Barrier of Light

Chapter 494 Big Snake

Frost and snow covered the source armor, making it hard with cold.

And that narrow knife mark was almost hidden in the snow.

Every member of the team fell into silence...

Who produced the knife?

The answer is already coming.


Just when everyone was silent, the source material detector sounded a sharp alarm!

Yuan Yuan stood up suddenly and looked back in the direction he came from. The alarm sound of the detector sounded from afar... But what made his scalp numb was that when he looked back, he saw that it was still a perfect "long road".

With the naked eye, you can't see the slightest difference.

But no one dares to take a step back...

The silver brilliance emitted by [Episode of Origin] gradually converged, and Li Chen looked ugly and whispered: "I can no longer sense the origin of the return direction. There is a powerful force that cuts off the source."

"Is that so..."

Yuan Yuan narrowed his eyes.

He once speculated that Hong Zhong's team must have encountered an incomprehensible "paranormal phenomenon" that would lead to the "annihilation of the entire army."

Looking at it now, the guess is correct!

The "strangeness" encountered by the previous team is repeated at this moment!

"Captain...the way back is blocked!"

A questioning voice came from the command channel: "What should we do next?"

"Forward, of course! We have no choice, right?"

Yuan Yuan said coldly: "Even if the road is not broken, the main goal of this mission is to confirm the existence of the 'oasis'... If what Hong Zhong said is true, then the oasis is not far ahead. All members , rest where you are and get ready to go!”


Su He, who had always been silent, was the first to respond: "Vice-Team Su He is ready to go!"

"Jiang Yu, on standby at any time!"

A series of responses sounded in the channel.

The second team is in excellent spirits at the moment, with high morale and no signs of fatigue!

Before setting off, they were mentally prepared. Even if they encountered a "broken road", they would not be afraid... Since Hong Zhong could find the "way back home", then they must also be able to!

After witnessing the "strange death" of their comrades... they were eager to know the true truth about the "knife mark"!

And the truth is not far ahead...

In just tens of seconds, the entire team completed their rest, maintained their formation, and continued moving forward!

Huge flakes of snow swept across the sky.

The howling wind echoed in the narrow cracks of the labyrinth stone mountain.

Gu Shen turned around.

Before setting off, he looked at the "cut off" return route for the last time. The fire flakes floating in the snowy wind were stuck between the rocks on the mountain wall... as if he felt a touch of warmth.

That's a temperature very similar to snow.

But the difference is that the cliffs where the fire debris adheres are... icier than snow.

The snow was flying and falling.

The tall man stretched out his palm and brushed the snow flakes off his shoulders.

Within the Gubao Fortress, a small-scale cemetery was built. The bones of many heroes are buried here. Stone tablets bear witness to the legends of their lives and the blood they have spilled... The soil in this cemetery is red. Yes, even if it is covered with freezing snow, it is still scorching hot.

And at this moment.

The soil was dug up by several soldiers, and a wooden coffin was in the process of being buried.

The stone tablet on the side is ready.

"Survey Corps, Team 2, Captain of the Maze Mission Returning Home, Hong Zhong."

Zou Hai watched this scene silently.

Funeral in Hongzhong is what Mr. Lin Lin meant.

These days, regarding the ownership of the corpse, the Second Team of the Survey Corps has negotiated with the Gubao Fortress more than once... and Lord Lin Lin's reply was simple. He refused to hand over Hong Zhong.

Due to the support of the legion commander, the second team was helpless.

Zhong Yuan, the captain of the second team, is out of town and is leading the top group of extraordinary beings from the second team to carry out an extremely important mission in the [Old World] on the flanking front.

So the operator could only make stern demands and angry protests.


Gubao Fortress does not accept this trick.

The "soldiers" responsible for burying the corpses all wore extremely complete protective gear made of strong logic materials, armed from head to toe... If the second team of the Investigation Corps saw this scene, they would definitely be extremely angry.

This is the corpse of a hero...and these guys seem to be burying a corpse with a virus?

The reason for doing this.

This is also what Mr. Lin Lin meant.

The second departure of the "Maze Mission" has lasted for more than ten days... During these more than ten days, Master Lin Lin has observed and studied Hong Zhong's body more than once, but with no results.

He could not find the reason for the abnormality in the "Book of Life and Death".

The weirdest thing in the world is this.

The sea, which should have been rough and turbulent, was calm.

People with keen intuition can smell the depression before the storm. Zou Hai is such a person, and Lin Lin is even more so.

After returning from "Hongzhong", Adjutant Zou's heart had always been filled with ominous thoughts. It was not until he met Gu Shen that he calmed down a little. During the years he was stationed in Gubao, he encountered many incidents, big and small, and his intuition never stopped. Something went wrong.

And this time, he supports the Brigadier General's decision!

Bury "Hong Zhong".

No more research on corpses will be conducted, and the idea of ​​investigating the second team of the Corps will be completely abandoned.

Wait until there is an echo from the latest maze mission... and then decide whether to restart the research based on the clues brought back.

"Adjutant... something happened!"

Not far away, a sentry looked nervous and ran over.

Zou Hai frowned.

Something happened?

"In the book of life and death...the members of the maze mission have lost their telepathy again!"

This news made Zou Hai's heart skip a beat.

He rushed to the combat command post. The command room was filled with anxiety at the moment. Lord Lin Lin stood solemnly in the center. On the other side, Azhaer, who had silver hair reaching his waist, looked as cold as ice.

The apostle's expression was very ugly, and his beautiful eyes were fixed on the big screen.

The data transmitted by the "Book of Life and Death" was projected on the screen, and the files of the twelve extraordinary people all showed "dead in action"... The word "death in action" does not necessarily mean physical death in the true sense.

But... the dissipation of the temporary aura in the Book of Life and Death means that they have at least fallen into a state of "spiritual death"!

"It happened again..."

Azha'er's voice was a little hoarse.

This was the case with the last maze mission.

Nobody knows.

What happened to the team outside the fortress?

Her eyes did not move at all, but unfortunately the information in the "Book of Life and Death" did not fluctuate, it was very didn't look like a miracle would happen.

"It's good news."

Lin Lin said calmly: "This phenomenon means that Gu Shen has reached the same position as the last exploration team."

He was the calmest guy in the war room.

none of them.

"I think the strangeness in the Book of Life and Death has no reference value. Since Hong Zhong can come back, there must be a way to 'return'." Lin Lin said slowly: "This maze mission is to find out the real cause of the strangeness. The reason... I think Gu Shen and the others have come into contact with the truth at this moment. As a fortress within the giant wall, we cannot give any help at this moment. The only thing we can do is to pray for their safe return."

This sentence was said very calmly.

Lin Lin mobilized his authority to erase all the "killed in action" files...

At this moment, such negative information will only demoralize the combat command team.

Lin Lin's voice was very steady, and he directly rejected the authority of the "Book of Life and Death", but after careful calculation... After the two teams left the fortress, the time points that caused the "abnormality in the Book of Life and Death" were indeed very similar.

This is not nonsense.

Maybe... there is really some special pattern that causes such strangeness?

"In contrast, there is another important thing that we need to prepare for..."

The message on the screen changed again.

Dozens or hundreds of lenses are projected at the same time...

"Two hours ago, the 'Sky Eye' of the Umbrella Defense Line sensed strong 'wind pressure.'" Lin Lin spoke softly and said, "That wind pressure came from the north."

As soon as this statement came out.

Zou Hai's expression suddenly became serious.

Having been stationed at Gubao Fortress for so many years, he knows the true meaning of the word "wind pressure" very well!

It is extremely difficult to deploy Beizhou's "Eye of the Sky". Beyond the giant wall is a world where order has collapsed, and the Umbrella Defense Line, which serves as a buffer zone, is the last area where the "spiritual network" can be connected...similar to the tentacles of the human world.

Even if these tentacles are short.

But... something is better than nothing!

After deploying the "Eye of the Sky", the Umbrella Defense Line can already feel the early warning before encountering the impact of the source material tide... The impact of those source material tides will cause many abnormal phenomena in advance.

Earthquakes, wind pressure, high tides...etc.

And this time.

The wind direction map sent back by the Umbrella Defense Line has several terrifying vortexes...

"The preliminary scale statistics of wind pressure are A-level, and the Umbrella Defense Line will face the most violent impact in twenty years... The estimated result given by [Deep Sea] is that after the source energy of the Umbrella Defense Line is burned out, It can intercept 95% of the tide of source matter, and the remaining 5% of the power will penetrate the defense line and hit the giant wall. If we don't respond, then this 5% of the power is likely to break through the giant wall."

Lin Lin slowly turned around, looked at everyone in the combat command room, and said word by word: "Everyone, Gubao... the wind is going to blow."

The wind howls!

The blizzard is dying down!

The cold and broken world has become a reflection of the old world. It was left behind. The team of twelve people stood at the exit of the snow mountain canyon... No one could have imagined that the final route of the Thirty-eight Maze would be unexpectedly difficult to explore. So relaxing.

It's only a few dozen minutes.

The vision in front of me suddenly opened up.

Flowing clouds floated high in the sky, and large swaths of light fell on the ground. On my body...

A warmth.

Far away is the "Dream Land" that all travelers dream of.

The end of the journey.


Yuan Yuan was stunned for a while. He felt the blood in his body boiling and surging, and a strong "sense of belonging" surged in his heart. It turned out that everything Hong Zhong said on the hospital bed was true... The oasis was outside the maze, and the oasis was right in front of him. !

Everyone in the team was immersed in the joy of "getting a glimpse of the oasis" and smiled infatuatedly.

There was only one person with a different expression.

Gu Shen frowned and squatted down... staring at the thick layer of snow under his feet. Among the silvery white snow, there were some broken and scattered sawdust. Hong Zhong also brought back a piece of sawdust from the maze mission. .

Gu Shen stretched out two fingers and picked up a piece of sawdust.

This time.

He felt familiar mental fluctuations...

This is the teacher's [Holy Wood] aura.

However, the spiritual fluctuations contained in this sawdust are already very weak, and it also carries the artistic conception of apoptosis and death.

Gu Shen stood at the exit of the snow mountain canyon with some confusion.

Here is the end of the maze.

The vast expanse of green in the distance and the high blue sky are as beautiful as a picture... However, the more beautiful something is, the more dangerous it is.

Gu Shen thought that oasis was so beautiful.

As beautiful as a dream.

Maybe... it's really just a dream.

"Wait a minute..."

He stretched out a hand and held down Li Chen who was about to move forward.

"Everyone, don't move forward in a hurry!"

This sound uses the "spiritual power" remaining in the fire fragments... Fire fragments from all directions surround everyone. At this moment, they have shrunk into a circle with a radius of tens of meters, and the flames tremble.

This sound, after the fire particles trembled, rolled away!

The next moment... Li Chen turned around, but his expression was confused and angry.

"Brother Gu, didn't you see...this is an oasis!"

Li Chen spoke coldly.

He slapped Gu Shen's palm away and walked forward.

Gu Shen narrowed his eyes and looked at the silver eyes on Li Chen's head that continued to rotate but stopped releasing light.

I don’t know when, [The Eye of the Source] has stopped operating...

Maybe... the exit of the snow-capped mountains where we are at this moment is already a dream.

The entire team is "slowly" moving forward. The only one who is a little strange is the captain Yuan Yuan. The expression of this fourth-level transcendent is different from that of other team members. It is usually joy, usually pain, as if he is struggling.

Gu Shen took a deep breath.

He stretched out two fingers again, preparing to fight against the "Golden Hoop" and release more blazing fire to wake up everyone in the dream.

The moment his fingertips touched the blazing fire.


A familiar wave surged in my heart!

Gu Shen's pupils contracted.

That wave... I felt it once before entering the canyon!

There is something that resonates with the "blazing fire" or the "Pluto spirit"!

This time.

The familiar fluctuations reappeared, and what followed was the sound of the collapsing and broken rocks behind them. A huge shadow shrouded the high sky, and the sounds of gold and iron clattering like chains clashing, sounded densely.

Everyone "subconsciously" raised their heads.

What the lost people, shrouded in dreams, see is the sun burning in the darkness.

There were still faint smiles on their faces.

And what Gu Shen saw...

It is a coiled-up snake with a huge head that is tens of meters long. The so-called "sun" is a pair of golden and blazing snake eyes opened by the giant snake!

"Hiss, hiss..."

Mountain rocks are snake scales.

The way back is the body of a snake.

In the archives of the Survey Corps for so many years, it has never been mentioned that there are such terrifying "supernatural beings" living outside the giant wall... This snake body that cannot be seen in full at a glance is probably hundreds of meters long. long.

Humans cannot survive in the [Old World].

But this snake...can.

This is probably a major news that shakes the entire Beizhou, and the most terrifying thing is that in the vast [Old World], a supernatural being has appeared. Does it mean...the second one?

Or rather, countless?

It's really ironic.

At the end of the maze, there is no hope at all...but a dream leading to a dead end.

This path of hope to the oasis dreamland is actually a path to death in the arms of this giant divine snake.

The tall snake curled up its body.

Gu Shen suddenly took out the ghost veil and put it on. The moment he put on the "ghost veil", his mental power began to condense and increase!

The effect of the ghost veil!

This sealed object began to erode Gu Shen's spiritual sea.

But at this moment, Ghost Veil directly encountered the Dou Zhan Golden Hoop.

The blazing fire in Gu Shen's mind sensed the provocation of the "low-level sealed object" and took the initiative to suppress it... After the two collided, a wisp of blazing fire was smoothly released.

Gu Shen's brows lit up with a blazing fire!

He growled lowly.

"wake up!!!"

This spiritual sound of thunder resounds in the hearts of every extraordinary person in the team of explorers!

Like a sledgehammer!

Smash this dream to pieces!

The first person to wake up was Yuan Yuan. The captain was originally in a difficult situation. With Gu Shen's fiery voice, he broke free from this dream. It took him two seconds to see the extremely shocking scene at this moment. …

Yuan Yuan's roaring voice resounded in the snowy wind!

"Survey Corps! All members, fight!!"

The second person to wake up was not Li Chen, the psychic extraordinary, but Su He, the deputy captain!

This man's spiritual training is quite strong, and he is considered the toughest person in the second team... Before the captain's roar sounded, he woke up with the blazing alarm sound.

Vice-captain Su He's first reaction after waking up was not to retreat, but to move forward.

He rushed directly towards the "behemoth" that towered above him.

This taciturn man acted extremely powerfully. He stood up from the ground and stepped on the "flowing" cliff - those were flying snake scales. After a few seconds, he leaped high into the air!

He threw a punch!

This is the full force punch of a top level three powerhouse!


A sonic boom exploded.

High in the sky, the big snake's eyes were cold.

His lips were slightly raised, as if he was smiling.

It didn't even dodge, it just looked down calmly and indifferently at the tiny ant that was provoking it. This punch enveloped the embryo of the domain that Su He had cultivated, and exploded with a violent roaring sound in the air!

Broken snow splashing!

Su He landed on the ground and looked up at the big snake. His indifferent eyes, covered by the wind and snow, penetrated the thick fog and revealed a dark golden light that penetrated the soul. This punch did not leave any wounds on it.

But...the purpose has been accomplished.

This punch was originally a punch that was louder than thunder.

Don't seek to hurt the enemy.

Just want to make enough noise.

The entire team woke up one after another under Gu Shen's blazing awakening and the violent external noise.



The sound of drawing a sword rang out immediately. Without any communication, this absolutely elite member of the survey corps completed the formation adjustment within three seconds after waking up... The [Episode of Source] above Li Chen's head began to rotate again, and the team A shared spiritual link has been established between the twelve people, and everyone's mental state has become stable under the coordination of [Episode of Source]!

Jiang Yu stretched out his hands, and the broken snow on the ground rolled up one after another, turning into a blur of rain.

B-level ability [Rain Swamp], the domain embryo is activated!

Above the ground, there was a harsh sound of "friction", and [Yumuma] tried to pull the big snake's body into the ground, but the scales seemed to have strong domain protection power, directly shattering the domain!

[Rainmarsh], invalid!

Several dazzling rays of light bloomed from the team at the end of the snow-capped mountain canyon, and all the abilities of the third-level transcendent were unleashed at this moment... Under the link amplification effect of [Episode of the Source], these could have been The powerful attack that shattered a hilltop hit the snake scales. At most, it only produced a dazzling fire.

The only one who caused the most damage was captain Yuan Yuan.

He pulled out his two swords and danced wildly on the big snake like a cheetah. The swords were fierce, like a river flowing down the river, slashing on the snake's scales. Not only did they splash out with blazing light and fire, but they also left light white marks. ... Yuan Yuan was even more fierce than Su He. He slashed from the tail of the snake all by himself, directly to the head of the snake, while the big snake maintained its usual "coldness".

Finally, Yuan Yuan jumped up high and inserted the long knife into the snake's pupil!

There was a crisp sound of "珰".

All abilities and domains have been removed.

And Yuan Yuan’s sword slash was also deflected——

A golden light shot out from the big snake's pupils, like a radiance that penetrated the sky, and shot directly through his whole body.

Above the flowing clouds in the sky, a pool of bright and hot blood exploded.

Hot blood rained down.

Drooping down on everyone's raised face.

Li Chen looked pale. He stared at this scene in a daze, feeling that his soul had been hit hard... Captain Yuan Yuan's "corpse" exploded directly under the gaze of the fiery pupils in the sky and shattered into millions of pieces. glow.

And his [Episode of Origin] was shaking violently uncontrollably.

It's not because twelve people were connected urgently and the operation was overloaded.

It's because he saw something he shouldn't have seen...

Looking directly at the giant snake spirit with silver eyes, he felt unparalleled oppression on the spiritual level.

Blood slowly flowed from Li Chen's eyes.

He raised his head and looked up, trying to remember the last scene before the captain's "death" in his mind, but his final vision turned gray...gray in the true sense of the word.

He was deprived of his sight.

The link to [Episode of Source] was also disconnected at this moment.

The communication channel has long been shattered in the dream, but without the spiritual link of [Episode of Origin], it will not have any impact on this team... because everyone fell into a shocking silence.

That big snake did nothing.

Just waiting and welcoming their attack quietly with a arrogant attitude shattered all the desire of the elite team of the second team of the Survey Corps to attack.

To fight against such a monster... what kind of strength do you need?

The all-out attack of a fourth-level transcendent could only barely leave any scars!

If you want to kill it, you probably need title-level strength, right?


No one has ever seen such a "monster".

Can the top-ranked human transcendent really be killed?

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