Barrier of Light

Chapter 411 One Punch (please vote for me!)

Generally speaking.

The dialogue that will occur during the bride-grabbing process is:

"Who objects?"

"I object!"

It's just that today, in the Mu clan's ancestral hall, the order of this conversation was reversed.

The entire ancestral hall fell into silence. The elders who had stayed up all night because of today's engagement couldn't believe their ears when they heard the sound.

In today's original plan, there was no so-called "who opposes" question session.

It's just that the person who came to Mu's house to object today has a very special status.

So much so that after they heard it, no matter how angry they were inside, they could only remain silent on the outside.

"Gu Shen?"

When Han Dang saw this figure, he frowned.

The gold-rimmed glasses are slightly reflective.

Reflecting his gloomy face... Obviously, no one would have thought that such an uninvited guest would appear on an occasion like today.

Yesterday, Xu Yan realized the dream and broke records one after another.

Gu Shen did not show up.

Today Xu Yan visited Mu family, but Gu Shen showed up!

A gentle laughter sounded at this moment.

Xu Yan looked at the figure behind him, narrowed his eyes and smiled: "Brother Gu? I have long admired your name..."

Gu Shen slowly walked into the Mu clan's ancestral hall.

He walked towards Xu Yan.

Then he passed Xu Yan.

From beginning to end, Xu Yan was not even glanced at...

It's as if this person is the air.

Thin laughter echoed in the courtyard, but could be heard everywhere else, which made Xu Yan's laughter...sound a little silly.

The smile on Xu Yan's face slowly faded, but he didn't look angry. There was just a slight cold light flashing deep in his eyes. It was fleeting. He was still the new S of Nagano who couldn't express his emotions or anger. class.

"Gu Shen..."

The great elder Mu Zhong sent a message and said seriously: "Mr. Mu cherishes our friendship with you, but today's matter has nothing to do with you... I hope you can give Mu some sympathy and take a step back."

Gu Shen came to the great elder.

He raised his head and looked directly at the old man.

"Feel sorry."

Gu Shen responded with his heart: "There are some things that you can't retreat from."

There was silence for a second.

Gu Shen did not show off, but retained basic etiquette and asked calmly: "Where is Miss Mu?"


He did not expect to get the answer to this question from the Mu family. He noticed that after he stepped into the courtyard, there were several Mu family members nervously guarding in front of a quiet pavilion in an ancient house in the ancestral hall, leaning towards the door. Damn it.

A ray of spiritual power swept out.

Gu Shen could clearly see the blurry scene in the quiet pavilion. It should be because there was a spiritual seal, and a slender figure could be vaguely seen... On this day, all the elders in the ancestral hall were outside to greet him, but only one person locked the door. In the cabinet.

There is no need to say more about his identity.

He walked towards the quiet pavilion.

An elder's eyes indicated that the two Mu clan members guarding the gate of Jingge immediately understood and quickly stretched out their hands to stop Gu Shen when he was about to arrive.

next moment.

Gu Shen's figure flashed and appeared behind the two of them.

This scene made all the extraordinary people in the field who had reached the third level of strength freeze in their eyes.

Han Dang narrowed his eyes.

Xu Yan was thoughtful.

The eyes of the great elder Mu Zhong became solemn... Gu Shen was in seclusion for a year. The information Mu received was that although this S-class boy often went to Qing Tomb to learn divination from the tomb guardians, as long as he appeared in Spring Rain View is just drinking tea and sunbathing, it doesn't look like practicing hard at all.

Just for a moment...

Gu Shen's movement speed has far exceeded last year's.

"Is this... a complete flash?"

Gu Shen did not have any conflict with the Mu clan.

He did not embarrass the two people who blocked him.

He came directly to the door of Jingge, reached out and pushed open the wooden door, and the creaking sound of the door was heard.

In the quiet pavilion, a woman with tears on her face was bound by an invisible light cord, with an angry look on her face, staring in the direction outside the door... Mu Ya could clearly hear the sounds outside the door.

Yesterday evening, the fourth elder, who had treated her very well since she was a child, sent her a message, telling her to leave Nagano immediately and not to stay in the Mu clan...

She hasn't reacted yet.

Immediately afterwards, he met the Mu Presbyterian Church who came to visit him.

After learning the news, she was struck by lightning.

What made her even more desperate was that the Presbyterian Council only informed about this matter!


This means... I only have the right to know, but not the right to decide!

Then, she was brought here.

At first, the elder reassured himself that the so-called "engagement contract" was just an agreement, nothing important, and he did not mean that he was going to get married immediately...

Later, they spoke with sincerity and told themselves that Gong Zi also had a marriage contract with the Grand Duke of Duanyang in Beizhou. If the marriage contract was not understood, it would be impossible for them and Gong Zi to achieve a positive result. It would be better to find another good family... ...And Xu Yan is the youngest genius in Nagano, the most suitable person...

Said a lot.

Finally, these elders realized that no matter what they said, they could not change Mu Ya's attitude.

So they are no longer gentle.

Directly use the sealed object to lock her here, restricting her freedom.

No matter what, Mu Ya will stay in the ancestral hall today... Even if she is acting, she must accompany the elders to finish the play.

"Miss Mu."

Gu Shen slashed with one finger.

A ray of arc light shot out, and with a crackle, the light cord that bound Mu Ya instantly shattered, and the woman almost collapsed.

Outside the ancestral hall, a low voice of scolding came.

"Gu Shen! What do you mean?"

Han Dang saw that Mu had no intention of taking action.

He simply came forward directly... His voice was wrapped in the [Mantra] and surged out, but before it swept far, it was cut open by a wisp of invisible wind!


In the sky above the Mu clan's ancestral hall, there is Xiao Xiao Ye Ming!

The dead leaves swept across, as sharp as a knife.

Han Dang's pupils shrank, and he saw the strong wind hitting his cheek, and he pressed it with his palm.

The sky is filled with dead leaves and broken leaves.

One of them scratched his cheek.

An extremely small trace of blood didn't hurt.

But it's extremely insulting.

"This is... Aranakiri?"

The most famous user of the "Arashi Kiri" ability in Nagano is Gu Nanfeng!

Han Dang's heart sank.

But then, he saw a figure of a woman wearing a black Judgment Office windbreaker not far behind him. At some point, she appeared... This was not Gu Nanfeng, but the cold sword intent wrapped around her body was equally fierce, making him People dare not look directly.

"Lu Nanjin?"

This year.

All the extraordinary people in Nagano...almost forgot about the existence of this woman.

It has been more than three hundred days since Feng Laiguan saw the wooden sword hanging in the air.

And only this day.

The wooden sword was returned to its sheath, and Lu Nanjin took it out of the air for viewing.

She followed Gu Shen to the Mu clan's ancestral hall...

And among all the people present, none of them sensed this person's spiritual aura before the sword was unsheathed.

"Is it Beizhou's Qi-condensing method?"

Those practical combat sects in Beizhou have developed many combat techniques, and Qi Qi is one of them. These methods cannot help extraordinary people achieve a higher realm of enlightenment in the evaluation of deep water areas... But there is no doubt that in practice, The combat has been greatly improved.

Han Dang vaguely sensed danger from Lu Nanjin's body.

This woman only carries an ordinary wooden sword with her!

But she herself is the real sword!

Putting a hand on his eyebrows, [Mantra] was ready to sweep away again. This was Han's immediate subconscious preparation. If this crazy woman used the sword again, he would directly use [Mantra]... Attack and spiritual systems The battle is actually very simple.

Once the offensive system is pulled into the spiritual realm, there is basically no room for reversal.


If I were approached by Lu Nanjin...

Judging from the opponent's sharp sword intent, I'm afraid there is no possibility of turning the situation around.

"Want to give it a try..."

Lu Nanjin felt the turbulent mental fluctuations between Han Dang's brows.

Her expression remained unchanged and she said calmly: "Let's see who is faster, you or me. Within three steps, I can kill you...with just one knife."


This is an absolute lunatic.

Han Dang didn't know who was faster.

But judging from the woman's gesture of pressing the knife, it was obvious that she was waiting for him to take action.


The rich voice of the great elder of the Mu family drowned out the entire ancestral hall, causing the old leaves to fall all over the courtyard and the dead leaves to dance.

His aura was extremely majestic.

Han Dang slowly put down the finger that was holding his eyebrows.

Lu Nanjin also withdrew the hand holding the knife.

She walked into the quiet pavilion and supported Mu Ya. Over the past year... Mu Ya and Lu Nanjin have become good friends. It is precisely because of this that after Gu Shen told her senior sister about the "engagement", she left Feng Feng with a knife. Come and watch.

Today's engagement seems to have become a farce.

The clan hall, which was once joyful and lively, was now awkward and dead.

Mu Ya was helped out of the quiet pavilion with a trembling body. She looked at the "familiar" elders one by one. Many of these elders were kind elders who had watched her grow up.

But now I look at it.

Those faces were so ugly and unfamiliar!

"This is the Mu family's ancestral hall... it is a pure place." Mu Zhong took a deep breath and said, "Gu Shen, you have to give me an explanation."

"Gong Zi canceled her engagement with the Grand Duke of Beizhou Duoyang."

Gu Shen said calmly: "It won't be long before I return to Nagano... Do the Mu family really want to renew today's engagement?"

As soon as this statement came out.

Everything is quiet.

Mu Ya, on the other hand, looked stunned.

She seemed to see a strong beam of light in the darkness, and her heart was filled with unbelievable surprise.

"Gong Zi...he..."

Mu Ya's voice was trembling.

"Yes, it's true." Gu Shen lowered his eyes slightly and said softly: "I'm sorry, I knew about this a year ago... It's just that the divorce was only completed yesterday. He said he wanted to give you a surprise. So I didn’t tell you.”

Mu Ya helped Lu Nanjin and barely stood up.

When I heard the news.

Tears couldn't help but burst into my eyes again.

This time...she laughed softly.

Going north, gaining experience, one year... The scene when we parted, as well as the twinkle in Gong Zi's eyes, were all connected in my mind.

She still remembered the unspeakable touch in Gu Shen's eyes when she went to Chunyu Temple to seek a divination... At this moment, all her confusions were answered as she wished.

turn out to be……

I see……

"thanks, thanks……"

Mu Ya burst into tears.

The elders of the Mu family looked silent.

They really didn't expect that the boy from the Gong family could do such a thing.


Now Xu Yan has arrived.

"Gong Zi broke off Beizhou Duanyang's engagement?"

"Is this really happening?"

There were voices of discussion in the ancestral hall.

If it weren't for Gu Shen who came... I'm afraid they wouldn't believe it at all. It would be unbelievable to back out of such an important engagement at the drop of a hat.

"The reason why people are that they can feel joy, anger, sorrow and joy."

In the midst of these discussions, Gu Shen spoke again and asked: "If two people are in love, an engagement is the icing on the cake. If they have never met and they rashly make an it really okay?"

The great elder suddenly fell silent.

He was stuck in the long exam.

Obviously, from the beginning to the end of this matter, Mu did everything unethically, both emotionally and rationally. However... what Han Dang said yesterday when he came to the ancestral hall to contact the Presbyterian Council was really tempting.

Han Dang only saw the "task" he was about to complete...

At the last moment, someone stepped in.

Anger appeared on his expression.


To his surprise.

Someone said softly.

Not only was it beyond Han Dang's expectation... none of the Mu clan members in the entire courtyard had expected it either.

The person who said that nice thing turned out to be Xu Yan.

" really wonderful."

Xu Yan had a faint smile on his face and said softly: "Obviously I am the person involved, but since I stepped into the Mu clan's ancestral hall, I haven't said a word about the 'engagement'... all the limelight , they were all snatched away by Your Excellency.”

The so-called hon.

Of course he was referring to Gu Shen.

Xu Yan sighed lightly and said with a troubled smile: "Everyone, haven't you asked me what I think?"

The elders of the Mu clan were slightly startled.

What does this mean?

"Yesterday... I comprehended the dream in front of thousands of people in the Snow Forbidden City. I was really tired, so I took a rest after I returned."

Xu Yan said slowly: "It wasn't until I woke up this morning that I realized that my senior brother had arranged a marriage for me."

As soon as this statement came out.

Everyone was stunned.

Including Handang.

Han Dang turned his head slightly and looked at Xu Yan's smiling face, feeling a little puzzled.

According to the plan...that's not the case.

What does it mean?

"A few days ago... I came to Nagano, and I saw a woman somewhere. I was haunted by dreams. I told my senior brother about it. He was kind and helped me find her. But now Come and see..."

"Senior brother, you seem to have...mistaken the person."

Xu Yan sighed, shook his head, and asked: "And even if it was really that girl, how could anyone be so reckless as to propose marriage after just one meeting? It really shouldn't be such a big fight... "

Han Dang's head was buzzing.

The eyes behind those gold-rimmed glasses were completely lost in the reflection.

He clenched his hands in his sleeves.

This was the first time in his life that he encountered such a situation.

This kid's stab in the back came without warning and was so sincere that even he almost believed it... Was this a pretext that he had thought up before coming to Mu's?

Specially allow yourself to propose marriage on the day of enlightenment.

Just to let myself... take the blame!

If Xu Yan is not a [Dionysus] person.

I'm afraid he has already taken action.

At this moment, Han Dang wanted to kill this guy more than everyone present.

It's just that in such an occasion, he couldn't speak and could only remain silent.

Standing there silently.

Such silence is equivalent to acquiescence.

By default, all this is your own problem!

Han Dang took a deep breath, his scalp was numb, and he could only bear the gazes of the Mu clan members one after another. He could feel the full anger contained in these gazes.

Xu Yan looked at Mu Ya.

He said apologetically: "Miss Mu, I'm really sorry. This should be the first time we meet. This is a misunderstanding."

The smiles on the faces of the Mu clan elders disappeared little by little.


What a big misunderstanding...

This so-called "misunderstanding" made the entire Mu Presbyterian Church a joke. If today's events were reported to the Gong family, how would Gong Qing view the Mu family?

Although there is only one night to think about it!

But Mu... had already considered it, and it was obvious that he was looking for another powerful ally, and the person was tied up and the door was opened. The most ridiculous thing is that after all the trouble, the one who never spoke The official said it was just a misunderstanding.

He didn't like the girl from the Mu family at all.


It is inappropriate to use the word fancy.

Because Xu Yan has really never met Mu Ya. The two of them have not even met once, so how can they talk about the so-called "falling in love"?

As for the "engagement"...

When this news spreads, everyone will think...this is a joke.

Too hasty.

Too eager.


"So...I came to Mu's early this morning just to visit in person, apologize, and clarify this misunderstanding."

Xu Yan bowed his head slightly and said sincerely: "You guys of the Mu family have worked hard today. Please forgive me for my fault. There are many elders. Please don't blame me. Xu Yan is grateful and will bear it in my heart."

Good things, bad things... let him say them all.

The Mu family had nothing to say.

Han Dang had nothing to say.

But both parties knew that... the tension created by this matter would not end with just a few light words.

"Han Dang, you must give me an explanation for this matter, Mu!"

The great elder was a little dizzy.

There was a faint surge of energy and blood in his chest, and he helped an elder beside him to stand firm.

Mu Zhong gritted his teeth and stared at Han Dang.


Han Dang was silent.

He stood silently and said nothing.

"By the way...there's one more thing."

Xu Yan took out a folded white paper from his arms.

He slowly unfolded it, revealing the content on the white paper, which was a portrait of a woman.

Xu Yan asked seriously: "The woman I have been looking for actually looks like this, senior brother... She is very different from Miss Mu. How did you investigate?"

On white paper.

A few strokes painted a stunning girl.

Wearing a white skirt and white clothes, she seems to be standing under the Ninghe Bridge and in the river.

The portrait was spread out, and everyone who saw it fell silent.

The girl in this portrait is indeed extremely beautiful.

The beauty is shocking.

"Everyone... I fell in love with this girl at the first sight... That girl has skin like gelatin and eyes like flowing waves. She is truly a beautiful sight in the world, but it's a pity..."

Xu Yan showed the drawing paper and slowly shook his head.

"I haven't seen him for the second time, and I don't know where he is..."

He looked a little regretful, as if he was reminiscing about the last encounter.

But the sound of breaking wind suddenly sounded in the courtyard.

A figure appeared in front of him.

Immediately afterwards.

One punch!

This punch hit Xu Yan hard on the face...


Xu Yan was beaten like a sandbag and flew backwards, hitting the thick wall of the Mu clan's ancestral hall, and the entire courtyard wall shattered and collapsed.

Gu Shen calmly stood where Xu Yan stood before, reaching out to catch the slowly falling drawing paper.

He did not look back and said calmly to the great elder of the Mu family: "I will pay for any damage caused."

(PS: In the last hour or so, there are still dozens of votes left, please vote. TAT really doesn’t want to lose one every month)

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