that you saw in the photo. The streets and alleys are full of priests wearing all kinds of linen robes.

"But... don't worry about the identity matter. I took care of it before coming here."

Cui Zhongcheng said calmly: "After landing in Nanzhou, your alternate name is 'Amir'. Your passport and identity certificate are all behind the seat. There is also a set of clerical robes of the 'Crescent Church' and a doctrinal program. Remember to take a look in advance to avoid revealing the truth.”

"Wait a minute...are we going to enter Xiyin City in this way?"

Gu Shen was startled.

"No...not us."

Cui Zhongcheng frowned and corrected him righteously: "Only you. You entered Xiyin City alone."

"how about you?"

"Don't get me wrong, I'm just on my way... I landed in Nanzhou this time because I want to discuss cooperation with a local general." Cui Zhongcheng casually opened the book and said: "I will assist you throughout the process, but in Xi Outside Silver City.”


Gu Shen dug out the big white robe and fell into a long silence.

The plane landed with a roar.

Cui Zhongcheng closed the book, stretched out a hand, looked directly into Gu Shen's eyes, and said seriously: "I wish you a good harvest."

The climate of Siganjo is completely opposite to that of Nagano.

This place is located in the tropics and is extremely hot. The big white robes worn by passers-by are actually used to protect themselves from the heat... However, the extreme climate has no effect on extraordinary people. They only need to circulate the breath of spring to feel cool all over their bodies.

Gu Shen successfully entered Xiyin City using the identity of "Amir". Cui Zhongcheng prepared a "luxury hotel" for him in advance. Judging from Chu Ling's overhead shot, the environment in this old Nanzhou city is very harsh. It should be something like a slum.

Gu Shen refused many children's requests to carry bags along the way. He walked around Xiyin City alone. Passing through the streets, he saw many beggars in scanty clothes. These people were crowded under the bridge. A mat is spread out.

Maybe this is their home.

Is there a "hotel" in such a place?

Unexpectedly, just across a river, the city center of Xiyin was very prosperous, with high-rise buildings rising from the ground, and passers-by wearing gold and silver jewelry.

There really is a hotel here, and it's very luxurious.

After nightfall, Gu Shen stood on the top floor and overlooked the scene outside the window... This side of the Tin Galaxy was splendid and prosperous with dim lights, while the other side of the river was bleak and muddy, with poverty and struggle.

He remembered what Cui Zhongcheng said about "balancing"... Before today, when I was in Dongzhou, I didn't know that Nanzhou looked like this. The real life in Xiyin City might have been uploaded to the [Deep Sea] Network It may be successful ten thousand times, but it may not be truly passed on even once.

And the most terrifying thing is——

At both ends of the message, one end thinks that it has really sent it out, and the other end thinks that it has really received it.

Everyone lives in their own "ideal land".

Mr. Alan Turing's original intention of creating [Deep Sea] was to create a perfect "Utopia", but [Deep Sea] is using another way to reach the end...

If utopia does not exist.

It cannot be manufactured either.

Then you only need to change people's perception of it... and the purpose can be achieved.

"Sorry...Actually, I only learned about 'balancing' today."

Chu Ling's voice came from his mind.

There was apology in her voice.

"Why do you apologize to me?" Gu Shen smiled.

He stood in front of the huge floor-to-ceiling window, looking at the unfamiliar Xiyin City. He knew that this scene was also introduced into Chu Ling's eyes at this moment.

The two of them share "one pair of eyes".

"The operating logic of [Deep Sea] is very complex, and [source code] is only one part of it... This is why I can only use part of the permissions." Chu Ling said softly: "About the processing, transmission, and presentation of information, in In the beginning, it wasn’t that complicated… Maybe it was with upgrading and evolution that the so-called ‘balancing’ appeared.”

The meaning of balancing is to protect information equality in the world.

The means of protection is essentially deception.

Just like... no one would have thought that the true meaning of the existence of [Deep Sea] is to spiritually link extraordinary beings to build a pure spiritual world [Deep Water Zone].

"This choice may have a very bad impact on the human world..." Chu Ling said slowly.

"They're all the same." Gu Shen interrupted her.

He said calmly: "What extraordinary beings do... is also deception. Maybe there is never 'true' or 'false'. What we see, what we believe, and what is real... are three things."

Chu Ling was stunned.

"Belief is existence, existence is belief...or, it doesn't exist at all."

Gu Shen closed the curtains again.

He stopped looking at the outside world and said softly: "At least... balancing provides a possibility for the world."

It is not an easy task to find an ordinary antique that does not contain extraordinary power in Xiyin City.

There are a total of seven territories, twenty-two states, and one central jurisdiction in Nanzhou, and Xiyin is among the top three "trade cities", with hundreds of thousands of goods circulating here every day.

Antiques...maybe not that many in number, but they are countless.

Gu Shen knew that the object he was looking for may not necessarily appear in the bustling central area, but would also most likely appear in the muddy slums on the other side of the Tin Galaxy. Most importantly, based on his last experience in the snowfield.

Rush to Xiyin City as soon as possible according to the instructions. At this time, you can basically ensure that the [object] is still in the city.

But after a while... I won't be able to tell for sure.

There is a possibility of [Lamp of Wrath] being taken away by others.

Gu Shen must act quickly.

In this case, if you want to find an "antique", you can't help but use the [money ability]. This is the fastest and most useful method, and there is no other way... Gu Shen paid a small advance payment, Twenty children and young people from the slums were found and asked to carefully search for relevant information about lamps, and they were promised follow-up rewards.

For the residents of these slums, Gu Shen's "advance payment" is already quite generous.

Obviously, this is a generous boss!

It's just that Gu Shen's conditions for paying subsequent remuneration are very strict, requiring that the news cannot be spread outside, and that the search for antique lamps can only be done by themselves, because he will only pay the remuneration to one person in the end... In this way, it will be eliminated The possibility of large-scale delivery of messages.

These twenty people thought they were the lucky ones. After receiving the advance payment, they searched desperately for news about the lamp.

After doing all this, Gu Shen came to an auction house in the central area of ​​Xiyin City... According to the information provided by Cui Zhongcheng, this Holy Elephant Auction House is the largest and most authoritative auction house in Xiyin City, and also the largest auction house in Xiyin City. A favorite place for many wealthy people to spend their money.

The second clue to find the "lamp" is related to this auction house.

(PS: 1 The content of this chapter has been replaced before 12 o'clock. Those who have subscribed do not have to worry about money. There is no waste. 2. Let me explain that the reason why the chapter names of the two chapters are repeated is not because I am anti-theft. But because of Qidian’s review system, there was no response to the chapters I sent out at ten o’clock. This was the first time I encountered such a situation, so I anxiously sent it again, but there was still no response. I didn’t expect that they would both be released an hour later. Because of this incident, I was so confused and speechless that I will revise these two chapters tomorrow.)

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