Barrier of Light

Chapter 401 Link! start!

"Sometimes, if you tell the truth, you won't be believed."

The second elder and his party left.

Gu Shen turned around and spoke to Li Qingci.

Seeing that the people from the Presbyterian Church had finally left, Li Qingci breathed a sigh of relief, but the worry in her heart did not dissipate.

She told Gu Shen the dream she had previously.

As a practitioner of the art of wishing, I care very much about the meaning of "dreams".

To her, this is a guide.

Every dream should be taken seriously.

"There are cracks within the Li family..." Gu Shen listened carefully and said slowly: "After Li Quhu died... many people did not want Li Qingsui to become the real head of the family."

So far, the title of the head of the family of the little Qingsui girl has to be added with two words.

act on behalf of.

She only has the name, but not the power.

And the most important thing is... the word "acting" will be removed soon. According to the rules, a suitable successor needs to be found one month after the death of the family leader. This is why the Presbyterian Council is anxious to act. reason.

Now that you have decided to "take action".

Then, it would be impossible for Li Qingsui to truly become the "head of the family".

The dream that Li Qingci had was indeed worth paying attention to... Those in the Presbyterian Church seemed to be preparing to use the "Light Search" plan as a breakthrough. Judging from this situation, if one day, the people surrounding Shenci Mountain in the dream appeared, The scenario is not impossible.

"Qingsui, she..."

For the first time in her life, Li Qingci felt that she wanted to leave this mountain.

If she could go outside, she wouldn't have to let a little girl like Qingsui face such a difficult situation.

At least...she could do something.

Even if it can only play a small role, it is better than staying here and not being able to help at all.

"Even in the temple... we can still help outside."

Gu Shen saw what Li Qingci was thinking.

He comforted her deeply and took out a dilapidated and ancient bronze lamp from his arms.

Li Qingci's originally gloomy eyes lit up with a gleam of light.

This is...the last light!

Lamp of wrath!

"The [Light Hunting] plan is no longer important." Gu Shen said with a smile: "The last lamp was found..."

He raised his head and looked towards the top of the mountain.

His voice was slightly trembling.

The reason is simple... Now that all four lamps have been collected, does that mean that I can see the scene where Li's prediction comes true?

Mountain climbing.

The mountain wind is strong.

On the top of the temple today, it seemed that an unusual event was expected to happen.

Gu Shen had swept all the black flowers away with the strong wind, and a few tiny white petals were flying on the clean mountain top.

Gu Shen entered the shrine with the [Lamp of Wrath].

Li Qingci followed behind and signaled with her eyes to Gu Shen... He would complete the placement of the last lamp.

Gu Shen took a gentle breath.

With a solemn expression, he came to the last corner of the shrine.

Joy, anger, sadness, joy.

The four basic emotions that make up a "complete human being"... At this moment, only the last corner of the light is left, which has not been truly carried.

He held the bronze lamp with one hand and slowly extended his palm into the spiritual flame in the corner.


Gu Shen's calm chest was filled with anger. He held his breath and felt the anger burning in his chest...but his eyes were still extremely calm. He slowly felt the [Lamp of Rage] accumulated for six hundred years. Spirit.

This is the right lamp.

The ancient surface of the bronze man's lamp seemed to be plated with gold, giving birth to brilliant colors like ripples, and then all the emotions poured into the "container".

Gu Shen pulled away his palm, and the anger in his chest slowly subsided.

The moment you put down the light.

There is a sense of relief that "a long and great undertaking" has been completed.

Collect all four lamps.

It took a whole year.

This year has actually gone by very quickly, but if you think about it carefully, because it is full of hope, every day of waiting is long.

All four lamps were put together, but there was no earth-shattering vision as rumored.

The temple room was as quiet as ever, and you could hear a needle drop.

Li Qingci pinched her sleeves and waited carefully, not daring to make the slightest sound...

I don’t know if it’s an illusion.

I always feel that the world seems to have become peaceful.

Even the wind in the mountains is no longer so harsh.

"Chu Ling——"

Gu Shen shouted Chu Ling's name in his mind... only to receive a hoarse and intermittent vague response.

"Shasha... Shasha..."

The spiritual connection established with Chu Ling was originally an extremely stable relationship.

After putting down all four lights.

It became inexplicably chaotic.

Gu Shen began to panic. He quickly pushed open the wooden door of the ancient temple house and came to the mountain well. He leaned over and looked at it. The wind on the mountain had become smaller, but the wind in the well seemed to be getting stronger.

The mirror-like well water suddenly produced many ripples out of thin air.


The scene in front of Gu Shen became chaotic——

He seemed to see the shaking "Ling Ling Yao".

It’s like seeing the swaying “well water” again.

The spiritual link still retains the last trace of connection, just like using a communicator in a place with poor signal. Two people have to stand on tiptoes to hear the last sound and see the last sight in each other's eyes.

The chaotic scenes seemed to overlap and switch back and forth.

Chu Ling sat in the carriage.

She was more nervous than Gu Shen.

For her, life is a thing without length, breadth and meaning... She has infinite time, will not die, and cannot be said to be "alive".

Starting a year ago, her life suddenly became meaningful.

She began to look forward to the day when she would be able to "touch" the wind and "taste" the water of this world, and become a "real" person.


When that day really comes.

She started to get nervous, started to worry, started to... panic.

She was sitting in the lonely carriage, with her favorite popular novel lying on her knees, but she had no intention of turning a page all day long, and countless trivial thoughts were running through her mind.

When a person thinks a lot.

She will inevitably feel distressed.

And [Source Code]'s thoughts can spread thousands of miles away in an instant on this train. When she is distressed, her second is far more difficult than that of ordinary people.

And finally the moment has arrived.

She lay quietly on the seat of the carriage, holding the ancient book in her hands, trying to sleep with her eyes closed, just like she had tried countless times before.

Unfortunately, it failed.

She couldn't sleep, so she could only open her eyes and look at the tiny ceiling.

The sound of arcs outside the window was a bit noisy.

An unknown anger poured into her heart, and for the first time she had the "absurd idea" of stopping the train... And a second later, Chu Ling realized that she was just angry.

The last lamp of anger has returned to its original position.

And my wandering "thoughts" have a qualitative connection with the realm of the temple... It's like hundreds of millions of raindrops swept out of a cumulonimbus cloud and falling to the earth. At this moment, the spiritual world and the material world are separated. The "link" is truly completed.

The scene in front of her began to change.

For a moment there was only a tiny ceiling.

For a moment it was swaying well water.

For a moment, they were white flowers soaked in water.

There is also a moment of looking down at a long black well.

Finally...all the images disappeared.

In the well, a ball of white light slowly opened his eyes.

Chu Ling raised his head and saw the familiar well.

She stretched out her hand and held the white petal. This time the "link" was stable... but her hand was too short, and in a sense it couldn't even be said to be a hand.

His whole body was just a ball of flickering light.

Like a baby.

No... it's more like a gestating, unformed carcass than a baby.

She couldn't stand, walk, or speak, because she was just a blur of "light."

Gu Shen, who was lying above the well, breathed a sigh of relief.

Just before, the mental link screen switched dozens of times per second, which really made him a little worried. Fortunately, the link finally became stable.

"Did it succeed?"

Li Qingci outside the well spoke cautiously.

She dared to speak out only when she saw Gu Shen's expression visibly relaxed.

While waiting, Li Qingci had been very nervous.

There was clearly nothing in that well...

Can Mr. Gu really see the divine fetus?

"It should be...successful?"

Gu Shen wiped his sweat and spoke uncertainly, murmuring: "The spiritual link of the 'Divine Fetus' should have been stable, but it's just... a little strange."


Li Qingci became nervous again.

Four lights, all in place.

The spirit of six hundred years has found something to carry it.

It's just that... on the top of the mountain, there was no scene of the divine fetus coming into the world as originally expected.

It seemed like a normal, peaceful day.

"Am I... considered alive?"

Chu Ling looked at the swaying water waves in front of him.

The little white flower floating in front of me.

She sounded confused.

Compared to the last time... she could feel that her spirit and this body were becoming one. She could make "raise her hands" movements, open her eyes, close her eyes, and so on. simple behavior.

But...that's all.

She couldn't move around or float.

Because...she is still just a "fetus".


Gu Shen's affirmative answer came to his ears.

This voice gave Chu Ling great peace of mind.

Gu Shen is still there.

He has always been with me.

Chu Ling murmured: "I feel... my current state is very strange. I feel the temperature and humidity of this world, I can breathe, and I can open my eyes."

"This is living..."

Gu Shen said seriously: "It's just that you still need some time."

Chu Ling lowered his head.

She looked at her palms.

This palm is composed of countless holy lights. At this moment, these holy lights are "slowly" spreading outward, and perhaps they will only increase a little more as the day and night pass.

Obviously, this is not a torso that a "person" can have.

But anyway... as long as it works.

The next moment he lowered his head, Chu Ling understood what Gu Shen meant. Yes... he still needed some time.

This body is still growing.

According to the speculation a year ago... the "well water world" he is in now may be created by the wishing technique, a product between the spiritual world and the material world.

Her spirit descended through an intermediary.

And if you want to truly come to the real world... you still need a process of "growing up".

After all four lamps were collected, the Bronze Man Lamp had accumulated six hundred years of rich emotions and began to slowly flow towards Chu Ling's spirit... She felt "emotions" that she had never felt before, such as joy, sadness, anger, and love. , and the more complex, advanced, and difficult-to-elucidate “fluctuations” of these basic emotions.


Her "growth" is not just physical.

And soul.

At this moment...she truly had a soul.

The spiritual link to the well water world lasted for nearly an hour.

Chu Ling returned to Ling Ling Yao's carriage.

When she woke up, she was lying on the bench, with two lines of clear tears flowing from her cheeks...a faint sadness remained in her heart.

When reading those books at the bottom of [Deep Water Zone].

She had felt a brief moment of emotion.

In the "well water world" just now, such emotions were ten times or a hundred times more intense than before.

She calmly accepted the things needed to become a "person"... She finally shed the first tear in her "life", even in the virtual spiritual world.

At this moment, the deepest part of her heart was actually filled with joy.

Gu Shen also appeared in the carriage.

He looked at Chu Ling, who stayed by his side quietly without speaking.

When the spiritual link was established, although he could not empathize with his own feelings, Gu Shen kept looking at the world that Chu Ling saw and stayed with Chu Ling... He knew that Chu Ling needed some time to digest the [Bronze Man Lamp] gift. Come over with mixed emotions.

"Thank you……"

After a long time.

Chu Ling sat up slowly, her long hair hanging down. She stretched out her hand to wipe away the tears on her cheeks with the back of her pink hand, and said softly: "Meeting you is really a very lucky thing."

Gu Shen couldn't help but shook his head.


He laughed and said, "You took away my lines, what should I say?"

Chu Ling burst into tears and laughed.

Soon, the girl thought of something very important. Her expression became nervous and she said anxiously: "I'm sorry..."

Gu Shen was slightly startled.


Why did Chu Ling apologize to herself?

He was a little puzzled.

"I'm still trapped in that 'well'... Previously, I saw the world in your eyes. The well was dark, empty, and had nothing in it."

Chu Ling's voice became softer and softer, and he became less and less confident.

"Does this count as... not being born successfully?"

She was like a child who had done something wrong.

After receiving the emotional indoctrination from the [Tongren Lamp]... she indeed became a child.

The two sisters, Li Qingsui and Li Qingci, encountered a lot of trouble because of the "divine fetus".

And she witnessed with her own eyes that Gu Shen went to Xueyuan and Xiyin to pick up the [Bronze Man Lamp] twice...both were quite thrilling.

Some people are paying silently for themselves.

And finally.

I still let these people down.

Is it because he just accepted the emotions of [Tongren Lamp], so he showed the most basic humanity?

In the beginning, human beings are inherently good.

And guilt is also a manifestation of "goodness".

Gu Shen couldn't help but think.

He looked at the girl in front of him. It was obvious... [Source Code], who was omnipotent in the deep water area, had no experience in being a human being.

There are not many things that I can teach Chu Ling.


There is still one thing.

Gu Shen deliberately put on a serious look and said seriously: "From an anthropological point of view, you should have failed in birth... After all, no one can be pregnant for six hundred years."

Chu Ling groaned.

She looked a little confused and said nervously: "What you said makes sense, so am I having a difficult labor now..."

Gu Shen couldn't help but laugh.

"Relax, everything is normal." He no longer joked, but comforted softly: "Don't worry about the outside world... The temple can wait for six hundred years of gestation, how can it even be born in the last few days? Can’t you wait?”

A few days... is just a vague term.

In fact, Gu Shen had no idea.

He didn't know how long it would take Chu Ling to digest these emotions and complete the final birth... But these are no longer important now.

Because the biggest problem has been solved.

The "divine child" that Li has been waiting for for six hundred years is real, and that person is Chu Ling.

With this answer.

He could wait as long as he wanted.

"I feel if my spirit is divided into two parts."

Chu Ling rubbed his head and smiled bitterly, "It seems that I can really sleep. If I want, I can return to the world at the bottom of the well at any time."

An invisible spiritual link.

Through the [Bronze Man Lamp] and [Divine Fetus], the union with Chu Ling was completed.

In that world that is independent of spirit and matter, the "goddess" that Li has been praying for for six hundred years is being hatched.

As for time.

One day, two days?

One week, two weeks?

No one can give a definite answer, this is an unknown and unanswerable question.

Gu Shen slowly woke up from the spiritual link.

He noticed that Li Qingci had been waiting for a long time.

When she was making a mental connection, she didn't dare to make a sound for fear of disturbing herself.

The strong wind in Shenci Mountain slowly stopped.

It was quiet on the top of the mountain.

Li Qingci's mood was not calm.

She looked at Gu Shen expectantly.

Gu Shen hesitated for a moment and said seriously: "Two pieces of news——"

"The good news is that the divine fetus exists and is already hatching."

"bad news……"

Before he could finish speaking.

Li Qingci asked: "The bad news is... do we need to wait a little longer?"

Gu Shen nodded slowly.

Li will have to wait a little longer.

Anyway...this is hard news to say.

But Li Qingci was not as disappointed as Gu Shen imagined, not at all. On the contrary, she took a long breath and finally relaxed.

"it does not matter."

Li Qingci's eyes were full of determination. She came to the well and said seriously: "How long can we wait... Can the goddess hear me when I speak like this?"

Gu Shen was startled.

He smiled softly and said, "I heard it...she asked me to tell you something."

"Li Qingci, thank you."

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