Barrier of Light

Chapter 502 The Road Homeward

got windy.

Li Chen's voice made Gu Shen suddenly wake up.

The sound of the pebbles hitting the mask was very harsh... Yuan Jia has a certain noise reduction and sound insulation effect, and this harsh sound is enough to illustrate the strength of the pebbles.

He raised his head and looked into the distance.

The rubble that was already rolling in the sky had a vague tendency to form a storm.

The "blazing fire" spreading around the body conveys the mood of "restlessness"!

There was more than one person who realized this strange thing.

Among this team of explorers, there are other extraordinary beings with sensitive senses.

Yuan Yuan and Su He, who were at the head and tail of the team, both raised their heads.

The two captains and deputy captains looked at each other.

A calm voice sounded in the command channel.

"Everyone increases the source energy combustion efficiency to 120%, we have to speed up..."

The sound just landed.

Several veterans have already completed this configuration, and it is obvious that they have also noticed the strangeness of the surrounding environment at this moment.

Yuan Jia's energy technology has basically matured after a long period of research in Beizhou. In fact, under special circumstances, Yuan Jia has a backup option of "breaking through the upper limit", but this means a large amount of waste of source material.

When going on missions, every extraordinary person must cherish his own energy.

After the combustion efficiency breaks through 100%.

Yuan Jia can operate at overload, greatly improving forward efficiency...but instead, the mileage is greatly reduced!

Such an order would not be issued unless absolutely necessary!

Within five seconds, the burning efficiency of the source armor increased to 120%, and the speed of the entire team began to soar. On the foggy wasteland of the [Old World], the twelve members of this explorer team transformed into It's blurry, like a sharp arrow, shooting out quickly!

"Captain, what's going on now?"

Zhu Xiao spoke in the public channel, his voice a little nervous.

"The wind pressure suddenly increased."

Yuan Yuan calmly replied: "There may be a [storm] forming... If we are fast enough, we should be able to escape before the storm takes shape."

"My [Episode of Origin] detected the abnormal movement of the source material in the due north direction." Li Chen immediately reported his survey results: "After one hour, these source materials should initially condense into a [storm]."

Due north?

The members of the team looked at each other.

This should be considered good news... If the source of these riots is condensed in the south, then it will be terrible!

The direction of return is south.

The storm was gathering to their north, and there was still a way home to escape.

Gu Shen fell into deep thought.

Li Chen's [Episode of Origin] sensing ability was limited, and he could only feel the storm in the due north direction...but his "Blazing Fire" sensing range was wider!

within his field of vision.

The gathering point of "wind pressure" is not just one place.

Farther away, there were several storms brewing.

"Encountering a storm in the [Old World] is not a rare thing."

Seeing Gu Shen's silence, Yuan Yuan sent a message to comfort him: "Most of the explorer team can long as they capture the movement in advance and don't get caught in the storm."


Gu Shen woke up from his thinking state and subconsciously responded.

Then he asked, "What would happen if it were caught in a storm?"

"Of course...death."

Yuan Yuan's answer was without any hesitation.

He looked at Gu Shen, wondering why such a smart guy would ask such a simple question?

"The storms of the old world only contained the source of violence, which was a force that could not be tamed. The mortal body could not carry this violent extraordinary power. Even the throne of God could not resist it and could only avoid it... No one would think about entering a storm and surviving. Once caught in the storm, there is only one ending left, and that is complete annihilation."

Yuan Yuan's voice was low: "In the true sense, annihilation."

The physical body was naturally shattered by the storm.

The skin of organic creatures, no matter how hard it is tempered, cannot resist that terrifying power.

As for the spirit.

Before such a huge source of energy storm, the spirit was just a lonely boat on the angry sea.

After the physical body is broken, maybe the spirit can survive for a second or two.

Immediately afterwards... he was submerged in the angry sea.

Gu Shen nodded, indicating that he understood.

"Then I have some bad news to tell you. In an hour, a storm will arrive on the west side where we were at that time. If you follow this route to escape, the only way is death." Gu Shen said calmly: "Li Chen's test results are wrong. This is not an ordinary storm. There are at least ten wind pressure points. The storm brewing at each point will converge to the south."


Yuan Yuan's complexion looked a little gray.

If this sentence hadn't come from Gu Shen's mouth, he wouldn't have believed it at all!

Ever since he joined the Survey Corps and started performing missions outside the fortress, he has never encountered a storm of this terrifying scale in so many years... And the worst thing is that these storms will all head south?

what does that mean?

This means... there will be an unprecedented tide of source matter, impacting on the huge wall of the front wing defense line!

If the scale of the storm is really what Gu Shen said.

So, can the Umbrella Line of Defense... be able to withstand it?

He subconsciously held his forehead, but his palm pressed against the cold Yuanjia mask. With just a slight exertion, there was a soft "click" sound, which sounded on the outside of the mask. Yuan Yuan's pupils shrank slightly... This sound aroused him Attention!

He quickly focused his mental energy on the transparent mask.

Invisible to the naked eye.

But the mental power captured the "strangeness" of the mask at this moment.

Due to the impact of gravel.

The source armor mask actually had damage. These damages were extremely small, like scratches, but the cumulative effect has weakened a certain point of the mask to the point where it may crack at any time!

These stones... are not simple ordinary stones. They are likely to fly from the "wind pressure brewing point", so they are full of the power of source matter. If the number is denser, it is likely to destroy the source armor!

"team leader?"

Li Chen, who always had the [Pupilla of Source] open, immediately noticed Yuan Yuan's strangeness, and the captain's mood seemed to fluctuate.


So far, he has not caught the real danger...thinking there is only one "wind pressure point".

"'s okay."

Yuan Yuan took a deep breath and regained his composure. He quickly changed his spare mask, and then issued an order on the command channel, "All members will check the damage of the source armor and report it."

"The captain has replaced his mask with a new one. Is his Source Armor damaged?"

Mo Hongyi was a little confused after hearing this.

"It seems...there's something wrong with the surrounding stones." Jiang Yu frowned.

In the public channel, the report results came out quickly.

Nothing to worry about happened.

The other people's source armor only had very slight "scratches", which were not as serious as Yuan Yuan's and did not need to be replaced. However, everyone realized that they were in a very dangerous environment at this moment.

Due to the breakthrough of source energy fuel efficiency, the team moved forward extremely fast.

And the faster.

This kind of wear and tear will be more serious.

Yuan Yuan tried to release all his mental power. Unfortunately, he did not have as powerful a detection ability as Gu Shen, and the range he sensed was not large. However, there was indeed more than one wind pressure point in his senses.

This is enough to prove that Li Chen's [Episode of Origin] did not see everything.

"Gu Shen... I want to hear your opinion."

Yuan Yuan had a headache.

This news is really bad.

He hasn't thought through the next decision yet... If the team will encounter a storm from the west in one hour, how will the team return to the castle? Should we continue to improve fuel efficiency?

No, that is definitely a dead end!

Although sufficient energy was prepared for this mission.

But under the 120% limit burning, these energy are only enough for everyone to return to the fortress.

If it increases again...the return journey energy cannot support the subsequent journey.

After an hour of storm, the next journey will only become more urgent. If there is not enough fuel, the storm will definitely catch up!

The most important thing is that these "gravels" floating in the air are not enough to pose a threat at normal driving speeds, even if they contain a certain amount of power.

The higher the combustion efficiency and the faster the travel speed, the more dangerous these floating objects are!

"My advice……"

Gu Shen looked into the distance silently. After sensing the wind pressure point, he also fell into thinking.

He also thought about the questions that Yuan Yuan had thought about before.

It would be great if Chu Ling existed at this juncture. Perhaps with the huge computing power of [Deep Sea], we could find a possible way to survive in this storm.

But no matter how you look at it now, it looks like a dead end.

After a few seconds, Gu Shen asked a question: "How high can Yuan Jia's maximum fuel efficiency be?"

"150%." Yuan Yuan frowned slightly, and he said solemnly: "A 120% limit breakthrough, the burning energy rate is 1.5 times the normal rate, a 150% limit breakthrough, in addition to placing a huge load on the source armor... Burns 3 times the source energy fuel."

Under this terrifying consumption of source energy.

Extraordinary beings who wear Source Armor will receive great speed blessings. Even in an environment like the [Old World], they can have unparalleled speed.

In this case, the team has a high probability of escaping the storm in front of them!

However, the price is to consume three times the source of fuel!

"My suggestion is to achieve a 150% source armor energy breakthrough!" Gu Shen spoke slowly. He stared into Yuan Yuan's eyes and expressed his thoughts.

Beat the storm first, then consider other things... Yuan Yuan fell into silence.

He hadn't seen it before.

Gu Shen had such a "crazy" gene engraved in his bones.

Soon, Yuan Yuan laughed self-deprecatingly. He felt that his previous idea was really ridiculous. What else could he do in the face of this situation?

Is there anyone who can really give me a solution to the problem of "walking around in the garden"?

"It is not difficult to break through the limit of the final state." Yuan Yuan said in a hoarse voice: "But even if we beat the storm, we will run out of fuel and we will all die here."


Gu Shen brought up the electronic map in the mask's field of vision.

"We can return to the fortress..."

He looked at this winding road home. This was the correct way to the maze that the Survey Corps spent more than ten years summarizing. Most of the area outside this winding route was shrouded in fog. .

Gu Shen used his mental power to connect the starting point at this moment and the end point of Gubao Fortress on the electronic map.

He said softly: "As long as you take a straight line that no one has ever walked before, you can return to the fortress."

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