Barrier of Light

Chapter 473 Going South (Small Chapter)

Outside the alley.

It was densely packed with parked cars.

Tonight's dinner is a relaxed gathering for the young people in the old streets and alleys.

But for the five families... it was a big event.

In and out of the car, the extraordinary people responsible for family security passed cigarettes to each other and smoked silently... They were under great pressure at work tonight.

The few young people in this alley are basically the "rulers" who will determine the direction of Nagano in the future.

Something happened to them.

That's really...the sky is falling.

Except for the Li family, no one came, and other families had arranged quite tight security.

Li only came with one, and this one was enough to deal with all emergencies.

The banquet is over.

The alley door opens, and the hot air disperses along with the snowy air.

The extraordinary beings who had been waiting outside the alley for a long time breathed a sigh of relief, it was finally over.

"Brother Gu, I heard that you and Miss Chu are going on a long trip after tonight?"

Gong Zi put her arm around Gu Shen's shoulders, stepped out of the courtyard first, and said, "Gong wishes you both a happy honeymoon in advance!"


Gu Shen smiled and said, "But how can you steal my lines?"

He looked at Mu Ya with a smile, while Mu Ya looked at her tipsy fiancé and shook her head helplessly.

He said he was a teetotaler, but he ended up drinking a little.

A little bit.

The cemetery turmoil is over.

The original "rift" between the Gong family and the Mu family disappeared after Mu Yi blocked a blow for Gong Qing and the snow mirror shattered and cracked. The marriage of Gong Zi and Mu Ya was settled naturally. .

The whole process was uneventful.

Gong Zi lowered her voice, and with the help of her drunkenness, she lowered her voice and said slowly: "Brother Gu... I owe you a lot. If I need help with anything, it doesn't matter."

On the way from Beizhou to Dongzhou, he heard about Xu Yan.

I just regret that I can't give birth to wings.

But...thanks to Gu Shen!

Otherwise, when he returns to Nagano, he doesn't know what the situation between the two families will be like. In addition, saving his father in the cemetery and saving innocent people from the five families... He knows that now Gu Shen " Successful and famous", aside from his status as an S-class disciple of the Grand Adjudicator of the Adjudication Office, he is also the "Law Guard" selected by Master Qianye and the "Young Leader" appointed by Mr. Gu.

All these layers of identity, taken together, are no less impressive than the future head of the palace family.

Even the weight is heavier.

Today, Gu Shen lacks everything.

At this moment, Gong Zi once again lamented that his vision was correct... He guessed that Gu Shen, who came to Nagano, would one day have fame and fame, but he did not guess that it would all happen so quickly.

One year.

It only took a year.

"You're welcome."

Gu Shen said softly: "According to Brother Gong's words, I only have one wish."

"Please speak." Gong Zi looked solemn and listened attentively.

"May you two grow old together in peace and happiness."

Gu Shen smiled and went around in circles, sending blessings.

He and Chu Ling sent Gong Zimuya away from the alley together... The person he is today is indeed different from a year ago, but it is not a change in status and situation.

But the state of mind.

This year, his biggest change was his state of mind.

A hundred years of life are like small waves, and a thousand years of Nagano... are big waves. Big waves and small waves are all waves.

Overlooking the long river of history for thousands of years, waves are rising and falling. Every wave and every person is a passer-by.

Everything in this world is, in the final analysis, just dust.

With this "specter's heart", Gu Shen will not feel frustrated when he is unknown, nor will his heart become inflated when he gains power. He can always keep an ordinary mind and see the world as well as himself.

One after another, friends said goodbye to each other in the alleys and streets of the Snow Forbidden City.

"Miss Chu, I admire you."

Munan, who was 120% full after eating, spoke with emotion and fell to the ground.

This is the first time he has failed in the matter of eating.

He had a round belly, like a woman who was ten months pregnant, and his body like Maitreya Buddha appeared even more "plump". This was the first time that Munan had eaten to this extent. He was struggling every step of the way and could only hold on to the wall. Okay... At this moment, the extraordinary beings arranged by the Mu family outside the alley finally came into use. Several heroes emerged from the night, but only the combined efforts of everyone could barely hold them back.

And the other side.

Chu Ling has a light figure and outstanding style.

Her lower abdomen is still flat, not even bulging at all, no different from before eating... This body is not a mortal body. Once the food in the mouth tastes, it is directly digested by the "origin".

In a sense.

She is neither hungry nor full.

At first, it was out of curiosity and delicious food that she continued to eat, but later, she simply accepted Mu Nan's invitation to fight.

Comparing who can eat better with Chu Ling, this action is actually like inviting Gu Shen to drink.

With the blazing fire, Gu Shen can drink a thousand cups without getting drunk.

Born from the womb of a god, Chu Ling can eat until dawn.

Mu Nan looked at Miss Chu with a complicated expression. He wanted to say something, but was choked by a burp.

Then came the Little Iron Man.

Gong Zi made an exception and drank a little, and of course he was no exception.

However, Shen Li had a very bad ability to drink. He drank as soon as he touched it. At this moment, he was drunk. He hugged Luo Yu's arm and muttered: "I'm not drunk... I can still drink..."

Luo Yu looked angrily, "You still said you were not drunk? Your saliva dripped onto my hand!"

"Gu Shen... I can still fight you for three hundred rounds!"

Shen Li shouted loudly, then grabbed Luo Yu's iron hand and bit it.

The night sky in the alley was filled with curses and laughter.

Finally, all the sounds floating in the alley disappeared.

Gu Nanfeng supported Song Ci, while Lu Nanjin watched coldly with a knife in his hand.

"Gu Shen, I'm not in a good condition this time...I'll kill you next time!"

The crow cursed, as tough as ever.

Most of his body was bandaged, and he had experienced the impact of Pluto's aura from the Golden Gate. It was quite amazing that he returned to this state in just a few days.

The person responsible for treating him was Lin Beizhu, the Nagano sage. Mr. Lin suggested that he should be calm and rest for a while, but this guy just sneaked out from the hospital bed and drank with Gu Shen.

In his words, it's really meaningless to come all the way from the metropolitan area without having a drink with your brothers.

"Waiting for you anytime."

Gu Shen smiled and patted Song Ci on the shoulder.

"Hiss... don't, don't, don't shoot, it hurts!"

The crow bared its teeth.

This shot makes me feel like my bones are all sore.

"It's better to drink less during this period." Gu Shen shook his head helplessly.

"Who would drink if it weren't for you?!" Song Ci rolled his eyes.

But...this shot made my bones feel a little sore, but I still felt that my shoulders were not so heavy anymore.

Just a shot.

Gu Shen sent a weak ray of blazing spirit and circled it around Song Ci's body, performing a simple check.

After all, he encountered the impact of Pluto's fire.

He was more worried that Song Ci, as an apostle of the God of Light, would have some undesirable confrontation in his body... However, the injuries in Song Ci's body were better than he imagined. He was worthy of being an [Immortal]. The muscles and veins hit by the huge impact frontally, Has been restored to its original state.

The blazing fire just cleared away some negative spirits and then floated away.

These are all I can do.

Gu Nanfeng held Song Ci and stepped on his feet.

"Xiao Gu, during this period... I have you in Nagano, so you and Miss Chu can leave with peace of mind."

Gu Nanfeng smiled and said, "Have a good time."

For some reason, Gu Shen felt that the smile on Gu Nanfeng's face was a little lonely.

Does this remind you of an old friend from Beizhou?

Say goodbye to old friends from Nagano one by one.

Gu Shen and Chu Ling left Nagano.

They rejected the Gu family's kindness and chose to drive away instead of borrowing the helicopter.

The off-road vehicle climbed over the mountains, and the dust rolled up. Looking back, this first city in Jiangbei, Dongzhou, looked particularly neat and square under the reflection of the flying snow. Hundreds of years of history lit up the long night of the Snow Forbidden City. The swaying lights and every lantern reflect the ancient charm left over from the old times.

The night is dark.

The lights are bright.

"I never thought that Nagano could be so beautiful..."

Chu Ling opened the car window, looked at the "small towns" reflected in the rearview mirror that were getting farther and farther away, and sighed softly.

In the world of [Deep Sea], there are millions of photos of Nagano.

Spring, summer, autumn and winter, southeast, northwest.

Nagano from every angle is in her memory, but there is no photo that can compare with the scene in front of her... It is a beautiful scenery that [Wind Eyes] cannot capture, and it is also a scene that can only be kept in her mind. .

This ancient city does not look like a product of this era.

Seeing it in photos is really different from seeing it in person.

And, it’s too different.

"Actually, many people living in Nagano think so too."

Gu Shen smiled and said, "The closer you get, the easier it is to ignore the beautiful scenery in front of you."

He glanced at the ancient city that was getting farther and farther behind him.

Pay more attention to the girl next to you.

However... there are exceptions.

Chu Ling is an exception.

Such a woman who was born from the womb of a god is a stunning sight whether in front of you or in the horizon.

Gu Shen watched for a long time.

Until Chu Ling's voice broke his thoughts.

Chu Ling looked at the world getting further and further away in the rearview mirror, and she could see it. She asked softly: "Where are we going?"

This world is actually very small to her.

When living in the [deep water area], in just a moment, you can see every piece of soil on the five continents.

This world is actually very big.

It’s so big that after leaving Nagano, every piece of land you touch is new and unknown.

"Go south along the Qinghe River."

Gu Shen narrowed his eyes, turned on the car stereo, and smiled softly: "There is no destination, just go all the way south, to the place where the wind and snow melt, to the place where the sun shines."

Go south.

Just like that... all the way south.

Chu Ling smoothed his hair and was lost in thought.

Subconsciously, a photo of Qinghe appeared in her mind, and soon these photos were forgotten by her. People living in the real world do not need to rely on the photos of [Deepwater Zone] to tell themselves that Qinghe What is it like.


She has her own eyes.

She could see it for herself.

"what do you think?"

After waiting for a short while, without getting a response, Gu Shen asked cautiously.

Chu Ling recovered from his dazed state.

A smile appeared on her face.


Before Chu Ling could speak, a certain orange cat lying in her arms lazily barked, which was considered a response in advance.

I won’t ask for a monthly ticket today.

TAT originally wanted to finish this volume in a long chapter.

As a result, I was writing and revising. It was almost twelve o'clock, and the progress was worrying.

Let me post this small chapter first.

I will try to finish the long chapter tomorrow and finish the second volume.

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