Barrier of Light

Chapter 424 Snow in the Cemetery

"The prison, a total of twelve teams, all entered the cemetery."

"All fourteen teams from the Judgment Office also entered the cemetery."

"The command post...six teams have entered."

Voices of reports sounded on the central communication channel of the Eastern Continent Federation.

After Gu Qilin disappeared in the cemetery, the commander in charge of general control became "Zhou Wei". A very important reason why this old man had an irreversible friendship with Gu Qilin was that he had served in the command post a long time ago. Partnering with Gu Qilin... So even though he is now the chairman of the safety committee, he still has extremely powerful "control and command" capabilities.

In fact, all tasks in the cemetery today no longer require the so-called "commander".

Once inside the cemetery, all communications will be lost.

Even high-level sealed objects like [Three Thousand Miles] cannot transmit messages to the outside world.

Tonight's action can only give all power to the "three officials" after entering the mausoleum...while Zhou Wei sits in the rear and is only responsible for key decisions on major events.

High-level extraordinary beings, such as the judges of prisons and the adjudicators of tribunals, who have reached the fourth level of deep-sea cultivation, will not all enter the cemetery in the first batch.

Regarding the "Combating Tomb Incident", the federal government currently has very little information.

According to [Deep Sea]'s calculations, this is most likely a case of "extraordinary loss of control"... The real solution needs to be explored slowly after entering the tomb.

Zhou Wei stood in front of the huge golden door.

The wind gusted.

But he felt a chill for no reason.

Perhaps it was because it was too quiet... Hundreds of extraordinary people entered the cemetery. These people were like waves, disappearing without a trace after entering the cemetery.

Zhou Wei's mood was not peaceful.

"I always feel like something's not right."

Mr. Shan came to Zhou Wei and said calmly: "With Gu Lushen's character... How could he take the lead in such a matter as entering the tomb?"

As soon as the cemetery returned to a stable state, Gu Lushen pushed his wheelchair into it.

He also brought quite a few extraordinary people from the Gu family's new sect to the tomb with him.

This guy is like a cunning fox, unwilling to suffer even the slightest loss.

It is still unknown what happened in the cemetery today... He took the lead in launching the action before the intelligence investigation was completed. Is it really for the so-called "Tinder Dream"?

Regardless of whether others believe it or not, Zhou Wei does not believe this reason.

But...others from the Five Families and the Three Major Institutions believed it.

The new faction of the Gu family set off.

Other forces are also eager to set off.

If something unexpected happens in the cemetery, the consequences...are unimaginable.

"You two, standing here... it's really better to enter the tomb."

A faint voice sounded.

Zhu Wang stood beside the two of them with his hands behind his back.

These three top leaders of the three major federal institutes did not enter the cemetery directly... but stood in front of the golden gate, waiting for the follow-up in the cemetery, ready to respond at any time.

In fact, Zhu Wang had applied to enter the mausoleum.

Zhou Wei, as the "acting commander", rejected this application.

The reason Zhu Wang put forward was very fair. As the top combat force of the federal government, he wanted to enter the cemetery to contribute to Nagano.

Zhou Wei's refusal was impeccable, and he retorted by saying, "The cemetery needs top-notch combat power to sit outside."

So, Zhu Wang could only stand here.

Where is Zhou Wei.

Wherever he is.

The "Grand Adjudicator" raised his head, looked at the cemetery where the golden atmosphere was surging, and asked softly: "With our strength, no matter what situation we encounter, we will never be unable to protect ourselves. And these young extraordinary people who entered the cemetery Dear readers, if something unexpected happens... I'm afraid it's really something unexpected. Perhaps it would be a better choice for us to enter the tomb."

"The powerful men from the five families have already entered the mausoleum. If they find out the situation in the cemetery... we will naturally enter the mausoleum, and we will enter the mausoleum as soon as possible."

Zhou Wei said calmly: "But now, Mr. Temporary Grand Adjudicator, just wait patiently. Mr. Shan and I will wait with you."

He narrowed his eyes.

Again a gust of wind passed by.

The "blazing flame" of the Golden Gate surges very slowly, like a peaceful sea.

This time, Zhou Wei was very sure that it was not his illusion.

He really felt the chill.

"After entering the mausoleum, remember not to act without permission."

"On this trip, the primary task is to find out the extraordinary out-of-control situation in the cemetery. The secondary task... is to find the 'Dream of Fire' lost in the cemetery. I know that this second task sounds very tempting, but be clear , the more tempting something is, the more dangerous it is."

This is what Zou He, the eldest brother of the Fourth Inquisitor, said to his fellow juniors before entering the Golden Gate.

There are a total of eight disciples under the Fourth Inquisitor's sect, and they have formed a small team.

Shen Li was also among them.

He listened quietly to his senior brother's warning.

But it is obvious that this warning will not really work.

Because there are several senior brothers in the team... who feel very uneasy.

After spending a long time with Gu Shen, Shen Li could also feel the fluctuations in "emotions". He even did not have any special training in this area at all. He was just exposed to it and learned it naturally over time.

Shen Li knew clearly that it wasn't because of how powerful he was.

In Gu Shen's words, these people's "spiritual" cultivation realm is not enough.

Ordinary people, when dealing with each other in daily life, will have skills such as "observing words and colors", and extraordinary people also have similar methods. Their "color" is no longer expression, but "spirit".

A person with great ability who is truly as deep as the abyss and sea has a breath that is introverted and unfathomable, and cannot even feel the slightest hint of joy or anger.

And these classmates of his... Shen Li can now feel varying degrees of "emotional" fluctuations in them, even "Elder Brother" Zou He is no exception.

A team of eight people entered the cemetery together.

Shen Li walked last.

The moment he entered the mausoleum, a "blazing" wind came from inside the golden gate.


The low wind sounded melodiously like a dragon's roar.

Shen Li narrowed his eyes... He only felt that the "breath of wind" blowing against his face was not as hot as he imagined, but was vaguely mixed with some chill, followed by a blinding burst of wind, snow and freezing debris.

The mental power he had released outside was oppressed and contracted by a powerful invisible pressure.

He lost all "vision".

Senior brother walking in front.

One by one, they turned into blurry white in the wind and snow.

He stood still.

It was white in all directions.

This is...what happened?

Shen Li was stunned.

After stepping into the Golden Gate, what he saw was not the Qingzhong Cemetery in his memory at all. a snowfield? can there be snowfields in Qingzhong? !

He took a deep breath to keep himself calm, and then moved forward quickly...

It was extremely windy and snowy.

He quickened his pace, trying to find the backs of his "senior brothers" in the distance. However, a few minutes later, Shen Li realized something was strange... This snowfield was definitely another space beyond the cemetery.

It's... too big here.

It's very possible that this is a disaster situation.

The space within the cemetery has been rewritten by higher spiritual rules.

Those who step into the cemetery will be "randomly" teleported away.

As for...the original plan for a trial team composed of eight extraordinary beings composed of himself and his senior brothers?

The moment they entered the tomb, the team was torn apart!

Shen Li's expression was a bit ugly, the communication channel was blocked without any accident, and the means of communicating with the sealed object were of no avail... The information in the cemetery was completely blocked, blocking the possibility of external transmission.

My team was already the last to enter the cemetery.

And the previous team... were all disbanded? !

Regarding the "extraordinary loss of control" phenomenon in the cemetery.

Under the superposition of this huge snowfield... it is really difficult to make a breakthrough just by relying on the power of a weak mid-level transcendent.

Be sure to find a companion!

However, it is hard to imagine that under such strange space rules, where the extraordinary beings who entered the cemetery were teleported... But as long as I speed up my pace, I won't be unable to find a companion, right?

With this thought in mind, Shen Li started running.

A black figure galloped over the snowy field.

He squinted his eyes and used his eyesight to explore the surroundings... Because his mental power was compressed, he could only use the most basic methods to find clues.

And soon there was a discovery.

Shen Li smelled the smell of blood... The smell itself was very light, mixed with the strong wind, and it was a bit like the smell of rust.

His heart skipped a beat.


Following the direction of the wind, he slowly walked towards a huge rock... and the next scene made Shen Li stand there in shock, unable to believe his eyes.

A corpse hung upside down in front of him. Fresh blood flowed out from the neck. After it was broken, it was blown up by the wind.

The name of this corpse is "Shou Chong", and it is one of his senior brothers.

Among the eight people.

Not far from the mountain rocks, the wind and snow howled, and a stronger smell of rust came.

Shen Li walked slowly inside, and he saw clearly one corpse after another hanging upside down on the pale snowfield... The extraordinary people in the prison did not enter the cemetery very quickly, and they were responsible for the entire operation." "Finishing", so they entered the cemetery last, and many of the corpses of the extraordinary beings who entered the cemetery before were already cold and were frozen into slag.

There are some people that Shen Li can name.

They had greeted themselves.

They also competed and competed in the gym.

But now... they are all hanging on the upper wall of the steep rock, standing stiff and swaying in the wind.

The wind was blowing very hard.

A corpse fell down and landed in front of Shen Li, breaking into pieces of ice... This corpse belonged to a senior sister from the prison whom Shen Li knew, and they had made an appointment to spar before entering the mausoleum.

Shen Li knelt down and looked at the cracked face of his senior sister with a trace of confusion in his eyes.

There seemed to be a small "flame" remaining between the senior sister's eyebrows.

She was wiped out of spirit, resulting in death.

And the "culprit" who wiped out the spirit... was this wisp of fire. The breath of this wisp of fire felt familiar to Shen Li.

This seems to be... Gu Shen's "blazing fire"?

With trembling fingers, he gently touched the dead senior sister's eyebrows, feeling the residual warmth.


Not "blazing"!

Although the aura was very similar, no one knew the fluctuations of "blazing fire" better than him. With Gu Shen's strength, he could certainly kill this senior sister... but he would not leave a single trace.

Deliberately committing a crime.

And leave a "flame" clue.

Obviously...this is to point the blame at Gu Shen...

Who did this? !

"Are you looking for me?"

A very soft voice sounded from the distant snow.

Shen Li stood up suddenly, looking into the depths of the wind and snow with an angry expression.

There was a faint smile in that voice.

The wind and snow in the distance suddenly became very strong, pulling out a tall and thin figure. Shen Li couldn't see the other party's appearance clearly, but felt that the extraordinary aura on the other party was very familiar... just like the "blazing fire" he had sensed before, Somewhat similar.

What is alarming is that he cannot sense the "mental fluctuations" coming from that figure.

This illustrates a point.

This guy's "spiritual state" is stronger than mine!

"Iron-eater, Shen Li."

The tall figure slowly walked out of the wind and snow and read Shen Li's name.

Shen Li, on the other hand, narrowed his eyes and spoke coldly.

"Xu Yan."

If only one person out of a hundred people in Nagano hates this guy.

Then he, Shen Li... must be the unswerving one.

From the moment Xu Yan appeared in front of the world, Shen Li felt disgusted. Everything this guy did had the air of parody.

He was imitating Gu Shen.

Imitate the person I "respect" from the bottom of my heart after spending time with him day and night for a year.

"It's obvious that you don't like me very much."

Xu Yan smiled softly.

He raised his palm and made a clang sound.

A head hit the snow, splattering with blood.

"If I remember correctly, this your senior brother?"

Xu Yan tilted his head slightly and said softly, "He doesn't like me either."

Another person died...

A member of a team of eight...

Shen Li looked pale and clenched his fists. He wanted to tell himself that all this was an illusion in the disaster situation.

But the broken face of the senior sister is real.

The warm blood splashed on his body by his senior brother is also real.

It's all true.

Shen Li looked at Xu Yan, his voice hoarse, "Why are you doing this?"

"Isn't it obvious enough?"

When Xu Yan heard this question, he spread his hands, looked around, and said softly: "I'm killing people..."

He smiled and said.

"Of course, you can also understand that... I am killing people for Gu Shen. It's really tiring to kill so many people at once. I really want to know how the top brass of the federal government would react if they saw this scene. ?”

There are young disciples from the three systems here.

There are also five innocent extraordinary beings left alone.

An extremely tiny ray of fire that flickered on and off appeared from between Xu Yan's eyebrows.

"The next one is you."

He said softly: "Allowing an 'out-of-control man' who went crazy and even killed his old friends to leave the Safety Committee Building and come to Qingzhong Cemetery would be the biggest mistake Zhou Wei has made since he took office."

(PS: 1. Thank you ipo brother for being the leader of the league. I sent you a private message to PY. I am traveling outside and I really can’t afford to update. I will update one chapter for the next few days. TAT can only wait until I get back and then update the leader~ 2. After all, I don’t have the nerve to ask for votes. I’ve been waiting hard these past few days for the update. Because I didn’t save the manuscript, I basically gave up the activity at night and squatted in the hotel to write. So at least there is an update to ensure the quality. of ~)

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