Barrier of Light

Chapter 399 Parting Gift

The dense neem forest casts a slender, lance-like silhouette under the blazing light.

Insects are chirping and the hot wind is noisy.

The grass covering the bullock cart was piled up in random piles, blown up by the wind, revealing a corner of the dry and smelly corpse. A pair of pale and withered calves could be vaguely seen. The clothes covered by the dry grass were still smelling of flies. The smell of eggs...

The young man looked at the man coming out of the dense forest with a confused expression.

"Sir...I don't understand what you are talking about..."

The look on his face was full of confusion and very sincere.

Gu Shen stood still.

He looked calmly at the young man in front of him.

Watch each other's "performance".

The young man pointed at the bullock cart and lifted a corner of the grass. A strange smell hit his face. He was about to explain that he was transporting his dead father out of the city for burial, but Gu Shen didn't give him a chance to speak.

Gu Shen raised his hand expressionlessly.

There was a "whoosh" sound.

Like a piece of iron cutting through the void.

It was indeed an iron piece crossing the void.

The young man's words stopped suddenly. He staggered two steps, holding on to the bullock cart and trying to stand still... A few seconds ago, he didn't feel any real pain, but a few seconds later, he reached out and touched the itchy spot on his neck. At the location, a clear and bright red long blood line appeared surrounding it.

"Plop" sound.

He knocked his head off.

A head fell down and hit the mud!

A wisp of blood fire seeped out from the center of his head and condensed, containing many complex emotions such as anger, panic, and confusion.

"Gu Shen!"

Angry roars came from the blood fire.

Gu Shen still waved lightly and directly grabbed this ray of blood and fire.

Through the flickering firelight, the owl, thousands of miles away, could clearly see the "sharp weapon" used to cut off the head. It was a thin piece of rust snatched from the abandoned oxcart.

This rust...?

He suddenly realized why Gu Shen appeared here.

These bodies are too weak.

Therefore, the perception ability is limited... The time to take away the church's sealed items is very tight. Even though he was careful enough, he still didn't realize that something had been tampered with.

He originally thought that he could clearly sense even just a wisp of Gu Shen's blazing fire!

But...that ray of fire is hidden in the rust!

All the breaths are well hidden!

Being weak has its advantages. He can abandon this body at any time and escape at any time without feeling as distressed as Dadu.

But being weak also has its biggest problem.

He is too weak.

There was no way to resist.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time."

Gu Shen pinched the wisp of blood fire and said calmly, "It's not easy to leave Xiyin City, isn't it? Thank you for your hard work."

In front of the owl, he waved again.

A strong gust of wind blew up and blew away all the dead grass on the car, revealing a pale "corpse".

At every checkpoint along the way, no one checked the "fresh corpse" because its smell was too strong. At this moment, the "corpse" rolled and fell off the cart, revealing something hidden under the weeds. Another sealed item...

Gu Shen could feel the violent mental fluctuations in the blood and fire.



In order to leave Xiyin City, Xiao used almost all the "bodies" that had been lurking in Xiyin City for a long time. The reason why he took such a tortuous and bizarre route was to ensure that he could pass the interrogation smoothly... among the priests who came to interrogate each wave They all have their own "blood and fire believers". After escaping with difficulty, they find that they are just clowns.

In the end, everyone made wedding clothes for Gu Shen!

Gu Shen looked at the pile of sealed objects, but none of them actually caught his eye.

What he cared about most... was the lamp of anger.

The mental power passed over many objects.

[Iron Throne] activated, and there was a low buzz... Gu Shen found the ancient lamp, raised his hand and sucked it into his palm, then looked at the faint wisp of blood and fire, smiled and said: "You seem to be angry? "

That wisp of bloody flame suppressed the violent emotions.

"Gu Shen...this body of mine has no power. It would be in vain for you to kill me."

He saw it too.

Gu Shen was not interested in these sealed objects.

All I care about is the antique lamp.

Gu Shen put away the lamp of anger, let go of his hand, let the wisp of blood and fire float, and asked with a smile: "What do you want to say?"

"Do you know why I want to attack the Crescent Church?"

Xiao seemed to have returned to the previous negotiation. He lowered his voice and said slowly: "We can continue the transaction, and I will tell you the big news about the forbidden magic."

Gu Shen nodded.

It looked like... he was deep in thought.

And the next second.

He raised his head, looked at the blood and fire, and said coldly: "You'd better save it."

Throw it away with a slap!

This slap directly split the blood and fire into pieces!

This ray of spirit, which was not strong in the first place, was directly dispersed and turned into a flowing firefly... Gu Shen didn't want to waste time with Xiao at all. He had already found the Lamp of Wrath and didn't want to stay in Nanzhou for a second.

He could slowly guess and explore the contents of the forbidden spells by himself.

Cooperation with "Xiao" will never happen again!

Based on his knowledge of Xiao.

This guy sent the sealed object out of Xiyin City, and he has probably arranged to pick it up... In the past year, he has been cultivating himself and recuperating. Even if Xiao does not find a powerful body comparable to "Zhou Yu", there is a high probability that he will be able to find a third-stage transcendent. container.

If you are held back.

If you don't have the upper hand in terms of strength... then you will be completely at a disadvantage.

Looking at the bloody flames swallowed by the fiery silkworms, Gu Shen spoke softly.

"Before I leave, I left you a gift. I hope you like it."

Go back a few days.

Gu Shen ended the negotiation with "Xiao".

He simply agreed to the church operation in twenty-one hours, but after the negotiation, he dialed Cui Zhongcheng's number... Chu Ling's authority in Nanzhou was limited, and he could only check the tin silver of the Crescent Church. Part of the information of Archbishop Ranveer of the city. That part of the information shows that the archbishop never leaves the church, and is a loyal "believer" and "guardian." With such a general in the Crescent Church, the plan to find the Lamp of Wrath will be severely restricted.

What Xiao Xiao meant was that Ranveer was leaving Xiyin City to attend a certain meeting.

What kind of meeting could make Ranveer leave the church?

It seems...not difficult to guess.

On the other side of the communicator, Cui Zhongcheng checked the list of participants and gave Gu Shen an unexpected affirmative reply... Then an interesting plan was born in Gu Shen's mind.

"Have you checked everything?"

Ranveer stood in front of the huge floor-to-ceiling windows on the top floor of the Elephant Building.

The owner of the sacred elephant auction house bowed his knees and did not dare to neglect: "Your Majesty Bishop, we have found out everything... That man's name is Amir, he comes from Ahakanda in the inland state, and he comes from a noble family."

"He claimed to be a believer of the church, and when he came to Xiyin, he seemed to be hunting for treasure. In fact, he was trying to spy on the secrets of [the church] in his words..."

"From the first time we met, I felt something was wrong... This guy's behavior was different from ordinary people, so I deliberately kept an eye out and sent people to investigate the Amir family in Ahakanda."

"As a result, the Amir family said they did not know him at all!"

The boss sounded excited and patted his thigh.

As he spoke, an extremely faint blazing light flashed in the depths of his pupils.

Ranveer didn't look back, frowned and asked, "Don't you know him?"

"This is a fake."

Next to the boss stood a female believer from the Crescent Church with black hair and eyes and a soft voice.

Zhou handed over the photo.

Ranveer took the photo and looked at the "young face" on it carefully. The previous investigation in the lower reaches of the Tin Galaxy was somewhat unsuccessful because the "people" who pointed out the clues could not recall the specific face of the person who offered the reward.

This makes sense.

How could the underground church that could loot the Crescent Church not have some skills?

This is a spiritual transcendent.

"Did you use the [Deep Sea] database for comparison?"

The archbishop's voice was a little irritable.

"Can't find it... There are no results yet. This may be a 'half-dead man' who was born in the lower reaches of the Tin Galaxy and has not been entered into the system." Zhou shook his head and gave a conclusion.

In Nanzhou, not everyone can be entered into the [Deep Sea] system.

It's too messy here.

In some places, life is cheaper than grass.

If you die, you will die... Do all the "unknown people" who sank into the Tin Galaxy need to be entered into the system again?

These people who have not been entered into the system are the most convenient to deal with. The reason why the Crescent Church's case files stacked in the underground church can be covered up is because they escaped the glow of the [Deep Sea].

If not entered into the system.

So burying them is like burying some grass.

[Deep Sea] doesn’t even need to be balanced.

These people disappeared.

It just disappeared.

"If I remember correctly, he took pictures of the items for sale...and sent them to Dongzhou?" Lanveer knew that this was the last clue, "Where is Dongzhou?"

Zhou said softly: "Those items for sale were sent to Dadu... We immediately contacted the Intercontinental Office of the Eastern Continent Federation, and then learned a shocking news."

She presented the final information.

This is a specific case file of the "S-class wanted criminal" arrest case that caused a sensation in Dongzhou No. 3. The "title" of the target in the case file is marked as Xiao. This man named "Xiao" has developed many things in Dadu. Believers, established an extremist organization, and was finally wiped out by the "Towering Tree" of the Judgment Office.

However, the case file clearly states that the extremist organization is suspected to still have remnants.

What made Ranveer's expression change dramatically was...

Special reminder for this case file.

[Special note, the ability of this S-class wanted criminal is manifested as bloody flames. The specific function of his ability is not clear yet, but it is preliminary determined that the bloody flames can corrode the spirit and transform the physical body. There may be more than one owl, and if there is no way to eliminate them all, they will quickly spawn. 】

Bloody flames...

Bloody flames!

Ranveer's memory returned to the live scene in the underground church. He has never been able to understand how the "target person" could control the timing so accurately...

After seeing Dongzhou's case file.

He suddenly understood everything.


If this person has always been by his side, watching his every move, and has been stationed in the underground church all year round, and is familiar with the system, then he has the ability to commit crimes.

And if there is really a person in this world who can use "spirit" to corrode the physical body, then it means... he can give up a certain physical body to clear himself of suspicion.

After using the space seal to steal the underground church, he didn't need to think about escaping at all.

Just... kill yourself.

So breaking out of the door is just a cover, a way to deceive yourself? !

"Your Majesty Bishop!"

"Two bodies were found outside Xiyin City..."

A church member breaks in and he hurriedly presents the latest report to Ranveer.

"The abandoned bullock cart revealed the remnants of the extraordinary aura..."

"It's just that when I discovered it, all the sealed objects were gone..."

"The deceased was a pariah from the lower reaches of the Tin Galaxy who had not been entered into the [Deep Sea] system. He took a very weird route, and among the church members responsible for releasing the people, there have been several suicides out of fear of crime... They are all dead!"

Voices sounded one after another.

Ranveer was just silent.

He listened to everything in silence.

He looked at the photos on the case file in silence.

Under the neem forest, there lay a withered corpse. The face of that corpse was exactly the same as the "Amir" presented by "Zhou".

After reading Dongzhou's case file, he realized that the truth behind this matter... was more serious than the loss of the Crescent Church's sealed items... A person with the ability to use mental power at will and occupy the body invaded The interior of Crescent Church.

He can easily take away the sealed items from the underground church.

When you can do it, brush off your clothes and take off these "bodies" one by one.

To kill...that is to take off.

What he revealed was terrifying enough... and what was even more terrifying was that Ranveer's instinct told him that this was probably just the tip of the iceberg. This guy is like a cockroach that cannot be stepped on. It can reproduce and multiply indefinitely. If it is not killed, then it will always retain its breath and peek in a dark corner, waiting for opportunities!

And the good thing is...

He discovered all this.

You still have time!


Ranveer silently recited the name.

The Eastern Continent Federation's joint case report stated the reason why they finally stopped investigating. An "evil spirit transformation case" occurred in a church in South Continent. [Deep Sea] compared the spiritual elements of evil spirits and owl, and the blood and fire The coincidence degree was as high as 100%. This evil spirit was believed to have died under the influence of the icon, so the Dongzhou Federation began to destroy Xiao's [Jiujiu Foundation], and the follow-up process was very smooth.

Dongzhou acquiesced that the S-class fugitive Xiao was dead.

But looking at it now, this ray of blood and fire is still alive!

"I'm going to the Temple of Storms."

Ranveer said in a deep voice: "This matter... Lord God Seat must know!"

On the returning plane.

Cui Zhongcheng frowned as he looked at the sealed objects that filled half of the cabin.

"You should know that these [objects] cannot be taken out for use...if they are discovered by Nanzhou, it will have a bad impact."

These sealed objects have been cleaned.

But Cui Zhongcheng, who has always been obsessed with cleanliness, learned from Gu Shen where they were buried before, and looked at these "objects" with disgust.

"You can't leave it to Xiao Xiao, right?"

"These sealed objects can be placed underground... There are too many sealed objects that have never seen the light of day. If you add these, it's nothing."

As Gu Shen spoke, he took off his bloated white robe.

He really didn't want to wear such a priest's robe anymore... But fortunately, such a robe was completely unrecognizable in Xiyin City, so the final transfer of identity was no trouble.


He is not Amir.

The owl is Amir.

"Are you sure...the two believers who were hypnotized by your spirit don't need to be killed?"

Cui Zhongcheng spoke softly and said: "I have arranged snipers in Xiyin. If there is a need, it is not too late now."

Two strong logic bullets.

Get rid of the two last "insiders".

"There's nothing to worry about..."

Gu Shen shook his head and said: "Lanveer is a transcendent on the tenth level of the deep water area, and even he didn't notice anything strange... If anyone wants to investigate, I will directly destroy the spiritual link. They will not get any information. "

The owner of the Holy Elephant Auction House, and Zhou.

The seeds of "blazing fire" were planted in these two people.

Extraordinary people who can control ultra-long-distance "spiritual links" are rare.

And Gu Shen's blazing fire possesses such power.

In a sense, they are no longer members of the Crescent Church, but their own believers... This is indeed a very subtle feeling. From a distance, you can feel that two supporters are ready to dedicate themselves to you at any time. Life, they have absolute loyalty and absolute obedience.

In fact, Gu Shen regarded them as his "eyes".

[Deep Sea] is processing all information in a balanced manner.

If you want to see the real world... you need more and more "eyes", seeing is believing.

He saw it with his own eyes.

He saw it for himself.

This... is the truth that I can believe in.

He still wants to keep in touch with the incident in Nanzhou... If nothing happens, this case will attract the attention of the Storm God, and the dark rat hiding everywhere will be exposed to the sun.

Gu Shen was very curious.

How should the owl hide?

He was looking forward to waking up one day and getting the good news that "Xiao" was crushed to death by the Storm God Seat.

Of course... I hope this time it will no longer be information analyzed through [Deep Sea].

But seeing it “with my own eyes.”


Cui Zhongcheng spoke again. He sat opposite Gu Shen, gently shook the paper "newspaper", and said slowly: "It is necessary to tell you... the final result of this meeting."

Gu Shen was slightly startled.

If he remembered correctly, Huazhi landed in Nanzhou this time because he wanted to "sell" the secret research results underground.

It should be some kind of weapon.

"The deal is cancelled." Cui Zhongcheng said lightly, "Huazhi has not reached an agreement with any church or general...the so-called secret weapons will not be sold to Nanzhou."


This was something beyond Gu Shen's expectation.

This alarmed all the giants near Xiyin.

Such a grand meeting was held.

But the final result ended hastily...I am afraid that this incident will have a negative impact on Cui Zhongcheng.

"The price they offered was very high, and it was almost an irresistible huge profit..."

Mr. Xiao Cui said calmly: "Theoretically speaking, the deal should have been completed successfully. But morally speaking, I don't want to see what will happen after the deal is completed."

The plane skimmed over the clouds.

Looking down.

Cities become smaller in the clouds.

Looking at the world from an altitude of 10,000 meters, you can see no blood, no violence, and no suffering... Only when you are close to the ground can you see the true appearance of Nanzhou, which is riddled with disasters. place.

People here have been through a lot.

Cui Zhongcheng put down the stack of "newspapers", which were the only things Gu Shen brought out from the underground church after he broke the alarm.

A thick stack of paper was filled with the ugliness and filth of the Crescent Church underground.

At this moment, every inch of soil passed by the roar of the plane is buried with the endless "sorrow" of the people of Nanzhou.

"There are not many things that I can make the decision on, but this transaction is exactly one of them."

Cui Zhongcheng spoke slowly.

If the transaction is cancelled, Huazhi will definitely suffer losses. It goes without saying that Huazhi's behavior will be criticized by the Nanzhou Fang members in the Central Council, and the subsequent development of the incident will be a rebound of opinions within the board of directors.

Gu Shen was silent for a second.

He spoke softly, "Mr. Xiao Cui, the task that Madam gave you is to assist me in completing the operation in Nanzhou. This time we brought back a large number of sealed objects together and returned home with a full load. It is considered a great achievement... We did not achieve the goal with Nanzhou." Your cooperation can only be regarded as a minor fault. If the merits and demerits are equal to each other, you will have no problem doing it. I will report the case file afterwards and I will solve the transaction troubles for you."

Cui Zhongcheng was stunned.

He pushed up his monocle and looked at Gu Shen with a subtle expression.

Gu Shen stretched out a hand and said with a smile, "Happy cooperation."

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