Barrier of Light

Chapter 467 The Wave of the Times (Large Chapter)

The longer some people live, the less they view worldly things.

Come to this world with empty hands, and leave this world with empty hands.

But some people are the opposite.

After being blinded by desire and greed...the longer he lives and the more he has, the less willing he is to let go of those hands, even though he knows that he will not be able to take anything with him in the end.

Li Changsheng, the eldest elder of the Li family, is such a "cannot look away" person.

He enjoys everything in this world.

Identity, status, respect, wealth, power, realm.

In the entire Snow Forbidden City, there was no one older than him... No one could have imagined that an old man who had been watching flowers bloom and fall for a hundred years would personally launch a subversive plan involving the entire Li family.

In the last attic of the ancestral hall, the Great Elder "returned to the peak" with the help of the divine power of the Dionysian Seat, and engaged in a spiritual battle with Gao Tian. This was a long and torturous war that ended in It ended with Gao Tian's tragic victory.

In other ended with the Dionysian seat withdrawing its divine power.

"I can not understand."

Chu Ling and Gu Shen stood side by side outside the wooden door of the ancestral hall, looking at the slowly collapsing attic, and asked in confusion: "At his age, is he still obsessed with the power of the Li family?"

The last attic collapsed.

The old man's ashes were blown by the wind and shattered together with the dilapidated "relics".

"Maybe... it's because of fear."

Gu Shen said: "The longer you live, the less you want to die. Before you leave, you always want to grab something."

Gu Nanfeng stretched out a hand and grabbed a handful of ashes.

His expression was a little complicated.

Open your palms.

Lan Qie controlled the flowing wind, blowing away the dust and sand in his palm bit by bit... Gu Nanfeng didn't know whether the "dust particles" falling on his palm at this moment were the ashes of the old man or the collapse of the attic. of flying debris.

"When I was young, I met this great elder. At that time, he treated people very well. Although he was older and had difficulty moving, he had a comfortable aura of old age all over his body. That meeting made me feel very comfortable, so I have always thought that he was a very good old man, and even now, this impression remains and has not changed."

Gu Nanfeng said softly: "It's just that no wind in this world is unchanged. Time will change a person... Maybe he is old and confused, maybe he was deceived by the Dionysus. No matter what the reason, he personally Destroyed yourself.”

Everything he had been desperately trying to hold on to.

All disappeared.

Li will nail this sinner to the pillar of shame.

"The ancestral halls of the five major families have always been well protected." He looked at Gu Shen and said, "Except for the Mu clan... the long street of the Mu clan's ancestral hall had several walls damaged, but that was just Small problem. In comparison..."

His voice stopped abruptly.

The Li clan's ancestral hall was completely burned down, which was irreparable damage.

"Is this something serious?"

Chu Ling looked at the collapsed wooden house and whispered to Gu Shen: "It should only take a month, maybe less, to rebuild such a wooden house. The hanging plaques can be rewritten and the trees can be planted. Everyone here can Any object can be reproduced based on the image captured by [Wind Eye]."

Gu Shen looked at the burned-down ancestral hall and said softly: "The ancestral hall can be rebuilt and the ancient trees can be planted, but these are all brand-new objects. I think under this ancient ancestral house, there is a long history of six hundred years." , is the most valuable possession."

Chu Ling somewhat understood.

She nodded and suddenly asked seriously: "So... the body is more important than the soul, right?"

Gu Shen was startled.

He keenly captured the meaning of Chu Lingwen's words.

The wish spell reshaped her body.

But her soul has never changed.

"It's not the same."

Gu Shen smiled and said slowly: "To me, your soul is better than any body in the world."

This is a heartfelt answer.

Chu Ling looked at him blankly and said, "Why are you so numb all of a sudden?"


Gu Shen was silent, thinking that he might have overestimated [Source Code]'s thinking ability in terms of human relations and sophistication.

"I was just thinking that the so-called long history of the Li clan may not be that precious in fact." Chu Ling smiled, "Six hundred years is just a tiny wave in the vast river."

Gu Shen thought seriously.


Standing in this long river, everyone is just a fleeting "moment", so... six years and six hundred years are both waves destined to be destroyed.

Gu Nanfeng crossed his arms and frowned with a thoughtful expression.

He looked at Miss Chu with vague surprise... She was indeed a strange person who inherited the mantle of Master Qianye, and the angle of her speech was indeed a bit strange.

Chu Ling looked at Gu Nanfeng again and said comfortingly: "From the perspective of overlooking the long river of history, sooner or later the ancestral halls of the five families will be dilapidated and decayed, and the Gu family will also be ruined."

This ordinary "word of comfort" scared Gu Nanfeng to the point of trembling.

He quickly saluted with his sword in his hand, and asked seriously: "Did Miss Chu just use 'divination' to see what she just said?"

Chu Ling was stunned.

Gu Shen quickly pressed Gu Nanfeng's shoulder, indicating that he didn't need to be nervous, and said with an awkward smile: "Brother Nanfeng... that happened a long, long time ago."

Gao Tian's injuries were not serious.

The battle with the Great Elder was probably considered a wrestling match.

The ray of divine power from the Dionysian Seat gave the great elder a miraculous opportunity to "return to the light" and "return to the top".

But in fact, even the Great Elder at his peak state cannot directly kill Gao Tian. He can only imprison him and spend a long time in this cage to kill his spirit...

At the end of this war, it is difficult to say who was tortured.

The scale of victory is actually tilting towards the sky.

Even if Dionysian did not take back his divine power... it should still end with Gao Tian defeating the Great Elder, but he would also have to pay a heavy price.

As one of the top three in Nagano Castle's "spiritual power", Uncle Gao was unable to exert his full strength for at least half a year, and his mental field was greatly reduced. Fortunately, these can be restored.

Moreover, there is not so much turmoil in the Li family today, and Gao Tian needs to intervene to deal with it.

This rebellion was a major event that could have shocked the entire Nagano Castle.

But in the Qingzhong Cemetery incident that affected Dongzhong, it seemed less conspicuous. The five families all suffered varying degrees of impact, among which the Gu family was the hardest hit.

After confirming that Gao Tian was fine.

The little girl Li Qingsui took Uncle Gao and the group set off for Shenci Mountain. Under the Shenci Mountain, a group of "sinners" who were chasing her and her sister were imprisoned.

On the way to Shenci Mountain.

very quiet.

Uncle Gao did not drive this time, but sat in the passenger seat and closed his eyes to rest.

He suddenly asked: "Miss, what are you going to do with these people?"

Li Qingsui was silent for a while.

In fact, she had already thought of a way to deal with it before she left for the cemetery... If she was defeated, these people could become bargaining chips in negotiations, at least in exchange for her sister's freedom.

If he wins, it will be like this.

"They're all chopped off."

Li Qingsui softly spat out these three words, seemingly casually, but with murderous intent.

When Gu Shen heard this, the hairs on his hair stood up vaguely.

Based on his understanding of this little girl...

This is mostly true.

In fact, this idea is not too much. Every extraordinary person who comes to Shenci Mountain is equivalent to a hanging sword. If Chu Ling does not appear, then the two sisters Li Qingsui and Li Qingci will lose all their power, and free.

If you crusade against the rebels, you will naturally be punished!

However, the Li family is now experiencing a huge impact. If all these "old people" in the Presbyterian Church are eradicated, the Li family will fall into an unprecedented period of weakness.

"Then... we can't let them leave the Temple Mountain." After hearing this, Uncle Gao's expression did not change at all. He said calmly, "If they are released, it will become very troublesome. If they are dealt with in accordance with the procedures of federal law, they will be guilty. Not to death.”

The meaning of this sentence seems to be that Uncle Gao will take action and kill all these people in the Shenci Mountain.

But listen carefully.

In fact, it is a subtle reminder.

Before Li Qihu died, he said that he hoped Li Qingsui could be kind, but not so kind.

The matter of simultaneous killing is a bold one.

But... it's too cruel.

"I don't want to leave any trouble..."

Of course, Li Qingsui heard what Uncle Gao meant. He lowered his eyes and said softly: "When they wanted to kill me, they didn't consider federal laws."

Take a deep breath.

Li Qingsui raised his head, looked at Uncle Gao, and asked confused: "If it were father... what would he do?"

"Kill half and keep half."

Gao Tian said softly: "The crime depends on the severity, and the punishment is in order. In this rebellion, there are a group of masterminds who must be executed. Those with less serious crimes can be kept. But this half will not be investigated. After Li's blood exchange, , and then investigate slowly."

"Don't worry about Li's difficulties."

Gu Nanfeng said softly: "I have already talked with Hua Zhi...During this period, Dadu's wife will lend a helping hand to the five families."

Bits and pieces of trivial matters were dealt with one by one.

The injured in the cemetery were successively sent to treatment points.

The area around Qingzhong was sealed with a long protective belt by the Security Committee and sealed with domain-type seals, leaving only one entrance and exit, which was guarded by a large number of extraordinary beings.

The cemetery is currently in pieces, and there are still turbulent flows of source matter around it.

The most important formation pattern is still in the reconstruction period.

But this time... there is no need to repair it secretly. A large amount of formation materials were sent to Nagano under the mobilization of the Dongzhou Federation. It won't take long for the broken formations to be restored.

The entrance to the cemetery.

"Mr. Gu! Miss Chu!"

The person responsible for the guarding task was Du Wei, an old acquaintance of the Security Committee.

As Zhou Wei's right-hand man, although Du Wei did not directly participate in the rescue operation of the cemetery mission, he was credited with great merit for his excellent dispatching work. When he saw Gu Shen, he took the initiative to say hello.

"Mr. Du..."

Gu Shen smiled and shook hands with Du Wei.

When Golden Gate was born, he was still trapped in the building. He was detained by the committee because of a fight on the long street. Although it was because of Mr. Zhou Wei's oral instructions, Du Wei secretly helped him a lot, and he still remembered it. .

The blazing fire, which is good at capturing emotions, pulsed faintly.

He felt Du Wei's surging emotions at the moment, so he smiled and said: "Congratulations, you should be promoted soon."

Du Wei looked stunned and couldn't help but raise the corners of his lips. Then he coughed, suppressed his smile, and said cautiously: "I don't want to say this...someone is watching."

Behind Du Wei, there were several extraordinary beings guarding the entrance to the cemetery. They all looked excited. Due to their positions and status, they could only watch from a distance.

This change in the cemetery can be said to be the greatest disaster that Nagano has encountered in the past century.

Mr. Gu Shen single-handedly saved many lives.

The extraordinary people from the three institutes and five great families all received this "blessing". After leaving the cemetery, they spread word of mouth about their deeds in the Great Cold Disaster.

"Brother Gu, now... you are a hero in Nagano."

Du Wei took a deep breath and said with a smile: "It is very difficult for many people to meet you. Now that I can shake hands with Brother Gu and talk for a few words in front of my colleagues, it really shines on my face. So proud."

Gu Shen also smiled.

But in fact, he was quite emotional... Not long ago, he was living in seclusion in the streets of Nagano, concentrating on his spiritual practice as a spectator.

It was just a sudden strong wind that blew him to the top of the worldly wave in just one night.

Came to this location.

Time is also fate.

So he did not be hypocritically polite and said something like luck or luck, but said sincerely: "Brother Du, there is no need to be polite. You and I are friends at all times. That was the case before tonight, and that will be the case after tonight. That’s true.”

Du Wei was stunned.

He clasped his hands together and said sincerely, word by word: "Brother Gu, Du sincerely wishes that you can go higher and higher in the future."

Gu Shen smiled again.

He took out an object from his arms and said softly: "Brother Du, please return this object to Mr. Zhou Wei... This is the sealed object that Mr. Zhou gave me before entering the mausoleum. Now that I have left the mausoleum safely, it is just right. return."

It was a wolf hair brush wrapped in special rice paper.

Communication sealed item, [Ten Thousand Miles].

This is a precious A-level sealed object... Du Wei felt shocked and quickly took it with both hands.

"Besides... I want to enter the tomb now, is there no problem?"

Gu Shen raised his head and looked at the entrance of the cemetery.

"Of course there is no problem." Du Wei smiled.

Qingzhong Cemetery was originally the residence of Master Qianye.

Gu Shen and Chu Ling are disciples of Master Qianye.

When other people enter the mausoleum, the safety committee will have to consider one or two things, but Gu Shen and Chu Ling... the extraordinary people on the committee will naturally not stop them.

Inside the cemetery, it was dilapidated and desolate.

Looking at the broken formation patterns everywhere, Gu Shen looked a little sad.

Of course he was not feeling sorry for the formations that were damaged in the battle between gods.

But from the moment I stepped into the cemetery, I couldn't help but think about the things I saw.

Seeing these array patterns, Gu Shen thought of Master Qianye who taught him the art of array patterns.

The deceased is gone.

He came to the mausoleum this time to pick up the three letters left by Mr. Gu Changzhi.

The fog in the inner mausoleum dissipated in pieces.

The mysterious veil that originally shrouded the hill was blown by the cold wind and was no longer what it used to be.

As for those rolling hills and mountains, some of them were also destroyed during the divine war...

Stepping into the inner mausoleum, there is no wilderness in all seasons, nor is there a woman in a cat mask sitting upside down in a tree.

The four walls of the inner mausoleum are empty.

The wind howled, blowing back and forth.

At the location told by Mr. Gu Changzhi, Gu Shen found a pit... He dug the pit and found three buried letters. In fact, these three letters were not buried.

Twenty years ago, Gu Changzhi came to the mountain caves, and the Qing Tomb Cemetery had not yet been built.

He placed the envelope on the stone platform.

Twenty years of wind and rain blew, and the divine power of the four-season wilderness spread. The stone platform fell into dust, slowly collapsed and became shorter, and finally merged into the mud... Fortunately, the divine power wiped by the fire of Dou Zhan remained on the surface of those three letters.

Even though the stone platform was eroded, the three letters were not damaged at all.

It's just that the surface of the letter is slightly yellowed, and in the corner of the envelope, three surnames are written.

Gu, Lin, Meng.

Without opening it, you can clearly tell who these three letters are addressed to.

Gu Shen put away all three letters.

Then he took out the one with "Gu" written on it.

"The first letter... goes to Gu Qilin, Mr. Gu."

Mr. Gu Qilin was not recovering in the ward of Nagano Snow Forbidden City.

In the battle with Gu Lushen, the old man's muscles and bones were severely traumatized, and several ribs were broken. In addition, his heart was almost pierced by [Ombre Moon].

Even though he was so seriously injured, he still insisted on returning to the Gu clan's ancestral hall.

at this time.

The night is already dark.

Gu Qilin sat in a wheelchair and came to the courtyard. His upper body was naked and muscular, and his chest and waist were wrapped with bandages. This was not an ordinary bandage. There was a faint golden light visible. Oozing, these bandages themselves are the top healing sealed items in the Snow Forbidden City.

The person pushing the wheelchair was Gu Shen.

He found the old man and was about to deliver the letter to Gu Changzhi when the old man stopped him and let him push him to the courtyard of the ancestral hall. The Gu family was worthy of being the head of the five families. The ancestral hall courtyard was huge and there was a building in the middle. A large rockery was built, with gurgling water reflecting the moonlight.

The old man said softly: "Please accompany me to enjoy the scenery first."

Gu Shen nodded and hummed slightly.

After all, this is just a rockery... The scenery of the rockery is actually not worth appreciating.

Gu Shen saw the old man sitting in a wheelchair, leaning slightly and staring at the waves reflected on the lake.

There is nothing here.

There was only an old, haggard face.

The old man stared at the water and said softly: "You know what? These injuries are nothing. I had more serious injuries sixty years ago."

"In the battle of Beizhou's South Staircase Fortress, a cannonball hit half of my body...and it exploded."

Gu Qilin said calmly: "I was seriously injured and passed out. At the moment of the explosion, I thought my life was over. Even if I could survive, only half of me would be left... I slept for three days and three nights. , after waking up, I heard the doctor’s report that in addition to extensive burns, there were only a dozen broken bones.”

That's it...?

Gu Shen looked a little wonderful.

With this level of injury, most extraordinary people will die directly... A small number of [immortals] like Song Ci will also suffer severe injuries. Burns are the most painful injuries. Even if they are gifted and can be cured, they still need to suffer. Going through a long recovery period, every minute and every second is a kind of torture.

I have to admit that young Gu Qilin has terrifying body repair abilities.

"I was discharged from the hospital in half a month."

Gu Qilin smiled and asked: "I'm in good health, right... The war reached Luoyin City, and I rushed to the front line in excitement, and then got shot again. This time I was even more unlucky than the last time, and my head I almost fell to the ground and I lay there for a month."

Gu Shen was completely silent after listening.

He seriously doubted that the old man's ability was not "infinite scales" but "immortality".

"A month later, I rushed to the battlefield again."

Gu Qilin said quietly: "That's it...I don't know how many shells I suffered, how many bullets I carried, and the hail of bullets all the way to the end of the Beizhou Imperial War. The new emperor became a very good friend with me. It's a pity that he His life was not very good and he died too early. Not long ago I was burning paper for him."

Talking and talking.

"While burning the paper, I laughed at this guy. I had already seen that his body was not strong enough and he would not survive long."

His voice was a little hoarse, "It's just ironic... it won't be long before it's your and Nanfeng's turn to burn paper for me."

In the swaying mirror of the lake, the old man stretched out his hand and touched his cheek.

He is no longer young.

This body that could withstand cannonballs in its heyday has also aged.

"Gu Lushen... what a bastard." Gu Qilin coughed and said gloomily: "If he were ten years younger... I would definitely peel off this kid's skin."

After he finished speaking, he paused in silence for a while, and smiled lonely: "Maybe ten years old is not enough..."

Gu Qilin couldn't bear to look at his aging self in the mirror on the lake.

The tide of the times pushed him to the top.

It also pushed him to the bottom.

This is an irresistible force that no one can resist.

He took a deep breath, raised his head, leaned on the wheelchair, and straightened his back.

"I always thought that apart from fighting, I only have one advantage, and that is that I have a good eye for people."

Gu Qilin looked at Gu Shen and said with a smile: "I've taken a liking to you, I've taken a liking to Gu Nanfeng, I've taken a liking to Gu Changzhi... you will all become great people."

"But I also like Gu Lushen."

A new faction was formed.

Subvert Nagano.

Gu Lushen has indeed accomplished many things that ordinary people cannot do.

He stood at the top of Nagano and became one of the top figures among the five major schools.

However, all this goes against Gu Qilin's vision.

And, it’s the opposite.

"I even thought about... leaving the Gu family to him."

The old man narrowed his eyes slightly, and the wrinkles on his forehead were deeply sunken. He lit a cigar, blew out a large puff of smoke, and said with a smile: "What a stupid behavior."

These words.

He couldn't say it to anyone else.

Only Gu Shen.

Gu Shen was very patient. He had been quietly listening to the old man's thoughts that he had nowhere to express. He just put his fingers on the inside of his clothes, touching the letter, ready to take it out at any time.

"Take your stuff out."

After smoking a cigar, Mr. Gu said quietly: "I guess it was left to me by Gu Changzhi."

(PS: This volume is coming to an end. Regarding the subsequent trivial matters of the cemetery, I still need to explain it carefully. It may be relatively dull, so I will write it into a big chapter.)

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