Barrier of Light

Chapter 526 Heart to Heart

Melodious music echoed.

The banquet hall is magnificent.

Gu Shen and Lin Lin had not yet entered the hall, but just stood at the door when someone immediately greeted them warmly.

"Brother Gu."

"Brother Xiao Gu."

Some of the fortress guards who had met on the giant wall of the fort were chatting outside the hall. When they saw Gu Shen, they immediately came forward with a smile and said hello.

In addition, there are many unfamiliar faces.

Gu Shen was "flattered" for a moment.

He moved his head and asked in a low voice: "Didn't Grand Duke Zhuxue say... that this banquet is not just for us?"

Lin Lin took out a cigarette, lit it, and said calmly: "Just think of what he said as farts."

Gu Shen was silent for a while.

The young brigadier holding a cigarette in his mouth frowned as he looked at more and more people around him. He reached out and patted Gu Shen on the shoulder, with a hint of gloating in his tone: "It seems that you are the protagonist of tonight's banquet. , just enjoy it with peace of mind... I don’t like crowds, so I’ll leave first.”

The "big shots" in Beizhou who were invited to the dinner this time were not only the military power garrison, but also many giant bosses of cross-continental companies. These people were also very interested in Gu Shen... In addition, there were also Some "Central City reporters" who only had interview rights and had no chance to attend the dinner were also mixed in the crowd at this moment.

For a while, Gu Shen was busy dealing with it.

Chu Ling, who had been watching the show in the Ling Ling Yao carriage, suddenly said: "It seems that the Grand Duke of Zhuxue, Lin Silk, values ​​you very much. It is really possible that this dinner is specifically for 'you'."

"How to say?"

"Your seat is at the front... Well, to be precise, what Lin Cang values ​​​​should be the returnees who successfully performed the maze mission. That table is full of your old acquaintances."

Cope with it for a while.

Gu Shen finally walked out of the crowd and turned his attention to the table at the front.

Li Chen stood up and called from afar: "Brother Gu, this way!"

He was wearing a black suit, which was completely different from his appearance when he left the fortress.

The guys from the Second Team of the Survey Corps put on evening clothes. They all looked presentable, and their temperament had changed drastically.

Gu Shen struggled to sit down, breathed a long sigh of relief, and said with a smile: "You just watch me being surrounded... and you don't do anything to help me?"

Mo Hongyi said with a bad smile on his face: "Brother Gu, you are wrong. We don't want to experience such a great blessing again."

They arrived earlier than me...

Judging from the folds of the evening gowns on these rough men, they must have experienced such "containment" before.

"Who are these guys... and why are they so enthusiastic?"

Gu Shen was a little curious.

"The captain said that after tonight's dinner, there will be a 'conferment' ceremony." Zhu Xiao took a sip of fruit wine and felt refreshed, "That's a first-class medal. Did you see those reporters just now? Central City Club Write a story just for us.”

No wonder, everyone was dressed up, even Su He, who was usually the most low-key, also put on a brand new dress.

Compared with them, my clothes today seemed too "down and out".

However, Gu Shen didn't care about the "conferring" issue. He looked around and asked in surprise: "Where are the Lin Lin people?"

After taking my seat, I realized that the table was already full.

As for the other seats around, there was no sign of Lin Lin's nameplate. This guy was also a major contributor to the Battle of Gubao. Logically speaking, he should have been awarded the title. Why wasn't he assigned a seat in the front row?

"not sure……"

Only Li Chen scratched his head and answered Gu Shen.

The rest of the second team were not focused on this matter at all.

They sipped their wine, excitedly looking forward to the start of the dinner.

"Lin Lin went to the second floor."

Chu Ling mobilized the surveillance in the banquet hall, and she said slowly: "Leaving from the VIP channel... It is worth mentioning that there is no 'identity plate' for him in the banquet. This means that if there is a conferment ceremony after the banquet, , then Grand Duke Zhuxue will acquiesce that there will be no conferment or reward from Lin Lin."

What does it mean?

The great hero of the Battle of Gubao... He came all the way to Central City and there was no conferment from him?

Gu Shen was thoughtful.

After a while, he said hello to the people around him, got up and left his seat on the excuse of going to the toilet.

"You can sit down."

Banquet Hall on the second floor.

Lin Silk smiled and stretched out her hand, gesturing for the tall man in front of her to sit down.

Lin Lin held the cigarette butt in his mouth and slowly exhaled a puff of smoke.

Sitting down means it will be a long meeting.

And he didn't want to sit down.

After blowing out the smoke, Lin Lin said coldly: "If you have anything to say, please finish it quickly. I will go down to eat later."

When Zhuxue heard these words, his expression was a little complicated.

Everyone who was invited to this dinner today knows that...the dinner is not the focus, the focus is the "conferment ceremony" after the dinner. On behalf of Her Majesty the Queen, he will award medals to the miraculous returnees of the Labyrinth Mission.

Of those present, who came here for a meal?

"There is no seat for you downstairs." Lin Silu smiled and crossed her hands: "Now that you have returned to Central City, you should get used to the change in status... You are no longer a garrison of the Gubao Fortress."

"I don't have the habit of someone being overly ambitious and underhanded. Let me tell you clearly in advance. I came to Central City just to eat. In the end, I will go back and forth wherever I come from." Lin Lin pressed the finished cigarette butt on Zhuxue On the expensive snow pear wood tabletop in front of the Grand Duke, cigarette butts smoked. This scene made Lin Silk frown.

But not because of distress.

It's because he doesn't like the taste.

"The smell of inferior tar..." Lin Silu raised his head and asked, "Can you exchange for some high-quality cigars? I have the 'Double Pyramid' produced in Dongzhou here. If you like it, I can give it to you for free."

Lin Lin sneered.

He ignored Lin Silk at all, but continued the previous topic: "By the way, I would like to reiterate that as long as I am the coach of Gubao Fortress for one day, I will be the garrison of that damn place for the rest of my life!"

Grand Duke Zhuxue showed no sign of anger.

He looked at Lin Lin, who was "domineering" in front of him at the moment, and repeated three words softly and slowly: "A ghost place..."

Lin Ci raised her handsome cheeks and asked seriously: "Since you yourself think that the Gubao Fortress is a 'ghost place', why do you want to go back? What is there that attracts you?"

"If there was no Fort..."

Lin Lin was just about to speak.

"Without the Kubao, the interior of Beizhou will suffer a huge blow, and Central City will be forced to launch the 'fire plan' proposed by Aunt Wen." Lin Silu interrupted him and said leisurely: "But without you, and without you Gubao is two things. When you leave Gubao, there are many generals in Beizhou who are capable of guarding Gubao. Lin Lin, you must not take yourself too seriously. Gubao will remain the same without you. Able to function.”

"Is it……"

Lin Lin was tactically silent for a second, and then sneered mercilessly: "If I wasn't so important, why would someone go to all the trouble to invite me back to the capital? You're right, the fort will still function without me. , but Central City... why can't it turn?"

Grand Duke Zhuxue, who always had a calm demeanor, now had a trace of anger flashing in his eyes.

He no longer struggles with his "stupid" brother.

And Lin Lin didn't want to waste his time.

"I'm hungry."

He gave Zhuxue two choices: "Either, I will drive the airship back to Gubao now; or, I will add a seat in the banquet hall downstairs, and I will sit at Gu Shen's table."

"Gu quite prefer this boy..."

Lin Silu laughed softly and said, "I'm really curious. This must be the first time you meet. With your personality, would you be able to be on such good terms with someone in such a short period of time?"

Lin Lin narrowed his eyes.

This is indeed an interesting thing... Even he himself didn't realize that the relationship between the two of them had become very "familiar" after knowing Gu Shen for only a few dozen days. However, during the years he was stationed in Gubao, he had almost no friends. , the only Zou Hai whom I trust, is also an old friend who I have known for ten years.

If Lin Silk didn't mention it.

He didn't even realize it yet.

"Returning to Central City from Gubao can be done by just taking an airship... You invited him to your ship." Lin Silu said lightly: "What's even more interesting is that he also refused the Survey Corps' offer for this. Invitation, I have been waiting for you in the fortress for three days."


When this matter was mentioned, Lin Lin was not in a hurry to go downstairs.

He refilled his cigarette and sat on the reserved seat behind him.

"is there a problem?"

Lin Lin looked directly at his brother and asked softly: "We feel like old friends as soon as we meet, and we have a great conversation. Isn't it okay?"

"Of course, it's no problem, you don't need to be nervous." Lin Ci said leisurely: "I'm just curious... What is the purpose of inviting outsiders to board the ship for a guy like you who has always been self-isolated since childhood? If you have a special sexual orientation, then I can only bless you. I heard that Gu Shen’s significant other is the new tombkeeper of Qingzhong Cemetery, and he is very beautiful, so you have little chance of winning."

Lin Lin looked gloomy.

He flicked out the cigarette butt.

"Bang" sound!

Sparks flew.

The cigarette butt hit the invisible wall of air half a meter in front of Grand Duke Zhuxue, splashing and shattering. The latter looked calm and composed, and even took a sip of the specially prepared fruit wine for the dinner.

"If you can't say it, you have to take action. It's still the same."

Lin Silk smiled and said: "Sorry, the joke I just made seems to have gone too far. I sincerely apologize to you, but if your sexual orientation is normal... I really can't figure out why you don't accept the marriage in Xizhou Guangming City."

"A 'Goddess of Heaven' whose appearance, qualifications, and talents are all top-notch. She is regarded as the absolute successor of the next god by countless believers in Guangming City. For normal people, even if they can meet her at close range, On the one hand, it is also an honor worth showing off.”

Grand Duke Zhuxue asked coldly: "How many people in the world are as lucky as have such a marriage contract?"

"Is it?"

Lin Lin responded mercilessly: "It's a pity, I don't care about this kind of luck. The proud daughter of heaven, the heir to the throne, I don't care about these... If I want to show off when I meet such a woman, then I am Beizhou Don’t we talk about the Queen’s brother ten thousand times a day?”


Lin Silu also fell silent for a moment.

For "sister", this is the most sacred and inviolable thing... It has been like this since childhood. No matter how much they quarrel, there is no dispute about this matter.

"Of course there is no one in this world who can compare with her."

Lin Ci snorted coldly and said: "Today we will put aside those useless things... we will only talk about your affairs. You refused to return to Central City and insisted on being a small garrison in Gubao... for another year. One year, do you know the pressure in Central City? Are you prepared to drag it on like this forever? How can I explain this to Guangming City?"

"Is this question difficult?"

Lin Lin said: "Tell Guangming City that the engagement is void, the road is facing the sky, everyone should go to one side."

"Lin Lin!"

Lin Silk slapped the table hard, and anger appeared for the first time in the calm and calm expression of the Grand Duke of Beizhou, saying: "Do you think this kind of thing... is just playing house, where everyone will end the knot and break up if they want to?" Disperse?"

The royal family of Beizhou and Guangming City of Xizhou are the two top powers in the five continents.

If married.

Then under the promotion of the old man from Guangming City and Sister Lin Lin, it is very likely that the next "Guangming Throne" will be combined with the "Beizhou Royal Family"...

"There are two divine thrones over there at the Tower of Source. How many losses has Beizhou suffered over the years? You are guarding the Fort to protect the people behind you, but doesn't entering the parliament of the Five Continents Federation not protect you?" Lin Silk whispered: "It is also a war. The war in Gubao has smoke. In a battle, hundreds or thousands of people will die...but the war on the other side has no smoke. If Beizhou loses power, then countless people will die." Thousands, hundreds of thousands of people are affected, and you can look at the longer term.”

"Brother, what you said is really good. Take a longer view... and a longer view..."

"Of course I can."

Lin Lin looked at his brother with a smile and said softly: "I understand all the truths you said... The reason why I returned to Central City is that I have prepared a showdown with you. If my country needs me, I will naturally come forward. And out. Just don’t think of me as a real fool. News of Guangming City has spread throughout the five continents. Who doesn’t know that it was Meng Xizhou who publicly broke the contract first? She broke the engagement. Do you want me to shamelessly get involved again? Of?"

Lin Ci was speechless for a moment.

He stared at his brother blankly.

"That's just a..."

Lin Lin said quietly: "That was just an accident. I know very well what you will say. Everything is an accident. Maybe Guangming City is saying the same thing to Miss Meng at this moment, but we all know... as The two of us are not suitable to be the leaders of a continent in the future, the leaders with the absolute right to speak. Maybe you, as well as the promoters behind Guangming City, can consider a better ending."

"Also, there is one more thing."

There was a vague chill in Lin Lin's eyes.

"Because I invited Gu Shen on board... and ruined someone's good deeds, right?"

He sarcastically said: "I have been thinking about it all this time, and I really can't think of anyone who would be hostile to Gu Shen. But now that you have mentioned it, it becomes clearer. Is that guy the 'Grand Duke Zhenyue'?"

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