Barrier of Light

Chapter 48 Ghost Slaying

"This is... my evil thoughts?"

Gu Shen looked at the sea of ​​blood that unfolded in front of him.

After the flame in the oil-paper lantern was extinguished, the entire dream world seemed to be filled with his "evil thoughts"...

Is there such a powerful evil thought hidden deep in my heart?


"But it doesn't mean you are a bad person. Evil thoughts are like shadows in the water. The seemingly clear sea may hide a black tide that can swallow the whole world under 10,000 meters."

Chu Ling said softly: "For good and evil things, you don't care about your deeds. Although your evil thoughts seem to be big enough to destroy the world... But in the final analysis, this is just a dream."


The girl said slowly: "Try to chop it up."

Chu Ling's tone was very light, chopping it into three words was as easy as chopping melons and vegetables, or tearing off a piece of paper, or in other words, it should be taken for granted.

"Chop it up..."

When Gu Shen saw the overwhelming black tide and sea of ​​blood, he felt his scalp numb.

Compared with these, he is like a newcomer who just came out of the novice village. He doesn't even have a rusty kitchen knife. He wants to challenge the big boss that engulfs the world all by himself, and he also has to perform the unique skill of cutting down the opponent with a single knife.

Really, can they be chopped up?

Gu Shen took a deep breath and asked earnestly, "How to cut?"

Chu Ling looked at Gu Shen, slowly raised her arm, and put her two fingers together.

"How do you want to cut it?" She smiled and said, "This... or this?"

Cut sideways.

Then cut again vertically.

Chu Ling smiled: "It's all right...see if you like it."

Gu Shen held his breath.

He subconsciously made the exact same movement, and then gently slid his fingers across.


It feels like tearing a flimsy piece of white paper.

A dazzling ray of light gathered in the extremely distant sky, and with the swipe of Gu Shen's finger, it "slowly" cut across the entire world.

The sea of ​​blood all over the sky was cut open, and the extreme blazing light shattered all the way, like the scorching flames projected by the blazing sun. All cut in half down the middle—

All the howling, the piercing roar.

Cut off with his distant swinging arm.

Instantly broken!

The entire heavy dark world was torn to pieces by the blazing holy light, and countless lights rushed towards us. The dark tide seemed to be bombarded by a heavy bomb. evaporated into water vapor.

It turns out that the world in the nightmare is so fragile.


One poke will break.

It breaks when you tear it.


"It took a minute." Chu Lingfeng said calmly, "Refreshing the dream interpretation record of the Ghost Cage."



Inside the classroom.

The inner core flame of the ghost cage roared and rose, like the tide hitting the cage wall, giving people a feeling that it might burst and explode at any time. There are too many evil ghosts depicted on the oil paper, densely overlapping, as if To break through the entire lantern.

"What's happening here?"

Wu Mengbai was stunned, this was the first time that so many ghosts were reflected in the ghost cage dream.

Just looking at the lantern scroll, one can imagine what kind of purgatory the dream world should be at this moment.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

The chief judge was still the calmest one, he stared at Gu Shen firmly.

Sure enough, Gu Shen was not as simple as it was recorded in the file!

"This kid has thick eyebrows and big eyes. He doesn't look like an antisocial personality..." Lin Beizhu frowned and murmured, "His evil thoughts are too scary."

"Does this mean that...the risk of losing control is also very high?" A member of the review team asked hastily.


Tang Qingquan spoke, but he was the calmest person at this time.

"The picture scroll of evil spirits reflected in the ghost cage has nothing to do with the risk of losing control. The most important thing is whether he can overcome his evil thoughts... No matter how small the evil thoughts are, even if there is only one little ghost, a weak-willed person will be very The possibility of major disruption. And Gu Shen’s evil thoughts are so large and unheard of, it’s like opening the door of hell, he should be in hell now, right?” The judge said quietly: “It’s just that there must be a lot of willpower. Only a strong person can enter hell alone?"

Evil thoughts are monstrous!

How to kill ghosts?

I thought it would be another long wait.

As a result, the moment the judge's voice fell to the ground——

There was a slight hissing sound from the lantern!

The judge's complexion changed suddenly. He had excellent eyesight, and he clearly saw that a crack had opened on the oil-paper skin, which was depicting layers and layers of catalogs of night travels of ghosts.

This is... the lantern was destroyed by an external force in the dream? !

How can it be!

The Specter's Cage used to be a complete S-rank sealed item, but it was used by an extremely powerful big shot to measure "own evil thoughts". In the end, the big shot got the result he wanted, but the lantern was taken by It burst.

So it fell from the rating of the S-rank sealed item, but even so, it was still an extremely terrifying dream sealed item.

In the ten years since he took charge of "The Ghost Cage", Tang Qingquan has seen hundreds of different ghost dreams.

He has seen the scrolls of hell with evil thoughts many times.

But these are extremely vicious people who were sentenced to death in the extraordinary court. They are cold-blooded, indifferent, murderous, and commit all kinds of evil... Hell is their best destination.

The ridiculous thing is that after these people really see the evil thoughts in their hearts, they are the kind of people who are most afraid and terrified.

Don't talk about defeating evil thoughts.

They couldn't even last a quarter of an hour.

Almost when the scrolls of evil spirits on the lanterns took shape, their spirits were on the verge of collapse... These people are used to being regarded as evil spirits in reality, everyone fears and dodges, but when they really see the evil spirits that exist in purgatory Ghost, on the contrary, cowardly and cowardly like a rat.

Careful scrolls.

It was the first time Tang Qingquan had seen it in ten years.

He originally thought that it was just a legend that the big man broke the lantern with his own evil thoughts.

But I didn't turned out to be true!

Gu Shen's evil thoughts are too strong for the lantern to bear... This scene is too frightening.

He couldn't imagine how to deal with the host in the dream?

And the next moment.

Gu Shen gave the answer——

After a crisp hissing sound, a ring-shaped gap opened on the outer edge of the oil-paper umbrella, as if it had been cut by someone.

At the same time, the flames in the inner core of the Ghost Cage twisted and let out a mournful cry!

Inscribed on the oiled paper skin of the lantern, countless hideous ghosts were all cut off in half.


Tang Qingquan's eyes widened.

Everyone else looked at each other in blank dismay.

Just a moment ago, they were still wondering how Gu Shen would kill ghosts?

The next moment, the ghost killing was over!

This scene is absurd and dramatic.

Countless evil spirits formed a continuous tide, trying to engulf the world... But the next moment, it was dawn.

All evil spirits are cut off. ripping paper.

It was indeed tearing the paper, the skin of the oiled paper lantern was torn apart in the flicker of fire just now, and this former S-rank sealed item was even more damaged.


Needle drop can be heard silently in the classroom.

There was only the sound of one person exhaling softly.

Gu Shen, who was carrying a lantern, escaped from the dream of "ghost cage", and he slowly opened his eyes.

After unraveling the third dream, his complexion was no longer pale, but had a lot of blood on his face. After untying the ghost cage... he felt refreshed, as if something was blocking him. The chest is much more relaxed now.

Gu Shen noticed that the expressions of the five members of the review team were more and more stunned.

Did he kill ghosts too quickly?

But... this is beyond his control.

One hiss, and it's over.

Chu Ling was right, it was like... tearing up paper?

Gu Shen noticed the damage to the Ghost's cage. The movement in the dream just now was too loud, did the lantern get damaged?

But don't make trouble for yourself.

He prayed silently in his heart, returned the lantern with both hands with a little apology, and then bowed.

The room was silent and no one made a sound.

Gu Shen coughed lightly, attracting the examiners' attention, he asked cautiously: "Now, is the review... considered over?"

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