Barrier of Light

Chapter 510 The Battle of Umbrella (4)


Gu Shen looked at the throne in the darkness warily.

He is very sensitive to this word. "Transaction" is not a gift, but something that both parties have to "pay".

"How to trade?"

Gu Shen did not rush to deny it, but spoke carefully.

This is the spiritual world.

The flow of time in the outside world is greatly slowed down here. Although I don't know how the guy in front of me does it... but at least staying here is a good thing for him. He can get more time to think.

"The current flow rate of time is ten to one."

It was as if he could see through Gu Shen's thoughts.

The black shadow on the throne said: "According to the development of the real world, you will be overtaken by the 'Essence Storm' in another thirty seconds. The realm of truth you are currently supporting cannot resist this level of force. Attack, your body will be crushed by the storm in the thirty-first in the spiritual world, this conversation can only last for three hundred seconds at most."

Gu Shen understood what he meant.

Three hundred seconds is five minutes.

This conversation... no matter how much it is maintained, will end in five minutes.

Because in five minutes, the storm will end everything, and this is also the biggest trump card that the Black Shadow of the Throne has in negotiating with itself.

"What do I have to give?"

Gu Shen didn't talk nonsense, and his next sentence went straight to the essence of this transaction.

He has always believed in one truth.

There is no free lunch in this world.

This is a life-and-death deal. If you agree rashly, there may be a huge price hidden on the other side of the scale that you cannot bear...

The face of the dark figure on the throne was shrouded in shadow, and his true expression could not be seen. However, after hearing Gu Shen's straightforward words, he smiled obviously.

There seemed to be an expression of admiration and interest in the dark face.

"I don't have to pay anything, do you believe it?"

He sat lazily, his laughter magnetic.

"You just need to nod, make this deal with me, and then relax. There is no need to think about the rest, and everything will end on its own."

It really costs nothing.

Just nod.


The deal will be done.

The young man standing in the light was indifferent.

Gu Shen stared at the black shadow. From the moment he entered the spiritual world, he was silently counting the time here... This conversation had already started for fifty seconds, and the guy's reaction was very calm and unhurried. Slowly, it seems that he has determined himself.

Gu Shen had no trust at all in Pluto, the owner of the Ruler of Truth.

In his understanding, this was an "out of control" king.

How can you trust the spirit left behind by a "lost person"?

And leave aside the "out of control" accidents.

Twenty years ago, Pluto was also known for being "cruel", "indifferent", "cunning", and "weird"... He was a god with a chaotic stance and unruly behavior.

"No need to do anything, just nod?" Gu Shen spoke again and asked for confirmation.

The dark shadow on the throne nodded slowly.

"Here, as long as the spirit reaches resonance, a 'transaction' can be carried out."

He smiled and explained: "We are currently in a state of candid souls. If I make a request and you agree, then... the deal is established."

This is not the first time that Gu Shen has confessed his soul... In the "spiritual world", every time he and Chu Ling meet can be regarded as "honest soul".

But this time, it's completely different!

He was making a deal with the devil, meeting him face to face, "naked" without reservation.

Under the human cloak, what really cannot be hidden is not the "skin" but the "spirit".

The dark shadow sitting on the throne saw his soul clearly. Anger, joy, pain, joy, could not be hidden in this space...

Gu Shen looked at the dark figure.

One hundred and thirty-one seconds.

One hundred and thirty-two seconds.

He seemed to be hesitating, but his eyes were calm.

Gu Shen soon spoke.

"I do not want."

These three neat words made the figure who was leaning lazily on the throne almost fall down, his elbow slipped across the armrest of the throne, he straightened up quickly, and raised his voice to suppress his surprise: "Are you crazy? , don’t want to live anymore?”

He was very confident in the deal he proposed, but he never expected that Gu Shen would give such a direct response.

"In thirty seconds, the storm will roll over, and by then..."

"No need to repeat it." Gu Shen interrupted him and said calmly: "I don't want to make such a deal with you."

The dark shadow on the throne was startled.

He narrowed his eyes and chewed on what Gu Shen had just said.

It’s not “I don’t want to trade with you.”

But "I don't want to enter into such a transaction with you."

It's not that this guy doesn't want to trade, but he's just not satisfied with the current situation and wants to put forward additional conditions?

"You don't have much time."

He calmed down and said coldly: "Now there is still..."

"One hundred and fifty seconds. In two and a half minutes, I will leave this mental space." Gu Shen said calmly: "Well... in order to avoid your repetition, I'd better say it proactively. By then, I will be crushed to pieces by the storm.”

Don't wait for the other person to speak.

"Actually, I want to conduct this transaction." Gu Shen took the initiative to continue the topic: "If you propose a very expensive price, such as paying a part of the 'blazing fire', a large amount of 'source material' has been accumulated in the pure land for a long time. Something like that, maybe I will consider it, because this is a clearly priced deal, and my life is worth these things."

Pause slightly.

"But... there is no price, it is the highest price. You don't need anything. You just need my nod. That means you want to take more from me than this."


The shadow of the throne fell into silence.

He propped up his chin and stared at Gu Shen silently, somewhat curious about what else this boy had to say.

"What's interesting is your choice of words."

Gu Shen said slowly: "What you just said is that 'we' will be crushed to death by the storm. Although I took eleven people to escape with me... But in the eyes of a devil like you, they should not be considered worthy of valuing." Things, right? If this is a deal, then you know very well that the lives of these people are not worthy of being weighed on this side of the scale. "

Gu Shen was very sensitive to every word this guy said.

He had a vague feeling in his heart.

The "you" in the Throne Shadow's mouth did not refer to himself and this team.

But... the distant Chu Ling who is making a spiritual connection.

Then this is terrible.

How did he know about the existence of "Chu Ling"?

Could it be that when we meet here at this moment, all the information in our souls cannot be hidden from its inspection?


The dark figure on the throne did not respond, but motioned for Gu Shen to continue.

Not responding is considered acquiescence.

Gu Shen glanced at the tall dark shadow and continued: "Of course, these details are not that important. The most important thing is the 'transaction' itself... You took the initiative to find me and revealed your identity. Make this deal..."

Gu Shen paused.

The dark figure on the throne frowned and asked, "Is there any problem with this?"


Gu Shen smiled, "The 'devil' who comes to the door is not a qualified 'devil'. You should know my character. In extreme circumstances, I am a 'gambler' and I can make a 'bet on life' move."

After discovering "abnormal wind pressure"...

Change your escape route and take the shortest route!

Take out the Ruler of Truth and hypnotize the entire team!

These are all life-threatening things that only a lunatic can do, but Gu Shen does them with ease, and his heart is calm and untroubled. He would rather make a mistake and be swallowed up by the storm than do nothing and wait helplessly. die.

A true "gambler" is more than just having the courage to "bet your life."

There is even a trump card for "turning defeat into victory"!

"So how do you think a gambler would refuse a 'survive' deal?"

Gu Shen sighed: "So you showed up and proposed this deal in the last five minutes of my life, but you were also wrong."

"You shouldn't have given me five minutes, that's too long."

Gu Shen said quietly: "If I were you, I would only give the other party ten seconds. After hearing the contents of the transaction, I would have no time to think, let alone the right to refuse... In that case, you can get everything you want."

The dark figure on the throne looked at Gu Shen again, seemingly lost in thought.

Under the black mist, it was impossible to see his true expression.

But in fact, he was "shocked" by what Gu Shen just said.

Although his body was shrouded in shadow and he looked like a devil, in terms of the degree of madness, the young man opposite seemed to be more serious.

Gu Shen is more like a real "devil" than him.

"I decided to reject the deal you proposed because I think you need this deal more than I do." Gu Shen slowed down his speech, "I'll tell you why. There are still ninety seconds left. Don't interrupt, otherwise' We're just running out of time."

"You became very relaxed from the beginning and didn't care about time... But a hundred seconds later, your sitting posture changed. I was counting the time, and you were also counting the time. Obviously, the passage of time also took a toll on you. pressure."

"What are you afraid of? Is it the failure of the transaction, or something else... If you think about it carefully, it is not difficult to find that the essential result of the failure of the transaction is that I die in the 'storm'. You know very well that I have no other power. If you can fight against the next disaster, then what you are afraid of will be obvious..."

"You're afraid I'll die."

Gu Shen said: "Compared with the failure of the transaction, you are more afraid of my body being shattered by the storm... As long as I am still alive, even if the deal is not completed this time, there may be a chance next time, but once I die, Then the transaction is completely closed. You really want my 'flesh', and the ultimate purpose of this transaction is to 'plunder' or 'occupy' my flesh. The premise is that this flesh is alive and can be used."

The man in the darkness was truly speechless.

What did he want to say.

But not a single word came out.

It wasn't because he couldn't was because Gu Shen had grasped the time very well. At this moment, the countdown to the "spiritual world" came to the last thirty seconds.

"Don't worry."

Gu Shen said calmly: "The following is the deal I propose. You activate the 'all power' of the Rule of Truth and help me fight this storm. I will control these powers. In return, I will thank you for your help." , and I promise you, we will still have the opportunity to talk next time we meet..."

Hear this.

The dark figure on the throne was shocked and surprised. He never expected that this "deal" would turn into this.

"You can choose to refuse. We will die together and be buried by the storm of the [Old World]. In this kind of place, no one will pick up this ruler in another five hundred years."

"But you have no choice, because only if we live together will you have the possibility of the next transaction."

Gu Shen looked at him calmly.

The shadow stood up angrily.

His deep voice echoed throughout the spiritual world.

"Are you threatening me?!"

Gu Shen didn't say anything unnecessary.

He just kept a calm and indifferent gaze, returning the coldness he once felt in the darkness to the long-awaited devil.

There are only the last ten seconds left.

Gu Shen opened his mouth and counted down the last ten numbers to the black shadow of the throne.


The roar of the storm in the real world seems to have descended into this illusory world.

There was a vague illusion that something was torn.

It seems to be a barrier between the soul and the body.

Or maybe it is something more solid... Judging from the picture reflected in this pure land space, the "Realm of Truth" has already produced broken cracks. The violent source material on the outer edge of the storm has torn everything apart, even the "Truth" The realm of "the ruler" will inevitably be cut off.


The dark figure on the throne looked at the young man standing in front of him with an expressionless face.

This is the countdown to death that symbolizes the end of life.

But the young man didn't seem to care at all.

If this is a gamble... then the price of losing the bet is truly losing everything.

Are there really such "human beings" in this world?

The shadow clenched his fists, and his body began to tremble faintly.


However, Gu Shen's countdown voice didn't even tremble at all.



The last voice has not yet fallen.

The game is over.


An angry roar sounded together with "One" in the spiritual world. The darkness exploded, and large pieces of light were shattered. As the silhouette of the tall "hanging tree" hanging from the sky was fragmented, the meeting in the entire spiritual space ended. .

in the real world.

Gu Shen opened his eyes, and an unusually cold voice sounded in his mental sea.

"For once, the deal is done."

The fighting golden hoop used to restrain the ninth level of mental power shattered with a "crash", and the power from the ruler poured into Gu Shen's eyebrows crazily.

The silvery white realm of truth became as bright as the big moon at this moment.

In an instant, the destructive power from the outer edge of the storm was completely absorbed!

Gu Shen issued his first order to the real world shrouded in the Realm of Truth.

"Improved source energy combustion efficiency——"


(PS: The Mid-Autumn Festival is here, I wish everyone a happy holiday. I will spend more time with my family in these two days, try my best to have more, please give me a monthly ticket!)

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