Barrier of Light

Chapter 431 Old Guy

Gu Lushen, who was sitting in a wheelchair, pointed at the token in Gu Qilin's palm.

That's the order of the head of the family.

The biggest role naturally symbolizes the position of the head of the family.

But in normal times... apart from the so-called symbolic meaning, this token no longer has any more functions.

Extraordinaries of the Gu family will never recognize tokens but not people.

So...this token is actually useless.

With Gu Qilin's character, if he didn't want to leave this order and give it to the future head of the family, Gu Nanfeng, then even if he threw it away in a life-and-death crisis... he wouldn't feel too much distress.

But at this moment, Gu Lushen asked for it.

Gu Lushen wanted it, but he couldn't give it to him.

The old man smiled and said in a hoarse voice: "If you want it, just come and get it yourself."

Gu Lushen fell silent.

The snow dust rustled and swayed, just as a spiritual ripple surged from the distance, shaking the tall forest trees.

After this ripple passed by.

Gu Lushen asked disappointedly: "Old guy, does it have to be like this?"

This time, his choice of words also changed.

At first, he was called "Old Man".

But now, he has become an "old guy".

A change in wording means... a change in attitude.

He looked at the old man with a knife in the distance.

Gu Qilin slowly raised the broken sword and placed it across his chest, which also proved his attitude.

So...the answer is obvious.

There is only one possibility to take away this token.

Kill Gu Qilin.


A low gust of wind echoed through the forest.

Gu Lushen held the handle of the wheelchair with both hands and slowly stood up from the seat.

It’s hard to count how long it has been. The way he appeared in front of the world these years was sitting in this wheelchair, pretending to be a disabled weakling. But many people in the Nagano Snow Forbidden City knew that Gu Lushen Can stand up.

This is a cunning fox who is good at showing weakness and likes to show weakness.

He could stand up...just not necessary.

Since he is sitting in a wheelchair, he can defeat all enemies and lead the new faction of the Gu family to be invincible and invincible.

So why did he need to stand up?

Gu Lushen used the power of [Token].

The spiritual power gifted from the Dionysian Seat thinly covered the clothes, flowing and turning like a brand new robe, hanging down... As he tried to stand up, his calves kept shaking, but After the purple glow spread to the ground, all the trembling and discomfort disappeared.

He became a "normal person."

"I didn't mean to do this."

Gu Lushen said softly: "You can live, but why not live?"

Gu Qilin took a deep breath.

The phantom of the infinite scale is attached to the broken knife... The ghosts are struggling and surging, giving this knife the terrifying power to cut the soul like a rolling wave!

Gu Lushen disappeared instantly and reappeared.

Gu Qilin slashed in front of him.

The sword light and the divine brilliance collided together... and a splendid light suddenly appeared in the snow forest.

There is no suspense in the ending of this scene.

Gu Qilin flew out again.

He is indeed old.

This era has long since ceased to belong to him... The era that belonged to Gu Qilin disappeared in the rumbling sound of artillery fire in Beizhou. At that time, [Deep Sea] was still sleeping in the cradle of research and development, and it reappeared on the battlefield of the Beizhou Emperor. Armored tanks are the most invincible weapons, and the "old guy" holding a sword today is the undisputed king on the battlefield.

Sixty years, more than half a century has passed.

His hair is gray.

The sword has also been shattered.

Wuxiang's spiritual power has also fallen from its peak. When he was young, he could spread an area of ​​hundreds of feet. Now in the disaster situation, there is only a narrow layer of mural clothing that can only cover his body.


Amidst the dull thumping sound, the broken sword drew an arc in the air and fell on the snowy ground. It was submerged in the snow and only half of the hilt was left... It was not because of the sharpness of the blade, but because of the remaining sword. The blade had been completely shattered.

Gu Qilin hit a tree hard, and the Patriarch's Order flew out of his hand and fell into the snow dust...

Gu Lushen stood in front of him, keeping his palm extended.

Dozens of sharp broken blades were suspended in the air.

He only needed a thought to make these blades... cut into Gu Qilin's body and then nail him to the tree.

But Gu Lushen didn't do that.

He just retracted his palm and lightly hooked his fingers.

The suspended blade rustled down, falling silently into the snow.

And the family head's wooden order buried deep in the snow flew into the palm of his hand.

"You seem to think...that I am now a lackey of Dionysus."

Gu Lushen looked directly at the embarrassed old man. There was no sarcasm or ridicule in his eyes, but he said these words seriously.

Gu Qilin smiled.

He raised his head and looked at Gu Lushen, the meaning in his eyes was very clear.

Do I need to say this?

"Am I such a stupid person in your eyes? Now that you have seen the existence of the 'Third Fire', you shouldn't imagine me to be so lowly..."

Gu Lushen squatted down, and the Gu family's wooden token vibrated softly in his hand.

Gu Qilin's mental mark was instantly erased.

He said quietly: "If there is a chance to become a god, then who would want to be a dog? At least, I don't want to."

The old man suddenly thought of the previous guidance...

The power of the third fire seed can cause the tokens of the heads of the five families to vibrate, which means that there is a high probability that suppressing the power of this fire seed will require the help of the five families.

He thought of a place.

Colossus remains.

The foundation of Qingzhong Cemetery is built on the remains of the Colossus!

The true power of the ruins requires the joint efforts of the five family heads' tokens... in order to be summoned. The reason why these five tokens are useless is because they were taken apart separately and given to the five family heads.

If it doesn't fit. ordinary identity token.

But if they are combined and the blood power of the five families is connected with the Colossus ruins, then the accumulated power of the Colossus ruins will be released. This is actually a means to guard against the worst-case scenario when the Qingzhong Cemetery was built.

But look at it now.

The ruins of the colossus are likely to be the place where the third fire was suppressed. If it is moved... then the third fire will completely lose its suppression.

Gu Lushen's purpose... was never the fight in the cemetery.

He doesn't care what's going on outside.

He doesn't care about the life or death of Dionysus and Gu Changzhi.

What he cares about...has always been the third fire!

He wants to lift his suppression and become the master of the third fire!

"It's so ridiculous to say... Gu Changzhi has hidden the existence of the third fire from everyone in the world. You don't know, Qianye doesn't know, and even the Dionysus doesn't know." Gu Lushen lowered his eyebrows and smiled, "But But, I know."

At this moment, he suddenly coughed violently.

The green frost on Gu Lushen's chest suddenly became denser.

With a burst of violent breathing, the green frost crackled, as if his heart had turned into a blazing furnace. Even Gu Qilin, who was several meters away, could feel the scorching temperature coming from the other side of the snow at this moment.

The old man looked at this scene with a surprised expression.

Gu Lushen's chest was burning——

In his heart, inside his clothes, a small sun seemed to light up. In order to suppress this blazing heat, the Dionysian's mental power was rapidly consumed.

Soon after.

The frost is burned out and then reborn.

His face remained calm, but there was pain in his eyes. After the process was over, small holes were burned into the snow with a few drops of sweat.

This is the price of that eye in my heart... after it recovers.

He has endured this kind of pain for too long. Fortunately, looking at it now, this kind of pain is nothing. After all, he has peeked at enough precious information that even the Dionysus does not know what he, Gu Lushen, has done. All in order to capture the third fire.

"What you can't see, I can see..."

Gu Lushen laughed hoarsely: "Deep in the cemetery, in the mist of the inner tomb, there is such a fire. I saw it twenty years ago when Gu Changzhi was sleeping!"

"Do you know why Qingzhong Cemetery can be built?"

"Because this fire is still too is unprecedentedly weak. If we can build a miraculous place that gathers the extraordinary source power of Dongzhou, then it can be revived bit by bit and become stronger!"

At that time, the old and new factions of the Gu family were arguing endlessly over the "Tomb Clearance Act"!

But Gu Lushen, who had the third eye, saw all the truth... He knew that Gu Changzhi fell into a complete sleep, and he also knew that under the ruins of the Colossus, the lost seventh fire was suppressed.

So the seeds of a long plan lasting more than ten years were planted at that time.

The new school and the old school went through a difficult and fierce struggle... In the end, Gu Lushen "unwillingly" took a half step back, and the tomb clearing bill was successfully passed. The construction of this cemetery went through many difficulties, but he was able to overcome them one by one. , and operates successfully.

Not long after, the eye in his heart slowly went out.

This is a good thing, because it means that Gu Changzhi's awakening power is getting weaker and weaker.

This is also a bad thing, because it means that he will no longer be able to spy and grasp the latest intelligence.

It's just that... the seeds have been planted, and the only thing that needs to be done is to wait.

What Gu Lushen lacks most is patience.

He just started waiting.

Time flew by like a fleeting moment... Many years later, the eyes in his heart finally opened again, and he got his wish and saw the "revived and stronger" Pluto's fire.

His plan succeeded.

All that's left is to pick the fruit.

He must prevent Gu Changzhi from awakening.

For all this, Gu Lushen had already established contact with the Dionysus of the Tower of Source. Under the care of the right time, place and people... the real plan began to be implemented half a year ago, and Dionysus chose to take the initiative to enter Nagano.

At that moment, the fate of the cemetery was sealed.

Half a year later, a big explosion finally occurred in Qingzhong Cemetery.

These plans are not very sophisticated.'s really grand.

Because Gu Lushen is just an "ordinary person", the things he can decide are limited. Even if he stands on the top of a certain peak in Nagano, all he can control is the new transcendent of the Gu family.

As for the most critical chess pieces in this plan, he could only guide them but could not control them.

He could not decide whether the throne would go or stay, nor could he decide whether the heads of the five families would enter the mausoleum.

But now... everything is developing in the "best" direction.

His luck is really good.

"So... you don't want to kill me because you want to reintegrate the Gu family after becoming a god." Gu Qilin laughed softly.

Gu Lushen said softly: "When I become a god...why do you have to believe in Gu Changzhi anymore?"

The old man looked at the junior whom he once admired so much.

He had some regrets.

Regarding this question...he didn't answer it, not because he couldn't answer it.

It's because the answer has lost its meaning.

Gu Lushen's thoughts were at two extremes from his own. To outsiders, Gu Changzhi is a sun worthy of awe, but to him, Gu Changzhi is the brightest and most dazzling ray of light in the world.

But he tried his best to become the next god and replace it.

He... also wants to be the sun.

This is not hatred.

This is jealousy, envy, and hate.

"In recent years, the old school has been retreating steadily. I thought you were mature enough, but I didn't expect... you are still so naive." Gu Qilin shook his head in disappointment, and asked in a low voice: "So you went to the cemetery in person, for Is it just such a small thing?"

At the beginning, everyone in the old school, including him, was nervous after learning that Gu Lushen had entered the cemetery.

They were worried that the new faction would start a war against Qingzhong Cemetery again.

And finally.

All this was just a false alarm.

Gu Lushen and the guardians of the tomb did not start a war... So many people did not understand why Gu Lushen would go to the cemetery in person if there was no war. Was it just to say a few words?

It’s not just the old school that can’t understand.

Those extraordinary people of the new sect cannot understand it either.

Gu Lushen narrowed his eyes.

The experiences, encounters, and endurance over the years... have turned into a shadow, deeply engraved in his heart!

The frustration and unwillingness to live the same era with Gu Changzhi, as well as the expectation of the dawn brewing in his chest, Gu Lushen finally chose to visit the tomb keeper at the Qing Tomb at the last moment of the approaching storm.

This trip is not only to confirm the specific information of the missing fire.

It was also to say what he wanted to say the most.

["If Gu Changzhi dies, someone must inherit the fire.\

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